Defeat the Darkness (Hearts of Darkness) (8 page)

BOOK: Defeat the Darkness (Hearts of Darkness)
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Chapter 10 Seduction

Amyra’s Mountain Cave

Kyle’s mind stirred as he felt rough hands moving over his wrists and ankles. Opening his eyes in the candlelit room, he noted the jaguar guards, in their human form who’d been with Amyra earlier, were the same ones who had carried him through the jungle trussed up like a slaughtered lamb. He had a hard time telling where they were taking him through the dense foliage, so he gave in to the need for sleep. They finally brought him to a luxurious room in a deep cavern. Two female jaguar guards joined the men and helped situate him on the mattress.

Kyle struggled as they forced him onto the oversized bed with blood red sheets, tying his wrists and ankles to the four corner posts. When they eventually stepped back, he was spread-eagled, naked before them.

Amyra entered the room also naked, but for a jeweled golden torc she wore around her neck and a matching girdle at her hips. The contrast with her pale skin, shimmering like diamonds in the candle light, astounded him. She was exquisite, with her ropes of long black hair draped around her breasts.

Beauty frightening in its perfection.

But, it didn’t fool Kyle.

Her eyes were flat black, emotionless, drawing in her victim and seducing his mind.

Kyle wondered why she’d chosen him. If a man was all she wanted, there were other men in the camp and villages. From the moment he saw her, the connection between them sizzled. He couldn’t deny she’d been able to force a reaction from him even when he resisted her.

He couldn’t help asking, “Why me?” The words sounded dry as sand and rough as grit.

“I sensed you were different when I first saw you. Then, when you were bitten by the jaguar and survived, I was certain. Now I know you
different—exactly what I need.”

“What?” He struggled against the restraints, feeling exposed and vulnerable as she walked slowly around the bed inspecting him.

“Only humans from certain backgrounds are strong enough to survive the transmutation—the species change.”

The irony didn’t escape Kyle. He’d survived the jaguar attack, only to end up as Amyra’s captive. God knew what she intended for him.

“That doesn’t actually answer my question. What do you need from me?”

She flipped her hair behind her back and ran a long, pale pink fingernail down his chest, pausing at the thick vein in his dick. “You interest me.”

“Sex? I’m not interested in having sex with anyone.”

As her nail grazed his skin, his erection rose and he shuddered.

“Really?” Her laugh was a deep sensual sound that sent vibrations straight to his balls. “If I want you to be interested in sex, I have ways of interesting you.”

Everything about her both repulsed and intrigued him. He tugged at the bindings, infuriated by her smirk.

“The pleasures derived from the sexual act and taking blood are closely related. Each is so much more pleasurable when accompanied by the other. You will see.”

Amyra sank her horrible teeth into the base of his thigh, and a scream tore up through his throat.

He somehow knew she could have prevented the pain. Instead, she allowed him to experience the power of her jaws clamping down and the agonizing penetration of her long, razor sharp fangs sinking into his sensitive flesh. She fed, sucking long and deep, finally permitting the pain to subside. As it did, it turned into something else.

Arousal. Desire. Lust. Need.

Especially when her scent reached him, and her body glided over his.

The pressure mounted behind his balls as her soft hair brushed his throbbing flesh. She allowed him the sensual pleasure of having her lips surround his tip, and licked his hard length before she took him in her mouth and deep throated him. Her mouth felt strangely cool, and his body raged with heat—on fire with the jaguar trying to surface.

She clamped down, this time holding back his pain, showing him she controlled him in every way—the pleasure or the pain—it was his choice. He moaned in ecstasy as she drew at the blood supply at his throat.

Nothing had ever felt so good or so terrible. He was part of her pleasure, and his desire mounted to unimaginable heights.

Just as the need to ejaculate approached the point of no return, she broke the mental contact and stopped feeding.

The sudden withdrawal of her mouth and the release from her mind made him feel like he’d run into a wall. Kyle’s mind raged at the emptiness and his body ached for completion. She laughed inside his head—pleased about breaking him so easily.

When a low growl rumbled from his chest, Amyra smiled and walked away. “I told you, you’d be interested. Now sleep.”

Even as aroused as he’d been, her command affected him. He was exhausted and weak from the blood loss. Hearing her words sent Kyle into a light, fitful sleep.


“So my sleepy lover. You have rested enough.” When Amyra roused him, he’d been dreaming of Mardi Gras in New Orleans.

He had no idea how long he’d been sleeping this time, but it seemed like he’d just closed his eyes moments before. His arms were as heavy as weights and although he tried, he couldn’t move his legs.

Still weak from the jaguar attack and from the amount of blood she’d drained from him, Kyle couldn’t even move his head to look away when she kissed him.

She continued to wake him repeatedly, taking small amounts of his blood since she’d brought him to this place—each time from his neck, his chest, and even his groin. At this rate, he wouldn’t last long.

Amyra tasted him like an entrée sampler, meeting his angry gaze with her flat black stare. As she drank from him, those cold black eyes turned into swirling pools of silver, sucking him into her thoughts and seducing him. Unwittingly, he reacted to the feelings she shared with him, the pleasure she gave him through their mental link.

The pressure behind his balls told him he was ready to orgasm even though he resisted her each time. The jaguar within him tested his boundaries, but was too weak to break through. Recognizing the growing signs of his weakness, he tried to fight back against the images she planted in his head. She relentlessly continued her mental and physical seduction.

Amyra probed his thoughts and filled his mind, enticing him with tempting images of Shelby while she took even more of his blood. Again and again, she stimulated him, using his personal memories against him until his balls ached and burned with his desperate need to release.

During the last few days, Kyle wondered how often she had brought him to the physical brink and held him there—controlling him, torturing him with his sexual arousal. He was almost too disgusted with his body’s betrayal to care. Hard as he tried not to react, every muscle in his body vibrated with his need to ejaculate.

Amyra removed her mouth from his cock and straddled him. He felt her wet, naked folds and smelled her arousal mixed with the scent of his own blood as it dripped on his chest. She smeared the coppery smelling blood onto his nipples and sucked each one, moaning with pleasure.

Plucking at his nipples, she watched as they tightened, and then she slid slowly down his abdomen until the slick opening his cock craved was millimeters away from enfolding him.

Kyle arched up and moaned.

“You are very responsive.” She continued to tease his body, careful not to touch the one spot that would have him erupting like Vesuvius. “You should be flattered to be chosen as my consort.”

“Consort?” He shook his head. “Not me. I’m not consort material.”

“You will suit me, jaguar man.”

“Why not one of the others? The jaguar people can shift.”

“They are jaguar shifters, not human enough to survive the transmutation to vampire and remain mentally intact.”

Maybe she was right about their differences. From the tests samples he sent Max, he noted the jaguar people had slightly different DNA. If they weren’t entirely human, then what was he?

“Not human enough?” He laughed weakly. “Neither am I…not anymore.”

“You are mistaken. You are still human enough for my needs.”

“What needs would that be?”

“I told you, I need a consort—a human, a jaguar, and a being with other capabilities.”

Other capabilities?
What was she talking about? “What capabilities?”

“The capability to survive the transmutation from what you are, to become one such as I.”

“What exactly are you? Who are you?”

“Think, doctor. I believe you know ‘what’ I am.” She shrugged. “Who am I? These days they write books and make movies about me. I am sometimes called Queen of the Damned. Flattering but not entirely true. Unfortunately, that title belongs to another.” She twisted his hair in her hands and pulled his head off the bed so he had to look directly into those strange, silver eyes.

“I’ve been known by many different names throughout the long years of my existence, but the name I was born with was Aya, Queen of Thebes. My first husband ruled during the third dynasty, my last during the thirteenth.”

She released him and turned away.

“It was then I discovered the power I searched for over the centuries. It has been many years since I considered taking a partner, but recently I find myself in need of a new consort—one who is powerful and capable of walking in the dark and the light. You will quench my needs soon enough and become that consort.”

“Never.” He’d rather die than help this evil bitch achieve what she wanted.

She raised an arched brow. “We will see.”

He moaned in pain when she began his seduction all over again. His inner jaguar was beyond frustrated and ready to fuck thin air to reach orgasm. The cat would keep responding to her until he was sexually satisfied. If that didn’t happen soon, Kyle was afraid his human side would crack, and God help him if the beast raging inside him broke loose.

Amyra sat back on her knees and stared at him.

“Doctor, why do you fight this? It is useless. Do you not understand all that I can share with you? I am an ancient, very old and very powerful.”

Again, he wondered why she didn’t just force him. There must be a reason. One he needed to discover if he wanted to escape. Until then, he’d hold out as long as the jaguar within him didn’t break through.

“No thanks, I don’t need your power.”

“No? You think not?” Her smile was pure evil, filled with the confidence of eons of years of knowledge he couldn’t fathom. “I will bring the boy here,” she hissed a high threatening sound. She came too close to his bound hand as she leaned over him.

A mistake.

Kyle gripped her wrist with strength he didn’t know he possessed. “You won’t.”

She looked surprised when he growled.

“We have a deal, and every time you take my blood I am fulfilling my part.”

“I could ride your erection and take those foolish ideals of love from your memories. That woman you are so fond of—all memories
of her will be gone and I can replace her with memories of me.
Corazón mío,
we would be so good together.”

He bit his lip, drawing blood when she stroked him and brought him to full staff. She licked the blood from his lips and laughed, straddling his legs, her curls damp with desire as she opened herself over his shaft.

Damn, the need was killing him. If only she would lower herself onto him and sink down, swallowing him in her cold wet grip, he could come.

And then what?

Thoughts of hurting Shelby swallowed his need.

“Now, my virile paramour, here is my final offer. I will allow you to spend yourself if you are ready to accept my blood.”

“No.” If he allowed it, she would take more, and while his mind was his own, he would never give in, never betray Shelby.

He refused to arch his hips up to claim her no matter how desperately his body demanded it. “You will stick to our bargain, bitch. I’ll keep my memories, and you may not ride me without my permission.”

She slapped him, drawing more blood—this time from his nose.

“You do not command me just because you are the first human to survive the shift!” Amyra screamed.

The woman had finally run out of patience, and in her fury, she’d divulged a very important answer to one of his many questions. Kyle would have smiled if his face didn’t hurt so much. So, he was
human, the one human who had survived the jaguar bite, and successfully shifted with his mental capacity intact. Now, if only he could figure out why she needed him.

“I will ask you again. Will you accept my blood?”

A shiver ran through him at the thought, and when he refused once more, her features began to change. Her eyes glowed red, her facial features shifted—her jaw and forehead broadened, her nails curled into claws, and her fangs elongated two-fold. Then she attacked him. This creature was more than the mythical vampire—this was demonic—a spawn of the devil.

This Amyra had little control.

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