Dawn, Dakota - Blessed Times Two (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (11 page)

BOOK: Dawn, Dakota - Blessed Times Two (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Taking pity on the blond giant, Branda changed the subject. “I love your place. It looks like business is going well.”

Grabbing onto her lifeline, with a last glare at Trey and Troy, who smiled at him in return, Gaven answered, “Business is great.” Looking at Troy and Trey, he added, “By the way, you guys are officially off the hook. The staff did a great job tonight, and Marshall, the assistant manager, has now put in enough training hours that I believe he can just about handle anything. Thanks for helping out.”

A ruckus broke out at the bar.

Gaven calmly got up. “Please continue to enjoy yourselves. I’ll be back in a moment.” He strode from the table.

All eyes watched him.

Two men were fighting over keys with what seemed to be a drunken friend. The drunken man was starting to get out of control.

Without a word, Gaven quietly slipped up behind the drunk, slid his arm around the man’s neck, and applied pressure. Within a minute the man slumped against Gaven. A not-so-handsome man stepped in and retrieved the man’s car keys and handed them to one of the man’s friends.

Gaven motioned one of his bouncers over to help them get the unconscious man out of the pub and into one of his friends’ car.

Gaven watched them drag the man out of the pub then turned to the slightly ugly man and signaled for him to follow. Both men headed for the table.

Seeing all eyes on him, he apologized. “Sorry about that. It happens occasionally anywhere you serve alcohol. Branda, Marla, I’d like you to meet Marshall, my assistant manager. Now where were we? Oh yes, business is good.” Looking at Branda, Gaven continued, “Your centerpieces went over very well. Would you be interested in working with me on a party I have booked in three weeks? Your centerpieces would be great.”

Still a little shocked over how quickly and calmly he’d taken the drunk out, it took her a moment to find her tongue. “Sure, that sounds wonderful. Just let me know the theme and I’ll come up with something.”

“It’s a deal. We can discuss it on Monday if that’s good for you?”

“It’s good for me.”

“I’ll be here. Anytime in the future, though, if I’m not here, Marshall will be. You can ask him any business questions. He always knows what’s going on.”

Marshall smiled at Branda. “I’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.” His eyes panned the people at the table. “Ladies, it was nice to meet you. If you’ll excuse me, I’m needed in the back.” He turned fluidly and walked away.

He was almost out of sight when they heard a loud female voice say, “That man must have been dropped on his face a lot as an infant. He sure was ugly.”

After her attack, Branda couldn’t stand to see anyone being picked on. He didn’t look that bad. To Branda, kindness trumped looks any day of the week. A strong desire to defend Marshall came over her. She was moving her chair back to stand when Gaven’s hand reached across the small table and halted her. “Where are you going?”

“To tell that woman a thing or two, of course.”

Gaven released her. “That’s what I thought. Let it go. Marshall hears those kinds of comments everywhere he goes. He has developed a very thick skin. Idiots no longer bother him. Trust me, he’d rather we ignore it than fight endless fights for him. He chooses his fights carefully. He can defend himself extremely well.”

“All right. I’ll let it go. I don’t like it, but I’ll let it go.”

“Awesome. I’m glad you feel sympathy for the underdogs in life. You are a definite keeper. Now who wants to try to beat me at darts?” Gaven asked in a playful tone.

They all tried, but failed. He was damn good at throwing darts. Troy came close to beating him several times, but close didn’t cut it with Gaven. He was too good. Troy and Trey had each bet him twenty dollars they’d beat him, so after admitting defeat, they each handed him twenty. Branda was glad she’d been smart enough not to bet. Her dart throwing skills were almost zilch.

Marla had bet, too, but when Gaven held his hand out to her, she raised his hand to her mouth and sucked the tip of his index finger. Releasing his finger, she boldly stated, “I’ll pay you back in the bedroom.”

Gaven looked at Troy, Trey, and Branda. “Sorry, party’s over. I have a debt to collect.” Switching his gaze to Marla, he spoke in a sexy drawl. “And what a pleasurable collection it will be.”

Trey cried out in mock horror. “You would leave us hanging high and dry, just to collect a debt?”

Light brown eyes traveled slowly up and down Branda’s body. “I don’t feel like I’m leaving you two high and dry at all. More like I’m encouraging you to go home and finish celebrating in private.”

Two sets of green eyes caressed Branda with a lusty glow.

Taking Branda’s hand, Troy started leading her to the door, Trey following closely behind. Over his shoulder, Troy said, “Just this once, I must agree with Gaven.”

Gaven’s laughing voice floated over to them. “I knew you would concede to my superior knowledge.”

Chapter Eight

Waking to the smell of bacon, Branda opened her eyes. Her body was tucked against Troy’s side, her head lay on his shoulder, and her face was turned into his neck. His dark hair tickled her nose. One of his arms was around her and the other thrown up over his head. Her right arm was cradled next to his warm body, and her left arm rested on his chest. And what a chest it was. Muscles rippled with every move he made. She had explored both their muscular physiques the night before.

The firmness of their smooth flesh was a miracle. The dips and grooves of their sculptured muscles fascinated her. The most miraculous things of all were their penises, so thick and long. It amazed her how quickly their male organs could go from soft and velvety to hard and velvety. Watching and feeling them grow under her exploring fingers had been an awe-inspiring moment for her. She still couldn’t believe she had the power to arouse these two wickedly handsome men.

In her mind they should have been only aroused by some athletic female, not a cookie eater like herself. Breathing in deeply, Branda relished Troy’s distinct scent. Delicious. Troy and Trey each had their own personal aroma. If she could come up with a cookie recipe that tasted like them, she would be a millionaire within a week. On the down side though, if anyone ever found out the taste was a mere imitation for the real thing and that the real thing was Troy and Trey, she’d have to beat the women away with a big stick. A very big stick. Not happening. The money wouldn’t be worth it, nor would the hours she would have to spend in the gym working out just so she’d be strong enough to defend her territory.

Chuckling at her own fanciful thoughts, she couldn’t resist taking in his scent again. Her wayward tongue dashed out and tasted Troy’s chest. Forget making Troy- and Trey-flavored cookies, eating
would be much more satisfying. They had taken control again last night, leaving her limp and in a cloud of happiness. Soon she was going to have to take Rain’s advice and get her mouth around one of those fine cocks. It was true she’d touched their hard bodies last night, but she hadn’t tasted their cocks. A burning desire was building inside her to give as much ecstasy as she received.

Scanning his well-defined chest, she realized she was close to his nipple. If she licked it, would he like it as much as she liked it when he licked hers? Only one way to find out. Moving slowly, she positioned herself over his flat, brown nipple. Glancing up, she noted that he was still asleep. Would he sleep through her experiment, her deeper exploration of his body? Drawing up some bravado from deep within, she lowered her lips to his nipple. Traveling down nature’s course, her tongue lapped naturally at the small nub. It hardened and pebbled beneath her questing touch. Needing to learn more, she sucked it into her mouth. He groaned and held her tighter.

Nipple still in her mouth, she looked up and was snared by his heavy-lidded, smoldering, green gaze. Pulling back, she released his nubbin with a light popping sound. While growling from deep in his chest, he used strong arms to shift her body on top of his and positioned her between his legs. Her mouth captured his other nipple and sucked it in. He stroked her hair as his cock grew and pressed into her stomach. Swirling her tongue around his taut nipple, she circled it then flicked it.

Thrusting his hips, he groaned. “Ooh dang, baby. This is the best wake-up call I’ve ever had.”

She released him. “You like?”

“I love.”

His arousal was firing her own, making her want to finish what she had started. Kissing her way to his neck, she paused over his heavily beating pulse. Pressing into the pounding spot with her tongue, she felt almost dizzy from the giddy feeling of power that surged through her. Is this what they felt when they were on top of her, driving her mad with need? If so, no wonder they took so much pleasure from it.

Staking her claim on him, she sucked hard at his pulsating flesh.

His hands glided over her naked back, urging her on.

She nipped at his neck then sucked the spot again. She could not seem to control herself. An animalistic desire to mark him ruled her actions. Lacing her fingers in his silky hair, she pulled. His head turned, opening his neck up even more for her, making it easier for her to mark this powerful male. Her mouth moved over the spot she had been sucking and started again. She sucked and licked, marking him for all to see.

She yelped in surprise when he pulled her off his neck and drew her lips to his. Kissing her with scorching heat, he let his desire for her show. Pride flamed in her heart. Who would have guessed she was capable of bringing him to such a wild state of sexual craving?

The flame she had sparked in him now took her over with a vengeance. Pushing her tongue into his mouth, she dueled with him. Tongues tangled, bodies squirmed, and hands stroked. They couldn’t get enough of each other.

Breathing harshly, Branda put her hands on his chest and pushed herself up. Craving the feel of him deep inside her, she moved her legs from between his and straddled his hips.

“That’s it, baby. Ride me. Take us to heaven.”

Troy’s hands gripped her hips as she positioned her wet entrance over his engorged cockhead. Unable to go easy, she dropped herself down on him, burying his whole length inside her slick, silky haven.

Their loud groans mingled and floated through the room.

“As much as I hate to stop such an exciting show, especially one I would love to join in on, I fear I must inform you both that Branda’s friends are here.”

Eyes wide, Branda whipped around to see Trey standing in the doorway, green eyes on fire and a bulge in his jeans. His words replaying in her passion-muddled mind. Friends. Here.

Troy bucked beneath her. A moan escaped her lips, and her hips rocked over his. The feel of his hard cock filling her drew her attention back to him. She ground her body into his, needing the sexual relief he could give her.

“Branda, get your lazy butt out here,” Sienna’s voice bellowed from somewhere within the house. Rain’s laughter followed shortly.

Squeaking loudly, Branda jumped off Troy and rushed for the closet, grabbing her jeans from the floor on the way.

* * * *

Troy scowled at Trey. “Why didn’t you send them away?”

“I couldn’t. The second they found out Branda was here they invited themselves in. It’s not like I knew you two were in here going at it like rabbits. And going at it you were. I was watching long enough to see her boldly try new things. Damn that was hot. I can’t wait to get her back in bed.”

Rolling off the bed, Troy stood there with Branda’s juices glistening on his hard cock. “I’m going to take a cold shower.”

While Troy headed for the bathroom, Trey went back to the living room to see if their unwanted guests needed anything to drink.

* * * *

Rushing from the closet, Branda emerged wearing her jeans and one of the guys’ T-shirts that had a dragon blowing out flames. Smoothing her hair, she tried to walk calmly down the hall toward the voices she heard coming from the kitchen.

Three pairs of eyes looked her over.

Trey’s green eyes were glowing, and his nostrils flared. Leaning down to her ear, he whispered, “Mmmm, you smell like hot lovin’ and flowers.”

Sienna’s and Rain’s eyes stared at her with unconcealed interest, and knowing smiles curled their lips.

Rain looked her up and down. With a naughty grin plastered on her face, Rain remarked, “I take it you had a sleep over with the twins.” Turning to look at Sienna, Rain smirked playfully. “Now more than ever we have to take her shopping.”

Sienna tried to hide her smile, but did a poor job. “Indeed. A woman having romantic relations always needs new lingerie.”

At the mention of lingerie, a sexy grin passed over Trey’s handsome features. He rushed away, and before the girls could figure out what caused him to bound out of the room, he was back with a credit card in his hand.

Sienna and Rain bubbled with laughter.

“I like him a lot. He’s a keeper. Which one is he?” Rain asked.

“This one is Trey.” Running her hand down his arm, Branda added, “I believe they are both keepers.”

A voice from behind her sent a shiver down her spine. “I’m glad to hear that, babe.” Stepping around her, Troy nodded at Rain and Sienna while he buttoned his shirt. “Ladies.”

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