Dawn, Dakota - Blessed Times Two (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (7 page)

BOOK: Dawn, Dakota - Blessed Times Two (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“That was so nice of him. I can picture him giving you his drink. What did he drink after that?” Branda asked.

Sienna shuddered. “You don’t want to know.”

“Oh yes she does. Spill it. What did he drink?” Rain demanded.

“This is gross, but in his defense, we were at a picnic and all the other drinks were gone.” Sienna made a disgusted face then blurted out, “He picked the bug out of my drink and drank it.”

“I knew you were going to say that. Little boys don’t care about things like bugs. I remember a little boy in kindergarten picking a bug out of his drink and then drinking it down as if nothing had happened. At least Troy had a good reason for doing it,” Rain said then checked her drink to make sure nothing had flown into it.

“That was gross, but sweet. What else do you remember about them?” Branda asked as she looked into her own drink.

“We used to go swimming a lot. One day I had a friend from school over and she fell head over heels in love with Trent. I told her she couldn’t have him because all the brothers belonged to me.” Sienna blushed and shrugged. “Hey, I was young. They were at my house a lot. As far as I was concerned, they belonged to me. Anyway, she got mad at me and untied my swimming suit top. I could have died when it floated away. Troy saw how embarrassed I was and quickly retrieved it for me. They all three told my fast-becoming-ex-friend that she’d done a bad thing and that she’d better not do it again. Needless to say, she was never invited back.”

“That was very big-brotherly of them. I’m glad they came to your rescue,” Branda commented. With every story Sienna told, Branda felt better and better about Troy and Trey. Now they didn’t feel like total strangers.

“You have some juicy stories. What else did they do?” Rain asked then leaned back and ate another chip.

“Once a bully was being mean to me at school and Trent found me crying in my backyard. He demanded I tell him what was wrong. When I did, he told me not to worry about it anymore, that he and his brothers would make sure it never happened again.” Sienna stopped and took a sip of her drink.

“What happened? Did the bully ever come after you again?” Branda inquired.

“No. As a matter of fact I never had that problem ever again. I think they talked to him and most likely threatened to beat him up if he ever bothered me again.” A thoughtful expression crossed Sienna’s face. “Before they all left for private school, Trey told me to let them know if anyone ever messed with me while they were gone. He said they could still handle the situation. They must have handled it well the first time, because I never had any more problems, ever.”

“Girl, it looks like you got the cream of the crop,” Rain told Branda.

“She definitely did. Their family is one of the best, and they believe in men taking care of their women and families. One gets into trouble and they all jump in to help,” Sienna added seriously.

“Do you think they are really serious about me?” Branda asked Sienna.

“I’d say so. All you can do is see if they come by tonight. But I believe they will. The men in both our families don’t toy with women,” Sienna answered.

Rain’s phone blared out a rock song. Looking at it, she frowned.

“What’s up?” Branda asked.

“My cousin Eloise recently started working for our clothing stores. She doesn’t have a clue so she texts me all the time. Looks like I need to go.” Rain got up and Sienna and Branda stood up as well. Rain hugged Sienna then turned to Branda. “I’m happy for you, girl. Have fun with them. Let them teach you to fly.” She hugged a stunned Branda then bounded out of the sandwich shop.

Sienna stared after her then looked at Branda. “Take her advice. It was some of the best I’ve heard in a long time. Let them spread your wings. You couldn’t ask for better guys than them to do it.”

They both sat back down to finish their food. Branda felt bad that Rain had to leave, but she wasn’t going to waste her food because of it.

Three bites later, Sienna asked, “How’s the business going?”

“Good. I’m staying pretty busy. I guess word of mouth is finally starting to spread. I’ve got two small jobs this week and a party this weekend. How’s the house going? Do you like living in Golden Gate?”

“I’ll get to your questions in just a second. First I want you to know I’m glad to hear your business is doing so well. One of these days your cookies will be in stores.”

Branda snorted.

“What? You know it could happen. Your cookies are good.” Sienna took another drink. “Now on to your questions. Golden Gate is a little small, but Teddy and I like it. It’s cozy, you know. The ranch is doing well, the cattle are thriving. The house remodel is another matter. Nothing is going right. It looks like it could take another three months to finish.”

“I’m sure it’s rough now, but I bet the house is going to be nice when it’s all done,” Branda said.

“I’m sure you’re right, but I can’t wait for it to be over.” Sienna looked at her watch then over at Branda. “I hate to be a party pooper, but I have to leave. I’m needed back at the house.”

“It’s all right. I need to get back, too. I need to make up some more dough. I’m glad you and Rain came today. You helped me out a lot. I was desperate to find out about the twins. I didn’t know if I could trust them or not. Talking to you has made me feel a lot better.” Branda stood up.

Branda felt lighthearted as she hugged Sienna then headed home.

Chapter Six

Head swimming, Branda couldn’t believe all that had happened this week. The twins had just left with the reminder that they would come back to walk her over to their house at eight that night. She pinched herself to see if she was dreaming. “Ouch.” No, she was not dreaming.

The past week had been like living a fantasy. Just as Sienna had said, the twins showed up Monday night.

Every night that week they had come back with a bottle of wine and a movie. Troy would put the movie in and then join her and Trey on the couch. Feeling both their hard bodies pressed against hers always had her nipples and clit throbbing long before the movie was over. When the movie ended, they’d stroke her body and kiss her senseless, but they didn’t take it any farther than that. Much to her great sorrow.

Every morning they had shown up with breakfast. Tuesday morning they’d shown up with that same splendid coffee. They ended up bringing it every day. For breakfast, they brought struffoli instead of cannoli. The struffoli had melted in her mouth. The small balls of fried dough covered with honey, caramel, and chopped pine nuts had been so good.

Wednesday, their offering had had the cutest name, “My Sweet Italian Angel.” It turned out to be slices of angel food cake covered with an Italian cream and sprinkled with mixed berries. If they were trying to win her heart through her stomach, they were succeeding.

Thursday dawned with them presenting a panini with chocolate and brie. The grilled slices of sourdough bread were warm and crisp, and the brie and chocolate countered the crisp bread by being warm and gooey. Every bite was a bursting, flavorful experience. So was the tongue they both gave her before they left for work.

Today, berry strata had been on the menu. She wasn’t sure how they’d pulled off the buttery, berry-licious offering, but she was glad they had. The kissing this morning had left them all panting. Sienna was right. They were courting her. She still couldn’t believe they’d want her. All week she’d felt the evidence of their wanting her, so she knew they did. Both of them had pressed their swollen cocks into the cushion of her belly while they kissed her.

Branda forced herself to stop thinking about them or else she’d have to go change her wet panties, again. She’d gone through more panties this past week than she ever could have imagined possible. Thomas what’s-his-name had lied to her. She didn’t have a dry hole. He just hadn’t been man enough to get her wet. Knowing that made every minute she spent with Trey and Troy worth it. Even if they didn’t last forever, they’d shown her not all men were just players and not lovers. These two were definitely lovers. The mere sight of them turned her on. Her strong attraction to them was crazy, but she didn’t care. She planned on enjoying them as long as they’d let her.

After walking into the kitchen, she made herself start pulling out all the ingredients she needed to make her fast-becoming-famous cookies. Who would have ever thought her recipe would take off the way it had? It had taken her about a year to get it just right. Now she was able to make three variations from the basic dough—sugar, chocolate chip, and oatmeal. Today she would make up the dough. Tomorrow morning she’d shape and bake the cookies for the party at Gaven’s Pub tomorrow night. Getting to it, she started mixing the ingredients.

* * * *

Nighttime was coming fast. Twisting around, Branda tried to see what her black skirt looked like from the back. It seemed to hug nicely to her curves. Not too loose, not too tight. It was a little short, stopping just above her knees, but Sienna told her she looked super in it. She felt very nervous about wearing skirts or dresses after the attack by Roy, but tonight was different. Tonight she wasn’t going out in public. She was going to Troy and Trey’s house. Nobody would see her except them. The thought of them seeing her reminded her of her smoothly shaven pussy. Doing what Troy wanted, she had removed her pubic hair. At first it had felt funny, but now she was getting used to the smooth feel. In their defense, it would be easier to lick and kiss her down there if the area wasn’t covered in hair. The thought of them licking and kissing her pussy had her clitoris throbbing. Easy, girl, she chastised her wayward clit. The night was young, and she was already wanting to get them in bed. It struck her anew how safe she felt with them. Taking a cleansing breath, she knew she could do this. They were a balm to her inner wounds.

Picking up her old habit, she started rolling up the sleeve of her thin, white blouse. The sight of pink, puckered scar tissue on her left arm had her chiding herself and rolling her sleeve back down. She used to love to roll her sleeves back, but that was no longer an option. The scar tissue on her left arm looked bad enough to scare off small children. The cuts had been too jagged for the doctors to stitch up smoothly. Sighing softly, she knew it already looked better, but to her it still looked bad. Until she could accept the scar, she’d just wear long sleeves.

Sienna’s parents had been a real blessing. Without hesitation they had paid the best surgeon to fix her broken nose. Looking in the mirror, she ran a finger down its length. Not even a small bump to give away what had happened. One day, when she became a parent, she wanted to act like Sienna’s parents
nd, loving, and caring. She wanted to be nothing like her cold, uncaring parents who only cared about saving money to the extreme that they didn’t buy presents, ever. Hell, they wouldn’t even go out to eat on their anniversary. From the looks of them, you’d never know they were quite wealthy. No, she would never be like her parents. When she had a child, she would love it wholeheartedly. She would never treat it as an unwanted expense.

Shaking off thoughts of her cold, selfish parents, she gave herself another once-over in the mirror. The black skirt did look cute with its two inch split on the right thigh. It showed a little skin, but not too much. Her silky, white blouse hugged her breasts nicely and dipped in at the waist before flaring out slightly and stopping a few inches below the waistband of her skirt. Strappy three-inch heels adorned her feet, showing off dark red toenails. She’d applied light makeup and brushed her brown hair till it shone, letting it fall around her shoulders in soft waves.

Knowing she had done all she could do, and thinking she didn’t look too bad at all, Branda headed to the living room. She jumped when the doorbell rang. Looking at the clock, she saw it was ten minutes to eight. They were a little early, but she didn’t mind. Might as well get this over with. She was excited and nervous at the same time. Would they make love to her? If so, how would it feel? Would a wet hole make a lot of difference? Sex had been painful before. Would they stop if she asked them to? Yes, she knew they would. That thought settled her nervous stomach. They were good guys. Everything would be all right.

After opening the door, she was rewarded with a heart-melting smile from both men. Green sparks shone in their eyes, showing her just how much they wanted her.

From his expression, she could tell Trey was the one wearing the tan, formfitting, long-sleeved shirt. His eyes scorched her as they roved down her body, slowing at every curve to take it all in.

The left corner of Troy’s lips curled when he was turned on. It was a very promising grin. He was wearing a shirt similar to Trey’s, but in dark brown. Their shirts stretched enticingly over chiseled muscles. Damn, they hadn’t even touched her and her panties were already wet.

Trey stepped closer and took her hand. “You look lovelier than the most brilliant sunset. The sparkle in your eyes makes me think of golden stars captured in shiny chocolate-colored silk.”

Hot color stole across her cheeks. What could she say to that? No one had ever spoken to her with the passion Trey did. She was blown away every time he did it. Finding her voice, she responded, “Thanks. You both look handsome this evening.” Good enough to eat, the little devil on her shoulder added.

Trey guided her a step away from the door while Troy closed it behind her then stepped beside her and tucked her other hand in his. They escorted her to their house at a leisurely pace.

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