Dawn, Dakota - Blessed Times Two (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (3 page)

BOOK: Dawn, Dakota - Blessed Times Two (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“You’re here to loosen up, remember?” Rain reminded Branda.

The bartender came back with their drinks, and the three friends moved to a table so they could see each other better while talking.

The second they sat down, Sienna squealed, then gushed, “Teddy asked me to marry him, and I said

Branda got up and hugged her excited friend. “I’m so happy for you. When’s the big day going to be?”

“Six months. I can’t wait. My parents are flipping out and already talking about grandchildren.”

Rain looked concerned. “Are you sure you want to marry him? He seems great now, but what about a year from now? Will you still love him five years from now? If you marry him, he’ll be harder to get rid of. Don’t get me started on how possessive cowboys can be.”

At Branda’s disapproving glare, Rain grumbled, “What? I’m just being honest. Everyone splits up these days. Why make it expensive and difficult to get rid of him? No marriage, no messy paperwork.”

“They’ve been dating for two years. I’m sure their marriage will be strong enough to make it,” Branda said as she patted Sienna’s hand in a comforting way.

Sienna looked appreciatively at Branda.

Remorse was written all over Rain’s face. “Look, I didn’t mean to bring you down. Marriage just isn’t for me. I hope yours makes it, and that you and Teddy have lots of little cowboys and cowgirls. Now let’s get this party started. That poor karaoke attendant looks bored out of her mind. What do you guys want me to sing?”

Sienna was quick to answer. “‘New Tattoo.’ I love it when you sing it and show off one of your tattoos.”

Branda and Sienna called out encouragements as Rain stepped up on stage.

Sienna looked at Branda and said, “It always amazes me how she can do that with only one drink down. It’ll take me at least three, then I’ll have to stop and drink water so I’ll be able to drive us all home, but by the time I’m on water, I’ll be bold enough from just listening to you two cheering me on. You’re going to sing tonight, right? The owner’s not here, and the place is not packed.”

Branda glanced around the room as Rain started singing. The room was empty except for two other couples who seemed not to be paying attention at all. “Sure. It seems like we hit this place on a good night. Not too crowded.”

Sienna smiled. “That’s probably because word hasn’t gotten out far enough yet. Give it a few months and this place will be packed every night.”

Three drinks later, Branda stepped up on the stage and sang “Wanted Dead or Alive.” It was her song. She could hit every note. Singing some songs made her feel alive and free. This one was her favorite. Thank god, no one except her friends was paying attention. She hated to draw attention to herself. When the final beat sounded, she glided back to the table and encouraged Sienna to go up and sing another one. She knew Sienna loved karaoke night. She and Rain were okay with it, but Sienna loved it. Her voice was pretty good, too, which was great since they had to listen to her sing karaoke every chance she got. Branda wondered if she’d have karaoke at her wedding reception. She’d best not bring it up or Teddy would most likely kill her.

Damn, she was thirsty. No more rum and Coke though. She needed a water.

“I’m going to get a water. You need anything?” Branda asked Rain.

“No, I’m good.”

“Be back in a minute.”

Chapter Three

Standing at the bar, she watched Sienna sing as she waited for her water on the rocks. The bartender came back quickly with her drink. “One water on the rocks.” His lips quirked up in a grin. “You girls having fun?”

“Yeah, this is a great place,” she responded before taking a sip.

“Glad to hear it. I’ll be here if you need anything else. We have killer stuffed jalapenos and mushrooms if you get hungry.”

“Thanks, that’s good to know.”

Returning to her friends, she downed half her water then realized she needed a potty break badly. Before going, though, she told them about the stuffed jalapenos and mushrooms. They both jumped on the idea of food and agreed to order while she went to the restroom.

Dang, even the restrooms had TVs. This place was serious about sports. She also noted how clean the place was. Doing her business quickly, she washed her hands then headed out the door.

Now that she knew they served some food here, a thought struck her for the party food she’d be making. Stopping a few feet from the restrooms, she dug out her notepad and started jotting down a few more ideas to run by Gaven.

Feeling someone invading her personal space, she glanced forward then up. Heat rushed to her cheeks, and her jaw dropped down as if all of her facial muscles had forgotten how to do their job. No freaking way. What was he doing here? How long had he been here?

Forcing her jaw muscles back into action, she stammered, “Mr. Cortino. I–I didn’t know you were here. Did you just show up?”
Please say yes, please say yes.
She would die if he’d seen her singing. Damn, he was fine.

“Yes. Finding you here makes it worth the trip,” Trey responded.

Relief washed over her from the tips of her toes to the roots of her hair.
hank god he hadn’t seen her on stage. Fumbling with her notepad, she looked down long enough to put it back in her purse then slowly let her eyes travel up his lean waist, over nice, broad shoulders, along a muscular neck, strong chin, and firm but full lips that, right before her eyes, formed a knowing smile. Heat cranking up another notch, she knew she was turning a bright shade of red. Jerking her eyes away from his kissable lips, she took an unsteady breath. If she didn’t stop ogling him, she’d never be able to go back to his bookstore. Maybe he had an online site. Or maybe she could just stop staring at him.

Not able to look him in the eye, she mumbled, “It was nice to see you again. I better get back to my friends.” A boldness she’d never had before suddenly took hold of her. “If we bump into each other again maybe we could have a drink together or something.”

As she turned to scurry away like a leery rabbit, she felt a warm hand wrap lightly around her wrist. Turning back to him, she made the mistake of looking directly into his eyes. Dark green with light green strands that looked like a never-ending fireworks display. New Year’s Day fireworks sparked in his eyes every day. Her breath caught in her throat. She couldn’t look away to save her own life. It was like she was being drawn in by an invisible force. Those dang butterflies in her belly started their crazy dance again just like they’d done the last time she’d been near him.

Rapt eyes continued to hold her as his husky voice slid smoothly across her skin. “That is a wonderful idea. I’ll have to make sure we bump into each other again and again.”

Clit throbbing, panties getting wetter by the second, she swallowed hard as he brought the inside of her wrist closer to his lips. Her lids fluttered shut just as his lips made contact with her sensitive flesh. The touch of his silky tongue darting out for a taste of her sent shudders lashing through her whole body. Nipples hard as diamonds poked painfully against her shirt for all to see.

She wobbled. Why did that happen every time he kissed her wrist? Did her body crave something her mind didn’t know about? After her first sexual experience, the attack, and two blah dates she’d gone on in the last year, she had no desire to be with a man. Building her company was her only desire. So why was her body reacting this way to his touch?

He must have sensed her confusion because he moved a strong hand under her elbow and guided her back to her friends’ table. Once she was safely seated, he leaned down to her ear and whispered, “I’ll be dreaming of you until we meet again. I’ll see you very soon. Goodnight, my lovely little treasure,
tesoro mio
.” His tongue lightly teased her earlobe, sending a shiver of desire straight between her legs. Easing away, he stood. With a slight nod of his head, he looked at her friends. “Ladies.”

They all three stared after him as he smoothly strolled away.

As soon as he was out of sight, Sienna and Rain pounced. “Who was that?”

Trying to be nonchalant, she shrugged one shoulder. “Just a man I met at a bookstore.”

Sienna and Rain smiled at each other.

Rain obviously couldn’t help herself. “When you’re done with him, let me know. I don’t mind seconds. Not when the guy is as hot as him.”

“It’s not like that. He’s just nice to me…to all women.” Branda tried to correct her words. All the while she could feel that her cheeks kept a tight hold on their bright color.

Sienna pursed her lips. “It didn’t look that way to me. That sinfully handsome devil has the hots for you. With a body like his, I’d eat him up. And that hair. I could run my fingers through it for hours. You should go for it. He obviously likes you. What are you going to do about it?”

After counting to ten out loud, Branda eyed them both before she continued, “Nothing. Not a thing. He was just being nice. Guys like him don’t go for big girls like me. Besides, great sex and love are just a fantasy. They’re not real. Men are players not lovers.” Seeing Sienna’s sad face, she amended her statement, “Except for what you and Teddy have together. I’m sure you two will have it all. And I’m very happy for you. Hey, we’re here to party, remember? Rain, go sing us another one. Make it lively.”

Watching Rain step onto the stage, Sienna said in a thoughtful tone, “You know he looked kind of familiar. I just can’t place him.”

“Did you shop at his bookstore?”

“Possibly. I can’t put my finger on it right now, but I’m sure I have seen him before. Oh well, I’m sure it’ll come to me later. Have another pepper, they’re great.”

Chomping on the stuffed jalapenos, they both laughed at the crazy moves Rain was making. This was just what they’d all needed.

* * * *

Trey slipped back up the stairs unnoticed. Helping their buddy, Gaven, out in the evenings paid off big-time tonight. He couldn’t have been shorthanded at a better time. Opening the office door, he moved through the room to stand next to Troy, who was steadily reading Branda’s lips through the two-way mirror that overlooked the pub. They had been watching the girls for the last couple of hours and had learned a lot about Branda.

Troy never took his eyes off Branda. “She told her inquiring friends that you were nice to all women. She thinks she’s too fat for us to be interested in her. She believes great sex and love are just fantasies. She thinks all men are players, not lovers. Now she’s trying to soothe her friend’s ruffled feathers, and she is doing a great job of it.”

Finally taking his eyes off her, he turned to Trey. “I saw how she responded to your kiss. Just like
said. Hell, even Papa and Uncle Gabriel said it happened to them when they met Mom and Aunt Bellina. Now do you believe

“The verdict is still out. We haven’t claimed her yet. But I must confess I’m leaning toward
’s story.” Trey sighed loudly like a man in love. “You were right. She’s perfect. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. Something about her drew me to her. It was more than sexual attraction, although her body has it all. Beauty. Stacked frame, so curvy and soft. Sweetly scented. I could lap her body up all day. And when she blushed, I thought I was going to come in my pants like a teenager after his first girl. Damn, that blush turned me on. I can’t believe she responds to both our touches. That’s never happened in the family before.”

“No, it hasn’t,” Troy said, “but the blessing is only four generations old. We are the first set of twins in the family since the blessing was bestowed. Maybe us being twins has something to do with it.”

Trey watched her as he spoke. “Words can’t describe the way it feels to touch her emotions. She was nervous, sexually aroused, and embarrassed all at the same time. I actually needed to calm her. We have to find out everything we can about her. Did you call in a favor and find out where she lives yet?”

“No,” Troy responded as he watched her as well.

“Good. Now that she’s come to us there’s no need to call in any favors. I’ll follow her home tonight.” A smile flitted across Trey’s lips. “Her cheeks colored so prettily when she saw me. I believe she was embarrassed at the thought that I might have seen her singing. I don’t understand it, but I could sense her distress before I even kissed her. Not wanting to scare her away, I lied to her. I didn’t like it, but it was well worth it. Her relief was so strong I swear I felt it personally.”

Troy nodded. “That’s what
said would happen. We Cortino men are supposed to be able to read our true love’s feelings. After the bonding kiss she’s not supposed to be able to lie to us even to save herself from embarrassment.”

“Our bond must be extremely strong because she hit on me with the pinkest cheeks I’ve ever seen. Like she couldn’t help herself, and that happened right before I kissed her.”

A large smile crossed Troy’s face. “This is just more proof that she belongs to us. When I met her at the bookstore, I could feel her attraction to me instantly. It was weird in a wonderful way. And I was just as attracted to her even though she was dressed a lot like tonight, in clothes that cover her curves as much as possible. I need her as desperately as I need my next breath.”

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