Dawn, Dakota - Blessed Times Two (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (13 page)

BOOK: Dawn, Dakota - Blessed Times Two (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Nodding seriously, Sienna added, “She’s right, you know. If I had to pick between the twins and your parents, I’d pick the twins in half a heartbeat. Even if your parents disown you now, most likely they’ll change their minds and re-own you in the future. Although, with the twins’ money and your business, you won’t need any inheritance from them anyway, so even if they do disown you for life, it won’t matter. And it’s not like they ever help you out emotionally or financially when you need it. I’m still mad at them for not helping you with your college tuition or getting your car or helping you start your business.”

“Point taken. I just feel weird going against their wishes. It’s hard for me to kick my childhood habit of trying to please them. Trying to get them to love me,” Branda muttered.

Taking the bull by the horns, Rain stated, “I know it’s hard, but for your own happiness you have to do it. Your mom has a miserable personality, and we all know that misery loves company. You are way more like your grandmother, thank god. Now she was a good woman. If she were alive, she’d be on your side. I’m beginning to think that maybe she paid for your private school just to get you away from home. If she’d lived, she would have helped you through college, although you did fine on your own. You’re like her. Full of life and meeting challenges head on. She was a happy woman, and I know that’s what she’d want for you. Tell your parents you are in love with the twins and that they love you. Don’t stew over it. That will only make you sick.”

Branda felt a little ill. “Okay, let’s say I tell my mom I love the twins and they love me. What happens if we split up? She’ll drone on and on about how she was right and I was wrong.”

Rain perked up. “If that were to happen, and I highly doubt it would, all you have to do is hang up. One perk of your parents being too cheap to travel is that you don’t have to listen to them nag. Just push End Call.”

“I don’t think you have to worry about Trey and Troy getting tired of you,” Sienna said. “Once the men in our families settle on a woman, they never divorce. They make sure she’s the right one for them then they give it their all to make sure their woman never wants to leave. You said the Cortino family is coming to meet you next weekend, right?”


“That means you’re in. They would never invite their family from Italy to come meet you if they didn’t plan on keeping you.” Sienna was so excited her hands were waving through the air with every word she said.

Branda’s hands flew to her cheeks. “Keep me! That sounds like I’m their pet or something.”

Laughing, Sienna tried to smooth Branda’s ruffled feathers. “You know I didn’t mean it that way. Listen, I know these people. Our families go all the way back to Italy. The men in their family don’t invite the family to meet any woman except the one they’ve chosen to live out their life with. In your case
with. You are blessed times two!”

Branda’s heart softened even more towards her men. “Blessed times two has a nice ring to it. I hope you’re right. Otherwise, I’m afraid my heart will be broken forever.”

Trying to lighten the mood, Rain piped in with a glitzy smile. “Subject change. Let’s get that waiter over here. I think we need to share at least four of the desserts on the menu.”

They all looked at each other then raised their glasses and touched them over the center of the table. “Agreed,” they chimed in sync.

Chapter Nine

Music floated around the kitchen.

Branda sang along as she mixed the cookie dough ingredients together.

Lost in her own world, she stiffened for a nanosecond when strong hands caressed her cheeks. “Please remove your hands from my butt.”

Leaving them there, Trey griped, “I can’t. You’re so hot, and you were singing. You know I love it when you sing. I had to touch you. Your new clothes are driving me mad with lust. You’re so fucking hot. I don’t think I can allow you to go out in public ever again.”

“Quit being so dramatic. I’m just wearing a pair of jeans that actually fit.” Turning in his arms, Branda kissed him lightly on the lips. “There, you’ve had some lovin’. Now go to work. How is the bookstore going to make it if you don’t ever go there?”

Heavy-lidded eyes roamed her body. “Matt and Marly do a fine job of taking care of the store when we are otherwise busy. Make me busy, baby. Make me busy.”

“Go away. I’m working. I promise to make you busy tonight. Now go away. Your family is coming in tonight.” A frown wrinkled her brow. “Come to think of it, I better stay at Sienna’s parents’ tonight and every night until your family goes back home. I’m supposed to be living there anyway.”

“No, baby, that’s a terrible idea. I think you should move in here with us. Yes, that’s it. We need to move you in immediately.” Trey’s voice went from alarmed to resolute.

“You’re crazy as hell. There is no way I’m moving in here with your family coming to visit tonight.” Men, sometimes they had no sense at all.

“Come on, baby. We can’t live without you. Move in with us. My parents won’t care. They are going to love you,” His tone turned cajoling, and his hands ran up and down her arms in slow smooth strokes.

“If I slept in your bed, they would know we were having sex. How could I face them the next morning?”

“My parents don’t think anything bad about having sex. They are all for it. They have sex you know.” Trey held up three fingers. “Three boys prove it. Scouts honor.”

“Were you ever a scout?” Branda questioned with narrowed eyes.

“Not technically, but I’m one on the inside. Move in permanently with us. We need you here with us.” His voice and eyes pleaded for her to give in.

“You know I can’t do that. What would your family think of me? I would look like some homeless, desperate woman who couldn’t take care of herself. Is that the kind of woman your mother would want for her sons?” Her nerves tingled in agitation.

“My family won’t think anything about it. They know we are together. You are the reason they are all coming.” Frustration slashed across his face.

Branda felt tears in her eyes. “I don’t think you understand. First impressions are important. I can’t have your family think poorly of me. You two mean too much to me. Please don’t make this any harder for me than it already is. I’ve made up my mind. I refuse to look poorly in front of your family.”

Seeing and feeling her distress, he gave in, “All right. We’ll respect your wishes. Troy is going to have a conniption when he finds out.”

A low, concerned voice came from behind them. “Troy’s going to have a conniption about what?”

Trey and Branda turned to see Troy standing in the doorway, a few shopping bags in his hands. He’d gone to get a few things Branda needed for tonight. His return timing was bad for her. Why couldn’t he come in five minutes from now?

“I won’t be having anymore sleepovers with you two until your family goes back home,” Branda said with conviction.

As he dropped the bags on the table, a scowl darkened Troy’s features. “The hell you aren’t. You belong wherever we are. End of discussion.” Spreading his arms out, he added, “See? No conniption.” Eyeing Trey, he changed topics. “I thought you were going to check on the store. We have a large shipment coming in today.”

Jaw dropped, she felt angry fire race through her.

Jaw snapped shut, the fire was smoking hot now.

Branda moved between the two men. Hands on hips, she looked angrily up at Troy. “Look here, mister. You don’t own me. Do I look like your wife?” Raising her left hand, she wiggled her ring finger. “I don’t see a ring. So that means you can’t tell me what to do, not that I’d let you anyway. You don’t get to come in here, give out orders, then tell
the discussion is over. For your information, the discussion was over before
Your Highness
ever walked into the room.”

Hungry green eyes raked her flushed face then ran down her curvy body. “You are wrong, my little angel. I do own you. A blessing has put us together. You will be mine forever.”

A gasp hitched in her throat. “If you’re trying to piss me off, you’re doing an excellent job. Don’t think for a minute that I’m staying here with your family visiting.
I decide to stay with you forever, I need your family to like me. First impressions are important. I will not have them thinking I’m a loose woman who moves in with every man that will have sex with her. Chubby people are not that desperate for attention, trust me.”

Troy’s eyes revealed his arousal. “First off there is no
you stay forever. You belong to us. Of course you’ll stay forever. Second, our family already knows all about you. They know you are a good person. So your first impression is not necessary because it has already happened. They know all about you. Let’s go pack your stuff and bring it over here. We need to make this final. This is where you belong.”

Anger had her eyebrows snapping together. Holding up two fingers, Branda snarled, “Second time around. You cannot tell me what to do. I’m not some drooling, mindless bunny that’s fallen for your handsome face. I have a mind of my own, and I’ve made it up. I’m not moving in with you two. Not now and not ever if you don’t stop treating me like a mindless twit.”

“You are no mindless twit, but you do belong to us. Deep down you know it.” The rough timbre to Troy’s voice and his flared nostrils proved his arousal was growing.

Taking a step back, she bumped into Trey. He put his arms around Branda and fondled her breasts.

She twisted in his grip and tried to push him away. “Stop it, Trey. I’m serious. I’m extremely pissed at Troy.”

Voice low with lust, Troy cajoled, “Ah, come on, darling, let’s kiss and make up. You are so smokin’ hot when you get mad. I’m so hard for you. What do you say? Are we going to kiss and make up?”

The rough purr of his voice assuaged some of her anger, but not all of it. Trey had stopped fondling her breasts, but he still held her, his strong hands sparking small fires in her taut nipples.


“Don’t be like that, darling. You got me all hot and now you don’t want to help me out?” Troy took a step closer.

Standing her ground, she looked up just in time to see him pass a look at Trey. “What? What was that look you just sent Trey?”

Troy’s passion-filled gaze swept over her body lovingly.

He stepped closer.

She stiffened. She couldn’t let them see their lust was starting to rub off on her.

Troy bent and covered her lips with his. He cradled her face gently as he devoured her mouth.

She twisted and moved to push him away.

Trey brushed a light kiss at the base of her neck as he pulled her hands back behind her and locked them at the small of her back with one of his own.

She tried not to like it. She wanted to stay mad. When Trey started kissing her ear and Troy deepened the kiss to her lips, she caved in a New York minute. Trey’s free hand slowly inched its way up her ribcage. She wanted to yell at him to hurry up, but she couldn’t because Troy was still kissing her.

Trey’s hand slowly reached its goal, cupped her breast, and kneaded it. The desire that sparked in her breasts set off a roaring fire in the junction of her legs. Melting between them, she let them work her body until she was begging for them to take her. “Please.”

“Are you sure, my little fiery angel?” Troy asked as he nipped at her ear.

The fire grew hotter in the niche between her thighs. “Yes. But don’t think we are finished with this discussion yet. We’ll finish it later. Right now you will put out this fire you started in me. Both of you will.”

“Anything for you, my love.” Troy unbuttoned her blouse while Trey unfastened her jeans. They stripped her then themselves in record time.

She watched them hungrily, loving the way their muscles moved under their skin as they shed their clothes. Deep down, she was mad at herself for giving in to them, but she couldn’t stop herself. What Troy said was true. She did belong to them. Body, heart, mind, and soul.

Trey took the bags off the table.

Troy lifted her up and put her bottom on the table, close to the edge. Easing her back, he bent and spread her thighs wide. “That’s it, baby. Let me make you feel better. Let me show you how much I love you. How much I love your curvy body.” Kneeling, he ran his tongue from the opening of her honey-sweet canal to her fold-covered pearl of pleasure.

She shuddered and moaned when he repeatedly licked her. Each lick had her nerves jumping with joy. His tongue felt so good her body quivered in delight. The rasp of his tongue lapped at the damp flesh between her legs, never staying on her clit long enough for her to come. She was in heaven and hell all at the same time.

Trey took a nipple deep into his mouth. Sucking and licking at the pebbled hardness, she thought she would pass out if they kept this up much longer. How could they drive her so crazy then make her want to jump both of them? Before them, she hadn’t believed any man could make her feel like she was flying apart, unable to stop her feelings of love, lust, and satisfaction. They were a drug she couldn’t refuse. She needed it with every fiber of her being.

Troy’s tongue swirled and swirled between her thighs, though not staying on her little bundle of nerves long enough for her to take a wild ride to nirvana. Her need grew. Trey continued to suckle at her breasts, causing lightning bolts of sexual electricity to burn a fiery path to her pussy.

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