Her Sweet Surrender: Billionaire Secrets - Book Four

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Her Sweet Surrender

The Billionaire Secrets Series - Volume Four


Copyright © 2014 by Drew Sinclair

First Printing, 2014


All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without the written permission of the author.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

Published in the United States of America.






I bow down before those who have gone before me. I thank my discerning readership who make all of this craziness possible.


Chapter One


"What is it?" Ruben Mayweather said, towering over the woman below him.

"I want you to help her." Suzy said, staring up at him with her huge eyes.

"In that case," he said, his gaze fixed on her dark hair, afraid to meet her eyes with his own, "I believe we can do business."

Fuck you.
She thought.
Even after all this….

"So you still want to use me, is that it?" She said.

"I think it's you who want to use me Suzy. You want me to break my personal and professional relationship with one of my oldest friends just because you're shameless enough to ask me?"

"And you're willing to go break it as long as you can get me into one of your perverse fantasy scenarios back in Quicksand Towers?"

"Quicksand Towers? I don't understand. What are you talking about?"

God damn it, that's right, private joke with Candy.

"Forget it. What do you want me to do for you? Have a screaming orgasm in the next room from you while you watch it on TV?"

Neither of them moved, both a little shocked at where
exactly could have come from, and both already turned on despite the weirdness.

"I'll make you an offer that you won't want to refuse." He said.

"Okay, go on, shoot. Tell me. I presume it's as bizarre as all you other crazy offers."

"All of which you have accepted."

"Under duress."

"The duress of being reported for committing a very serious federal crime. Nobody made you hack into a corporate database containing information about government military hardware specifications."

"I was trying to help my friend."

"And I'm trying to convince you,
trying to explain to you that you mean more to me than any other woman I've ever met."

"Is that why you put a tracking device on my fucking vagina?"

"I did not. It was not on your…."

"On my what? Don't tell me you're embarrassed to use the word 'vagina' in front of me. I mean, it's not like you were too embarrassed to use your lips on it when I was tied down in front of you."

"Vagina."  He said roundly. The sound of the word on his lips didn’t help. He had kissed her there, cajoled her into a devastating orgasm and now here she was trading words with him. Could she really win this battle? Sparring with Ruben was like playing poker with both arms tied behind her back.

"I didn't put anything onto your vagina, as sweet as it is, except my lips. I'd expect you remember at least that."

"It was close enough. Regardless of where the damn thing was you have some nerve coming begging to me, whimpering your apologies, when all the time you had that damn thing on me. This takes stalking to a whole new level."

"I couldn't risk anything happening to you. You have no idea what you're involved in. I did it because I care about you. More than anything else."

Suzy wanted to block out those words. If she listened to them then she would cave again. She had to turn this around.

"I'm amazed you found it." He continued. "We've been using them for months now and no-one has ever located one. Would you care to share with me exactly how--"

"No I damn well wouldn't. Now I think you'll agree that you owe me."

"You're an unpredictable lady Suzy and too smart for your own good. I couldn't risk that you would do something crazy and I wouldn’t be around to protect you."

"So you tagged me like a child or an animal?"

He took a deep breath and ran his fingers through his hair, spoiling adorably the immaculate lines of his thick mane.

"This is getting us nowhere." He said with satisfying exasperation. Suzy watched him, she could do this. Sure he was sparring words with her but if he wasn't going to do what she wanted he would already have called Clayton by now.

"So make your move Mayweather, and I'll decide if we have a deal or not. If we don’t then you better be ready for a fight you won't forget."

She put her hand up to his cheek, forcing his gaze down to his upturned eyes.

"If I like what you say then sure, why not? I'll show you just how interesting things can get with a woman who scores over 150 on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale."

"You little bitch." He whispered. His own IQ was in the 140s. As weird as it was, the thought of her intelligence turned him on wildly. He would have to work hard to outsmart her, entrap her, bend her to his will again. Sure he felt other emotions for her but right now it was his balls that were taking over and anything else he felt for her would have to take a back seat.

"That's right." She said, feeling the shift in power. "I'm a clever little bitch and I'm going to get exactly what I want from you. Now tell me what your deal is before I walk out of here."

"Okay," he said, "here it is. I'm willing to do whatever you ask of me. You’re in full control and I won't ask any questions. You get to take responsibility for the right and wrong of everything that we're about to do."

"We won’t be doing anything wrong. This is about truth and justice--"

"Whatever, I don't care. Your judgment will be my judgment in everything other than execution. Do you understand?"

"I give the orders, you figure out how to get it done."

"Precisely. That goes for everything except for one specific area."

"Which is?"

"You're a very, very smart girl Suzy and I'm willing to trust your judgment in everything, but there will be one place in which I need to be in absolute control of everything and trust me, it will be to your exclusive benefit."

Suzy was almost holding her breath. His proximity, his insistence, the intensity of his desire worked like sexual voodoo on her every time.

"Tell me, God damn it, what is it?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. Do you want me to say it out loud?"

"Yes." She said, barely audible. That was exactly what she wanted.

He took a breath and then leaned down close to her ear.

"Once we agree on this then I will be in complete control of fucking you. Now. Always. Forever."

She felt an indescribable surge of excitement run through her, followed by a deep inner contraction of unbridled sexual response. Their chemistry, in whatever wild chance in a hundred billion chances, had been calibrated perfectly by physics and evolution to set each other on fire. On a planet of nearly seven billion people, this man was the single one created to perfectly, deeply and forever satisfy her desire.

He drew back and she looked into his eyes again.

He might have whispered her the time of day into her ear, he looked so calm and relaxed. By comparison she was trembling. Suzy had never suffered with addictions but this, she thought, was what it must be like.

"You're bad for me." She said.

"I'm bad for
? I've just agreed to do anything you ask me to, even betray the trust of my closest friends, risk my company's professional reputation to do whatever insane thing it is that's going on here and you say that
bad for
That is the mother of all reversals. I should be relieved of my position as CEO of Mayweather Services for what I've just said to you."

There was a knock on the door.

"Are you okay in there Suzy?" Nadia asked. "Do you need my help?"

"I'm fine. Back off." She answered.

"Then hurry it up or we'll have to leave without you. "

Suzy weighed up her options rapidly. She had vowed to help Nadia no matter what, even though she didn’t know what her plan was yet. The only way Ruben would go along with this and not inform Clayton was if she agreed to his insane, infuriating but nevertheless incredibly sexy bargain. She would be the boss and guide to his moral conscience everywhere outside of the bedroom, but once they were behind closed doors then he would be absolutely in control.

Was this a deeply repressed wish coming true or was it a nightmare of hidden feelings about to be unleashed from the depths of her unconscious mind?

"I'll do it." She whispered and stared up at him, willing him to do something but ready to cry out if he dared.

He didn’t move. His hooded eyes watched her steadily, his quick mind examining all the possible outcomes of this agreement like a chess grandmaster. He would have her for at least as long as it took Clay to find them.

It would be enough.

One more trip to sexual insanity and back again. Worry about the come down afterwards. Opportunities like this are a once in a lifetime event, but there would always be something else with this woman.

He could feel it. In his rock hard stomach and in his straining balls.

There was something different about this. They were meant for each other even if she didn't feel it yet and that was enough to risk everything.

His experience with the kiss had left him wholly empty and unsatisfied and that had not been the plan. Normally that was enough; take her, break her, watch her come and scream out in painful orgasm from just one touch, one kiss or even one word. After that the illusion was gone and he was ready to resume the search for perfection in another beautiful face, another complicated mind,  but not this time. Suzy's bone shaking, ball aching climax had left him longing for more, hungering to see her writhe in exquisite pleasure again and again and again, forcing her to ever new levels, pushing her to orgasm in different ways each time.

He had never had that before, never had to pursue and conquer anyone twice.

He nodded his head.

"You won’t regret it." He said. "What do want me to do?"

The sound of his acquiescence sent another thrill of volcanic, suppressed sexual excitement through her. This was a dynamic she had never thought to experience. That her mind and body could have this effect on such a powerful man was aphrodisiac to her like nothing on earth. Was
the reality of love at first sight? An instantly addictive attraction?

And then there was the bargain. The exchange.

What would she have to do in return and how would it make her feel?

Her body thrilled to the thought of finding out, her skin alive with goose bumps, tingles and prickles of anticipation.

"Get ready to go." She shouted out to the other room and started towards the door but Ruben blocked her way and leaned his head down to her neck again.

"Just remember." He whispered. "You will have to be a very, very, very good girl for me in return for everything that I am about to do for you and your friends."




Nadia couldn’t quite believe it when Ruben and Suzy emerged from the bedroom.

"So what's happening? Are you calling Clay or not?"

"I'm not calling him. Unless you want me to. Tell me what your plan is. I need to know the why and how of everything you intend. If you're honest with me then I guarantee success. Any withholding and the outcome will be uncertain."

Nadia looked at Suzy in amazement.

"What the hell did you do to him in there?" She said.

Suzy shrugged and tilted her head to one side as though to say; 'your guess is as good as mine.'

"Whatever." Nadia said. "I've seen what you can do before Mayweather so I'm going to go with this, but remember, I'm going to get this done with or without your help, whether or not you call Clay. So don’t get any delusions of grandeur here."

Candy moved in protectively between Nadia and her boss. She was as confused as anyone but her duty to Ruben was clear and always utmost in her mind, regardless of any personal misgivings she had about his sex life.

"It's alright Candy." He said. "I'm taking over this as of now, so Ms. Komerov is under your protection until further notice."

Candy nodded her head and stepped back.

"We've got to get out of here." Nadia said.

"Not until I know where we're going. We're not going to start running until we know where we're going to."

"We need to get out of this country ASAP and leave no trace of where we're going."

"I need to know our destination."

"Point Nemo." Nadia said.

Ruben smiled. He liked a challenge. This was the name of the remote island which belonged to him and next to which Mikhail Boyevik was held captive on a rock in the middle of nautical nowhere.

He turned to Suzy and curled his gorgeous lips slightly. This was going to cost her and he wanted her to know it. She winced slightly, wondering just how high a price tag Nadia had put on Ruben's co-operation.

"That's not a problem." He said. "Now tell me what your goal is."

Nadia hesitated. What was her goal?

"You know the rules." He said. "I need to know your goals. All of you. We need to state them clearly and then commit absolutely to their fulfillment. Then, and only then, can I guarantee my full assistance. Back out now and I call Clay. If you think you can outrun him to Point Nemo then you're welcome to try. But believe me he won’t even need to leave his office to win. Satellite phone will put him in contact with our people there before you can hail down a yellow cab."

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