Dark Journey Home (43 page)

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Authors: Cherie Shaw

BOOK: Dark Journey Home
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“Once inside, he tried to cash a bank draft for a
large amount, against the Triple-B account.  Of course that old account, which
he, Holderman and Phillips had access to, had been closed, and the funds
transferred to my new account, which I had opened upon arriving in town. 


I had let Perkins keep about five-hundred cash, when
he left the ranch, though he had much more stashed in that valise he had packed,
which we, of course, confiscated.  Also, feeling bad for the bloke, I had sent
a small wagonload of supplies to his place, to help him get another start.” 


Beckford paused, then continued.  “I guess that wasn’t
enough. I had even planned to send over about twenty head of beef, during the
roundup too, and Perkins knew that.  The man is basically dishonest and doesn’t
seem to want to work for a living.  He had a soft life here, falling into a
successful working ranch like this.   Chester Burns, and yes, even Holderman,
were running it for him.  Perkins doesn’t have the business head to run this
place.  Now I’m not so sure he wasn’t knowingly in on the swindle, though none
of them will admit to anything, of course.”


“What happened at the bank then, Uncle Claude?” 
Olivia asked. 


“Marshal Rhodes had seen Perkins go into the bank,
after he’d left the saloon, so he followed him, wondering what the bloke was up
to.  The Marshal walked in just as Perkins pulled a gun on the teller, then
demanded he withdraw funds from my account.  He was obviously pretty well
intoxicated at that point, but that is no excuse.  All the same, it still
borders on attempted bank robbery.  


“Marshal Rhodes was able to disarm the man, and haul
him off to the town jail, where Perkins now sits, awaiting trial.  He had been
drinking heavily all morning, and became abusive towards the Marshal, but from what
I have heard, Marshal Rhodes eats up loud and aggressive boys like Perkins for
supper.  Also to back up his authority, he usually totes a pretty persuasive
weapon, if not a Winchester, then his double-barreled shotgun.


“Anyway, we have to await the traveling judge once
more.  Drunk or not, attempted bank robbery doesn’t sit well in any territory. 
Now Mr. Perkins just may have bought himself some time in prison and added to
this attempted bank robbery charge, I just may decide to press charges against
Perkins for illegal trespass on my ranch, along with conspiracy to steal
proceeds from the sale of cattle.  I felt bad for the man at first, only for
his ignorance, but I quickly changed my opinion.  No one can be that ignorant
of the law.” 


Maria spoke up, “What will his daughter do?  She can’t
stay alone on that rancho?” 


Logan, who had just entered the study, and listened to
Beckford, answered Maria, “The girl was pretty upset when she found out about
her pa, but Cougar Olson and his pard, Bart McCain, have volunteered to run the
ranch for her, while her pa’s locked up.  So now the Triple-B will be short two
hands for a while, and with roundup around the corner, Claude will have to hire
more men.  Though the men that are still here are good hands, more will be


Lord Beckford broke in, “As far as the hiring, for the
present, I’ll leave that to Ricardo here, or possibly Chester Burns.  Also Miss
Perkins has planned on asking our housekeeper, Consuelo, to stay at the
Perkins’ ranch with her.  Not sure how that request went.  I’d hate to lose a good
cook, and this has been Consuelo’s home for many years.”


Maria took offense, “You think I couldn’t handle the
cooking, Señor Beckford?  I would run circles around that one.  We could handle
the kitchen, and the housework fine here, besides there are many young Señoritas
in the territory, who would be glad for a job as kitchen helper.  Maybe we could
even persuade Señora Lulu, at the Mercantile, to move out here, as helper.” 


Amelia’s eyes flew open, and Olivia snickered.  Amelia
had well heard about Lulu’s previous antics towards Lord Beckford. 


Beckford chuckled, “I doubt if we would be that
desperate.”  He then added, “Though that would be one idea.”  Amelia glared at


“If Consuelo leaves,” Maria began, “I will do the
cooking, and that is final.”    


Olivia ventured, “Of course, Maria, you will not do the
housework though. I would not allow it.    You would also have help in the
kitchen, but we will cross that bridge, when we come to it.”  She stated firmly. 
Then as an afterthought, “Oh, and of course, thank you and Ricardo, for your
offer to remain here on the ranch.  That is an offer we can’t resist.” 


Upon leaving her uncle’s study, Olivia wandered out to
the front courtyard, and stood on the covered patio watching as storm clouds
gathered.  Thunder rumbled, and lightening streaked across the dark sky, making
her skin prickle. 


“Stormy weather all around us.  Inside the house and
out.”  Logan’s voice spoke softly behind her. 


Olivia jumped, then turned quickly.  “Oh, you startled
me.”  She breathed. 


“Hadn’t meant to.  Sorry, just wanted to inhale some
of this fresh air.”


“Yes, it is nice, isn’t it?”  Olivia said.  “Stormy
weather always seems to invigorate me.”


“Well, does it now?”  Logan looked down at her, his
green eyes gleaming with that old familiar look.  “Does that mean you can still
outrun me?”  He teased, giving a soft laugh.


“Well, of course it does.”  She retorted.  “Though,
with the rain coming on, I wouldn’t venture out from under this roof.  I would
have to run into the house.” 


“Well, I don’t want you running into the house.”  He
laughed again, then added, “How would that look to the others?  The lady with
the umbrella may come after me then.”


Olivia laughed at the vision of Amelia chasing Logan, out into the rain, no less. 


The rain began with a fury, heavy droplets falling
from the roof onto the patio edge, and several cowhands ran to the corral to
lead the few horses into the dry stable.


As a harsh wind blew the icy rain onto the darkened
patio, making Olivia shiver, Logan moved nearer, “Cold?”  He asked, as he
ventured a warm, comforting arm around her shoulders. 


“A little.”  Olivia answered, though she started to
pull away. 


“Afraid Amelia might come out with her dangerous
weapon?”  He chuckled, as he hugged her tighter.


Olivia stopped trying to move away, and said, “I am
not afraid of Amelia.”


“I didn’t think you were.  Can I be honest with you,
Olivia?”  He asked. 


“Of course, Logan.”  She whispered, expectantly. 


“Well, first of all, I like being with you, like
this.  Second, I really enjoyed our walk together this afternoon and I hope you
did too.” 


“I…….I did very much.  It was so…….well, very nice,
and I love this ranch already.”  She spoke softly. 


“But you’ll go back to your Manor in England eventually, right?”  He asked seriously. 


She hesitated, “I….don’t know.  I’m not sure.  No…..I
don’t believe I will.”  She then turned to look up at Logan. 


He dropped his arm from around her shoulder, and
looked down at her curiously.  “Is there a good reason for your decision not to
return?”  He asked softly. 


“Oh, I…..I love this ranch, and could live here the
rest of my life.”  She stated. 


“Is that all?  The only reason?”  He asked. 


She countered with a question of her own, “Are you
still going back to Wyoming? 


“Actually, I had planned on leaving in the morning,
but now I’m not so sure, well, with the bad weather too.  Though, I know your
uncle has obligations here now, my folks do expect me back home at some point
in my life.” 


He paused, then added, “It’ll be snowing up there at
pa’s ranch before long, and I should be there before that happens.  Also
traveling in snowstorms isn’t the best way to travel, though we do have another
few weeks before that time, hopefully anyway.”


“Oh…..I see.”  She moved toward the doorway.  Then, “I
suppose I should be going in.” 


“Alright, Olivia.  It is pretty cold out here for
you.  Guess I haven’t been thinking.  Maybe we can talk more tomorrow?”  He


“Of course.  Good night, Logan…….oh, and thanks for
this afternoon.  I really did enjoy the walk.” 


“You are more than welcome, Olivia.  Maybe we could go
riding before I leave, if the weather permits.  You do ride, don’t you?” 


“Oh, yes.  I rode Uncle Claude’s horses, at the
Manor.  He was away so much, about six months out of every year, busy with his
shipping industry.  I rode almost every day when uncle was away.  Amelia rides
too so we rode together a lot.  Of course, my brother, Garth, will now take
over uncle’s business, for a while anyway.”


“How about riding with me tomorrow, then?  These
western horses are a little different from what you’re used to, but I believe
you will like them.”  He offered. 


“Tomorrow will be fine, Logan.  I’ll look forward to
it.  Good night, again.”  Olivia turned once more toward the doorway. 


“Wait, Olivia.”  Logan called, as she walked away.  He
walked over to her, as she turned, put both hands on her shoulders, and brushed
a tender kiss, across her soft lips.  “Now, good night, Olivia.”  He


Olivia was caught off guard.  Breathlessly she
whispered, “Good night.”  Then she disappeared into the dark entryway. 


stood there,
looking after her, not even noticing the cold, steady rainfall.  You are being
reckless, Logan.  He quietly said to himself.  You know this can’t work, don’t
you?  He turned to stare out into the dark stormy night, hardly seeing it. 


Olivia rushed to the safety of her room, closed the
door, then leaned against it, as a single tear fell from the corner of her
eye.  He’s only grateful to you, for caring for him while he recovered on the
Silver Princess.  He can’t be serious.  She moaned. 


Morning came, wet and cloudy, but the rain had
stopped.  Breakfast was served by a sullen-faced Consuelo.  As she placed two
large platters of flapjacks on the table, she spoke.  “Señor Beckford, please
do not be upset with me as I do not wish to do this thing that was asked of me
by Señorita Perkins.  Though I feel the girl is her own worst enemy but alone
on that small rancho, she will do naught but cause trouble for herself and any
others who venture around. 


“At times, when she was growing up, I was able to
control her somewhat.  I feel that I am needed there, to look after her.  At
least until she learns to manage on her own.  I do not wish to leave this, my
home for more than twenty years.  But I must.  The Señorita Trudy will not
admit it, but she feels lost, and she does need someone to look after her.  Someone
who knows her well.”


Lord Beckford nodded, and said, “Consuelo, do not
hesitate to do what you need to do, however, there will always be a place for
you here.  No hard feelings.  When you leave, let one of the hands take you to
the Perkins place in the wagon.  I will have your pay ready at that time.” 


“Then I shall leave this afternoon, Señor Claude.  If
the weather permits, maybe sooner.  I do not have many things to pack.”


“Take whatever you need, Consuelo.”  Beckford
replied.  “Sam Beckford wouldn’t have wanted you to do without, nor do I.”


“Gracias, Señor.”  She turned, then left the dining


As soon as Consuelo had gone to the kitchen, Maria
spoke.  “I will prepare the meals from now on, Señor Claude.”


“No hurry, Maria.”  Claude assured her.  “We can all
eat with the cowhands, at Hank’s cookhouse.   He’s quite a cook, from what I
hear, and I haven’t tried his steaks yet.”


“I would not hear of it.  That is final.”  Maria


Ricardo joined in, “Señor Claude, do not hurt my
Maria’s feelings.  You insult her cooking and we will, after all, go to Mexico.  And that is final.” 

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