Dark Journey Home (47 page)

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Authors: Cherie Shaw

BOOK: Dark Journey Home
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was given the
same room he had stayed in previously at the top of the stairs, then after
washing the trail dust off, he proceeded to walk down to the hotel restaurant. 
Once seated, and drinking a cup of hot, black coffee, the waitress, Dolly took
his order.  “I’ll have Hank wave a nice thick steak over the fire, just the way
you like it, cowboy.  Fried potatoes, thick gravy and creamed peas.  How’s that
for service?”      


“Sounds like the best service I’ve had in awhile.”  Logan answered.


“Hey, cowboy, you flirting with my girl?”  Bart McCain
asked, as he walked up, then gave a slap on Logan’s shoulder.


“Hello, McCain.  Did you follow us to town?”  Logan grinned, as he waved McCain to a seat, and added, “Didn’t know Dolly was your gal. 
Guess my heart’s been broke for sure now, but I’ll just have to step aside.” 
Dolly was listening, and gave a laugh, “That’d be the day, Logan, when you take
your mind off that little lady you’re so stuck on to even look at the likes of
me.”  She took Bart McCain’s order then flounced off to the kitchen, after
winking at the two men. 


McCain answered Logan, after Dolly had left, “No,
Logan.  I had to come to town to pick up some supplies for the ranch.  Got the
wagon loaded, but seen you come into the restaurant, and thought I’d have a
bite myself, before heading back.  And, no, Dolly ain’t my gal, but sometimes I
wish she was.  Known ‘er for over twenty years, an’ ain’t no nicer little
lady.  Sometimes I feel like she’s serious about me, and then I think it over
and I think she’s just being nice.” 


“You’ll never know unless you ask her, McCain.”  Logan offered. 


“Yeah, an’ make a durn fool of myself.  One time I
almost asked her, then changed my mind.  I’ve saved a lot of my wages, over the
years, thought to start a spread of my own, but then I’ve been so attached to
the Triple-B.  Guess I’d miss it some, wouldn’t be no use to have me a place,
unless I could take Dolly with.  Not sure if she’d go or not.  An’ talk about
askin’, don’t you think it’s about time for you to get serious and ask that little
niece of the boss’s just where you stand with her?” 


“What do you mean?”  Logan was surprised. 


“Don’t act so surprised, Logan.  Everyone on the ranch
has seen how you get all mushy-eyed, when she’s around.  An’ we all know about
the picnic up in them hills, where you two went ridin’ the other day.  So don’t
tell me to ask Dolly anything until you declare yourself to Miss Olivia
Worthington.”  Bart gave a knowing smile, and began spooning sugar and cream
into his coffee. 


“I……..guess; I just didn’t know it showed.  Not sure
what to do about her though, McCain.  Just what would you advise?  She’s worlds
apart from me.”


“Ricardo told me that he thinks you should just haul
off and ask for her hand.  Wouldn’t hurt none, then at least you’d know where
you stand with her.  Frankly, Ricardo believes the lady feels the same about
you.  You are one good-lookin’ galoot, an’ the ladies sure give you the looks
when you come to town.”


“Ricardo needs to mind his own business.  He has
enough to take care of.”  Logan grumbled. 


Bart only chuckled.  “You sure got it bad, pard.” 


Dolly brought steaming plates of steaks, potatoes,
gravy and creamed peas.  Then returned a few minutes later to refill coffee
cups, and plunked down two large plates of apple pie.  “On the house.”  She


Logan and Bart McCain got busy stuffing themselves with
the tasty meal, so there was no more talk about the ladies, and McCain had to leave
after eating to haul supplies to the ranch before dark.  The fall season was on
the way, and days were getting shorter, with the sun climbing down behind the
western mountains early.


Back at the ‘Triple-B’ Ranch, Claude Beckford was
seated in his leather chair, behind the well-polished desk in his study, deep
in thought.  He was surprised to see Olivia hesitantly enter the room.  “Well,
Niece, I was just thinking of escorting you to the dining room.  It’s about
that time, isn’t it?”  He arose and circled the desk, then, taking her arm, he
led her to an easy chair before the fireplace and before she could speak, he
added, “I was hoping for a few moments to talk to you before dinner.”


“Yes, Uncle Claude?”  Olivia began, as she seated
herself in a black leather upholstered easy chair.  “Actually I wished a word
with you also.  I know you and Amelia, are expecting the preacher from town,
possibly tomorrow, and I wanted your opinion on refreshments to be served.  I’m
not sure that we expect very many guests.  I am aware that most of the hired
hands are out on the range busy with rounding up cattle, and, unless you expect
folks from neighboring ranches and from town, there won’t be too many people


“Exactly what I wanted to discuss with you, Niece. 
You must have read my mind.”  His blue eyes twinkled as he added, “I could wish
that I had wed Amelia years ago, though she wished to wait.  By the way, has
your young man proposed yet?  Could this possibly turn out to be a double


“Uncle Claude, be serious.”  Olivia scolded. 


“You know, Niece, I almost feel sorry for that poor
chap, Henry Adams.  He’s followed you halfway around the world and, after
Ricardo told me the details of this morning’s happenings, I realized just how
enamored with you he really is.”  Claude shook his white head, as he continued,
“Then to be arrested and handcuffed in the presence of you ladies.  It will be
a wonder if he ever recovers from the shame of it all.” 


“You really are an old softie, Uncle Claude.  But
maybe now ‘poor’ Henry will get the help he needs.  However, the scoundrel is
really more enamored with your wealth than any feelings he may have for me.” 


“Think what you will, Ollie.  You are a lovely young
lady.  That Logan chap can attest to that.” 


“Oh, and by the way, Uncle, think how devastated poor
Lulu Haskell will be when she hears about your wedding.”  Olivia teased. 


Claude chuckled, and said, “And that lovely lady was
also impressed with my wealth.  Maybe I should have invited her to the ceremony
to watch me wed the love of my life.” Olivia giggled, and came back with, “Oh
you are a cruel one, Uncle.  Maybe we should go into supper.” 


As the Grandfather Clock, which stood proudly against
the west wall between two very tall bookcases, began to loudly chime the hour, the
two left the study arm in arm.  Olivia asked, “Are you and Amelia going away
for a honeymoon?” 


“We are away.”  He answered lightly. 


“Oh, you know what I mean.  Just the two of you, alone


“We discussed that, Amelia and I.”  He hesitated, then
turned to look at Olivia, “I told Logan we’d go to Wyoming with him, that is
what Amelia wants also.  We’ll leave soon.  Probably travel by stage most of
the way, though we will bring our own horses to ride part way.  I believe
Ricardo and Maria can handle things here; we also have a very capable foreman
in Chester Burns.  How about it Olivia?  Do you want to see more of this
country?  I promised you a vacation. Staying here on the ‘Triple-B’ isn’t
getting much traveling done.” 


“I’ll be ready to leave, when you are, Uncle Claude. 
I do love this place.  Will we return here, or go on to those far-off lands
you’ve told me about?” 


He smiled tenderly, “What do you think, Olivia?  Shall
we return to our ranch?” 


“I……..I believe so.  It kind of feels like home to me
already.  I never dreamed of what I had been lacking in my life, back there at
the Manor.  I can always see those far-off lands another time.  Besides, you
have already seen them, a million times, and I have had enough of the sea
already.  I favor this western land, Uncle Claude.” 


“Alright, we’ll see how things go.  I did instruct Chester to have the men complete the roundup and branding while we are gone but to wait
until spring for the trail drive to sell cattle.  We may even wait until the
next fall, as I was informed that there has been enough selling of the stock
already, and we need to build up the herd to where it once was when my cousin
was owner.  We should be back here before the spring roundup anyway, and then
I’ll decide.  I’d like to ride with on that drive up north to the rails. 
Should be quite an experience. 


“Now if they keep the cattle mostly on the lower range
during the cold months, they should do well.  The men have stacked up feed to last
out the really cold spells.” 


Olivia giggled, and said, “Uncle Claude, you are
losing your British accent, and are sounding like a true westerner more and
more every day.” 


Claude chuckled, “It’s for sure, I’m learning more
every day, this is surely different from the shipping industry.”  Then he
added, “Oh, by the way, Niece, Garth sent a wire just before leaving New York, stating that he had shipped the rest of your trunks to the ranch.  They should be
here when we return from Wyoming.”


Olivia sobered, and replied, “Garth is a thoughtful
brother and I miss him, as ever.”


“Yes, he and Bridgett are on their way back to England by now.  Right now I’m ready to eat.  How about you?”


The Methodist preacher, and his wife, along with two
pretty, red-haired young daughters, arrived at the Triple-B in a shiny black
buggy at exactly ten-thirty the next morning.   Logan Wakefield, riding his
sturdy roan gelding, rode in about fifteen minutes behind the preacher. 
Already the courtyard was filling up with neighbors and townsfolk, along with
noisy youngsters. 


News had spread like wildfire, throughout the
territory, and when folks had heard that there was to be a wedding, especially
when the groom was the owner of one of the largest spreads in the territory and
kin to the original owner, Sam Beckford, and anyone able to attend was invited,
they began packing up lunches, and children, along with homemade presents,
jams, jellies and desserts, and traveled for miles in wagons, buggies and
horseback, looking forward to the event.  Roundup had come to a halt,
temporarily, so that most of the cowhands could join in the festivities. 


Olivia stood at the front window looking out, just as Logan was tying his roan with a slipknot to the hitching post outside the gate.  She was
totally stunned, yet pleased at the same time, when she saw how many folks had
shown up for her uncle’s wedding.  They had only expected a small group to
attend.  However, she was more than happy, when she saw Logan walk in, joining
the others, with smiles and handshakes, only she gave a slight frown when she
noted Trudy Perkins arrive, on the arm of Cougar Olson.  Oh well, at least the
little she-devil was escorted by the cowboy, and Logan hadn’t looked her way.  


Maria joined her at the window, and exclaimed, “Mercy,
I only hope that Hank has enough coffee and cake to go around, I’ll stretch out
the fried chicken, though I already have many tortillas filled with refried
beans and hot sauce.  We also have those platters of the cookies you baked last
evening.  That should please everyone.  The little ones will be happy playing
their games and filling up on the sweets.  Oh my, Señorita, is that Lulu
Haskell and her sister who just walked up.  H’mmmm, maybe I should put that
gringo, frizzy-haired female to work, helping serve the refreshments.” 


“Oh really, Maria.”  Olivia giggled, then added, “Oh
well, she might surprise you, and volunteer to do just that.  Wait a minute; is
that our sheriff, who is escorting her?”


“I believe you are right.  I almost did not recognize
the gringo sheriff.  My what a handsome figure of a man he makes in his grey
suit.  Oh, but that is his old battered hat.”


Olivia laughed, and said, “Lulu does have a tight hold
on his arm.  I doubt if she would let go long enough to help us serve the food,
though I suspect some of the other women will volunteer their services, heaven
knows there are plenty of them, and it does seem that they all brought food


The wedding was held in the courtyard with the
heavenly fragrance of roses filling the air.  The beautiful ceremony, with a
few tears shed here and there, was a happy occasion and Amelia had never looked
lovelier in her elegant gown, brought all the way from England.  Of course, Claude Beckford was at his most distinguished best.  Logan, standing
up as best man, wore a new western style black suit he’d had made for the
occasion.  Ricardo, pleased at having been chosen to give the bride away, had
donned his Mexican style outfit, complete with the silver conchos running down
each side.

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