Dark Journey Home (40 page)

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Authors: Cherie Shaw

BOOK: Dark Journey Home
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But it was neither.  It was Logan Wakefield, who
opened the door, and stepped inside the room, with both arms full of her
luggage, and who almost dropped the bags, as he stood with his mouth agape,
staring at Olivia, with her golden curls flowing around her shoulders, then a
foolish grin spread across his handsome suntanned face.  A brow arched, as he
softly said, “Your servant, Ma’am, just bringing your luggage.”



“Oh, I’m sorry.”  Olivia quickly rinsed the soap from
her hands, and grabbed a white towel.  “I……I thought you were Amelia, or
Maria.”  She explained. 


“Now, Olivia,” Logan shook his head, chuckling, “do I
look like either one of them?” 


“No.”  She flustered.  “Oh, you…….”  If she had her
hairbrush handy, she would throw it at him. 


“I really should apologize.”  Logan sobered, “Guess I
should have let you know it was me before barging in, but Consuelo said you
needed your bags brought in, and told me which room was yours.  I figured you
were waiting for them.”


“It’s alright really.  It was kind of you to bring
them.”  She looked up at him, and smiled.  That smile was almost Logan’s undoing, and he quickly looked away, then set down the bags, and began backing to
the door.


“I’d better leave before your friend Amelia catches me
in your room, and arms herself with her umbrella.”  He laughed then, “You sure
do look pretty, with your hair down like that.”  He backed out of the door. 


“Thank you for bringing my bags.  I’ll see you at
lunch then.”  She called after him, as he was disappearing down the hallway.


Olivia slowly closed her door, opened one of the
satchels, and reached inside, taking out her favorite book of poetry.  She
opened the book to the page where she had pressed the lovely rose petals, then
touched each soft petal, with her finger tips.  She laid the open book on the
bed, as she began to carefully dress for lunch, choosing a simple blue gingham
day gown, then taking more time than usual on her hair.  She brushed it until
it shone, then pinned it up on her head in a loose upsweep. 


Before leaving to go to Amelia’s room to see if she
was ready for lunch, Olivia closed the book with the rose petals in it, then
tucked the book carefully under one of the soft feather pillows on her bed.  She
felt like a silly schoolgirl.  There definitely was life outside of Beckford
Manor, and Olivia was determined to see as much of it as she possibly could. 
Humming to herself, she then hurried to Amelia’s room.


“Now just what brought that flush to your cheeks,
young lady?”  Amelia asked, sternly, as she opened her door to Olivia’s rap. 
“Maybe we should share a room after all.  Has that cowboy been hanging around


“Do you mean Logan?  Oh, Amelia, really.  He only
brought my luggage and he was a perfect gentleman.  I wanted to see if you were
ready for lunch and it appears that you are, so being as I am starved, let’s go. 
Oh and please leave that umbrella in your room.” 


“Ricardo brought my luggage along with his and
Maria’s.  I didn’t have a special delivery from that ‘cowboy’ Logan, like you
did.”  Amelia stated firmly.  “And furthermore, just when are we going back
home, so you can stop this nonsense, blushing every time that Logan chap comes
near you?  A person would think you were taken with him.  We need to get you out
of this uncivilized country away from these crude westerners so you can come to
your senses.  It’s a wonder we haven’t been attacked by savage Indians.” 
Amelia stomped off down the hallway, ahead of Olivia. 


“Amelia, wait, it’s not like that, really, and
besides, Uncle Claude likes Logan, and trusts him, and you should too.”  Olivia


They were joined by Olivia’s Uncle Claude, just as
they were entering the Dining Room with the long carved oak table, set with
delicate china and complete with bowls of hot beef, mashed potatoes, gravy, and
many side dishes. 


“Well, Ollie and Amelia,” Claude began, “does this
ranch meet with your approval?”  He pulled out two chairs, and waited until the
ladies had seated themselves, then he went around to the head of the table, to
seat himself, just as Logan, Ricardo and Maria walked into the room. 


“Of course, Uncle Claude.”  Olivia answered her uncle,
“I believe I could stay at this ranch forever.  I’ve never seen anything like
it, and I can’t wait ‘til after lunch, when I will search the whole place until
I’ve seen everything there is to see.” 


sat down across
from Olivia.  “If you want a tour of the ranch, just say the word.  Ricardo and
I are fairly familiar with the place, and at least one of us can show you


“Oh…….that would be nice.  Thank you.”  She answered.


“H’mph!”  Was all Amelia could offer, then she said,
as she stiffened her shoulders, looking Logan right in the eye, “I believe we
could all benefit by a tour of the place, right after lunch, ‘we’ could all
take a walk then.  Thank you for offering, Mr. Wakefield.” 


wondered about
Amelia’s sudden formality, but then he was hungry, and the food looked good.  Consuelo
was definitely a good cook, and a good hostess as well, however, he noted that
she catered mostly to Claude Beckford, seeming to favor him over the others. 
Well, Claude was a cousin of the original owner and Consuelo was probably
partial to Claude because she was glad to have old Sam Beckford’s kin here now. 


She made sure his glass was kept full of cold tea and
his plate never empty until Claude had to wave her away.  She was hovering
around him a little too much; however he was enjoying the glares the
housekeeper was receiving from Amelia.  His love was definitely jealous.  He
smiled at Amelia.   Ignoring him, she picked at her food. 


Later, as Olivia began her tour of the hacienda, Uncle
Claude begged off saying he was going to have a meeting with the men over at
the cook house.  The hands that weren’t out on the range would assemble there
after lunch.  Maria said she was going to take a nap.  Amelia stomped off
towards the corridor leading to her room, not speaking to anyone; however, with
her back turned, she had a faint smile on her lips.  Drastic situations called
for drastic measures.  Ricardo said he would attend the meeting with Claude. 


In the corridor, Maria slowed down to wait for
Amelia.  “Don’t you think you are putting on the show a little too thick,
Amelia?”  Maria asked the older woman.  They both looked at each other, and
burst out laughing.


Olivia was alone with Logan as her guide.


“We can start with the south wing, where your Uncle
Claude has his suite of rooms, with a study and library across the hall from
his room.  I have a room adjoining his.”  Logan stated as he took Olivia’s arm
and escorted her to the south wing of the house. 


“By the way, Olivia,” He looked at her quizzically,
“why is your friend, Amelia, upset?  Has someone ruffled her feathers?” 


“Oh, I guess she wasn’t amused by the housekeeper’s
hovering over my uncle.”  Laughed Olivia.  “Probably a little put out is all. 
She’ll get over it.” 


“No.” Logan pointed out, “It couldn’t have been only
that.  Amelia was fairly frothing at the mouth, even before that overdone
display of Consuelo’s.”


“Oh well,” Olivia hesitated, then, “Um….she did ask me
when I would return to England, and come to my senses.  Not sure what she meant
by that though.  Whatever it was, it’s not important.  I’m enjoying myself too
much to worry about someone’s grumpy moods.”


The first room they entered was the study, which had
also been used as a library, with countless books lining the shelves.  “Uncle
will love this room, and I may just spend days, or even months in here
reading.  What a collection!”  Olivia ran her hand over the leather bindings on
several books. 


“Will you have months to spend here reading, at the
ranch, Olivia?”  Logan asked. 


“Oh……well, maybe just days then.  Although if I had my
way, I could spend a lifetime on this ranch.” 


“Olivia, it’s your life to live, and from what I can
figure out, it’s about time you decided just what it is you do want to do with
your life.”  Logan insisted. 


“Excuse me?”  She flustered.  “You mean you think I’m
getting to an age where I’d better do something with my life, before it’s too
late?”  She huffed. 


“Oh, no.  I didn’t mean that.  Now please don’t get
your feathers ruffled.  You are a beautiful young woman.  I’m just amazed you
have avoided marriage.  You must have had many offers.”  He explained. 


“You mean many offers all those years?  Just what did
you mean, Logan?”  She put her hands on her hips, and looked up at him,
sky-blue eyes sparkling wistfully.  It was all Logan could do not to take her
in his arms, and kiss away the bewildered expression from her eyes.


He swallowed, hesitated, then tried again to explain. 
“Well, first of all, I have been known to put a booted foot into my mouth when
I’m around lovely lass.  Second, I’ve been at sea for eight long years of my
life.  Those years were lost, never will be regained, so if I don’t say exactly
what I mean at times, I guess.……..well, can we just begin this conversation


Logan looked so pathetic, that Olivia burst out
laughing, then said, “I’m sorry for laughing, but you have the same expression
as you had when it was pouring outside in Coyote Springs, and you came in out
of the rain, soaked to the……well, soaking wet.  And, yes please, let’s start
the conversation over, and I do apologize for my burst of temper, maybe it’s
rubbing off from Amelia.”  She finished. 


“Alright,” pointing to the book shelves, Logan said, “the library wasn’t used during the years that Woody Perkins lived here.  He
never learned to read, that’s why he was such easy prey for Phillips and
Holderman.  Being ignorant isn’t a crime.  His greed is what got him this place,
though we can never prove him guilty of intent to steal the Triple-B. 


“He did receive funds from the sale of cattle though,
but your uncle didn’t want to prosecute for that, and I’m sure most of the
money was spent long ago.  He was more of an illegal squatter here than
anything.  I’m sure his daughter, Trudy, reads, but never really liked books
that well.  She was too busy tormenting the hired hands and trying to escape
the controlling hand of her father.” 


“Oh, do you mean it was torment for the cowboys to
have to keep away from the little ‘python’?”   Olivia asked. 


At Logan’s questioning look, and raised eyebrow, she
relented, “I’m sorry.  There I go again.  I’m sure the Perkins girl has had
some hard times…….that is when she wasn’t busy spending my Uncle Claude’s
money.”  She finished with a shrug, then she and Logan both laughed. 


He suggested, “I guess we might as well look over the
rest of the house, not the kitchen though.  From what I’ve heard, you’d
probably take over the cooking from Consuelo, and then I’d never get you out of
there.”  He chuckled. 


Olivia joined in, “You’re probably right.  Uncle
Claude and Amelia both gave up years ago, trying to keep me out of the kitchen
at Beckford Manor.  I pestered the cooks for years, until they finally taught
me everything they knew, just to shut me up.  I cooked many a meal there, and
Uncle didn’t know.  He always praised the chefs, but they never told him that I
had cooked the meal.” 


After a quick exploration of the rest of the hacienda,
Logan suggested a stroll around the ranch yard, to which Olivia readily


As they approached the corral, the young blonde
cowhand, known as Smokey, was leading out a rebellious chestnut mustang, from
the stables.  The older red-haired hand, Rusty, was attempting to saddle the
horse, and after the third attempt, he managed to keep the saddle in place,
then tightened the cinch. 


Seeing Logan approaching, Rusty called, “There’s the
pro.  Hey Logan, you wanna try breakin’ this bronc?”


“Sorry boys, but I’m showing the owner’s niece around
the ranch.  Maybe later, when I have time.  You boys have at it.”  Logan answered. 


Smokey called, “Ah’ll be glad to show the lady around
for you.” 

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