Dark Journey Home (37 page)

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Authors: Cherie Shaw

BOOK: Dark Journey Home
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While the two lawmen gave escort to the prisoners back
to town, Claude Beckford, along with Garth, Logan and Ricardo held a short
meeting in the study with Woody Perkins.  It hadn’t yet been decided what to do
with the sullen, ignorant man, and Beckford hesitated to press charges, though
Perkins had received stolen funds from the ranch, but after a long discussion,
it was decided to allow Woody to return to his small deserted ranch, a few
miles down the road. 


Perkins couldn’t believe his good fortune, being
afraid he was going to face a prison term for his ignorance.  He readily
accepted the deal.  The old place would need fixing up, but Woody promised to
see to it.  After all these years, maybe something about the small ranch could
be salvaged.  Woody Perkins was allowed to pack up his belongings, and Logan
and Ricardo volunteered to take a wagon, and see that Woody and his belongings
were properly delivered to his old deserted ranch, down the road with his
promise not to set foot on Triple-B property any time in the future.  Choked
up, Woody gave a nod of acceptance.         


Amid loud protests, Holderman and Attorney Phillips,
alias Holderness and Phelps, spent the next three days in the Coyote Springs
jail, in matching cells, awaiting trial, until the District Judge arrived. 
After the trial was over, the judge turned the prisoners over to the Texas
Rangers, to head to San Antonio for their court appearance there, after which,
their terms in the Territorial Prison would begin.  Ranger Jake Welby, his assignment
completed, decided to ride as far as El Paso with the trio, and, once there, he
would begin another assignment.  Logan didn’t like to bid his ranger friend
goodbye, but knew he had to leave.  He thanked him for his help, along with
many hearty thanks from Claude, Garth, and the ladies.  They would all truly miss
the rugged and likeable Ranger Welby, and had gotten used to his presence.  But
they knew he had a duty to the Rangers, and he had promised to stop and visit
if they were at the ranch when he passed this way again.




Work on the Triple-B Ranch continued as usual, but in
a much lighter and happier atmosphere.  Chester Burns, who had not known of the
scam, had been returned to his former position as foreman, he was known, now
and then, to even crack a rare smile.  Hank Chavez, the cook for the men, now
had much more material for his long-winded stories, and enjoyed the telling of
them, over and over again.  Ricardo had volunteered to remain at the ranch,
while the others returned to town to await the trial.  As the group had been saddled
and ready to ride, Logan called to Ricardo, who had followed them to the
stable, “We’ll be sure and bring Maria with us when we return, Ricardo.  That
is if she hasn’t replaced you by now.” 


With a chuckle, Logan rode away, but he heard the
retort from Ricardo.  “If she has, amigo, then I shall court Consuelo here. 
She is one good cook and it will be Maria’s fault, if I gain twenty pounds,
before she gets here.”


Consuelo, who had been hanging laundry on a rope
strung between two trees, had heard what Ricardo said, and called, “You, Señor,
may brag all you want, but I would have something to say about that, besides I
have heard about that little wife of yours, and would not wish to tangle with


Ricardo walked on toward Hank’s kitchen.  Maybe the
cook would like to chat a while.




In Coyote Springs, the morning after the trial, Garth,
and his vivacious, red-haired wife, Bridget, were awaiting the morning stage to
begin their long journey back east before sailing back to England.  Garth was going to handle his Uncle’s import, export business, and at the same
time, he and Bridget would also continue taking on assignments from the British


Olivia walked up to once again hug her brother
farewell.  “Garth,” She began, “be sure and write and wire us often during your
trip.  Let us know the minute you arrive home at the Manor.” 


“Don’t worry, Olivia.”  Bridget promised, “Your
brother’s a married man now, so I’ll make sure he remembers.  Who knows, we may
make a trip back this way one of these months.  I take it you and your Uncle
Claude, will be staying at the ranch for awhile?”  She asked. 


“Oh, I don’t know.  I haven’t even seen the place yet,
but Uncle said the housekeeper is getting the house ready for us.  We’ll be
traveling there right after the stage leaves.  I’m all packed, and ready. 
Can’t wait to see the place.”


Claude shook hands heartily with his nephew, then
after giving him a bear hug, he turned to Bridget and gave her a hug with a
kiss on the forehead. 


By the time the stage pulled away, Logan had finished
loading the wagon he’d brought from the ranch with luggage belonging to the
women.  He had already wished Olivia’s brother and sister-in-law goodbye, and
knew Olivia hated to see her brother leave.  Logan also anxiously waited
showing Olivia her Uncle’s ranch.  She’d probably never seen anything like it. 
He hoped she would be so impressed with the place that she would consider
staying in the west, at least for awhile.  Logan’s thoughts turned to his own
pending journey to Wyoming.  Home.  It was still taking him a long time to
return, however, he also hoped that Claude wouldn’t have changed his mind about
the trip up north with him.  Logan had so counted on showing Claude and his
niece the fine horses his father raised, though who would be managing the
triple-B for Claude now?    


Maria, who had brought her small satchel to the wagon,
now approached Logan, interrupting his thoughts, and asking, “Tell me, Señor
Logan, my Ricardo, has he been behaving himself, while he has been away from


chuckled, “Like
a Saint, Maria.  Knowing you, I believe, my amigo knows the consequences if he
doesn’t.  Besides, there are no Señoritas at the ranch, even half as lovely as


“Always the flatterer, Señor Logan.  Perhaps, you
should use some of that flattery on a certain young Señorita, who is just
bursting to hear it.”  With a shrug, and a giggle, Maria walked over to join
the others. 


“H’mmm, wonder just what she meant by that.”  Logan mused, smiling to himself.  He really had missed seeing Olivia, while at the ranch,
however, he still figured that she was not for the likes of him.  They were
miles apart in all ways, but he could still dream.   


Olivia glanced Logan’s way, then turned away quickly,
when she realized he was staring at her, with that same silly grin she’d seen
before, whenever he looked at her.  She mused. Would she ever be happy again,
living in the lovely Manor, and in later years, as a lonely, aging spinster? 
She was going on twenty-six in a few months, and the only man she’d felt the
least attraction to in years, has to be an American, and a cowboy at that. 
“Heavens,” thought Olivia, “I need to stop these foolish thoughts.  Uncle Claude
would be shocked, and Amelia even worse.  She’d think me utterly mad.” 


As the group prepared to leave for the ranch, Maria
stated, “Someone needs to ride with Señor Logan, as he will be driving the
wagon.  The buggy only seats three people, so Amelia and I will ride with
Claude, while he drives the buggy.  Olivia, you can ride with Logan in the


Olivia stood staring as Amelia and Maria were assisted
into the buggy by her uncle, then Claude walked over to help Olivia up onto the
wagon seat, next to Logan.  Logan turned to her and grinned.  “Oh, really.” 
Olivia said, as her heart gave a little flutter.


Olivia folded her hands in her lap, sitting prim and
proper on the board seat of the wagon, as Logan let out the brake then urged
the team of horses into a steady trot.  Olivia, almost unseated, let out a
gasp, and grabbed ahold of the edge of the seat, with both hands, then gasped, “Oh


“Not quite like a soft buggy ride, is it, Miss Worthington?” 


“Oh, no….I mean, Well….it just caught me off guard,
that’s all.” 


“It will be a rough trail, especially since the rain
washed out the road in places, but you’ll be alright, I won’t let you fall
out.  Your uncle would have my scalp, if that happened.” 


“I’m fine, really.”  Olivia assured him, as she
continued to hang on with both hands.  She was glad she’d worn her heavy blue
traveling suit, as the weather was a bit chilly, though it was still early
morning, and she figured it would probably warm up later on in the day. 


“If you’re cold, there’s a blanket behind the seat,
you can wrap up in it.”  Logan offered, looking over at her. 


“Oh, no……I’ll be fine, Mr. Wakefield.” 


“It’s still ‘Mister’, is it?  When are we going to use
first names, Miss Worthington?”  Logan asked. 


Olivia sighed, “Of course.  I needn’t have been so
formal.  Everyone else calls you Logan.  I’m sorry……Logan.  Oh, and you should
call me Olivia.  You’ve certainly been a big help to us and I really do
appreciate your taking time away from your journey back to Wyoming.  After all
you went through for so many years at sea, on that horrible Captain Devlin’s


“I guess your Uncle told you all about that, didn’t he.” 
He glanced over at her again. 


“Of course, though it’s hard to believe people can be
so cruel.  Remember, well maybe you don’t remember too much about when we found
you, but I did see your condition after your escape, and wandering through the
streets of London.  You’ve made an amazing recovery, Logan.” 


“I do feel like a new person, thanks to you and your
uncle’s care.  And then Maria too, a kind and caring lady, and her husband,
Ricardo.  He’s become such a good friend to me and I shall miss him as a
comrade when they leave for Mexico.  But then, in answer to your question, the
memory is somewhat vague after I left Devlin’s ship and my first few days
aboard The Silver Princess.  Although my memory is clear in one respect.”  He
glanced her way again.    


“Oh?  And what is that?”  Olivia asked.


“When you were putting cold cloths on my head, I had a
raging fever, but I do remember your soft, gentle touch.  And then you read
poetry to me.  I think that helped more in my healing, than any medicine could
have done.” 


“Oh, really, Mr…….well, Logan.  I did what I could. 
I’m glad it helped anyway.”  She let out a snicker, “That’s the first time my
poetry reading has helped to heal the sick.  I’ll have to remember that one.” 


“Please don’t use that potion very often; I would like
to think it was for me alone.” 


“Well, alright.”  She smiled, then she glanced back
over her shoulder, to see the buggy quite a ways behind. 


“They’re staying a ways behind, but your uncle knows
the way.  I told him where we’d stop for water, and rest for the horses, so
he’ll know where to stop.”  Logan assured her.    


“We’re turning off the road.  Is this where we stop?” 
She asked.    


“Yes, there’s a small stream around the bend.  The
rest of them will follow in a few minutes.”  Logan answered, “You’ll like it
here.  It’s peaceful, and cooler than the trail too, as there’s lots of trees,
and the cool stream too.”  He pulled the team to a halt in the shade of several
large spreading sycamore and oak trees, then after securing the brake, jumped
down, and reached up for Olivia.  She readily accepted his help in getting down
from the hard wagon seat, and Logan lifted her easily, swinging her to the
ground.  Secretly Olivia hadn’t had so much fun in years, maybe never. 


“You can go ahead, the stream’s behind those trees;
I’ll bring the horses down in a minute.”  He said, turning away. 


Olivia walked through the tall grass toward where Logan had pointed, and she could hear the gurgling stream, before she could see it.  Once there,
it was all she could do, not to take her shoes off, and go wading.  It was the
most breathtaking sight she had seen in ages, and Logan was right, it was
cooler here.  The trail had become hot and dusty, as the day wore on, but this
felt just about right. 


Maria and Amelia came walking up behind her.  “How is
the romance going, Señorita Olivia?”  Maria asked, laughing.  “Has the gringo
proposed yet?” 


“Oh, you.”  Olivia giggled, “Not yet, but I expect it
any minute.  There, does that satisfy you?  And please don’t let my Uncle
Claude hear you ask such a foolish question.  He would send me right back to England.” 

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