Dark Journey Home (38 page)

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Authors: Cherie Shaw

BOOK: Dark Journey Home
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“I think not, Señorita, but think what you will.  Your
Uncle has stopped to help Logan to unhitch and bring the horses down here to
the stream.  Do you miss him already?” 


“Of course, Maria.  I always miss my dear Uncle.” 
Olivia quipped, as she walked to the stream, and dipped her hands into the cool
water, bringing it to her face, feeling the coolness. 


“You know full well who I meant.  But play your gringo
games, if you will.” 


Amelia came up beside Olivia.  “Pay no heed to that
woman, my dear.  She has nothing but romance in her head.  Just because she and
Ricardo have such a great marriage.  She wants to marry off every single lady
she knows.  You have always been happy at Beckford Manor, and don’t let anyone
try to keep you from going back there and continuing your peaceful lifestyle
once this mad vacation of your Uncle’s is over. 


“He not only had to drag you off to this wild country,
he had to insist that I follow.  Though, heaven only knows what would have
happened to you if I had not come.  That old fool would probably have you
married off to one of these uncivilized cowboys if he had his way, then I’d
have to take my umbrella to him.”


“Oh, Amelia dear, Uncle wouldn’t do that.  He would
never approve of anything remotely like my marriage to a……..cowboy, and please,
not that umbrella again.  Heavens.”  Olivia argued, her face turning the most
becoming shade of pink, then she heard her Uncle’s voice, and the sound of
horses being brought to the stream.



“Well, what do you think so far, Ollie?”  Her Uncle
Claude asked.  “How do you like this country now?” 


“Actually, Uncle Claude, I’m so glad you insisted on
this vacation.  I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.  It’s a lovely
country, and just look at our surroundings now, the cool stream, those
wonderful shade trees, the colorful wildflowers.  It’s rather breathtaking. 
Don’t you think?” 


“I was hoping you’d like it here, Niece.”  Claude
said, as he watched the horses lapping up the cool water, then as they wandered
over and began pulling at, and munching the tall grass.  “I always figured on
coming to the western part of the country, and I’m glad that I waited to bring
you with. 


Logan, walking up to Claude, took two cigars from his
shirt pocket, and handed one to Claude, then struck a match, lighting both
cigars.  “You know, Claude,” he began, “I can’t begin to thank you, and your
niece, for what you’ve done for me.  My life was certainly hopeless a few short
months ago, and if it hadn’t been for you two, I wouldn’t have had much of a
future, probably none at all.”


“We were glad to help you son and no thanks are
needed.  You have more than repaid anything we did for you.  I’d do it all over
again, and I know my niece would also.”  Claude looked over at Olivia. 


“Certainly, Uncle Claude.”  Olivia agreed, then turned
to Logan.  “We were glad to help, and as my Uncle said, you have gone out of
your way to befriend us on this journey, besides delaying your trip back to
your folks’ ranch in Wyoming.  We certainly thank you so maybe we are even
now.”  Olivia gave a breathtaking smile. 


couldn’t resist,
and grinned back at her. 


Maria and Amelia were sitting on the bank of the
stream, watching the exchange, and talking among themselves.  Maria said, “I
will be glad to see my Ricardo again.  Maybe he can talk some sense into Señor
Logan.  This cold natured romance of those two needs to be warmed up.  Maybe we
can figure a way to make one of them jealous, sometimes that will work.” 


“As for me,” Amelia began, “I would discourage this
budding romance.  That, at least, would push Olivia in Logan’s direction.  She
always was a rebellious child and certainly knows her own mind.”  She laughed,
“But then, this chap Logan seems to be a little slow in declaring his
feelings.  Something drastic needs to be done.  Maybe while we are at the ranch
we can figure out something to get those two together.  Olivia figures that her
Uncle Claude wouldn’t approve, though that couldn’t be further from the truth. 
None of the young men back in England seemed to be of interest to her.  I think
Claude would like to see her happily married, but not to a spoiled offspring of
one of those stuffy members of British society..  I’ve had my dealings with
those folks, when I came upon hard times myself and believe me, there was no
sympathy there, and I thank the Lord every day for my Claude Beckford.  My
family were wealthy for a time, but when they passed away I almost became
homeless.  All my inheritance went to pay off past debts.  Well, anyway, Claude
quickly hired me to run his household.”


“However,” Maria asked, “you became more than a
servant, did you not, Señora Amelia?” 


“Actually we became very good friends, and came almost
to the point of marriage, then we began raising Olivia and her brother, Garth. 
Though Claude insisted that we should marry, even then, I felt it would be
improper at that time to even think of such a thing.  So we waited, and it was
agreed, between the two of us, that we would wait until the children were
grown, and possibly married themselves, then we could eventually lead our own
lives, marry and no one would talk, at least not too much, but it hasn’t worked
out that way.  We always wanted the best for Olivia and Garth, now I’m not so
sure I made the right decision at that time.”


“Let me tell it like it is, Señora Amelia, Olivia, she
and Garth both know, and even most of the employees at Beckford Manor, from
what I hear.  And that will be all I will say.”


“They can’t possibly know, we haven’t said a work to
either of them.”  Amelia insisted. 


“Wait until Olivia marries then.  You will wait
forever at the rate that girl is going.” 


“Well, some of Claude’s friends urged him to find a
husband for Olivia, but of course she would rebel, even if he would go so far
as that, which he wouldn’t.  The lass has a mind of her own and when she
doesn’t want to do something, she won’t do it.  Although, when she sets her
mind to do something she wants to do, there is no stopping her.  Her Uncle
Claude found that out when she was very young.  Of course, Olivia learned
quickly how she could wrap that Uncle of hers around her little pinkie, and she
well used that information throughout the years.”  Amelia sighed. 


“Si,” Maria agreed, “the Señorita has a mind of her
own, as I have seen that temper of hers.  When Señor Logan was feverish and
ill, the Señorita suggested to her Uncle, that he should throw the ‘lout’,
meaning Señor Logan, overboard,   Then she slammed the door to her room.” 


“Oh, my, it must have been love at first sight then,” laughed




When the team had once again been hitched to the
wagon, and the sleek black horse hitched to the buggy, the group were on the
move.  From here the trail became hilly, and, with more and more scrub oak, the
scenery was enhanced even more the higher they climbed.  They came upon a grove
of Aspen trees, eventually making way for majestic pines to take over.    


Olivia couldn’t stop looking at the forest as they
rode, now oblivious to the bumpy ride she was getting on the wagon seat.  “I
never dreamed, after that stagecoach ride through so many miles of nothing but
prairie, that anything so beautiful existed around Uncle’s ranch.”  She


“Wait until you see the valley, where the actual ranch
is located.”  Logan answered.  “This is a rugged country, but there’s nothing
like it.  Yes, in the desert and plains, you smell the sage, cacti, and lots of
dust.  Then, in the mountains, the smell of pines almost takes your breath


“But down there in the valley, where all the buildings
of the ranch are, well there’s lots of green grass, wildflowers, and trees.  I
guess old Sam Beckford planned well when he first homesteaded here.  He sure
made the place homey.  Your Uncle likes it.  You’ll see for yourself soon,
we’ll be there shortly.” 


“If Uncle Claude likes the ranch, then I shall love it
too.”  Olivia said, then she hesitated before saying, “Um……Logan, I never did
thank you.  The rose was nice, actually it was lovely……and a nice gesture. 
Thank you.  Oh……..you did leave it on my door?” 


He looked down at her, “Guilty as charged, Olivia.” 
The smile he gave her was sincere.  I was hoping you’d know it was me who left
it there, and not one of those other many admirers of yours.” 


“Oh, I was actually hoping…..I mean, I thought, well I
just knew it was you…..Logan.” 


“There,” he chuckled, “that didn’t hurt, did it?”  Say
by the way, I talked to Marshal Rhodes, last night and, speaking of your
admirers, he said that fella, Henry Adams, left town.  He hadn’t bothered you
while we were gone, had he?”  Logan asked seriously. 


“Oh no.”  Olivia giggled.  “But I’m afraid my friend, Amelia,
gave him a hearty sendoff, as he climbed into the stage.” 


“That little lady?”  Logan looked surprised and


“Well, Amelia does swing a rather hearty umbrella.” 
Olivia said, between giggles, “I believe Marshal Rhodes had already put some
kind of a scare into him, then Amelia made a believer out of poor Henry.  I
don’t think he’ll recover from his send off for quite some time.”


laughed, “I
never would have believed it of that prim and proper little lady.  I’ll have to
personally thank her.” 


“Heavens, Logan, please don’t encourage that woman,
and I don’t think Uncle Claude knows about her antics yet.  He’s been so busy
retrieving his ranch from those two crooks, then the court trial.  But I’ll
make sure he finds out just what a wild umbrella Amelia swings and what a
temper his little lady has.” 


“His lady?”  Logan looked at her, and raised one


“Oh well,” She said, “They’ve not been hiding their
feelings for each other so very well.  Back in England even all the employees
of Beckford Manor figured it out long ago.  It’s been rather a topic of
conversation around the place ever since I can remember.  But of course, they
both deny any sort of involvement.” 


“Interesting.”  Logan said, in an almost whisper. 
“Very interesting.  Hiding one’s feelings seems to run in the family.” 


“Excuse me, what was that?”  Olivia asked.


“Oh, nothing.  Just talking to myself.”  He answered. 




Back in the carriage, Maria was talking, “Señor Claude,
why has the Señorita Olivia never married?” 


“Oh, to be honest, Maria, I don’t believe she ever
really gave it much thought.  By Jove, not that she hasn’t had numerous
prospects during the years.  She just couldn’t get serious about any of the
young men who came calling. 


“Some of my friends suggested that I choose a husband
for her, but I have never felt comfortable in making Olivia do anything she
didn’t want to do.  So my niece has remained single.  As a last resort, I
suggested this trip, hoping maybe, just maybe, she would meet a worthy chap. 
After a little coaxing, she consented to go.”  He laughed, “It seems to be
working out, somewhat anyway.” 


“Thank you Señor, I was only wondering.”  Maria said. 


Claude looked down at Amelia, his blue eyes twinkling,
“Oh, and by the way, Amelia, my love, you did a fine bit of acting making Olivia
think you didn’t want her to go on this trip.  She really believed you did not
want her to go.  I believe that fact finally convinced her to go, just to spite
you, if nothing else.”


Amelia looked up at Claude, and smiled, “I knew what
you were up to, you old fool.  She does seem to be enjoying herself though.  Maybe
your plan wasn’t so bad.” 


Maria joined in, “Oh, si, it’s obvious the Señorita is
already in love, and won’t even admit it to herself.”


“My niece has obviously met her match, in that Logan chap, a fine young fellow, though you may be right, Maria.  She either doesn’t
realize it, or hasn’t figured out how to handle her feelings as yet.  Give her
a little time.” 


Amelia put in, “Bah, my love, all Olivia’s had is
time.”  She turned to Maria, and said, “By the way, Maria, that was a stroke of
genius, having her ride in the wagon with Logan.  She couldn’t very well refuse
and I hadn’t thought of that myself.”   

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