Damaged Souls (Broken Man) (15 page)

Read Damaged Souls (Broken Man) Online

Authors: Christopher Scott

Tags: #love, #sex and relationships, #love and healing, #sex and romance, #Romance, #sex, #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Damaged Souls (Broken Man)
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“But, there is one thing,” Jack played his other card. “What Jeff did to Greg was unacceptable, and I think we both know that.”

“I agree one hundred percent.”

“A fight between boys is one thing, we’ve all been there,” Jack appealed to Mitch’s warped sense of sportsmanship. “But being the third man in and kicking a boy in the head is just not right.”

“No, it isn’t,” Mitch took pleasure in where the conversation was going. “So, what can I do for you.”

“Jeff needs to pay for what he did to Greg. Now, I don’t want anything to happen until after graduation for the sake of discretion, but I do want that animal arrested first thing Saturday morning.”

“I can make that happen,” Mitch negotiated a trade. “If we can agree that other matter is a non issue.”

“It’s a deal,” Jack lied convincingly as he offered his handshake. “I just need some documentation in the form of a sheriff’s report that implicates Mr. Gross, and then we can leave Mitch and Greg out of this.”

“I’ll have it emailed to your attorney this afternoon,” Mitch pulled legal strings far too easily. “And we will set up a meeting for tomorrow to put this entire matter behind us.”

“Sounds good,” Jack appealed to Mitch one more time. “And Mitch, this conversation remains between us. Do you understand.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Mitch agreed as he stood up from the table and Jack knew he had him as he turned to walk away. “I’ll see you later, Jack.”

* * *

We’re finally alone, Delaney thought to herself as she quietly entered Greg’s bedroom wearing nothing but her favorite silk nightie and slowly crawled under the covers.

He feels so warm, she cuddled up to him and kissed his neck as she felt him respond to her. That’s more like it Greg, Delaney thought as he turned to her and kissed her softly as his hand found her hip. Maybe there’s nothing wrong after all.

“What time is it,” he asked as he seemed to wake up.

“It’s a little after noon,” Delaney replied as she moved her body closer to his. “Everyone’s gone, we have the house to ourselves.”

“That’s nice,” he replied and kissed her again. “I was up late last night.”

“You were,” she said as her body again responded to him. “What did you and Jack talk about.”

“Nothing really,” he thankfully didn’t seem interested in conversation as his hand moved to her breast.

Delaney closed her eyes as his fingers aroused her senses and they slowly kissed. Thats a good start, she sensed his excitement as he carefully rolled her onto her back and his hand moved to her stomach, his body pressing against hers. Finally, Delaney thought to herself as she prepared for a new experience and felt his hand move to the inside of her thigh before gradually working it’s way higher.

And then, it stopped.

Not the kissing. No, that continued and it still felt nice. Not his excitement. No, Delaney could definitely still feel that. But, his hand, that wonderful hand. It was frozen in time.

What is going on, Delaney asked herself as she stopped kissing him and looked into his eyes. Oh yeah, that’s it, she remembered why she ran into town that morning. Her confusion behind her, Delaney kissed his neck and then whispered in his ear, “Greg, I bought some condoms. They’re on the dresser.”

“Really,” he seemed embarrassed as he didn’t give the response she had been expecting and his hand remained frozen on her leg.

This is odd, Delaney was again frustrated as she tried to figure out what was wrong. “Greg, what is it.”

She worried as his response seemed to take forever. Am I doing something wrong, Delaney questioned herself and needed to know the answer as she looked directly into his eyes and finally begged him to talk. “Greg, you can tell me.”

“Its just that,” his voice trailed off as he looked away. “Its just that I have never done this before.”

Is that all, Delaney was relieved on so many different levels as she softly touched his face and directed his gaze back at hers. “It’s okay, Greg. Neither have I.”

“I don’t think you understand what I’m saying,” he seemed relieved as he smiled shyly and softly kissed her forehead. “I’ve never done any of this before.”

Delaney was caught by surprise. It all makes sense now, she thought to herself and couldn’t believe her good fortune. “What about all the girls at work who are always flirting with you and teasing you.”

“I think they just do that because they know I’m a virgin,” he replied sheepishly. “I must have a sign on my forehead or something.”

“No you don’t,” Delaney tried not to smile as she reassured him and kissed his vacant signpost, happy to slow down the process. “Don’t worry, Greg, we can take our time. We don’t have to do it today.”

Delaney felt him relax as she kissed him again and reached down to take his hand. She slowly guided him up the length of her leg as she looked directly into his eyes and silently assured him he was doing it right. Finally, she felt him nearly jump as they reached their destination and she introduced him to her body.

That feels good, Delaney closed her eyes as she helped him move his fingers and she felt his mouth move to her neck. “That’s it, Greg,” she whispered in his ear as he found the perfect spot and she released his hand. He’s pretty good at this, Delaney realized as her body went crazy and she struggled to breathe before their progress was once again interrupted.

“Don’t stop,” Delaney pleaded as he paused once again and she opened her eyes to look at him.

“Don’t worry, I’m not going to,” Greg replied as he pulled her slip over her head and then resumed his activity.

That feels really good, Delaney felt herself start to tense as his mouth found her breast and his fingers rediscovered the perfect location. Oh my God, she could no longer control herself as she kissed him again and he rolled over on top of her. “Greg, get a condom,” Delaney whispered into his ear as her hand finally grasped him and she knew they were ready.

And then it was over.

Chapter Seventeen

“What was that.”

“What was what,” Greg couldn’t believe Delaney had chosen this moment to stop.

“What was that noise,” Delaney asked as they remained frozen.

“It was nothing,” Greg reassured her and then heard the unmistakable sound of a car door shutting. “Oh shit.”

“Get dressed,” Delaney gave orders as she jumped out of bed and Greg admired her naked body. “Greg, wake up.”

“Oh shit,” he repeated himself as he snapped out of his trance and grabbed a pair of jeans.

“He can’t find us like this,” Delaney panicked as she threw her nightie back on. “Go stop him, Greg.”

“Right now,” Greg questioned her sanity as he tried to get his jeans buttoned.

“Greg, go,” she ordered as he grabbed a shirt.

Jack is going to kill me, Greg pictured his own execution as he pulled on his shirt and hustled to the front of the house. Try to act normal, he thought to himself as he entered the kitchen and heard the front door open. “Oh shit,” he whispered to himself as he opened the refrigerator and Jack entered the kitchen.

“Hey Greg, what’s going on,” Jack greeted him, so far so good.

“Not much, Jack,” Greg replied as he grabbed a coke and tried to ignore the thoughts traveling through his brain.
Just trying to violate your daughter
. “I thought you were working today,” he said as he sat down.

“No, I took the week off,” Jack answered and gave him an odd look as he opened the reach in and came up with a bottled water. “What are you guys up to.”

How do I answer that question, Greg’s brain couldn’t operate properly as he thought about how to respond. What are we doing? What were we doing? Where the hell is Delaney?

“Good morning, Jack, what are you doing home,” Delaney entered the room fully clothed and tried to save him. “I thought you were at work.”

I’m dead, Greg realized Delaney had just sealed his fate by asking Jack the same question he had. Could she be more obvious. Oh shit, Greg closed his eyes and awaited his death sentence.

“No, I just had a couple meetings,” Jack paused as he granted Greg clemency although it was obvious he knew what was going on. “You guys going to have some lunch.”

“Yeah,” Delaney replied, surprisingly calm for the situation. “I was going to warm up some pizza. Do you want a slice.”

“Sounds good,” Jack said as he sat down.

“What were you meetings about,” Greg kicked himself for asking such a stupid question.

“Nothing really,” Jack replied vaguely as he watched Delaney microwave the pizza. “Just lawyer stuff. I do need you guys to do me a favor and remain quiet about this weekend. You got it.”

“We know, Jack,” Delaney answered for both of them as she served the pizza and sat down at the table. “How’s everything coming along.”

“We’re making progress,” he quickly changed the subject. “Did Amanda say when she was going to be home.”

“Probably around three o’clock,” Delaney replied before taking a bite of pizza.

“Good, we’ll have a little time before my four thirty meeting,” Jack responded as Greg realized his private time with Delaney was over for the day.

* * *

“I think I caught them,” Jack seemed pleased with himself as they sat on the back porch and talked.

“What do you mean,” Amanda replied as he smiled mischievously and she understood what he was saying. “Jack, you didn’t.”

“Oh, I did,” he replied as Amanda enjoyed him being able to relax for the first time in three days. “I thought Greg was going to jump out of his skin.”

“You’re awful. Those poor kids must have been terrified.”

“They’ll get over it, don’t worry, I didn’t say anything,” he teased her. “Don’t think I had to, Its going to be a while before Greg goes anywhere near her after today.”

“Don’t count on it,” Amanda understood the way things worked. “What’s your meeting about this afternoon.”

“Just some legal stuff,” he again disappointed her by not sharing. “How did it go with Logan today.”

“It went really well, Logan seemed to like the teacher and the school is beautiful,” Amanda paused as she tried to steer the conversation back to where she wanted it to go. “Greg and Delaney are going to take him miniature golfing and maybe get something to eat this evening. I thought it would be good for them to get out for a couple hours”

“That’s a good idea,” Jack didn’t seem to take her hint. “Do you want me to bring something home for dinner.”

“Just yourself,” Amanda replied as she again tried to get him to change his focus. “You’re really all I need.”

* * *

“Brian Stinson,” the short, thin man in the navy suit introduced himself. “I am the attorney for Jeffrey Gross and for his father, Martin Gross.”

“Michael Leach,” Jack watched as Mike introduced himself and completed the formalities. “I am the attorney for Jack Anderson as well as for Gregory Leonard, who is not present at this meeting.”

“I want to make one thing clear,” Mr. Stinson spoke first as they all sat down at the conference table. “We are here as a courtesy. No charges have been filed against my clients and this meeting is being held off the record.”

“Agreed,” Mike replied as they got down to business.

Let’s get to the good stuff, Jack attempted to remain calm as he looked across the table and temporarily buried his anger. This kid is so smug, Jack watched as Jeff practically sneered at him. He’s lucky it’s not him I’m really after, he thought to himself as Mike made the first move.

“Can we both agree that your client, Jeffrey Gross, was present on Friday, May 31st and in the early hours of Saturday, June 1st at Fifteen Lone Palm Terrace in the home of James Mitchell Caldwell, Sr.”

“So stipulated,” Mr. Stinson replied with legal jargon out of habit even though it wasn’t required.

“And can we also agree that said residence was the sight of a party hosted by James Mitchell Caldwell, Jr. and that alcoholic beverages were served to minors including your client.”

“So stipulated,” Mr. Stinson replied, not bothering with the small stuff.

“And is it agreed that your client engaged in a physical altercation with Gregory Leonard.”

“Not stipulated,” Jeff’s attorney attempted to minimize the damage. “It is our contention that my client acted on behalf of a wounded party who was rendered defenseless.”

A six foot three inch, two hundred and twenty pound defenseless wounded party, Jack thought about the ridiculousness of their claim as he pictured Greg beating the hell out of Mitch. That argument is just not going to hold water. Here comes the good part, Jack relished the next few minutes as Mike pulled some folders out of his briefcase.

“Can I turn your attention to Exhibit A dated June 3rd,” Mike turned up the heat as he handed each of them a folder. “To summarize, the attached email is a Sheriff’s Department report that documents the events of June 1st and finds your client, Jeffrey Gross, not only engaged in a physical altercation with Mr. Leonard, but also escalated the incident with the use of deadly force. An aggravated assault charge is in the process of being prepared as we speak.”

“You are out if your fucking mind,” Mr. Gross stood up from his chair and threw the report at Mike as Jack understood where Jeff got his charm. “You are not going to blame my son for this.”

“Marty, sit down,” Mr. Stinson ordered his client to obey.

Jack almost smiled as he watched Mr. Gross comply with the orders of a man half his size and Mr. Stinson again assumed center stage as he briefly glanced at the report. “Pending my review of the report and trusting your reputation,” Mr. Stinson finally disregarded the legal talk. “What is it that you want, Mike.”

“I want to know exactly what Mitch Caldwell said to your client regarding the sexual assault of Delaney Boyd and a signed agreement that he will testify against him.”

“Forget it,” Jeff interrupted with a sneer. “I’m not ratting on Mitch.”

“That’s fine,” Jack finally got a word in as he stood up from the table. “You’ll have up to five years to think about your mistake in the state penitentiary. I hear they have a pretty good football team.”

“Go fuck yourself,” Jeff tried to act tough as he rose from his chair and towered above Jack.

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