Damaged Souls (Broken Man) (18 page)

Read Damaged Souls (Broken Man) Online

Authors: Christopher Scott

Tags: #love, #sex and relationships, #love and healing, #sex and romance, #Romance, #sex, #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Damaged Souls (Broken Man)
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“That will never hold up in the court of law and you know it,” Mitch sensed an opening and went on a counterattack. “You’ve got nothing.”

“You might be right,” Jack didn’t miss a beat as he reached into his pocket and found the right button to push. “But, how is it going to look to have your star quarterback son up on charges of sexual assault. I would have to think it might affect that scholarship and it certainly can’t be good for business. You think times are tough now, you just wait.”

His speech was interrupted by the voice on the intercom, the timing perfect as planned. “Mr. Leach, the District Attorney is on line one.”

“Let him know I’ll call him back,” Mike answered as he pressed the intercom button.

“Oh, I almost forgot,” Jack drove the final nail into Mitch’s coffin. “We had a nice breakfast meeting this morning with Mike’s old law school buddy, Rick Cooper. We call him Coop, but you might know him as the District Attorney. Turns out he in very interested in our case and he was also fascinated by your close relationship with the Sheriff. Funny how that works. Anyway, he hoped we could work this out as adults, but assured us he would welcome the chance to assist as needed.”

Silence. Not a peep. Nothing.

Their response told Jack all he needed to know. He had won, and now it was just a matter of working out the details. As he looked across the table at Mitch, Jack took pleasure in watching him sweat, in looking like he was about to have a heart attack.

“Do you have anything to add,” he gave his opponents a chance to defend themselves.

“Just tell us what you want,” Steve realized they were defeated.

“First, Mitch Jr. will attend weekly group counseling sessions with other sex offenders for a period of one year,” Jack was sure to label Mitch as he began his list of demands and opened up another file. “Second, he will also agree to go nowhere near Delaney from this point forward. We have filed a restraining order and Mitch will not be allowed within one hundred yards of her for a period of six months and this agreement stipulates the order continue ad infinitum. Love those legal terms, but it basically means that Mitch stays the hell away from Delaney until the day he dies. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like either Mitch or Jeff will be able to attend graduation ceremonies this year.”

“Fine,” Mitch finally spoke as he stood up from the table. “Give me the goddamn papers to sign.”

“Mitch, don’t be so hasty, I’m not finished yet,” Jack gave him a taste of his own medicine. “The final part of the agreement outlines a scholarship Mr. Caldwell will be generously and anonymously endowing in the name of his late attorney and supposed friend, Robert Leonard. The scholarship will be in the amount of $100,000 and the first and likely only recipient will be Gregory Leonard,”

“Fuck you,” Mitch finally sprung into action, assisted in large part by his lighter wallet and his uncontrollable temper. “You are not going to blackmail me. Go fuck yourself. I’m not signing a goddamn thing.”

“But you are wrong, Mitch,” Jack walked right in front of him and dared him to do something as his attorney tried to hold him back. “You are going to sign it. Because if you don’t, these documents I have had prepared are going straight to the District Attorney. There goes Mitch’s scholarship, there goes any hope of a pro career, and there goes your family’s reputation, not that there was much of one to begin with. Now, sit down and sign it.”

“Fuck you, Jack,” Mitch couldn’t find many words as he looked like he was ready to kill someone.

“Shut up, Mitch,” Steve managed to hold him back. “This is over, now sit down.”

Jack turned his back and walked away as he prepared his final piece of business. That went even better than planned, he thought to himself as he watched Mike hand Steve the final file and all three of them returned to their seats. I guess I could leave this last piece of business alone, but I’m not going to, Jack realized as he watched the signing process get underway.

“We are ready for you,” Mike interrupted his thoughts as he extended him a pen.

Jack glanced at the document one more time before signing his name. You’re not getting out of here quite yet, he thought to himself as Mitch stood up from his chair to leave. No, it’s not going to be that easy, Jack decided as he stepped in front of him and stopped his progress.

“How dare you,” Jack looked at Mitch with disdain in his eyes. “Take advantage of your best friend’s wife just a few months after his death. You are a disgusting piece of shit. Now get the hell out of my office.”

Jack smiled as Mitch said nothing and slowly slinked away from the room. He had not only won, but he had also accomplished something very few before him had managed to do.

He had left J. Mitchell Caldwell speechless.

Chapter Twenty

“Congratulations, guys,” Amanda was happy to see them as Delaney and Greg finally found them in the crowd and she and Jack hugged both of them.

“Yeah, congratulations,” Logan struggled with a difficult word as Greg picked him up.

“Thanks, bud,” Greg replied as he smiled. “Did you like the ceremony.”

“It was a little boring,” Logan answered honestly. “But I liked when you guys threw your hats.”

“I liked that part too,” Delaney laughed as she took Logan from Greg.

What a family I have, Amanda daydreamed for a minute as she watched them celebrate. Certainly not a traditional one, but a wonderful family nevertheless. I wasn’t sure this moment would happen, Amanda spied Greg’s crew cut and suddenly found herself becoming emotional as she remembered the weekend before.

“So, what are you guys doing tonight,” Amanda addressed a different subject as she tried not to cry.

“We’re going over to Susie’s for a graduation party,” Delaney replied as she put Logan down and took Greg’s hand. “Are you and Jack still going downtown.”

“We are,” Amanda responded as she looked forward to their night. “Just a reminder, you two can have a beer or a glass of wine, but no drinking and driving. You got it.”

“We’ve got it, Amanda,” Greg answered for both of them. “We probably won’t be out too late.”

I’m sure you won’t be, Amanda thought to herself. “Well, I guess we’ll get going. I know the of you two want to hang out with your friends and we still have to drop off Logan before dinner.”

“Okay,” Delaney said as she gave her a hug and Amanda watched as Greg pulled Jack aside. “Thanks for everything, Amanda. I love you.”

“I love you too,” Amanda replied as she finally started to cry.

* * *

“Jack, can I talk to you for a minute,” Greg asked as he looked for a reaction.

“Sure, Greg. What’s up.”

“I just wanted to thank you for everything you’ve done for me,” Greg circled around the issue as he pulled Jack aside and shook hands. “That scholarship takes a lot of pressure off of me, and I’m pretty sure I know where it came from.”

“You’ve earned it,” Jack responded as he looked away and Greg could tell he was emotional. “I appreciate everything you’ve done.”

“Thanks,” Greg tried not to cry as he gave him a hug. “I really don’t know what I would have done without you.”

“You would have been fine,” Jack assured him as he released him from his arms. “I’m really proud of you.”

“And Jack,” Greg knew he had one last subject to address with him. “I will take care of Delaney,” he looked at Jack to be sure he understood exactly what he was saying, the permission he needed him to grant.

“I know you will, Greg,” Jack answered without hesitation as he looked directly into his eyes. “I’ve never doubted that for a minute.”

* * *

“What did you guys talk about,” Amanda insisted on knowing as she looked across the table at him. “I’ve never seen the two of you like that.”

“I think Greg and I have a better appreciation of each other,” Jack left it at that as he poured both of them a glass of wine. “What are you thinking about having.”

“Tell me, Jack,” she practically begged, knowing he couldn’t resist. “I’m not ordering anything until you tell me.”

“He just thanked me for what I did,” Jack didn’t go into too much detail as he smiled at her impertinence. “And I let him know just how much I think of him and that I trust him with Delaney.”

“That’s so sweet,” Amanda changed her tone as Jack sensed her becoming emotional. “I’m glad the two of you talked. I know how important it was for Greg.”

“I’m glad also. Everything worked out pretty well.”

“It did. I don’t know how you did it and I probably never will, but whatever you did, it was amazing.”

“Well thank you,” he accepted her compliment as he prepared a toast and raised a glass. “To Delaney and Greg.”

“To Delaney and Greg,” Amanda echoed his words and tapped her glass against his before adding a twist.

“And most definitely to us.”

* * *

“Did you have a good time at the party,” Delaney made small talk with him as they entered the house.”

“I did,” Greg answered as he turned on the lights in the kitchen. “I guess if I would have had time for friends, those are the kids I would have hung out with.”

“They’re pretty nice,” Delaney replied as she opened up the refrigerator and Greg wondered if he was going to be able to make the first move. “Do you want a beer.”

“No, I’m okay,” he decided to stay as sober as possible. “Do you want to watch some tv or something.”

I am so lame, Greg thought to himself as he admired Delaney’s figure, perfect as she leaned over to reach for a bottle of water. “Sure, Greg,” she answered his question as she closed the refrigerator and turned to face him, a quizzical look on her face.

It was awkward for just a second. Just for a second as they both realized it was time. Just for a second as they fell into each others arms. Just for a second until his mouth found hers.

Finally, Greg was relieved as she loosened his tie and his hands found her waist. I can’t believe we are doing this, he became nervous as Delaney unbuttoned his shirt and he pulled down the zipper on the back of her dress. I’m going to need some help, he realized as she removed his shirt and he tried to unlatch her bra.

“Greg, let’s go to the bedroom,” she whispered into his ear as he gave up the struggle with her bra.

He watched as Delaney led him to her bedroom, one hand in his and the other trying to hold up her dress. How are we going to do this, Greg wondered as the arrived in her room and she let go of his hand. She is so beautiful, he couldn’t help but stare as she started to undress.

“Don’t be shy, Greg,” Delaney reminded him as he realized he was just standing there staring.

“You are amazing,” he stammered as he watched her remove her bra and she slowly approached him.

“Thank you, Greg,” Delaney accepted his compliment and then softly kissed him. “Why don’t we get these off.”

Greg started to shiver as she unzipped his pants and they slowly dropped to the floor. They were both down to their last piece of clothing as they kissed more passionately and their hands found each others’ bodies. She is nervous too, Greg realized Delaney was also shaking as they stepped away from each other, but only for a moment.

They looked at each other intently as Greg took the lead and slowly removed his boxers. Delaney smiled as she looked at him and then decided to follow his lead. Nothing left in the way, they embraced again as his tongue slowly found hers and he enjoyed the softness of her skin.

That feels so good, they touched each other as they somehow forgot to kiss. Not yet, Greg, he reminded himself as he reached for Delaney’s hand to slow her down. “Do you want to get into bed,” he whispered before kissing her again.

Delaney didn’t have to answer as she just looked at him and led him to their destination. She stood just in front of him as she sat him down on the bed and let his mouth find her breast and his fingers rediscover her body. Then, she stopped his progress, but only for a second as she reached for a condom on the dresser.

“This part is a little awkward,” Delaney warned him as she unwrapped the condom and he wondered how they were going to overcome this obstacle. “Lay down, Greg, I’ll take care of it,” she answered his question as he followed her instructions.

He jumped as she touched him firmly and rolled the condom into position. Oh my God, Delaney kissed his stomach before working her way back up his body. We’re just seconds away, Greg anticipated their next movement as he kissed her again.

Greg slowly moved Delaney onto her back and gently rolled on top of her as looked into her eyes and let her know there was going to be no stopping this time, no more delays and interruptions. He felt her legs open up to him as their next motion was so natural, yet so long in coming. “I love you, Delaney,” he whispered softly as he slowly entered her body.

“I love you too,” Delaney whispered into his ear.

They moved slowly and carefully as he sensed her nervousness and felt her respond to him. Oh my God, that feels so good, Greg felt a sensation he had never felt before as he closed his eyes. Take your time, he reminded himself as he realized he could do this, that it was going better than expected. That’s it, he moved a little faster, opening his eyes and looking at Delaney as she seemed to enjoy what they were doing.

Oh no, Greg panicked as Delaney rotated her hips and he felt himself move entirely inside of her. Oh my God, he couldn’t believe the feeling as she wrapped her legs around him and started to move. Please no, he nearly screamed and knew it was over.

* * *

“Greg, what is it,” Delaney was worried as she opened her eyes and felt his body stop moving. “Did I do something wrong.”

“It’s not you,” Greg whispered as she realized what happened. “I’m sorry, Delaney,” he apologized as he rolled off of her.

“It’s okay, Greg,” she whispered as she laid her head on his chest and tried to hide a smile. “I thought it was a good start.”

“I barely even got started,” he couldn’t forgive himself as he wrapped his arms around her. “I was doing okay until you started to move. I had no idea it felt like that.”

“I didn’t either,” Delaney decided not to wait for him to ask. “It felt really good, but different than I expected. I was a little nervous at first, but once I got acclimated, I was surprised it didn’t hurt at all,” she tried to explain herself as she looked up into his eyes. “That’s when I decided to actually move.”

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