Damaged Souls (Broken Man) (11 page)

Read Damaged Souls (Broken Man) Online

Authors: Christopher Scott

Tags: #love, #sex and relationships, #love and healing, #sex and romance, #Romance, #sex, #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Damaged Souls (Broken Man)
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“You’ve got it,” Jack replied and ignored his cafeteria lunch in favor of a coke. “So, what are you going to say.”

“I’m going to tell Mr. Caldwell to have his son voluntarily surrender to authorities by midnight,” Mike outlined his strategy. “It’s just a courtesy, and if they don’t comply, we’ll file a formal request to have him arrested.”

“Whatever you think is the right way to handle it, Mike. But, I’d just assume we bring the police with us and have him arrested on the spot.”

“It’s not going to be that easy,” Mike paused and looked at Jack to be sure he understood. “Mr. Caldwell, as you know, is very well connected.”

“I don’t care who he knows,” Jack lost patience for a second. “His son tried to rape Delaney and put Greg in the hospital, and he is going to pay for it.”

“Take it easy, Jack. I’m on your side,” Mike reminded him. “How are they doing.”

“How do you think. Greg can barely open his eyes and Delaney is still in shock. It’s going to take a lot of time for them to get better.”

“They are going to be okay,” Mike reassured him. “It could have been a lot worse, but they are tough kids. They will bounce back quickly.”

“I hope so,” Jack calmed down a little.

“Jack, when was the last time you slept.”

“It’s been a while,” he replied vaguely, not wanting to get off track. “Don’t worry, I’ll sleep fine once I know Mitch is spending the night in jail.”

“I’ll do my best,” Mike reminded him that it wasn’t going to be easy. “I’m also going to have to talk to Greg and Delaney as soon as possible. I know it’s tough right now, but do you think maybe tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow will probably be good,” Jack responded, hopeful they would be back at the house and able to discuss what happened.

* * *

“Greg,” Delaney again said his name as she woke with a start and realized she had fallen asleep. How long have I been sleeping, she wondered as she looked up at the clock and realized it had been an hour.

He’s been through so much, Delaney remembered his mother’s earlier visit that Greg had practically slept through. I wonder why he never told me how bad her problem had become, he shouldn’t have had to go through that all by himself. Maybe his mom will get better now that she is going to rehab.

I wish he would wake up, Delaney thought to herself as she got up from the chair to watch him sleeping. He looks so peaceful, maybe it’s best if he continues to rest. I can’t believe he did this too him, she touched his face softly but felt nothing but anger as she thought of Mitch.

He was going to rape me, Delaney realized his intentions as she remembered the look on his face as he dragged her into the bedroom. He looked like he hated me, like I wasn’t even a person. Oh my god, I can’t believe I got away, Delaney cringed as she imagined what could have happened.

“Delaney, is that you,” she was relieved to hear his voice and see him slowly open is eyes.

“I’m here, Greg,” she replied and suddenly became emotional. “How are you feeling.”

“I’m feeling better. My head still hurts a little, but I think the medication is wearing off,” he paused as he took her hand. “Please don’t cry, Delaney, we’re going to be okay.”

“I’m so sorry, Greg. None of this should have happened. It’s all my fault.”

“It’s not your fault,” he replied as he sat up and took her into his arms. “Don’t say that.”

“I shouldn’t have gone with him,” she tried to explain. “It wasn’t what I wanted and I knew it all along.”

“Come here,” he invited her to join him as he made a space and lifted the sheets.

Delaney climbed into his bed and laid down with him, resting her head on his chest, still unable to stop crying. “I should have told you what I was feeling, and we should have gone to the prom together. This would never have happened.”

“Everything happens for a reason, Delaney,” he spoke slowly as he held her close. “There is nothing you could have done. I’m just glad you got away from him. I wouldn’t have been able to forgive myself if you hadn’t.”

“What do you mean.”

“I should have told you how I felt a long time ago. I knew it the first time I met you. I’ve always been in love with you.”

“Really, Greg,” she finally stopped crying as she sat up to look at him. “I always thought you just saw me as a friend. Why didn’t you tell me.”

“I didn’t want to ruin our friendship. I couldn’t do that. It was the only thing I had, the only thing that kept me going,” he explained as he looked into her eyes. “I love you, Delaney.”

“I love you too,” Delaney whispered as she leaned over and kissed him again, this time at long last on his mouth.

Greg returned her kiss, and Delaney finally understood the depth of his feelings for her. She had never felt anything like it, and as she carefully rolled over on top of him, Delaney felt his entire body respond to her, restrained only by his shear hospital gown and her simple cotton dress. They continued to kiss, and as they started to inevitably move together, Delaney looked into his eyes to let him know it was okay, to let him know what she wanted.

“Not yet, Delaney,” he seemed to read her mind. “I want to so badly, but I want it to be special, I want us to be ready.”

“It will be special, Greg,” she whispered into his ear as her feelings for him clouded her judgement. “I need you.”

“I need you too,” he responded as he closed his eyes.

They kissed again, and Delaney felt him grow harder as his tongue found hers and she moved more firmly against him, his hands holding her close as she felt the friction between them. Her emotions out of control, Delaney sensed both of them about to explode as she lifted up her dress and reached down to guide him. “Greg, make love to me,” Delaney whispered what she needed as she touched him for the first time.

Greg tried to catch his breath as he grabbed onto her hand. “Delaney, you are driving me crazy,” he panted as he kissed her neck. “But, we can’t yet, not here, not now. Do you understand.”

Delaney snapped out of it and suddenly realized where they were. “You’re right,” she whispered as she settled for kissing and knowing he was feeling better as she covered back up. “We should wait.”

“I’m such an idiot,” he second guessed his decision and kissed her one more time. “I’ve been waiting my entire life for this, and now I decide to wait some more.”

“Don’t worry, Greg,” Delaney teased him as she laid her head back onto his chest and closed her eyes. “I won’t make you wait for long.”

* * *

“Please be careful,” Jack heard the words of his concerned wife over the phone. “When will you be home.”

“I should be home in about an hour,” he replied as he looked at the clock on the dashboard and wondered how the last twenty four hours had gone so quickly. “Are you going to check on Greg and pick up Delaney.”

“I’m almost there,” Amanda again sounded worried. “Jack, please come home as soon as possible. You need rest.”

“Don’t worry, Amanda,” he reassured her. “I’ll meet you at home. I’ve got to go. I love you.”

“I love you, too,” she responded as Jack put down his phone and again focused on the matter at hand.

“Thanks for coming with me, Mike,” Jack thanked his friend as he steered into the Turning Palms development. “We’ll keep it brief, okay. Just tell him what we talked about and pick up the truck.”

“That’s probably the best idea,” Mike seemed to appreciate Jack taking his advice. “We don’t want to escalate this any further.”

“I’ve got it,” Jack reassured him as they arrived at the Caldwell house and he pulled up behind Greg’s truck.

“Just let me do the talking,” Mike reminded him as they got out of the car and made their way up the steps.

“Don’t worry, Mike,” Jack replied as they arrived at the door and he flashed back to the night before. “I’m okay.”

Jack rang the doorbell as he felt himself getting angry and tried to calm down. I can’t stand this guy, Jack remembered the arrogance of Mitch Caldwell Sr. as he heard footsteps behind the door and prepared to see his nemesis. This fat, bloated middle aged prick with his new bimbo wife. This pompous jerk who made it a point to treat Jack like the hired help whenever he visited the hotel, usually with one of his whores or mistresses.

“Jack, I’ve been expecting you,” Mitch Sr. answered the door like a southern plantation owner welcoming guests for a party. “Would you like to come in.”

“That won’t be necessary,” Mike was all business as he identified himself. “My name is Mike Leach, and I am the attorney for Jack Anderson.”

“Nice to meet you,” Mitch interrupted as he opened the door further and tipped his hand. “I think you might know my attorney, Steven Fowler.”

“Good to see you, Steve, I’m glad you’re here,” Mike wasn’t caught by surprise as he shook his hand. “Please inform your client that his son, James Mitchell Caldwell, is hereby requested to surrender to authorities by midnight or a warrant will be issued for his arrest.”

“That won’t be necessary,” Mitch decided he didn’t need the services of his attorney. “I’ve decided not to file charges against Greg. Just a case of boys being boys, although that young man, Jeff Gross, may have been a touch enthusiastic in his defense of my son,” Mitch offered up a sacrifice.

“Are you kidding me,” Jack angrily interjected as Mike stepped between him and Mitch. “Your son is being charged with sexual assault.”

“Sexual assault,” Mitch drawled the words and purposely goaded Jack. “I think you are mistaken. That was just a consensual sexual encounter Mitch had with a young lady who was embarrassed by her indiscretion. You know, it being the prom and all.”

“Fuck you,” Jack lost it as Mike tried to hold him back. “I’m going to kill you and that bastard son of yours.”

“Jack, such harsh words,” Mitch antagonized him further as his own posse suddenly appeared out of nowhere to protect him. “How rude of me. I don’t think I introduced you to Sheriff Ken Warner and his Deputy Sheriff, Bill Warren.”

That’s how it’s going to be, Jack realized he had lost this battle and that he was in a war. “Don’t even begin to think this is over, Mitch. You’re son isn’t going to college to play football, he is going to jail. I’m sure that pretty boy will be very popular there.”

“Jack, such bad manners. I’m sorry, but that is just not going to happen,” Mitch replied, knowing he had the upper hand. “By the way, while you are here, be sure to haul away that piece of junk littering my neighborhood before I have it towed.”

“Fuck you, Mitch,” Jack was at a loss for words as Mike led him away just in time to see Mitch, Jr. pull up in his daddy’s Mercedes.

“Jack, let’s go,” Mike grabbed his arm firmly and tried to steer him in the other direction.

But, Jack wasn’t about to go. He was past the point of no return as he watched Mitch puff up as he walked up the stairs and Jack took pleasure in the damage to his face.

“You tell Greg I am going to kick his ass when I see him,” Mitch tried to act tough.

“I’ll tell him, but it looks like he already kicked your’s,” Jack took his turn to antagonize and then intimidate. “And let me tell you something, you little bitch, if you ever go near Delaney again, I will kill you.”

“Jack, let’s go,” Mike forcefully dragged him away just in time to avoid a brawl as the Caldwell’s henchman came running to Mitch’s defense.

* * *

“Everything happens for a reason,” Greg whispered the survivor’s mantra as he opened his eyes to darkness.

Maybe it really does, he thought to himself as he listened to the sound of Delaney breathing and enjoyed the feel of her body pressed against his. We may have never gotten to this point if last night hadn’t happened, Greg again regretted his hesitance to open up to her, his reluctance to express his feelings. As long as she’s okay, I’d gladly exchange this moment for a little concussion. A tiny headache is a small price to pay.

But, she’s not okay, Greg remembered the victim he found the night before, crying uncontrollably and trying to keep herself together as she told him what Mitch had done to her. It’s going to take time for Delaney to get over that ordeal, he realized and felt guilty about what had almost happened between them earlier.

I’m glad we stopped. Delaney isn’t ready and her feelings and emotions have been polluted by the last twenty four hours. She’s a mess right now, Greg understood what she was going through as he looked down at the most beautiful sight he had ever seen and again felt the touch of her body, unable to not think about what they nearly did. I really do love her, he had no doubts as he softly kissed her forehead and held her more closely in his arms.

We have a future now. Delaney knows how I feel and she understands the problems I face, Greg vaguely remembered the conversation with his mother earlier that day. There will be no more secrets from this day forward, Greg looked to the future as he realized his favorite saying might actually hold water.

Everything really does happen for a reason.

Chapter Thirteen

I am glad this day is almost over, Amanda thought to herself as she pulled into the hospital parking lot.

She turned off her engine and took a minute to gather her thoughts. What else can happen today? It certainly can’t get much worse. Not worse than seeing Delaney’s tears as she watched a beaten up Greg barely able to acknowledge his mother’s presence. Not worse than watching a mother apologize to her son for her alcoholism. I pray nothing else happens, Amanda realized it could get much worse as she worried about what Jack might do.

I have never seen him like this, Amanda realized as she exited her car and remembered the last five years. I’ve seen him broken hearted, I’ve seen him hurt, I’ve seen him frustrated, I’ve even seen him cry. But, I have never seen him this angry.

If we can just get through tonight, things will get better. Greg can come home with us tomorrow, and we can start the process of sorting everything out, we can begin healing. I actually think Greg and Delaney are going to be okay, it’s really Jack that I’m worried about.

They have each other now, Amanda found hope as she remembered Delaney and Greg holding hands earlier that afternoon. At least something good came out of all of this. They finally understand how they feel about one another.

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