Damaged Souls (Broken Man) (10 page)

Read Damaged Souls (Broken Man) Online

Authors: Christopher Scott

Tags: #love, #sex and relationships, #love and healing, #sex and romance, #Romance, #sex, #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: Damaged Souls (Broken Man)
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“When will you be home,” Amanda asked and hoped it would be soon.

“I’m going to stay here for a couple more hours, but I’ll be home before Delaney wakes up. Thanks for keeping your eye on her.”

“Of course,” she answered but suddenly felt insecure. “Jack, are we going to be okay.”

“We are all going to be fine,” he replied but for once Amanda didn’t believe him. “Please don’t worry, we will get through this.”

“I know we will Jack,” she started to feel a little better. “Look after him for me. Everything is under control here, do what you need to do. I love you.”

“I love you too, Amanda. I’ve got to go.”

* * *

Jack hung up his phone and breathed a heavy sigh of relief as he turned to walk back to Greg’s room. “Have I forgotten anything,” he whispered to himself as he went over his mental checklist and thought back over the night.

I’ve done all I can do for now, Jack realized as he entered Greg’s room. Too bad I didn’t do more earlier, he again blamed himself for what had happened. I failed Delaney. I failed Greg. I failed my entire family.

How did I let this happen, Jack asked himself as he looked at Greg sleeping. At least he was there for her, there to do what I failed to do.

He paid a heavy price, Jack felt himself getting choked up as he surveyed the damage.

Jack barely recognized him. They had shaved his head in order to stitch up his wound, and his face was swollen almost beyond recognition. Thank God he’s still breathing, he was thankful as he watched Greg breathe peacefully.

I let him down, Jack realized as he caught a glance of Greg’s mother passed out in the chair next to the bed. Because of some kind of stupid man code they had always maintained between then, never able to show any weakness, never able to show any vulnerability, never able to say what they were feeling. I’ve set a poor example, Jack kicked himself for not allowing Greg to talk about his problems at home and for letting him live in that terrible environment. I should have listened more closely, I should have helped.

I knew exactly what he was going through, growing up without a father and a mother who had basically checked out. I could have at least been there to talk to him about it, to let him know that he wasn’t alone in what he was feeling, in what he was going through. But, I chose to ignore the problem and hope that somehow it would magically disappear.

And I’ve done the same thing with Delaney. I thought I was helping her with my laissez faire father routine, but that’s not what she needed. She needed me to watch over her, she needed me to protect her, but I didn’t do any of those things. No, I failed her. I allowed her to leave the house with that animal. I sent her out with those wolves.

I knew what Mitch was, the acorn doesn’t fall far from the tree. Why would I suddenly think it might, why would I ever give him the benefit the doubt? Why would I put Delaney in danger?

I’m no better than my own father, Jack punished himself as he tried to understand his incompetence. The acorn really doesn’t fall far from the tree, he realized he had mirrored his father’s indifference, replicated his neglect of his parental duties. Never again, Jack vowed to change as he softly placed his hand on Greg’s and whispered a thank you as he started to cry.

“I don’t think you can hear me, but I want to apologize for letting you down. Thank you so much for being there, Greg. You will never know how much you mean to me, how much you mean to my family,” Jack paused as he tried to gather himself. “I promise to be better, and I promise to never let you and Delaney down ever again.”

Chapter Eleven

Delaney refused to open her eyes as she tried to cut through the fog clouding her mind. Where am I, she wondered as she acclimated to her new surroundings and unfamiliar bed and then suddenly panicked. “Greg,” she whispered his name as her eyes shot wide open and she sat straight up.

“You’re okay,” Amanda reassured her as she remembered where she was.

“What happened,” Delaney asked, hoping the answer had somehow magically changed overnight.

“It’s been a long night,” Amanda responded and handed her a cup of tea. “I gave you a couple sleeping pills so you would sleep.”

“What time is it.”

“It’s 11:00 on Saturday morning.”

“Where’s Jack,” Delaney asked, knowing that something was out of place.

“He’ll be back in a minute,” Amanda answered. “He is dropping off Logan at the Richard’s house.”

Amanda is not telling me something, Delaney realized as she regained her senses and felt uneasy. I can see it in her eyes, she is not a good liar. What isn’t she telling me?

Delaney’s mind suddenly grasped what Amanda was holding back. Oh my God, she finally put all the pieces together. “Where’s Greg?”

Amanda’s hesitation told her all she needed to know as Delaney got out of bed and started to panic. “Amanda, please tell me what happened.”

Jack rushed into the room just in time as he caught Delaney and took her into his arms. “Greg’s going to be alright,” he tried to reassure her as she buried her face in his chest and started to cry.

“What happened,” she demanded to know as she looked up at him.

“I’m still not quite sure yet,” Jack answered quietly as he sat her back down on the bed. “It appears that he went back to Mitch’s house and there was some kind of fight.”

“Oh my God,” Delaney cried. “Is Greg okay.”

“Try to stay calm, Delaney. He is going to be okay, but he is in the hospital.”

“No,” she screamed as she again sprang to her feet. “We need to go see him now.”

Jack reached for her and wrapped her in his arms. “We are going to go see him. But before we do, I need you to calm down. I’m going to tell you what happened. Do you understand me, Delaney.”

“I understand,” she answered as Jack sat her back down with Amanda and squatted just in front of her holding her hands.

“Greg has a concussion and a pretty severe laceration on his head,” Jack spoke slowly and paused as he looked into her eyes. “I want you to be prepared when you see him.”

“Did you talk to him, what did he say,” Delaney whimpered as she tried not to cry.

“I talked to him a little, but he was pretty out of it. I think he might be able to talk a little more when we visit this afternoon.”

“Can we go see him now.”

“We’re going to go see him, honey. As soon as you get dressed and ready to go, we’ll drive you over there.”

“Okay, Jack,” Delaney replied and couldn’t be ready soon enough. “I’ll be ready in a minute.”

* * *

I wish she would say something, Jack worried about Delaney as he realized he hadn’t slept all night and reviewed his mental checklist to confirm he hadn’t forgotten anything in his sleepless state. Drop off Logan, check. Pick up Delaney, check. Call the attorney, check. Have Amanda pick up Susan, check. What am I missing?

What is wrong with me, Jack scolded himself for not being able to break bad habits and finding comfort in his lists. You’re not at work now, he realized as he looked over at Delaney in the passenger seat. Wake up and pay attention to her.

“Delaney, I want you to be ready for what you’re about to see,” Jack opened the conversation as he pulled into the parking lot.

“What do you mean,” she questioned him with a look of concern on her face.

Jack thought of how to prepare Delaney for seeing Greg while at the same time not scaring her. “Greg might not be awake, and even if he is, he might not really be all that alert. He is on a lot of medication, and I don’t want to worry you, but you need to know his face is rather swollen and he doesn’t look great.”

Jack could tell she was trying not to cry as they found a parking space. “I don’t care how he looks as long as he’s okay.”

“He’s going to be fine, Delaney,” he reassured her once again as he opened his door and got out of the car, unable to resist the compulsion to form another checklist.

Visit Greg, meet with the attorney, pick up Logan, Jack realized his new list was not quite finished as he opened up Delaney’s door. No, there was one important piece of business he was actually looking forward to.

Going back to Mitch’s house and having that bastard arrested.

* * *

I should have done more, Amanda realized as she sat in Susan’s living room and waited for her to finish getting packed. Of course Greg lied about his mother’s condition, I did the same thing when I was a young. But, we are going to do something about it now. We are going to get her the help she needs.

I need to do something, Amanda thought to herself as she stood up to straighten the living room. I can’t believe we let Greg live like this. Actually, I can believe it, she again felt guilty for not doing more as she poured a bottle of vodka down the drain and thought back to her own childhood.

Amanda remembered attempting to feel that her unique living conditions were just like everyone else’s, the way she lied about her mother’s absence in an attempt to simulate some kind of normalcy. I know Greg was just doing the same thing, and like me, he became very adept at it. No child should ever have to go through that, Amanda didn’t know if she was thinking about Greg or herself.

I am here for a reason, Amanda refocused on the task at hand as she thought of her mother and walked back to the bedroom to check on Susan. This is what I am trained to do, this is what Greg needs. I am going to help this woman, Amanda made a promise she was going to keep as she walked into the bedroom.

“Are you about ready,” Amanda asked, hoping Susan wasn’t having second thoughts after the night before.

“Are you sure this is the thing to do,” Susan looked to Amanda for answers as she zipped up her suitcase. “Greg might need me now.”

“Greg is going to be fine,” Amanda reassured her. “It’s time for you to take care of yourself. I don’t think anything would make Greg happier than to see you in recovery and sober again.”

“I don’t know,” Susan hesitated as she started to cry. “Last night made me realize that I need to be there for him. What have I done.”

“Susan, listen to me,” Amanda took her hand as she sat her down on the bed. “You need to do this, you are going to one of the best treatment facilities in the state. It’s only for a month, and then you can come home. We’ll look after Greg for now, but I promise he will be there when you get home.”

“Are you sure,” she looked to Amanda for confirmation as she finally surrendered to her addiction.

“I am positive,” Amanda replied as she realized Susan had taken the first step to recovery.

* * *

Bang, bang, bang.

What is that noise, Greg thought to himself but couldn’t move. Am I dreaming?

Bang, bang, bang.

Where am I? Where is Delaney? Who keeps hitting me in the head?

Bang, bang, bang.

What is Jack doing in my bedroom, Greg asked himself as he managed to open his eyes. Someone please turn off that light. What is he saying.

“Greg, can you hear me.”

Jack’s question was drowned out by the banging in his head. I think I’m supposed to respond, Greg realized as he heard the sounds coming out if his mouth. “Is that you, Jack.”

“I’m here, Greg,” Jack responded as Greg felt his hand grip his.

“Where am I,” he responded as he realized he might not be in his bedroom.

“You’re in the hospital. You have a concussion, but the doctors say you are going to be alright.”

“Where is Delaney,” he asked as he suddenly panicked and remembered the night before. “What happened.”

“Delaney is fine, she’s just outside in the hallway,” Jack reassured him as Greg realized he had sat up in the bed and was about to throw up. “Try not to move Greg, why don’t you lay back down.”

“Okay, Jack,” he complied to his instructions as he thought about Delaney. “Will you get her for me.”

“Just give me a second,” Jack’s voice faded as Greg felt his eyes close and he again found darkness.


“I have to warn you,” Jack prepared Delaney as he exited Greg’s room and closed the door behind him. “He’s kind of out of it. I don’t think it’s just the concussion, but probably the medication as well.”

“It’s okay, Jack,” Delaney responded as she looked him in the eyes. “I’m ready to see him.”

“Okay,” he finally agreed as he took her into his arms one more time before letting go. “I’ll be right out here if you need me.”

Delaney quietly stepped into his room and prepared for the worst. Unfortunately, all of her preparation wasn’t enough when she finally saw him, his eyes blackened, his face swollen, his beautiful black hair gone and replaced by a stitch-filled gash. As she put her hand on his, Delaney started to cry.

“Greg,” she whispered and prayed he would wake up as he refused to respond to her touch. “Greg,” Delaney tried again as her mind began to spin and she remembered the night before.

How did this happen to us?

Delaney tried to find the answer to her question as she kissed Greg softly on the forehead. If only I had listened to my heart, if only I had told him how I felt, none of this would have happened. We were just too late, Delaney realized their mistake as she felt a tear roll down her face and she remembered Greg’s words from the night before.

We are in love, Delaney understood what she had always known as she softly touched his damaged face. We are woven from the same cloth, cut by the same knife, and now victimized by the same crime. Greg and I are meant to be together, Delaney finally acknowledged their connection by tragedy as she leaned over and kissed him again.

We are broken and battered, yet bound by love. Just trying our best to survive, just trying to heal our damaged souls.

Chapter Twelve

“I shouldn’t even allow you to go over there,” Jack’s attorney tried to talk sense into him. “But, if you are going, there is no way I’m not going with you.”

“Thanks, Mike,” Jack appreciated his friend’s advice and loyalty. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to do anything crazy.”

“I’m not sure it’s you I’m worried about,” Mike responded and took a bite of potato salad. “But seriously, Jack. Let me do the talking.”

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