Cora's Secret: A Vampire Ménage Urban Fantasy Romance (12 page)

Read Cora's Secret: A Vampire Ménage Urban Fantasy Romance Online

Authors: Tracy Cooper-Posey

Tags: #mmf series, #elven romance, #urban fantasy romance, #paranormal menage, #vampire romance, #menage a trois romance m f m m

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“I’m holding myself back from grabbing your head and ramming myself into you,” Rhys warned, his voice low. “There’s a tiny part of my mind that is staggering around in total amazement that I’m putting up with this, but mostly, all I can feel is overwhelming…the closest I can come to it is lust, but that doesn’t do it justice. I’ve never felt this way before.”

“It’s the bonding,” Cora said.

“Or are you just letting yourself feel true feelings for the first time ever?” Aithan asked, stilling the movement of his fingers.

“Does it matter?” Rhys said.

“Not to me,” Aithan whispered. He gripped Rhys’ cock in one hand and Rhys threw his head back and groaned again. His knuckles whitened.

Aithan slid his mouth over the tip of Rhys’ cock, his lips travelling along the shaft. Then back again. Cora watched, her heart and her breath stilled with excitement, as Aithan swirled his tongue over the tip of Rhys’ cock.

Rhys was breathing heavily. A heavy pulse beat at the base of his neck. He was starting to tremble. As Aithan settled into the rhythm of stroking the length of his cock with his lips and tongue, Rhys lifted his hand. It hovered over the top of Aithan’s head. Rhys was trying to hold back, to control himself.

Aithan cupped the swollen sacs beneath his cock and squeezed.

Rhys thrust his hand into Aithan’s hair and gripped his head. His hips thrust and his breath grew ragged. The tendons on his neck stood out as his excitement grew.

At the very last moment, Aithan stopped.

“God, no!” Rhys cried as Aithan stood up with a smile on his face.

Cora turned to Aithan. “You’re the only one still dressed. That’s hardly fair.” He had removed his leather jacket, but still wore jeans and a long sleeved tee shirt that pulled tight over his biceps and the rounded muscles on his chest.

“You are not naked yet,” he pointed out.


She undressed him, while Rhys watched avidly. She took her time with it, sliding her fingers over Aithan’s flesh as it was revealed. “You’re warm to my touch,” she said. “Human warm.”

Aithan’s breathing was already uneven. He shook his head, a small movement. “You’re imagining it. Or it’s heat transfer from you. You’ve let your heart run free. You’re as hot as Rhys now.”

She stepped behind him, letting her hand slide around his naked hip and felt the twitch of muscles in response. She stood behind him and pulled his jeans off, then stripped him of everything from the waist to the floor. She pressed her breasts against his back through the tee shirt and he gave a soft sound in reaction.

Standing behind him, she did what he had done to her. She spread her fingers across his pelvis, carefully avoiding his cock. She teased the flesh there. Rhys stood in front of him and watched the movement of her fingers with tense concentration.

Cora moved back around to face Aithan. His eyes were narrowed, almost sleepy with arousal.

“Don’t stop,” he whispered.

She stripped the tee shirt from him, as he raised his arms to cooperate, then tossed it onto the table beside them. Then she stopped to look at him, her pulse thready.

Aithan was a prime male, with lots of muscle. There were tattoos curling over his biceps and one on his thigh, depicting dragons and a fiery sunbird. His cock was jutting from the junction of his muscled thighs, almost purple at the tip and red everywhere else. Veins extended the length of the shaft, throbbing.

“Someone is enjoying himself,” Rhys remarked.

Cora wrapped her hand around Aithan’s cock, feeling the undeniable heat of it. She stroked, a barely there slip of her fingers over the head and he growled in the back of his throat and his hips jerked.

Cora stepped away, with a small smile. “That’s enough for now,” she declared and turned to Rhys.

Aithan grabbed her and spun her up against him, his fingers digging into her upper arms. Her nipples scraped against his chest as he held her there. The sensation sent a shiver through her. “If you want me to bend you over that table and drive myself into you, keep teasing as you are.”

Her pussy throbbed at the thought. “Is that a request?”

Aithan’s low growl was warning enough.

Cora deliberately turned her back on him and picked up Rhys’ hand. “Come with me.”

“With pleasure.” He went with her to the stairs and they started to climb. Aithan followed, as she had known he would, but he brushed past Rhys, picked her up and pushed her up against the wall.

“You asked for it,” he breathed. As Rhys settled a few steps lower, Aithan snatched her panties away, the lace tearing with a soft sound. He spread her thighs roughly apart and slid his hand through her cleft from anus to clit. She could feel and hear the moisture he slicked through. She was desperately wet and in need.

The brush of his fingers against her clit made her hips push forward. She gasped.

Aithan was watching her reactions, gauging her response. But that seemed to be the limit of his control. He grabbed her hips and pressed himself against her. His cock pushed inside, spearing her and spreading her open in a way that made her head roll back and a moan emerge.

He began to thrust in hard strokes. There was a pucker between his brows as he took her, harder and harder.

Cora clung to him. She didn’t want it to stop.

But Rhys climbed the stairs and tugged on Aithan’s arm. “Bring her up here, so we can both play.” Then he shook. “Aithan.”

Aithan withdrew and let her go. He pressed his hand against the wall by her head. It was trembling. “I didn’t want to stop,” he said, his voice hoarse.

Cora picked up his other hand. “I should hope not.”

“No, you don’t understand. I don’t lose control. Ever.” His eyes in the dim stairway were dark orbs. He glanced at Rhys. “I don’t take pleasure. That’s not my role.”

“You can’t climax at all?” Rhys breathed.

“Yes, but the only way I…” He sucked in a breath, calming himself. “It is the other person’s pleasure that feeds me.”

“Does it matter?” Cora asked. She was puzzled.

He touched her cheek with his fingertips. “I wanted to come inside you. It was overwhelming.”

Cora squeezed his hand. “Let’s go upstairs. I think you need to be overwhelmed. More than once.”

He let her lead him up the stairs. At the top of the stairs, Rhys took her other hand and pulled them both into her bedroom.

The bed was made, the cushions and throw pillows arranged artfully, the dull satin cover gleaming and pristine. “Well, finally, I get to use the bed.”

Rhys picked her up and put her on it. “I can’t think of a better use for one.”

Aithan caught at his arm as he started to kneel on the bed himself. “Wait.” His voice was low.

Rhys looked at him over his shoulder.

“There’s something I want to do…if you’ll let me.”


Cora couldn’t see what Aithan did, but Rhys sucked in his breath and his eyes drifted shut. “What makes you think I would say no?” he breathed, opening them just enough to look at him.

Aithan’s expression slipped and for a moment, Cora saw an age-old weariness in his eyes. “I’ve spent what life I remember asking questions like I just asked you.”

Cora pressed her lips together, as Rhys stared at him. Then Rhys turned and kissed him. Brief and hard. “Don’t ask anymore.”

Aithan’s face worked. Then it cleared and he gave a small smile. “I’ll be right back.” He hurried out of the room and Cora watched his hard ass and thick thighs with renewed appreciation.

Rhys was watching her. “You like it, don’t you?”

“Watching you two play? I sure do.” She squeezed her thighs together. “Do you?”

Rhys sighed. “You have no idea how much.” He gave a short laugh. “Hell,
didn’t know how much until now. I always thought I was a pretty square guy.”

“And I was a southern belle and butter wouldn’t melt in my mouth.” She gave him a small smile of her own. “I’d rather be here.”

“The apocalypse wouldn’t move me from this spot.”

Chapter Nine

Aithan came in, carrying something in his hand. He held his hand out so they could see it. It was a tube of lubricant. “I guessed neither of you would have some to hand.”

Rhys stared at it. “I think I just got another look at what life is like for you. You carry that around in your pocket, don’t you?”

Aithan grimaced. “Most people who use it keep it in their nightstands.”

“But you don’t have one,” Cora finished.

He shook his head.

Rhys straightened up like he’d been goosed. “Wait…you don’t have a bed? A house? You’re telling me you’re

Aithan looked awkward. “It’s not really homelessness if you’re using a different bed each night.” He glanced at her. “Don’t look like that. It is what it is.”

“But it’s
Cora said. “I had no idea what your life was like.”

“No one does,” Aithan said flatly. “I don’t get to know anyone well enough to be able to tell them. That’s the whole point.”

“Well, now we know,” Rhys said and took the lubricant out of his hand. “So the cycle stops here, doesn’t it?”

Aithan consider him for a moment. “I suppose, yes.” He took the tube back. “I’ll need that, thank you.”

Rhys raised a brow. “Bring it on.”

Aithan smiled as he pushed on Rhys’ shoulder, bending him over, until Rhys reached out to prop himself up on the bed, his arms spread. Aithan looked at Cora and made a ‘come here’ gesture with his finger. “I’ll need your help.”

She slithered over the cover to the end of the bed and stood. Now she could see the curve of Rhys’ ass cheeks and the long muscles down the back of his legs. She moved another few inches around. Between his thighs she could see the heavy flesh of his testicles.

Aithan slid his hand over one cheek and pressed his finger between them.

Rhys gasped.

Cora licked her lips as Aithan uncapped the lubricant. Her excitement, which had subsided just a little, flared back into hot, throbbing life. “I can’t stand this,” she said. “I need to

“Stroke him,” Aithan told her and squeezed some of the lubricant onto her hand. “This will make it last longer.”

“That sounds good.”

Rhys groaned.

Cora didn’t give him time to brace himself. She reached under his belly and wound her fingers around his cock and slid her palm along its length, spreading the lubricant. Rhys lowered his head as she worked, his breath speeding up.

But then
breath halted as she looked over at Aithan, for he was stroking his own cock, spreading the gel. The sight of his fist around his thick shaft was electrifying. She drew in a ragged breath.

Aithan ran his hand between Rhys’ cheeks, separating them and Rhys closed his eyes. He pressed his fingers against the aperture, distributing the lubricant and stroking with his tips. Then he pushed one inside.

Rhys jerked and groaned.

Aithan slid another finger inside, spreading him.

Cora could barely remember to keep stroking Rhys’ cock. The hot, hard anticipatory rush of arousal was stealing her concentration. She couldn’t breathe even though her body was demanding air. Her heart and lungs were working harder than they had for years as she watched Aithan spend long minutes sliding his fingers into him as Rhys groaned and his hips twitched. It was heady. Intoxicating.

Aithan pressed the tip of his cock against Rhys and gripped his hips. Then he pushed inside.

Rhys made a choking sound. “Dear
,” he breathed, one hand closing into a tight fist.

Cora watched as Aithan pushed himself inside one small fraction of an inch at a time, until he was completely enclosed. Then she let out a shuddering breath. “I might come just from watching you….”

“Not yet, you can’t,” Rhys’ voice was strained, thick with pleasure. “Not until one of us makes you.”

She picked up the rhythm of her hand along his cock, enjoying the heat, the throbbing and the way his hips twitched and his breath shook. As she stroked, Aithan pulled out of Rhys until he was nearly completely withdrawn, then slid back into him smoothly.

Rhys threw his head back. “I can’t stand it…” He was shaking.

“You’re not supposed to.” Aithan’s breath was rough, too. He pushed back into him.

Rhys groaned, shuddering. Cora felt his cock pulse heavily in her hand. He came hard, his hips thrusting, which made Aithan pull in a sharp breath.

Cora thought she might melt. Her body was white hot, her heart a runaway mess. As Rhys strained and gasped his way through his climax, Aithan gave a soft exclamation, his hips working hard as he came, too.

Cora slid back onto the bed, trying to calm her heart and still her frenetic pulse. But as Aithan slipped into the bathroom, Rhys followed her onto the bed and kissed her, pulling her into his arms. He was shaking, but his hands ran over her body. It felt like they were everywhere at once.

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