Cora's Secret: A Vampire Ménage Urban Fantasy Romance (13 page)

Read Cora's Secret: A Vampire Ménage Urban Fantasy Romance Online

Authors: Tracy Cooper-Posey

Tags: #mmf series, #elven romance, #urban fantasy romance, #paranormal menage, #vampire romance, #menage a trois romance m f m m

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Cora gave up trying to bring her heart back under control and instead let herself enjoy Rhys’ kisses. His lips moved down her throat to her breast and he nipped at the tip, drawing it up with his teeth, while his hand stroked the other and tugged the nipple between his fingers.

She realized she was squirming helplessly on the bed when Aithan anchored her hips, holding her still. Then he parted her thighs. She couldn’t see what he intended for Rhys’ head was in the way. She could only see Aithan looking down at her with a mischievous smile.

Fingers stroked her inner thighs, close enough to her pussy that she could feel the heat of them against her flesh. Then along the soft flesh on either side and up to her clit, which gave out a hard throb. As Rhys’ mouth and hand on her breasts felt as though there was a direct connection to her clit, Aithan’s touch made her cry out. Her climax gathered, growing.

Aithan pushed his fingers inside her, the knuckles and tips sliding along the walls of her pussy, making them ripple and squeeze. Her hips lifted in response and it seemed to be the reaction he was waiting for. He bent his head and his mouth clamped over her clit. His tongue drove against the heated bud, stroking firmly. His fingers thrust in and out.

Cora dug her fingers into the satin cover, her eyes closing all on their own. Pleasure leapt, tightening her tendons, making her arch. It came in waves, building and building.

When she came, she screamed, her body straining as the climax gripped and shook her. She shuddered with the power of it and for a moment conscious thought grayed out.

Rhys kissed her and gathered her in his arms, then rolled onto his back, bringing her with him. She rested on him, looking into his blue eyes.

“Hi,” he said, a smile playing at the corner of his mouth.


Hot lips pressed against her shoulder and she looked at Aithan as his hand slid down her flank, to settle on her hip. His dark eyes were warm. Almost…happy.

“Lift up,” he told her, trying to raise her hip.

She pushed her knees under her and lifted.

Rhys’ cock pushed against her very moist pussy and Aithan lowered her down onto him. She caught her breath as Rhys slid inside. He was hard and heated against her. Her clit stirred and her pussy seemed to ripple around him, squeezing.

Rhys let out a heavy breath.

Aithan stroked her nether cheeks, then slid his hand between them. She felt the slickness of lubricant, then forgot about that as his finger pressed against her ass. The sensation was odd…but very nice. Especially the way Aithan was doing it, circling around, stroking in gradually firmer strokes. Then he pushed inside her and she caught her breath. “More,” she choked out. Her body was tingling, reacting.

He pushed another finger inside, entering her with little effort. He worked his fingers, stretching her and Cora tried hard not to wiggle or squeeze.

Rhys let out another rushed breath. “You’re clamping around me.”

“I can’t help it.”

“Not a complaint.” He swallowed.

The blunt tip of Aithan’s cock took the place of his fingers, nudging hard against her, seeking entry.

“Breathe,” Aithan said, his voice soft. “Breathe and relax. You’re going to love this.”

She already knew she would. She was starting to shake again, as nerves fizzed and flared and made muscles quiver in response.

Aithan pressed again and then he was suddenly inside. He paused, with the tip of his cock just within. Cora could feel herself adjusting to the sensation of being spread open. Her muscles relaxed.

Then, very slowly, he moved deeper inside.

Cora tried to breathe. Tried to focus. But all she could do was pant as the two cocks seemed to spread her and fill her. All control had deserted her. She was trembling.

“Now sit up,” Aithan said. “Slowly.”

“I don’t think I can,” Cora whispered. “My muscles have all melted.”

“The gentleman beneath you can do all the work,” Aithan said. It sounded like he was smiling.

Rhys grinned and sat up. Slowly. It brought them both up into a sitting position, with Rhys and Aithan still lodged inside her.

Cora let out a shaking breath as she felt Aithan settle up against her back. Her breasts were pressed against Rhys’ chest, her thighs around his hips.

For a moment they were all still, absorbing the sensation of being joined together.

“I can feel you inside her,” Rhys said wonderingly.

“I think this might be addictive,” Cora breathed. She looked at Aithan over her shoulder. “No one ever demanded a repeat performance from you, Aithan? Ever?”

“I’ve never done this before,” he said.

The little silence fell again.

“A ménage?” Rhys clarified. He sounded puzzled. “You never took more than one person to bed?”

“Many times. Two women. Two men. But never this. Never joined this way.”

Cora rested her head against Rhys’ shoulder. She didn’t know what to say.

“I think I’m falling in love with you,” Rhys said.

She lifted her head and looked at him and Rhys kissed her gently. “I’ve always been half in love with
.” He looked at Aithan. “But now I think I’m half in love with

Aithan’s expression was one of bewilderment. “But…you can’t. Not me.”

It was Aithan’s stunned face and Rhys’ gentle kiss. Combined, they caught at Cora’s throat. Her eyes prickled hard and tears gathered. Rhys wiped her cheeks as they spilled. “Hey,” he said, alarmed.

She shook her head. “As soon as you said it, I knew,” she whispered. “I love you both. But….” Her tears came harder. “I never wanted to fall in love with
,” she said. There, it was out. Spoken aloud.

“Why not,
ma chérie
?” Aithan asked, his voice gentle.

“My…my family.”

Rhys wiped her cheeks again. “Are they still alive?”

“All of them. I think. I haven’t been back since I was turned, five years ago. It was part of the deal, part of the conditions when they turned me. But I was glad to accept. Glad to get away.”

“Southern families, some of the older ones,” Aithan said. “They can be very large.”

“Mine is one of the oldest in Texas,” Cora admitted. “We counted fourth cousins as close kin and love was used as leverage to keep us all towing the family line.”

Both of them grew still. Rhys just watched her.

“I broke my neck climbing out of a third floor window in my wedding dress,” Cora whispered.

“You wanted to get away from them that much?” Aithan asked.

“The wedding wasn’t my idea. But my father explained that I had to go through with it. If I loved him…if I loved my family, I would do what was best for them. I found myself in satin and lace and four hundred guests, most of them family, in the parlor below. So I climbed out of the window and slipped.” She swallowed. “I woke up in Austin, twenty-four hours later. My long lost and most favorite cousin Braydon was sitting on the bed opposite me. I thought he’d died.”

“But he’d been turned,” Rhys concluded.

“And he’d sneaked back into town to watch the wedding. He watched me fall and took me away before anyone knew what had happened. Then he turned me and gave me a choice.”

“Death, or eternal separation from your family,” Rhys guessed.

“It wasn’t a hard choice.” She tried to smile.

“That’s why you don’t like other supernaturals moving into Erie,” Aithan said. “You get to be as human as you want if there’s no one around to remind you you’re not. You get to be alone and independent.”

“Alone and able to make my own decisions. Except here I am being pulled around by an invisible force, inside a world I never really wanted to join.”

They were both silent. Tense.

Cora picked up Aithan’s hand, pulling his arm over her shoulder and smiled at Rhys as she kissed Aithan’s palm. “That’s what I was so wrong about,” she added.

Aithan turned her chin and kissed her cheek. “Are you sure?” he asked.


“Then let’s seal the bond now.”

Rhys drew in a long, slow breath. “Yes. It’s time,” he said flatly. He lifted his arm. “A sip for each of us. Right?”

“I should go first,” Cora said, lifting her wrist to her mouth.

“Why?” Rhys asked, puzzled.

“If what I hear is true,” Aithan said, “then Cora biting into either of us is likely to bring an instant end to the joining.”

Rhys still looked puzzled.

“There’s an aphrodisiac in my bite,” Cora explained. “You’ll come almost instantly.” She hesitated. “And there’s another reason.” She looked away and let her teeth descend.

“Don’t hide,” Aithan said quickly. “I want to see.”

“Me, too,” Rhys added.

Cora found it very difficult to look at either of them, until Rhys slid his fingers across her cheek. “It won’t make me love you any less,” he said gently.

It gave her the courage to look at him. She lifted her wrist to her mouth and deliberately let her lip lift to show the incisors, then bit into her flesh. The tearing sensation barely registered. Neither did the blood, which was hers. She held her arm out to Rhys. “Quickly, before it heals over. Just a sip.”

He placed his mouth over the wound and she felt him draw the blood into his mouth. He straightened up, his lips touched with it.

“You have to swallow,” Aithan told him.

Rhys nodded and his throat worked as he complied. Then he cleared his throat. “It doesn’t taste like I thought blood would.”

Cora brought her healed wrist back to her mouth. This time, she found it easier to bite with Rhys watching. She reopened the wound and held her arm up to Aithan, swaying sideways so she could look at him.

He didn’t hesitate. His lips pressed against her flesh and he drew a mouthful from her, then swallowed. His thumb brushed over her wrist as the flesh healed and the wound disappeared. “Delightful,” he declared.

“Now you,” she told Aithan. “You’re not human. The aphrodisiac may be blunted. And besides, you’ve had a lot of practice holding yourself off from…well…”

Aithan smiled. “Never a truer word,” he said and held up his wrist. “I don’t know what I will taste like.”

“Let’s see.” Cora bit into his wrist, right over where the big vein should be.

Aithan groaned and she felt his cock throb inside her. Her body responded with a tingling.

Blood moved sluggishly from his wrist and she drew it into her mouth. She had no reaction to it. It had very little taste. She swallowed and lifted her mouth away and looked at the wound. “Red!”

Aithan looked at as well. His mouth opened and his eyes widened. “It’s red,” he repeated, dazed.

“What is it supposed to be?” Rhys asked. “Black?” He said it jokingly.

Cora glanced at him and his expression sobered. “I see.”

She drew Aithan’s arm farther over her shoulder, holding his wounded wrist out toward Rhys. “Drink,” she said.

He brought his hand under Aithan’s wrist and leaned over it…and hesitated.

“You have to drink,” Cora urged him.

He looked up at Aithan. “Will it hurt me?” he asked.

“And now we come to the crux of it,” Aithan said. His voice was tight, hard. “You think you’re in love, but you can’t commit, when it comes right down to it.”

Rhys immediately pressed his mouth to Aithan’s wrist and sucked. He swallowed without hesitation, then pulled on Aithan’s arm, drawing him even closer as Cora bent out of the way. Rhys kissed Aithan and held his head. “I
love you. But you
a demon. If I curl up and die because of your blood, I’ll haunt you the rest of your life. And don’t tell me there’s no such things as ghosts. Not with a demon and a vampire in the same room with me.”

Aithan let his head rest against Rhys’ for a moment. Then he sat up and looked at Cora. “Rhys’ turn. I’ll watch you.”

“Watch her for what?” Rhys asked sharply, his arm lowering.

Cora’s heart fluttered.

“She’s never tasted human blood before,” Aithan said calmly. “Vampires have been using synthetic blood for about thirty years now. The taste of real blood might trigger a reaction.”

Rhys shook his head. “It has to be done.” He held his wrist up toward her.

Cora lifted it up to her mouth. “Brace yourself,” she told him.

Aithan laughed.

She bit and tore and Rhys immediately tensed. His pelvis lifted and he drove into her even more deeply. His eyes closed and he gasped.

“Drink,” Aithan urged her. “Hurry.”

It was difficult to draw the thick liquid into her mouth and Cora knew she was afraid.

“If he climaxes before you drink, we’ll have to start again,” Aithan urged.

She sucked quickly and Rhys groaned again. He was trembling, his cock shifting inside her.

Then the ambrosial taste of the blood registered. She had drunk mulled wine once at a party in New England and this had the same pleasure about it. Spicy, hot and delicious. Endlessly drinkable.

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