Conservatives Without Conscience (39 page)

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Authors: John W. Dean

Tags: #Politics and government, #Current Events, #Political Ideologies, #International Relations, #Republican Party (U.S. : 1854- ), #Political Process, #2001-, #General, #United States, #Conservatism & Liberalism, #Conservatism, #Political Science, #Political Process - Political Parties, #Politics, #Political Parties, #Political Ideologies - Conservatism & Liberalism

BOOK: Conservatives Without Conscience
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Rhodes, John

Rice, Condoleezza

Rights and the Common Good: The Communitarian Perspective

Right Nation: Conservative Power in America, The
(Micklethwait & Wooldridge)

Right-wing authoritarianism

Right-Wing Authoritarianism

Right-wing authoritarians (RWA)

characteristics of

as conservatives without conscience

followers, authoritarian.
Followers, authoritarian

leaders, authoritarian.
Leaders, authoritarian

motivations of

profile of


Rikan, Heidi.
See also
Dieter, Cathy

Risen, James

Roberts, John

Roberts, Pat

Robertson, Pat.
See also
Christian Coalition


attempts at molding Supreme Court

calls for assassination

comments on Ariel Sharon

as Double High authoritarian

hypocrisy of

preaching of fear

presidential campaign

support for Israel

support for Republicans in 1994 elections

view of racial equality

view of women

Robertson, Willis

Roe v. Wade

Rogers, Joel

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano

Roosevelt, Theodore

Rosen, James

Rosenbaum, Ron

Rosenfeld, Sam

Rossiter, Clinton

Rove, Karl

Rudy, John

Rumsfeld, Donald

Rusher, William

Russell Kirk Center for Cultural Renewal

Right-wing authoritarians (RWA)


Safire, William

Salazar, Ken

Samples, John

Santorum, Rick

Sasser, Jim

Saucier, Gerard

Savage, Charles

Scalia, Antonin

Scandal of the Evangelical Conscience, The

Scanlon, Michael

Scarborough, Melanie

Schardt, Bill

Schiavo, Terry

Schlafly, Phyllis

Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.

Schlessinger, Laura, Dr.

Schneider, Gregory L.

Schoenwald, Jonathan M.

Scopes trial

Scotchie, Joseph

Scott, Hugh

Scowcroft, Brent

Social dominance orientation (SDO)


authoritarian conservativism in

cloture vote

Gang of Fourteen

rules governing

September 11 terrorist attacks.
9/11 terror attacks

Sessions, Jeff


The 700 Club

Shachtman, Tom

Shadegg, John

Shafritz, Jay

Sharon, Ariel

Shays, Chris

Sidanius, Jim

Sider, Ronald J.

Silberman, Laurence

Silent Coup: The Removal of a President
(Colodny & Gettlin)

Simon, William

Slander: Liberal Lies about the American Right

Smith, Christian

Smith, R. Jeffrey

Snowe, Olympia

Social conservatives.
See also
Christian conservatives

authoritarian origins of

examples of

irrational thinking of

J. Edgar Hoover

Paul Weyrich

Phyllis Schlafly

Spiro T. Agnew

Social dominance orientation (SDO)


Social dominators.
See also
Leaders, authoritarian

Bill Frist.
Frist, Bill

characteristics of

as conservatives without conscience

Newt Gingrich.
Gingrich, Newt

Pat Robertson.
Robertson, Pat

Tom DeLay.
Delay, Tom


Sodaer, Abe

Souter, David

Southern Manifesto

South Park

Spong, Shelby

St. Clair, James

Starr, Kenneth

State of War: The Secret History of the CIA and the Bush Administration

Stefancic, Jean

Stern, Seth

Stevens, John Paul

Stevens, Ted

Stevenson, Richard W.

Stewart, Scott

Strauss, Leo

Strict Father model

Submission to authority

Sullivan, Andrew

Sullivan, William

Sulloway, Frank J.

Summers, Anthony


Supreme Court

Chuck Colson’s attempt to nullify decisions of

current makeup of

George W. Bush appointments

Harriet Miers nomination to

Pat Robertson’s attempts at molding

Surveillance of Americans

Swift Boat Veterans for Truth

Sylvester, Peter


Taft, Robert

Taft, William Howard

Tajfel, Henri

Take Back the Right: How the Neocons and the Religious Right Have Betrayed the Conservative Movement

Talk radio.
See also
Limbaugh, Rush

Taney, Robert

Taranto, James

Taylor, Stuart, Jr.

TechnoMetrica Institute of Policy and Politics (TIPP) survey


from a “detached perspective”

effect on policies of Bush administration

fear of terrorism as recruiting tool for Republicans

foreign-sponsored terrorism

libertarian response to

9/11 terror attacks.
9/11 terror attacks

Oklahoma City bombing

realists response to

risk of

Texans for a Republican Majority (TRMPAC)


Theoharis, Athan G.

Thomas, Cal

Thomas, Clarence

Thomas, Evan

Thornberry, Homer

Thurmond, Strom

TIPP survey.
TechnoMetrica Institute of Policy and Politics (TIPP) survey


Abu Ghraib

Dick Cheney’s support for

John McCain’s amendments

“Toward an Understanding of Religion and American Public Life”

Tower, John

Traditional conservatism

compared to libertarianism and authoritarian conservatism

development of

Transplant: A Heart Surgeon’s Account of the Life-and-Death Dramas of the New Medicine

Treason: Liberal Treachery from the Cold War to the War on Terrorism

Treaster, Joseph B.

Trilling, Lionel

Texans for a Republican Majority (TRMPAC)

Turner, John C.



USA Foundation

USA Patriot Act


Van Biema, David

VanDevender, Karl

Vaughn, Robert G.

Ventura, Jesse

Viereck, Peter

Viguerie, Richard


Wagner, David

Wallace, George

Wallace, Mike

Warner, John

Washington, George


60 Minutes
story on

studies of

Weapons of mass destruction (WMD)

Weaver, Richard

Webber, Mildred

Weisskopf, Michael

Welch, William M.

Westin, Alan

Weyrich, Paul

as Double High authoritarian


Why Americans Hate Politics
(Dionne, Jr.)

Why I Am a Reagan Conservative

Wilkinson, Laurence

Will, George

Williams, Juan


Wilson, Clyde

Wilson, James

Wilson, Joseph

Wilson, Marc Stewart

Wilson, Woodrow

Weapons of mass destruction (WMD)

Wolfe, Alan

Wolfowitz, Paul

Woodard, J. David

Woodward, Bob

Wooldridge, Adrian

Worse Than Watergate: The Secret Presidency of George W. Bush

Wright, Betty

Wright, Jim


Ydstie, John

Yoo, John

Young, C. W. Bill

I do not record telephone calls. I do make notes, and after the conversation, if appropriate, I reconstruct the call. Most of the conversations relating to
Silent Coup
were written up within twenty-four hours of the conversation. In reporting them I have employed Bob Woodward’s technique of converting them back to dialogue and the salient points.

Throughout I use the term “cultural conservative” interchangeably with “social conservative.” While I am aware of efforts to define them separately, conservatives, the news media, and others use them interchangeably. So I have done likewise.

E. J. Dionne, Jr., pointed out in his book on American political history,
Why Americans Hate Politics
(1991), that Buckley wrote in
Did You Ever See a Dream Walking?
that Richard Weaver’s definition of conservatives was “as noble and ingenious an effort as any I have ever read.” Buckley was referring to Weaver’s definition when responding to Chris Matthews.

Jay M. Shafritz (ed.),
The HarperCollins Dictionary of American Government and Politics
(1993) defines “ideology” as
(1) A comprehensive system of political beliefs about the nature of people and society; an organized collection of ideas about the best way to live and about the most appropriate institutional arrangements for society…. But the term has evolved to mean the philosophical bent of true believers of whatever belief. The mainstreams of American politics have never been rigidly ideological; only the extremes of both major parties—on the far Right and far Left—are much concerned with correct rules of thought for the party’s most faithful…. But ideology seems to be making a comeback with the new Right. (2) Whatever one believes about the political process, whether it is articulated or not. (3) An interrelated set of ideas or a world view that explains complex social phenomena in a relatively simple way. (4) The selected and often distorted notions about how society operates. A group may adhere to such notions as a means of retaining group solidarity and of interpreting a world from which they have become alienated.

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