The Billionaire's Daughter

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Authors: Maggie Carpenter

BOOK: The Billionaire's Daughter
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The Billionaire's





Maggie Carpenter



©2012 by Blushing
Books® and Maggie Carpenter



Copyright © 2012 by Blushing Books® and
Maggie Carpenter


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Carpenter, Maggie

The Billionaire's Daughter

eBook ISBN: 978-1-60968-807-3


Design by Sullivan Clarke


This book is intended for
Spanking and other
sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for
Nothing in this book
should be interpreted as advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the
spanking of minors.




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shivered.  She was sitting by a blazing fire reading the latest issue of
her favorite magazine, The Horse Journal, and just the sound of the blustering
wind made her feel colder.  There was the sense of a storm in the air and
the darkening skies promised it wouldn’t be much longer.

in a tight fitting red cashmere sweater that stopped at the waist, black
leggings and thick white socks, she looked every bit the sexy rich young woman
she was.  Her long hair was reddish brown with shimmering highlights,
and when the light caught it just right it appeared iridescent.  Her eyes
were a dark brown but turned almost black when she was angry, which happened
quite often.  She was a tad under 5”7”and possessed a naturally svelte
figure, though blessed with a bounteous bust for which she was very

looked up from the magazine and gazed absently across the room at the large
picture window.  She couldn’t concentrate.  She’d just been
fired!  The fourth job in - what - two years?  She couldn’t believe
But then again she could.
She just didn’t know how to control
herself sometimes, and if she became frustrated or upset she would let
At least she hadn’t had to
face her parents.

father was in Europe on an extended business trip. “We’ll deal with this when I
get back in a couple of weeks,” her father had said gruffly on the phone. A
powerful businessman,
“Bill” Hollister had made sure his only daughter wanted for nothing.
Now he was despairing of her and very
She had been impossible
as a teenager, and as a young woman she couldn’t hold a job, usually because of
her impatience and fearful temper.

Her mother Catherine Jane Wilcox, had
been a Miss America from whom Kate had inherited her stunning looks.
Catherine traveled a great deal but the time she had spent at home when Kate
was growing up, the woman had set a questionable example for the impressionable
child.  Stamp your feet, stand your ground and you’ll get
your way. 

She had called Kate from New York and
was in the middle of debating her daughter when the phone call was cut
A crisis with some seating
arrangements for her charity event required her mother’s urgent

restless, Kate tossed The Horse Journal on the coffee table and wandered over
to look out at the weather.  Her eyes scanned the wide green lawns, then
traveled further afield to a large group of trees. The wind was whipping the branches
and they seemed to be performing their own chaotic dance.   All those
images of Southern California being the land of sunshine!  Sure, 8 months
of the year they had the best weather in the country.  But when winter
finally decided to drop on by - look out!

she could run to the barn and jump on one of her horses and go for a long trail
ride, she considered at least wandering down and checking on them.  They
were locked in their stalls out of the elements, and probably just as bored as
she was.

was about to turn away when a gust of wind whistled past the window. 
Swirling leaves and assorted debris tumbled violently through the air.
Captivated she watched the tumult, but her eyes fell on something in the
distance she couldn’t quite discern.   She squinted, trying to make
it out, and realized it was a man literally hanging out of a tree. He
seemed to have some kind of sling around his waist and was attempting to lower
himself to the ground.

to the hall closet she found the binoculars and dashed back. She was
right!  And it was frightening!
It definitely was a man and he definitely was hanging, but
he wasn’t as high as she had previously
thought. Perhaps it wasn’t as bad as it looked. 

it happened. 

completely helpless she stared in utter disbelief as she watched his body
fall.   When he hit the ground she let out a short, sharp cry and
held her breath waiting for him to stand up.  To her great relief he did,
and began staggering forward.

ran into the marbled foyer calling frantically for Cecil.  He was her
father’s majordomo, decidedly English, tall and quite portly, and cast a rather
imposing figure.  He’d been with the family for many years.

is it Kate?” he asked, bustling in from her father's study, alarmed at the
young woman’s anxious cry.

a man.  In the trees.  He fell.  Quick. You’ve got to help him!”

so many years Cecil was used to Kate’s dramas and took them in stride.

I have the binoculars please?” he asked, walking calmly towards her, thinking
more than likely it was a branch that had been ripped away by the heavy winds.

for goodness sake!” she declared, handing them over.  “It’s a man I tell

took the binoculars, walked into the living room and made his way to the windows.
Holding them up he peered into the

dear.  It’s Dante!” 

froze, and felt her heart skip a beat. 


didn’t think he was coming out until tomorrow,” Cecil continued.  “He’s
limping but he seems okay.  Probably sprained his ankle.
I’ll go and see if I can help him.”

Kate silently cried, and
felt the immediate birth of dust devils that could match any of the winds
blowing outside.
She had been in
crush with him since childhood. 

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