Conservatives Without Conscience (36 page)

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Authors: John W. Dean

Tags: #Politics and government, #Current Events, #Political Ideologies, #International Relations, #Republican Party (U.S. : 1854- ), #Political Process, #2001-, #General, #United States, #Conservatism & Liberalism, #Conservatism, #Political Science, #Political Process - Political Parties, #Politics, #Political Parties, #Political Ideologies - Conservatism & Liberalism

BOOK: Conservatives Without Conscience
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Al Gore, “Transcript: Former Vice President Gore’s Speech on Constitutional Issues,” CQ Transcripts,
Washington Post
(January 17, 2006) at 2006011600779_ pf.html.

Joshua Micah Marshall, Talking Points Memo (January 17, 2006) at

Joseph J. Collins, “War and Destiny: How the Bush Revolution in Foreign and Military Affairs Redefined American Power,”
Joint Forces Quarterly
(First Quarter 2006), 93.

Jeffrey Goldberg, “Breaking Ranks: What turned Brent Scowcroft against the Bush Administration?”
New Yorker
(October 31, 2005) at http://www.

Steve Mavros, “Letters to the Editor: Cheney and the Politics of Terror,”
New York Times
(September 9, 2004), A-32. Also, commentators have, from
time to time, addressed the fearmongering of Bush and Cheney. For example, Bob Herbert, “Get It Together, Democrats,”
New York Times
(October 17, 2005), A-19. (“Ever since Sept. 11 President Bush and the G.O.P. have been pushing the nation’s fear buttons for all they’re worth,” Herbert wrote); and Joshua Kurlantzick, “The Rise & Fall of Imperial Democracies,”
Washington Monthly
(January/February 2006), 33. (“President George W. Bush tapped a powerful vein of nationalism and fear after 9/11 to expand his authority, intimidate opponents, reward corporations allied with his party, and punish dissent within the government. He then used his enhanced powers to invade and occupy Iraq and to capture and imprison thousands of individuals suspected, rightly or wrongly, of being terrorists,” Kurlantzick noted in passing in his essay).

Taranto, “The Weekend Interview with Dick Cheney,” A-8.

Karl Rove, “The GOP Remains the Party of Ideas,” January 20, 2006, address to the Republican National Committee at

Luke Mitchell, “At Issue in the 2004 Election: A Run on Terror,”
(March 2004), 79.

Jim Harper, “Secrecy fetish hurts war on terror; Assessing the risk is made more difficult,”
Orange Country Register
(February 15, 2006).

John W. Dean,
Worse Than Watergate: The Secret Presidency of George W. Bush
(New York: Warner Books, 2005), 194. Citing Oren Gross, “Chaos and Rules: Should Responses to Violent Crisis Always Be Constitutional?”
Yale Law Journal,
vol. 112 (March 2003), 1011, 1030–31.

Dan Eggen, “U.S. Is Given Failing Grades by 9/11 Panel: Bipartisan Group Faults Counterterrorism Progress,”
Washington Post
(December 6, 2005), A-1.

Anonymous, “Mortality Fears as Measure of Politics?”
Los Angeles Times
(July 25, 2004), A-23.

Associated Press, “More Americans fear terrorists are winning,” (April 22, 2004) at

CNN, “U.S. President/National/Exit Poll,” at

Martha Crenshaw, “Counterterrorism in Retrospect,”
Foreign Affairs
(July/August 2005) at

Al Gore, “The Politics of Fear,”
Social Research,
vol. 71:4(Winter 2004), 20.

Robert O. Paxton,
The Anatomy of Fascism
(New York: Knopf, 2004).

Bob Altemeyer,
Right Wing Authoritarianism
(Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 1981), 4.

Al Kamen, “Scooter Finds Fellowship at the Hudson Institute,”
Washington Post
(January 6, 2006), A-17.


Abelson, Donald E.

Abortion issue

Abramoff, Jack

Indian tribes and

indictment of

personal history of

relationships with representatives

relationships with senators

Abu Ghraib

Activist judges

Adams, John

Addington, David

Adorno, T. W.

Agentic conscience

Aggressive support of authority

Agnew, Spiro T.

Alien and Sedition Act

Alien Imposition Act

Alito, Samuel

Allard, Wayne

Al Qaeda.
bin Laden, Osama

Altemeyer, Bob

American Association for the Advancement of Science award

“Authoritarian Aggression”

Alter, Jonathan

Alterman, Eric

American Revolution, conservatives interpretation of

American Association for the Advancement of Science

American Enterprise Institute

Americans for a Republican Majority (ARMPAC)

Americans for Tax Reform

Americans United for Separation of Church and State

The American Revolution

A Modern Maistre: The Social and Political Thought of Joseph de Maistre


Pat Robertson

Paul Weyrich

Appropriation bill abuses


Arendt, Hannah

Americans for a Republican Majority (ARMPAC)

Arndt, Jamie

Atta, Mohammed


“Authoritarian Aggression” (Altemeyer)

Authoritarian conservatism

Alexander Hamilton

compared to libertarianism and traditional conservatism

current levels of

early years of

federal judiciary accession to

historical overview

in House of Representatives.
House of Representatives

initial Congressional display of

means of exercising control


in Senate.

social conservatives.
Social conservatives

Authoritarian conservatives

Authoritarian followers.
Followers, authoritarian


The Authoritarian Personality

characteristics of

effect on conservatives

in George W. Bush administration

in House of Representatives.
House of Representatives

I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby

incompetence and

in Nixon administration

problems with

relationship to ideology

religious authoritarianism.
Religious authoritarianism

right-wing authoritarianism

in Senate.

studies of

Authoritarian leaders.
Leaders, authoritarian

Authoritarian Personality, The
, study

Authoritarian Specter, The

Authoritarian thinking and behavior


aggressive support of

obedience to

submission to


Babcock, Charles R.

Bacon, Perry

Bailey, Holly

Bailley, Phillip Mackin

Bailyn, Bernard

Baker, Howard H., Jr.

Baker, Peter

Bakes, Phil

Baldwin, Abraham

Bandow, Doug

Barr, Bob

Beckel, Bob

Beckerman, Marty

Beiler, David

Belk, Bill

Bell, Jeff

Bennett, William

Berry, Jeffrey M.

Bimes, Terri

Bin Laden, Osama

Birnbaum, Jeffrey H.

Black-bag jobs

Blind Ambition

Block, Jack

Block, Jeanne H.

Blumenthal, Sidney

Blunt, Roy

Boaz, David

Boehner, John

K Street Project

Boerne v. Flores

Bolton, John R.

Bond, Christopher

Boorstin, Daniel J.

Bork, Robert

Boston, Robert

Bradley, Jennifer

Bradley, Owen

Bramwell, Austin W.

Bramwell, Sarah

Breyer, Stephen

Brock, David

Brookings Institution

burglary plan for

Brown, Bill

Brown v. Board of Education

Bruce, Steve

Buchanan, Patrick

conscience of

role in Watergate defense


Buckley, William F., Jr.

Burke, Edmund

Burkean conservatism

Burnham, James

analysis of conservatism

Burns, Jennifer

Burton, Dan

Bush, George H. W.

Christian conservatives’ influence on

Bush, George W.

administration’s thought process leading up to invasion of Iraq

authoritarian nature of administration

Christian conservatives’ influence on

comparison to Richard Nixon

as Double High authoritarian

effect of terrorism on policies of

efforts to address terrorism

exploitation of 9/11 terror attacks

failure to follow conservative agenda


invasion of Iraq

judicial appointments

manipulation by Dick Cheney

mental acumen of

neoconservatives’ objections to foreign policies of

politics of fear

preemptive war

protection of

as radical

radical policies of

relationship with Tom DeLay

secrecy of administration

Supreme Court nominations

2000 election results

Bush, Jeb

Buzzhardt, Fred

Byrd, Robert



Call-girl operation, Watergate

Cannon, Joe

Carlinin, John

Carter, Dan

Carter, Jimmy

views on mixing religion and politics

Carter, L. H.


Cato Institute


Chafee, Lincoln

The Challenge of Democracy: Government in America
(Janda, Berry & Goldman)

Chapman, Bernard

Chemerinsky, Erwin

Cheney, Dick

attempt to block anti-torture amendments

bad judgment by

as chief of staff to Nixon

competency of

effect of terrorism on policies of

exploitation of 9/11 terror attacks


Halliburton Corporation

influence on Bush administration

justification for torture

manipulation of Bush by

mistakes made by

policies imposed by

politics of fear

positions held in Washington

protection of

as radical

radical policies of

secrecy of

support for torture

views on executive authority

Cheney, Richard B.

as Double High authoritarian

Chimpanzee Politics
(de Waal)

Christian Coalition

support for Republicans in 1994 elections

Christian conservatives.
See also
Social conservatives

agenda of

authoritarianism of.
Religious authoritarianism

characteristics of

enemies of

political tactics

Republican Party reliance on

Christian fundamentalists.
See also
Evangelical Christians

Christian right.
Religious right

The Christian Right in American Politics: Marching Toward the Millennium

CIA leak case.
See also
Plame, Valerie

Citizens for America

Classic conservatism

Classic liberalism

Cleland, Max

Clinton, Bill

actions during shut-down of government

domestic policies

health care proposal

impeachment proceeding

Monica Lewinsky affair

Republican attack on

Clinton, Hillary

Cloture vote

Coburn, Tom

Cochran, Thad

College Republican National Committee (CRNC)

Collins, Joseph J.

Collins, Susan

Colodny, Leonard

Colson, Chuck

attempt to nullify Supreme Court decisions

hypocrisy of

obedience to authority

reaction to
Boerne v. Flores

Colyandro, John

Comey, James

Committee on Rules, House of Representatives



Congress and the American Tradition


agentic conscience

obedience and

Conscience of a Conservative, The

Conscience of a Majority, The

Conscience of the marketplace


antipathy to liberalism

authoritarian conservatism.
Authoritarian conservatism

Burnham’s analysis of

classic conservatism

contradictory thinking within


description of

as dysfunctional family

enemies of

factions of

family tree

future direction of

Goldwater conservatism

in House of Representatives.
House of Representatives

modern history of

modern phase

as movement

nature of

perversions of

“Political Conservatism as Motivated Cognition” study

post-modern period

power of negative thinking

present day

present state of

psychological perspectives on

in Senate.

traditional conservatism

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