Conjurer & The Sacred Lemons (2 page)

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Authors: Prakash

Tags: #BluA

BOOK: Conjurer & The Sacred Lemons
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Chapter            Title                                           Page No.


  1. Evil strikes back                                              9
  2. In Emergency medical care                            13
  3. Finding a Home in New Orleans                    22
  4. Settling down in Mandeville                         29
  5. Patrick William’s sickness                           34
  6. Meeting the Doctor                                        48
  7. Following the Rag Peter                                67
  8. Ursula On Rag Peter’s Trail                        75
  9. Cleansing the house                                      78
  10. Evil Fights back                                             83
  11. Curious Turn                                                  91
  12. “Lion “Mistry                                                 95
  13. Ursula & Patrick in India                              101
  14. On the trail of the ‘LION”                            115
  15. Meeting with the Baba Guru Nath               121
  16. Running around Mandeville                         129
  17. “ LION “ Mystery persists                           131
  18. Look out for Black magic practitioners         135
  19. Looking for more hints                                  137
  20. The Two aces in the clog                                141
  21. Unexpected Turn                                            148
  22. The Shabar Ritual in the Graveyard.              151
  23. Looking for a thread                                     157
  24. Uprooting the Evil Spell                                 160
  25. Annexure “ Peculiar words and Meaning       172




















Chapter 1


Evil strikes back


It was a hunter’s moon night, the full moon, which follows the Harvest moon. It was bright yellow everywhere, even in the night.

The lanes in the neighborhood were totally deserted. However the noise of cars from the nearby highway was still on. The William’s were fast asleep in their house; it was around 1 am in the night
Somewhere on the street barking of the stray dogs and occasional hooting of the bats was disturbing the otherwise peaceful atmosphere in the neighborhood.
The sound of leaves blowing in the street added a peaceful soundtrack to the scene. William’s had shifted to this new Mandeville house just 3 month back.


Patrick William was fast asleep with his wife Ursula in their bedroom. Though Patrick was in deep sleep due to the, psychotropic medication he was taking, his subconscious mind was restless. He was waking up midway for a minute or so but was again falling back to sleep. Probably his subconscious mind was alerting him for something. However the drugs prescribed to Patrick seemed to be more powerful and that is why he was again falling back to sleep.


It was around 2 am by now. Patrick woke up midway again. He sat on the bed for a minute. Just then he could hear some unusual sounds, slowly becoming louder and louder. These unusual sounds made him completely awake. His heart started beating fast. The sound now got louder and louder as if they are coming from just outside the bed room door. He looked at Ursula but she was in deep sleep. “Is she not hearing such a loud sound?”  Patrick asked himself. His attention was still on the bedroom door. The sound slowly started getting feeble and feeble and stopped completely after 2-3 minutes. He thought of waking up Ursula but at the second thought decided not disturb her. He tried to close his eyes to go to sleep again. However thought of the strange sound was still at the back of his mind.

After half an hour or so, he again work up .He was experiencing something strange. He just kept lying in the bed with eyes staring at the ceiling.


All of a sudden he experienced some invisible force trying to push him to one side of the bed. With all his might, he caught hold of the bed’s side bar. Suddenly the push disappeared. He waited for few minutes. After a while he switched on the night lamp to check if someone is there in the room. He checked the bedroom and the main hall but couldn’t find anyone. He was experiencing such strange events in the last few weeks and by now he was much more composed in facing them. He sat on the bed for few minutes, took a deep breath. “Are these events real or am I experiencing hallucinations due to psychotropic medication?” He asked himself.

Ursula was still in deep sleep totally unware of the Patrick’s ordeal.


He again tried to close his eyes while lying on the bed. Suddenly he saw a bright ray piercing through the roof of the bedroom and inching towards him. The multicolored ray was so bright that Patrick has to literally put his both palms on his eyes. It persisted for 2-3 minutes. The light appeared to be fading after that. He opened his eyes only to be more shocked and shattered, from the fading bright ray he could see some strange figure emerging from the roof. It was a combination of a wolf head and human body. The wolfs’ red eyes were circling around on him while he could see the lower part of the strange animal, which was like a human body with filthy and bloodied hands. Patrick tried to scream but it seemed his voice was chocked inside. He was almost frozen. He tried to move away from the bed but he couldn’t. This shock probably was such a high that he lost his ability to move away.


The wolf head was now almost near to his face. He could feel the filthy smell from the wolf’s mouth. He thought it was all over now and the strange animal was going to kill him. He was still trying to scream and also trying to woke up Ursula but he was unable to scream and move. Ursula was still sleeping peacefully without having any idea about what was going on with Patrick for last one hour,


Suddenly he felt that the animal is moving away from him. Its red eyes were still focused on him. In next few minutes the animal vanished. There was no trace of what he had seen in the last 5 to 10 minutes. Patrick was almost in a shock .He was unable to comprehend whether it is real or he is experiencing some dream or hallucination.


Patrick was now almost wet with sweat flowing from the entire body. He was still trying to shout to wake up Ursula but he was unable to speak or even to move his hand to reach to Ursula on the same bed. This ghastly experience had given him a deadly shock. If any weak hearted would have been there in place of Patrick, he would have certainly died of the shock.


Patrick was trying to wake up Ursula but he was feeling that his entire energy has suddenly vanished. He could see that his hands are slightly curled and was almost motionless. He was almost in a semi-conscious state.


Sensing some movements, Ursula suddenly woke up and switched on the lights. She almost screamed seeing Patrick’s condition. Patrick was still in the semiconscious and immobile state.


Ursula could sense that Patrick had experienced something scary. Patrick’s wet clothes, Pale and frightened face and inability to move or speak was a proof of that. She could also see that his hands were looking just motionless


“Patrick, Are you alright “Ursula almost cried

There was no answer.

Silence was now killing her.


Ursula sensed something amiss. She had witnessed Patrick’s trauma earlier also but she had also seen Patrick getting to normal within 5 to 10 minutes after such events earlier.


Today she thought something was amiss. Patrick was just lying on the bed, unable to speak and was almost in a Tran’s situation. He was not responding to Ursula’s question.


She was in a fixed now. At this odd hour what could be done? Should I call the neighbors? But they hardly know them. There was no point in waking up the children either at this time.


She decided to call the emergency services. Simultaneously she was trying to comfort Patrick. She had put the Air conditioner to the full mode. Tried to give him water and coffee. However Patrick could take only 1-2 sips of the water and coffee.


In the next 15 minutes the emergency ambulance and the medico team arrived. The medico team immediately gave the customary preliminary treatment and moved Patrick to the ambulance. Ursula accompanied them.


In next 10 minutes the ambulance was entering the city hospital. All along the way Ursula was literally crying .She had never seen Patrick in such a hapless situation.


Along the way to hospital, she was wondering what exactly happened to Patrick? Why Patrick did not wake her up? Why she could not sense anything despite on being close to Patrick on the same bed. “Why such strange events or experiences are only occurring to Patrick alone?”

“Was this a side effect of the recent psychotropic medication he is undergoing?” She had a no clue. she had never seen Patrick in such a bad situation in their life sofar,


The Medico’s in the ambulance were monitoring the vital parameters of Patrick. Ursula was still crying, unable to control her emotions.


The Ambulances was almost near to the city hospital by now.














Chapter 2


In the Emergency medical care



The emergency ward at the city public hospital during this time of the night used to be mostly calm. Today was no exception. The doctors and nurses on the night duty were relaxing at their places in their respective wards. This hospital was one of the nearest hospital for Mandeville residents. It was a multispecialty hospital with almost all the medical facilities available under one roof.


When the ambulance carrying Patrick entered the hospital porch, Ursula jumped off in a hurry. The security guard and the hospital attendant put Patrick on the stretcher and swiftly moved him to the ground floor emergency checking room.


By this time Patrick was almost recovered from the shock and was feeling much better. He could sense that he has been in a hospital right now.


“Put the oxygen mask on the patient; connect the monitoring terminals “doctor at the emergency ward was instructing the nurse.


In next 5 minutes, Patrick was looking like a person with various gadgets attached to his body. Ursula was watching from outside the emergency room.


She could hear Patrick telling the doctor and the nurse that he is okay now and there is no need to do all this. However they were just following the standard emergency protocols.


“What is the pulse and Blood Pressure “Doctor?


“Normal sir 72 ,  120/ 85 “ Nurse replied.


“Take an ECG “


Nurse carried the portable ECG and connected wires to Patrick’s body.


“It looks pretty normal “doctor declared.


“Take a random sugar sample “doctor tried another possibility


Nurse bought the Glucometer.

“Random Sugar 90 “Nurse replied

The reading was normal.


“Vital parameters are within normal” Doctor quipped.


“Hello is it Neurosurgery department “emergency ward doctor called the Neuro department.

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