Conjurer & The Sacred Lemons (7 page)

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Authors: Prakash

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BOOK: Conjurer & The Sacred Lemons
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“Ursula …come here “Patrick was calling from the bedroom.

Worried Ursula rushed to the bedroom.

“See I told you  ...somebody hit me on my chest….” Patrick pointed to greenish patches on her chest.

Ursula could see herself 4-5 greenish patches on Patrick’s white Chest.

“Honey are you sure you did not have these greenish patches the day before “Ursula asked,

“Ursula, I am hundred percent sure, this is the result of night’s incidence  ...someone did hit me and I omitted blood “Patrick was looking frightened and shaking.

“Come on honey… even if I assume that somebody hit you on the chest. Show me the blood you omitted “Ursula asked.

“I am confused, I am not getting what is going on Ursula …I will go mad “Patrick was literally in tears.

“Patrick listen. Nothing has happened to you. Last 2 months both of us are running pillars to post during the shifting from Jersey to here. Such hectic efforts to create some health issues either physical or mental “Ursula tried to calm him down by offering explanation.


Patrick shook his head. He was not ready to believe that explanation.

“Or am I suffering from some disease?” Patrick asked.

By this time both Victor and Alice woke up due to loud conversation and came to the room.

“Daddy are you ok  ...”Victor asked. Alice was still rubbing her eyes.

“Yes Luc... I am good. Let us get ready for school “Patrick replied.

Ursula took Patrick’s hand in her hand. “Let us consult a doctor, if you are feeling so...” Ursula told Patrick.

“But I am confident  ...this is just a thing like nightmares due to anxiety “Ursula tried again to cheer him.

” Let us get prepared, I will bring coffee and Breakfast you for all” Ursula ordered Kids and Patrick.

Patrick was feeling weak due to lack of sleep but he could not afford a leave as the job was new, unwillingly he got ready to leave for the factory. Kids also went to the school.


Ursula alone was thinking about the chain of events in last 2 weeks, she was worried a lot. She was unable to conclude whether Patrick was having some illness or it was a result of fatigue and depression. Anyhow now she had decided to see a doctor. She tried searching information from the telephone directory but was unable to figure out the doctor or clinic to be approached. Finally she decided that as Patrick has complained first time about heaviness in the chest and second time about being hit was the chest, a cardiologist would be the best one to begin with. If needed they might consider meeting a chest physician afterward.


She figured out a clinic “Fischer’s Clinic which was in New Orleans having number of specialties including cardiology, Chest medicine, General medicine and other disciplines. It was also having a full-fledged pathology lab and facility of CT scan. She tried calling the clinic couple of times but the number was coming busy. Finally she could get the operator on line.


“Good morning, I am Ursula William from Mandeville and want an appointment with cardiologist for my husband Patrick “Ursula told the operator.

“Mam, are you a first timer patient “receptionist asked from the other side.

“Yes, this is the first time we want to consult “Ursula replied

“Mam, the earliest you can get an appointment is on coming Thursday evening “receptionist replied.

Ursula thought for a minute. Thursday mean still 2 days in between.

Reluctantly she confirmed the Thursday evening appointment.


Ursula then finished the daily chorus in the house. In the afternoon she had a brief nap.


In the afternoon she rang up her close friend Nancy in Jersey. She briefed Nancy about the Patrick’s issue. She was literally crying while explaining the events to Nancy.


“Ursula, such things happen. Even my husband Bob was under severe depression few years back and used to behave erratically “Nancy tried to give her comfort.

“We must have consulted a dozen different doctors including psychologist so that bob could come out of it “Nancy continued.

“You know Ursula, I stood by Bob’s side, gave him metal strength to fight the depression “Nancy continued.

“To be on lighter side, we women are much strong mentally than our males… “Nancy tried to bring some humor to ease out the tension.

“Nancy, I am also doing the same. I am telling Patrick to take it easy .My worry is taking care of the kids “Ursula responded.

“That is simple why can’t you call your mother or sister for a month to your house. Then it will be easy for you .Children will be also happy with Nanny or Aunt “Nancy suggested.

“Oh. That is a great idea. That will be fantastic “Ursula was ecstatic at the thought


After finishing her chat with Nancy, Ursula tried reaching her sister Jane Smith. Jane was the younger of the two and still was a single. She was a professor of economics in New York state university for last couple of years.


“Hello, is it Jane…. “Ursula enquired.


“Yes Sis, how are you. No communication from you in last 2 months” Jane started with volley of questions.

“Jane, you know Patrick lost his job in Jersey and we moved to New Orleans “Ursula replied.

“Yeh...Mom told me all that stuff. Are you settled now?” Jane enquired.

“Yes settled for the last 2 months but of late Patrick is not keeping well  ...” Ursula continued.

“Come-on Patrick is an athlete  ...It may be some minor illness “Jane commented.


Ursula repeated the whole chain of events which happened in last 2 weeks and how Patrick is appeared to be shaken.

“Ursula this seems to be some psychosomatic issues... consult a psychologist...” Jane suggested.

“I had fixed an appointment with a cardiologist this Thursday as Patrick both time complained something in chest “Ursula replied.

“Ok first meet the doc. Get some medicines. He will be alright “Jane commented.

“Jane, one issue is while I and Patrick get through this clinic-home business, I need someone to take care of Victor and Alice. “ Ursula told Jane.

“I am sorry Ursula, I had university examinations this month. If you want me to come there then it is possible only after a month” Jane told her difficulty.

“That is alright... Let me check with Mom” Ursula replied.

“Yeh Mom would definitely say yes. She had not met kids in last two months right?” Jane commented.

“Take care Jane “Ursula put the phone off.


She immediately rang her mother who was living alone in Jersey.

“Mom  ... This is Ursula “

“Hi dear how are you “Mom replied

“Doing well Mom “Ursula replied.

“How are my little angels “Mom Asked?

“Settled here but miss you a lot “Ursula replied.

“Mom I want you to come here for a month “Ursula requested.

“Anything wrong dear “Mom asked

“Patrick is not keeping well and we need to consult doctor’s .so to take care of kids I thought if you, if you are here that will be of great help “Ursula requested.

“I am always there for the little angels... when you want me to come?” Mom asked.

“As early as possible Mom. Even tomorrow “Ursula was anxious.

“I have ample time and no work. I will reach their tomorrow “Mom replied.

Ursula did not tell the entire chain of events to her mom. She did not wish her mom to get tensed after hearing to Patrick’s ordeal.


Roma smith, mother of two, the elder daughter Ursula was a freelance news writer and the younger one Jane was a university teacher. Roma taught in valley public school in Jersey for almost 30 years before she retired. Her husband that is Ursula and Jane’s father died when both of them were young. Roma single handily managed her job and the two daughters very well. She gave them good education and a decent standard of living. As a retired teacher now she was actively participating in community service as a volunteer. She was getting decent pension every month so she was financially independent. She was happy that both her daughters Ursula and Jane had settled in their life. She often though felt that Jane should marry now and start a family. However independent minded Jane was always neglecting her mother’s advice.


When William’s were in Jersey, Roma used to visit them regularly and used to spend a lot of time with the kids-Vic and Alice Both the kids liked her and used to insist on folklore and other stories daily from her. She also used to pamper both the kids with chocolates and ice-creams every time she visited them.


Ursula was now relaxed. Her mom had agreed to come to New Orleans for a month. That meant children would be taken care for their daily needs and school. She could concentrate more on Patrick.


By this time it was evening. Children had returned from school and watching TV. Patrick was yet to return from the factory. Ursula was worried a bit as she had invited her mother for a month for a long stay without checking with Patrick. However knowing Patrick she knew that Patrick loves to be among the people and it was unlikely that he would like mom-in –law to be with them. Ursula did not inform children as she wanted to give them a surprise tomorrow.


Patrick retuned home. He was composed and normal. On the way he had bought some fruits for the household. Reaching home, he straightway went for a shower. After that he was busy filing some of his old papers in the living room.


Ursula was in the kitchen preparing for the dinner.

“Patrick  ...comes here “Ursula yelled from the kitchen.

“Wait for 5 minutes .let me finish filing some old papers” Patrick replied loudly.


When Patrick went to the Kitchen, Ursula told Patrick that her mother was coming for a month to look after the kids.

“Is this a secret thing which can be told only in kitchen?” Patrick tried to tease her.

“No honey... I want to give a surprise to the kids “Ursula replied.

“Yes now for the whole month angels would be pampered a lot “Patrick remarked.

“Patrick, I also took appointment at Fischer clinic for Thursday evening? Ursula informed Patrick.

“Thanks Dear. Let us check with doctor.” Patrick commented.


That night Patrick again woke up couple of times without any reason. His subconscious mind was thinking on various lines and that is why he was woken up time to time. He thought whether he is suffering from any disease like Cardiac problems or chest infections or something related to hormones. His subconscious mind was also sometime thought whether it is ghost or something supernatural force which is troubling him. The human mind has no limits. It can wander freely considering limitless possibilities. However at every thought, he would reason rationally and try to conclude something or other. Later in the night finally he had fallen asleep.


Ursula woke up early in the morning hearing the phone ring in the living room. Her mother was on line informing her that she would start in next 2 hours and would reach New Orleans by late afternoon. Ursula was elated to hear that. Now she would be having company of her mom to take care of kids while she concentrates on getting Patrick’s problem resolved.


Patrick left for the factory after breakfast. Children also left for their school. Ursula’s mother reached the house by late afternoon exactly, she had carried 2 big bags with her.

“Mom what is this. How you carried entire wardrobe with you “Ursula asked.

“No Dear but lot of things for my little angels “Mom replied.

“Where are my little angels?” Mom looked anxious

“They will be back from school at 5 pm “Ursula informed.


The mother daughter duo had their late lunch. Then Ursula took her mother round the house and showed the entire house. Mom was happy to see a spacious and nice house. She also liked the front lawn and backyard. In the late afternoon while lying down on couch Ursula briefed her mom about the events which unfolded on Patrick in last 3 weeks. She also told her mother that due to these events Patrick was not able to enjoy either the food or the sleep. He must have lost a pound of his weight during this period.


Mom from her experiences told Ursula that many times see had seen such cases. Some may be due to mental health issues, sometimes it might be result of body and mind dysfunctioning. She advised Ursula to take help of the best doctors in the town.


Both of them had a brief nap after that.


When Victor and Sophie returned from the school, Ursula was waiting for them at the door.

“Hi Mom... we are hungry...need some quick bites “Victor said while entering the house. As usual Alice nodded at her brother’s suggestion.

“I have a surprise for both of you “Ursula told them.

“Tell us mom…” both of them were anxious.

Suddenly they saw their Nanny come out from the bedroom.

Both rushed towards her. Both of them were jumping with joy.

“Grandma …big surprise “Victor yelled.

“Where is my chocolate?” Sophie was eager.

“Wait angels. I had a lot of stuff for both of you “Grandma said cuddling both of them.


“First wash your hands and face. Be fresh and then I will show you the stuff” Grandma replied.

Both of them ran towards the wash room.


Next one hour Grandma was showing chocolates, clothes and toys she had bought for them.

Both the kids were bubbling with joy seeing the various gifts. They also started telling Nanny about the new school and new friends. Ursula was happy looking at the kids enjoying their time with their Nanny.


At the dinner time there was a complete chaos created by children moving around their Nanny around the dining table. Usually both Victor and Sophie used to be very silent on dining table. But today was a special occasion as Nanny had also bought stuff like ice-cream and puddings with her. Both Patrick and Ursula were enjoying children playing naughty with their Grandma.


Patrick was moving in the bed from one side to another. Ursula could sense that. She comforted him and asked him to be silent. However Patrick's mind was flickering around the last 3 events. He was again and again thinking on those events. He was trying to reason out various theories supporting the events or opposing it. The thought process was making him restless. Finally after an hour or so he could finally sleep.


Chapter 6


Meeting the Doctor……..


Fischer clinic was a multispecialty clinic operating in New Orleans for last 20 years. A well-equipped hospital in the area it was having number of panel doctors available in different disciplines. It initially started as a hospital for ENT ( Ear ,nose and Throat) and in few years become a super specialty hospital in various disciplines including Cardiology ,Endocrinology , Chest medicine ,Sport medicine , Gynecology , General surgery ,Psychology to name a few. It also started full-fledged pathology laboratory and CAT scan facility. Around 50 doctors in various specialties were working there. It has in-house as well as outpatient department. The hospital was divided into three floors with around 100 beds. The doctors OPD (Outpatient department) consultancy rooms were located on the ground floor.


Patrick and Ursula reached the hospital exactly at 5.45 pm, 15 minutes before the appointment. The appointment was with Dr.Neil Bortland who was a leading cardiologist in the area.Dr.Bortland after completing his study and internship at famous Mayo clinic had settled here in New Orleans. He was considered to be one of the best cardiologists available in the area.


The receptionist asked Patrick to fill up the medical history form as well as other details as social security number and the insurance details. Patrick struggled with words to fill up the medical history form. To his knowledge in his family most of the diseases were either absent or he was not knowing about it. About personal information, he had filled the 3 events he had experienced in the last 3 weeks. He returned the filled the form to the receptionist.


When Patrick and Ursula entered the consulting room of Dr.Bortland, he was typing information about the earlier patient on his computer.


“Good evening doctor “Patrick greeted while entering the room.

“Good evening to both of you’ ‘please sit down” Dr.responded.


After a minute or so Dr.Bortland turned to them. He had glanced the medical and personal history filled up by Patrick.


“Tell me in detail what are your problems “Dr.Bortland asked Patrick.

Patrick was short of words. He got confused how and what to tell about the trouble he experienced in last 3 weeks. Ursula came to his rescue.

“ Doctor , we have shifted to Mandeville about 2 months back from Jersey as Patrick has to join his new job here “ Ursula started.

Doctor was listening carefully.

“Patrick had experienced something in his chest at least 3 times in last 3 weeks .It was strange. It is difficult to describe it in exact words “Ursula added.

“Alright Patrick  ...Can you at least tell me what you felt sweat, trembling, pain in jaws, pain in shoulder or chest pain” Dr.Bortland tried to give some possible symptoms.

“Doctor First time, I thought someone is pressing my chest. I was unable to breath. Chest was almost heavy. It was also accompanied by lot of sweat. I could not speak at least for 1-2 minutes “Patrick described the event.

“Well  ...have you experienced pain in chest, shoulder or jaw?” Doctor enquired.

“Pain I am not sure. But I was trembling and shocked “Patrick replied.

“Ok. Tell me what happened last time?” Dr.Bortland asked.

“Last time, I experienced that someone is hitting me heavily on my chest and I am vomiting blood” Patrick replied.

“Patrick, I thought  ...I experienced  ...these statements are really meaningless. You have to tell me the exact symptoms” Dr.Bortland was to the point.

“Doctor, it is difficult to describe. But next day I could see bluing of the chest at some places “Patrick added.

“What happened to the blood you omitted?” Dr.Bortland asked the details.

“No Ursula latter told me, I had not vomited blood. Rather I had not omitted at all “Patrick replied.

Listening to Patrick’s details, Dr.Bortland had already reached a conclusion that this might be the case of symptoms taken as related to the heart but in reality it might be just something normal. However he did not shared his initial observation with both of them.

“Let me check your vital parameters. Please lie down of the inspection table “Dr.Bortland told Patrick.


Next 10 minutes Dr.Bortland had checked Blood pressure, heart beats and checked chest and other body parts.

He also conducted an ECG (Electrocardiogram) on him.

“Patrick your blood pressure is 120-80, Beats are normal, there are no abnormal sounds in the chest. ECG is perfectly fine. Prima facie I don’t think you have anything related to the heart.” Dr.Bortland explained to him.


Patrick was patiently listening to the doctor.


“To rule out everything related to the heart, if you want I can suggest trade mill test” Dr.Bortland told Patrick.

Anxious Ursula spoke “We will do the test doctor “

“Ok.” Said Dr.Bortland.


“Prima facie I conclude it is more of anxiety, stress and fatigue at the most which can cause such things, Time being I am prescribing one pill only which will stop anxiety. Take 1 in the night only” Dr.Bortland explained his diagnosis.


“Get the test done in this hospital only. If the stress test is negative then do not even bother to come to me “Dr, Bortland told Ursula.


“If test is negative then what is the next step? “ Ursula asked.


“If the test is negative and the incidences do not stop after taking the pill prescribed by Me., I will suggest you meet any Psychologist as then it would mean a Psychosomatics disorder “Dr, Bortland explained.


Ursula could not understand what is meant by Psychosomatic. What she understood was that if the stress test is negative and if the events do not stop with pills in a week, they needed to consult a psychologist.


Both of them thanked doctor Bortland .Before leaving the hospital, Ursula and Patrick took appointment for stress test the next day evening and also purchased the pills recommended by doctor from the drug store.


When they reached their house Nanny and Grandchildren were busy playing cards.


“Patrick how was the visit to the doctor? “Ursula’s mother asked.

“Mam, good one. Cardiac issue is almost ruled out “Patrick replied.

“Thank Jesus…” she replied.

“One more test is prescribed by the doctor “Ursula added.


“This is usual practice by hospitals to make money “Ursula’s mother commented.


Ursula and Patrick were very much relaxed that night.


Next evening again, both of them were at Fischer clinic. They did not have to wait for a long. The laboratory assistant called Patrick in the lab for the stress test. The assistant put the electrode in place probably at 14 places all over the chest including hand and legs too. He has measured his blood pressure and beats before the start of the test. Then he had asked Patrick to be on tread mill. He explained Patrick about the complete procedure.

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