Come Share My Love (52 page)

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Authors: Carrie Macon

Tags: #Romance

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     “I’m better than alright



     “You want to wait awhile?”

     “Hell no,” she rushed.  “I don’t think I can wait another minute and I don’t want to.”

     “Good answer.  Before the night is over we will have done just about everything you can think imaginable and then maybe you can tell me, no, show me what you like best.”

     “Right now I’m aching to have you inside of me.”

     “We’ll get back to that in a minute.  What about foreplay?”


     “Umm huh,” he said while tracing his tongue down her wet body.”

     “Do whatever you want to do, take your time just do me right.”

     “Ooh.  I think I got a tiger on my hands.  You are so bad.”

     “I do have a bad side.”

     “You can show me that, too, later.  I’m going to show you my bad side, but first I want to taste that mouth again.  His kisses made her weak.  It was a good thing that she wasn’t standing because she would have sure hit the ground by now.

   He kissed down her neck, her chest.  He watched her watching him ravish one nipple after the other.  Her eyes were a little glassy.  He could only imagine what they were going to look like each time she came apart in his arms.  He was looking forward to each orgasm that spilled out of her body.

   Zackary moved down her body with his mouth but kept his hands massaging her breast until he came across the sweet smelling nectar of her womanhood.  He slid his hand down her stomach over her navel and down through the soft patch of curly hair that hid her womanly folds.  He couldn’t wait to taste her.  He nudged at her legs and she let them fall away giving him unlimited access to her very essence.  He inserted one finger, and then two.  She jumped.  It felt too good to be true.  She was there, again, at the brink of eruption.  She wanted to hold on, and she would for as long as she felt it necessary to satisfy the man she loved.
  Yes she loved Zackary.

     “Open up for me.”  She did.  “Wider” She did that, too.  “That’s better.”  He had way more leverage this way.

     “You’re wetter than before.” 

She moaned her approval as he drove his fingers in and out, in and out.

     “And you are so milky.”


     “Yes ma’am,” he said approvingly.”  Before she could get another word out his mouth took possession where his fingers withdrew from.  Again she went scrambling up the bed, but she didn’t get very far because his hold on her was stronger than her will to get away.

     “You like that?”

     “Yes.  Oh yes.”  Her body was prematurely oozing with her feminine juices and he loved the very taste of it.  He licked and sucked on the lips several times before thrusting his lengthy tongue deep inside, letting it settle there before gliding it in and out, out and in, repeating the process a few move times before telling her to watch him pleasure her. 

   She watched in utter amazement as his head bobbed up and down tasting her, pleasing her, getting her ready for the big release.

   For added pleasure she held the back of his head in place.  He got more pleasure from watching her watching him and trying to keep her control, it was a losing battle.  Zackary eased off the bed but not off her, pulling her to the edge with him.

     “Oh Zackary,” Shyla yelped.  “This is torture.”

     He lifted his eyebrows and smile but he didn’t stop what he was doing.  Then she felt him do something different.  Was he making letters down there?  He was really working her over.

     “Yes,” she moaned.  “Mmm, ooh, ooh, yes.  Oh yyyeeessss.”

     He spread her legs wider but kept her legs in the position like she was settled in stirrups.  He continued on with his assault.

     “Zack?  Zack, baby?” 

     Her body began to quiver and her grip on his head began to loosen.  She felt her entire control crashing.

   Zackary stuck his tongue in her center, feeling her contraction at his very tip.  He watched in complete fascination as her eyes turned from walnut to a deep mahogany to pure black pearls.  It was gorgeous.

   He jumped up while she was still in the thorough of her climax and slipped his manhood inside feeling her body come alive once again around him.  He pounded savagely until his seed spilled like wild flowers inside of her. 

     “Mine, mine, mine.  Yes, Mmm, yes,” he groaned himself.

     Shyla continued to rotate her lower body and he welcomed it.  They were both again at a place where they could share in an overwhelmingly clash of orgasmic pleasure.  And there it happened, she said, “I love you, Zack, I love you.” 

     He lifted her off the bed, still deeply embedded inside her and took their pleasure to greater heights.  This time
when his body exploded into hers he had her in his arms and in his heart.

     “I love you Shyla.  Only you.”

     He stood holding on for as long as his legs could carry them and then they fell unceremoniously onto the bed.

     He looked into her eyes, and kissed her lips.  Sweat dipped from their bodies but mostly from his.  She wiped the sweat from his forehead, then around his neck and down his chest.  Shyla loved the feel of his body wet with hers.  They looked once again into each other’s eyes then laughed, and kissed.

     “Now that workout beats a gym workout any day.  Woo,” he shouted.

     “That’s what I’m talking about.  That was too, too good.  You taste so damn good, girl.  I think I want some more of that.”

     Shyla chuckled.  “I think we should wait awhile.  I don’t think I can come like that again even if I tried too.  That was so…woo…I don’t know…intense.”

     He nuzzled her neck.  “You’re sure?  I don’t mind especially the way you respond to me.”

     “I’m sure, baby.  Just let me rest a few minutes and I’ll probably be good to go.  How about you just lay here with me for a few minutes?  You don’t have to pull out or move just lay here with me.  After several seconds she said, “I can feel you growing inside me.”

     “Umm huh.  Feels good doesn’t it?”

     “Oh yes, real good.”

     “You can say that again.  Mmm,” Zackary never felt like this before, never wanting to leave the comfort of her body.

     “You’re not falling asleep on me, are you?” Shyla asked, but was the one to yawn.

     “Definitely not.  It’s just a little snug in here, warm, cozy all over.”

     “You are so silly,” she said moving her hips up and then down.

     “Ooh, baby.  Don’t move.  I just want to feel your warmth around me a little while.”  He patted her thigh.  “Put your legs down and close them for me.”  She did ask he asked.  “Mmm.
Feel that?”

     “Feels wonderful, but Zackary, I don’t think I can just lay here without moving.”

     “Try it just for a few minutes.  I promise you’ll like the feel of it.”

     “I’ll try.”  She laid there for thirty seconds feeling the pulsing of his manhood and the contracting of her uterus.  She could feel her heartbeat racing.  “Zackary!”

     “Don’t move.”  He snuggled deeper inside.  “Yes, baby.  Stay…just…like that.”  He rose up on one elbow, taking one breast into his mouth.

     “You’re really, really making this hard,” she said breathlessly.

     “It’s supposed to be hard,” he said deliberately misunderstanding her meaning.  He continued to suck on her nipple, he could feel the moment she latched onto him, completely.  She was ready.

     “Zack, baby.  Please do something.  Now!” she urged. 

     “Okay, okay.”  He slowly eased out of her a quarter of the way then eased back in.  He was hooked.  He eased her legs apart, sinking deeper and deeper into her body.

   Shyla took all she could take, she couldn’t take any more.  She matched Zackary stroke for stroke, thrust for thrust, and moan for moan.  She threw her legs behind his back linking them together like a pair of scissors.  He was going to pay for making her wait.

   He raised his body up over hers, throwing her legs upon his chest as he rammed his body into hers triple time.  He was like a jockey riding his horse to the finish line.  He pumped and pumped, faster and faster.  He watched as her breast jumped and bounced back and forth. 

   She grabbed her breast, pushing them together, squeezing and teasing the nipple.  She was losing it, freefalling away from herself.  She couldn’t hold on any longer.

   He pulled her arms up over her head, holding them there, kissing her with hunger and passion.

     “I’m coming, baby.  I’m com…oh shit,” he said and stopped, his body shuddered and skyrocketed out of control as he spilled deep into her.  Shyla continued thrusting and soon came too. 

   She fell a thousand times over, draining him of all his manly fluids.  He pressed soft, gingerly kisses on her as her body relaxed.  He didn’t speak until the last jolt left her body.

     “You’re alright?”

    “Mmm hmm,” she whimpered.

     “You were, amazing, you know that?”  He licked at her neck.

     All she could do was smile.  There was more sweat on their bodies than the previous time.  It required more than just hands to get them dry.

     “I’ll get us a towel.”  As he pulled out he felt a powerful shock to his system.  It was like a meltdown.  His body went limp, all of his body, all of his energy zapped away.  It took him more than five minutes to gain his strength and go for that towel.  When he stood up he had to hold on to the wall.  He’s never had a reaction like that before.  He got back to the bed and sat down alongside her frame and gently wiped her from head to toe, she in turn did the same.

     “You were not supposed to move,” he whispered.

     “That’s easy for you to say.  You let me on top and see how long you can keep still while I’m working my feminine wiles on you,” she said a little stronger than she intended.

     “Wow.  I think I’d like that,” he kissed her jaw.  “I do like it.  You want something to eat or drink?”

     “Maybe some water, iced with lots of ice.  My throat is parched and I just love eating on ice.”

     “Have you ever been diagnosed with anemia?  You do know that that’s a sign of iron deficiency?”

     “Yes I’ve heard that but I haven’t been told that before from a doctor.”

     “Well get it checked again, just to be on the safe side.  I don’t want anything to happen to my baby.”  He kissed her again before getting up on now steady legs to go get her water.

     “You think anyone heard us?  You were pretty vocal there.”

     “No baby.  I’d say you were the vocal one tonight.  And does it really matter if anyone heard us?”

     “Not at the moment,” she wiggled her eyes.

     “Good.  Because as far as I’m concerned, they should be trying to get them some nookie, too,” he kissed her forehead.  “Be right back.”  He wrapped the towel around his waist and headed off to the kitchen.

   Shyla laid there weak and out of control.  She couldn’t contain her excitement.  She had thought being with Zackary was a waste of her time.  He was successful, good looking and had a great body.  She knew he dated when she first met him and none of the women he brought around looked anything like her.  He was into the small types, the bea
utiful types.  She was cute at best, she always felt that she was just average.  He told her that he loved her.  Granted it was while he was releasing himself but he said it just the same.  She’d let it pass for now, if he said it again she’d believe it.

   Zackary came back with a pitcher of ice water with plenty of ice, a glass of extra ice, two small cups and a bowl of juicy red Bing Cherries.  There was nothing better than California Bing Cherries in the summertime.

   Shyla held her eyes closed.  She looked serene.  Zackary sat everything down on the night stand.

     “Now it’s my turn to ask.  You’re not falling asleep on me, are you?”  He took a piece of ice from the glass and let it drip between her breasts.

     “Oh, that’s cold.  And no I was just resting my eyes until you came back with my ice water, with extra ice.”

     He poured her a glass of water and threatened to pour it on her.

     “You wouldn’t.”

     “Sure I would.”

     “But I don’t want you to.”

     “What will you give me in return?”

     “I don’t know Mr. Trellis.  What is it that you want?”

     “I sense that’s a trick question because you already know what I want, but I’ll settle for a kiss for starters and decide on what else I want and collect later.  Now will I get that kiss or do you get drenched?”

     “I kind of like the idea of getting drenched.”  He held the glass over her head.  “But, but…not with ice water.  So I’ll give you that kiss.”

     “And you’ll pay up later when I make my decision?” he still held the water over her head.

     “Yes.  Now come here so that I can give you that kiss.”  She took the glass from his hand and placed it back on the nightstand.  She then straddled his body and gave him one alluring kiss.

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