Come Share My Love (24 page)

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Authors: Carrie Macon

Tags: #Romance

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Morning came all too quickly it seemed to Shyla.  She found herself wide awake by 7am.  Zackary was still sleeping peacefully, on his back with a smile on his face.  She wondered if he was dreaming or if that’s the way he fell asleep after their last go round of love making.  She had fallen asleep just before he had and even though she was exhausted she knew she had a smile on her face when she dropped off to sleep because she felt that same smile dancing around in her heart. 

   When Shyla moved around on the bed Zackary didn’t stir.  She got up to go to the bathroom, showered, brushed her teeth and combed her hair before getting dressed, when she came back into the bedroom he was still asleep.  She kissed his lips, he stirred but didn’t awake.  She hated to leave but she wanted to do her morning walk before he got up and then get back in bed with him when she returned.  She wouldn’t be gone long, she thought. 

   She went into the living room where her cousin was sitting enjoying breakfast and watching the Saturday Morning Cartoons.


     “What are you doing up so early?” she asked.

     “Hungry,” she raised her plate full of delicious food.  “And I’m too exhausted to sleep.”

     “Are you sure you’re not pregnant?  You have been tired.”

     “I’m not sure.  I’ve been wondering about it but we haven’t gotten pregnant before and I’ve felt like this before so I put it in the back of my brain and went on about my days.”

     “So what are you going to do about it?”  Shyla snatched up a piece of bacon from her plate.


     “Too much sodium.  Next time use turkey bacon.  It’s really good.  Now what are you going to do?”

     I’ll take a test when I get home just to pacify Felton.  He is bugging really hard.”

     “Shyla laughed. 
“If you are, he’ll be very happy.  Well I hope everything works out.”

     “I do also.  Where are you headed?”

     “Going out for my morning walk, you want to tag along?”

     “No I do not.  Maybe a little later when it’s warm out,” Shyla nodded.  “You had a good night.”

     “I had a wonderful night.”

     “So, are you two okay?”

     “I’d say we’re better than okay.  I’m off.  If he wakes up before I get back tell him I went for a walk.  I hope to be back in about an hour.”

     “Okay.  Have a good time.”

     Shyla left the house happy for a great night and thankful for a beautiful new day.  She took a deep breath as she walked down the steps, loving the crisp fresh air.  It had not begun to get hot.  But it would be by ten and that’s why she wanted to hurry.

     Shyla was hoping to make a picnic for her, Zackary and the twins.  She really liked pretending to be a family with them.  Maybe one day if she really prayed enough Zackary and his children would be the family she’d always wanted.  Last night they hadn’t used any protection.  Maybe they would have an addition to their family in nine months.  It would be more than she could ask for.  If only she was sure of the love they shared.

   Venice was walking to her car when she saw Shyla coming from the bakery.

     “Hey Shy.”

     “Good morning, Venice!  Where are you off to?”

     “I am going to run into town so that I can pick up my gown for the ball.  I had it made.  The dressmaker said I could pick it up this morning since we have so much to set up for later.  Would you like to join me?  I plan on getting some breakfast too.”

     “We’re just picking it up?”  Venice nodded “Sure.  I’m starved anyway.  And I need to pick up a few things from the drug store.”

     She had planned on surprising Zackary with the condom’s so that he wouldn’t have to go out today and get any.  She would get a pregnancy test for Essence and she would get herself some body wash.  She
loved smelling fresh and sure Zackary would appreciate it as well.


   When they got to the dressmaker and Shyla saw how pretty Venice’s dress was she couldn’t help but feel envious.  The dress was gorgeous.  She had brought a dress with her but it wasn’t as extravagant as this one.  It wasn’t even one that you would wear to a gala or ball.  She had to find something else.  She asked the dressmaker if she had dresses that she had made but they weren’t for anyone in particular.  She told her yes.  She looked at Shyla’s build and her figured and told her that she had two dresses that she thought she might like but for sure she had one that would fit her and knock the socks off of the man she was with for the evening.

   Venice and the dressmaker waited on Shyla to try the dresses on.  The first was a white sequined Cinderella dress.  It was okay but the balloon arms made it look like the dress that Glenda the Good Witch wore in the Wizard of Oz.  Shyla and Venice both began humming we represent the lollipop kids.  She said no to that dress. 

   The next dress was a pastel rainbow number.  It was several thin layers of crepe just thrown together.  It had spaghetti straps, a trimmed waist and crisscross at the back.  If it wasn’t for all of the material at the bottom it would have been great.  It was more springy than summery.

     When Shyla saw the next dres
s she instantly fell in love.  She hadn’t even had to try it on to know that it fit and she would look amazing in it.  “Venice I think this is the dress.  It’s gorgeous.”

     “Well hurry up and put it on.  Let me see what it looks like.”

     Shyla walked out the dressing room with a wide grin on her face.

     “Oh, Shyla, you look beautiful.  That dress is you.”

     “It is, isn’t it?”  Venice nodded.  “I just love it.”  Shyla slid her hands down her hips.  The dress was soft and very comfortable.

     It was a cranberry colored, velour halter dress, with splits up both sides about three inches above the knee.  The back was in a V-shape from the top of her back to her lower back just above the buttock, trimmed with rhinestones designed as butterfly wings.  Two thin straps lined down the back from the top of the halter to the top of the wing tips.  It fit her every curve and showed off just enough cleavage to be rated PG-13.  She looked wonderful.

     “This is beautiful.  It feels good.  You don’t think this reveals too much up top?” she asked the dressmaker.

     “Sweetheart this dress was made for a busty woman.  It looks amazing on you.  I hadn’t made it for anyone in particular.  I know how hard it is for women built like you, big busted, wide hipped and small waist to find the right kind of clothing, especially evening attire, so I have a line just for us.  I could mold your shape to a mannequin for a pair of jeans and hit the lottery.  Every black woman in America would buy then.  Let me know if you’re willing to participate, I’ll pay you generously.”

     “That sounds great.  I’ll let you know.  How much is the dress?”  Shyla asked.

today is your lucky day.  This dress is on me.”  Shyla and Venice both stood with their mouths hanging open.  “Babies, don’t gape at a blessing, just accept it.  You just promise to come back and talk to me about molding your body for some jeans.”

     “I most definitely will.  Thank you so much.”  She bagged Shyla’s and Venice’s dresses and sent them on their way but not before getting a hefty hug from the both of them.


     “That was very nice of her, wasn’t it?”

     “Miss Goldie is like that.  She grew up with my mom and she’s been doing my clothes since I was a baby.  She’s good.”

     “No.  Miss Goldie is great with a capital G.

     “That she is.  Your dress is fabulous.  I wouldn’t be surprised if my little brother-in-law-to-be doesn’t let you out in that.  I’m telling you he will be sticking to you like glue.”

     “That’s what I’m hoping.”

     “I’m so glad that he’s finally found someone that he can honestly, without hesitation, say that loves him in return.”

     “I do love him.  I’ve run from it long enough, I don’t want to run anymore.  And his daughter’s, oh, they are angels.”

     “Yes they are and they’ve really taken to you.”

     “I wasn’t so sure how they would receive me but I am so glad that they like me.  I fell in love with their pictures.  I feel this closeness to them, like they belong to me.”

     “They will in no time.  Just love them and everything else will fall into place.”  Shyla nodded.  She finally believed that what she was feeling and what she had with Zackary was good.

     Venice and Shyla walked over to the drugstore to retrieve the items that she needed and also went into the accessory store and grabbed a few items.  The shoe store had just opened so they spent thirty minutes in their trying on shoes that would match their dresses.  They both ended up with silver open-toed heels but different designs.  Shyla was laughing at something Venice had previously said when she heard her utter, “What in the hell?”

     “What’s the matter?” Shyla asked putting her bag on top of the car.

     “Someone stole one of my tires.”

     “You’ve got to be kidding?”  Shyla said but Venice told her to come around and look.  She did.  “Who steals a damn tire in the middle of broad daylight?”

     “Some random idiot, who has nothing better to do on a Saturday morning, I need to call Braxton.

  She dialed the number waiting for him to pick up.  He did on the third ring.

     “Hey baby. Where are you?”

     “I came to pick up my dress and some jerk stole one of my tires.”

     “You’re joking.”

     No, I’m not.  Just ask Shyla.  She’s here with me.”  Braxton was laughing.  “You’re laughing now but you just remember that you just paid twelve hundred dollars for these babies.”  He sobered.  “Yeah, I thought that might calm you down.

     “Tell me exactly where you are.”

     “We’re at The Fragrance Boutique on Carmel and Spruce.”

     “I’m on my way, baby.  Don’t move from that spot.”

     “And risk the other tires being gone, not on my life.  See you when you get here.”

     “I love you, baby.”

     “I love you, too.  And let Zack know.”  He agreed just before they hang up.

     “What did he say?”

     “That he’s on his way.  He’s going to call Zack and let him know so he’ll be ready when he get over there and he’s going to let the folks know, on his way out.  They should be here in less than thirty minutes.”

     “Good.  I still can’t believe my cell battery is dead.  It must have died last night.  I’m lucky that I carry my I.D. and bank card on me at all times.  I wouldn’t have been able to buy anything.”

     “Oh well.  We’ll just have to sit here and wait.”

     And wait they did.

They talked about the previous night and how much fun they had singing to a captivated audience.  The best part was her serenading Zackary.  That would go down in the history books for the Trellis family.

     Thirty minutes later Braxton and Brennan drove up.  They took a look at the car, changed the tire with the donut that was the spare and Braxton sent Shyla home with Brennan.  Venice’s Porsche was a two-seater and neither she nor Shyla could drive Brennan’s truck because it was a stick.  Neither had the patience nor desired to learn to drive one.

     Brennan and Braxton helped Shyla with her purchases and then helped her into the truck.  Shyla asked where Zackary was and Braxton informed her that he had called Zackary but left a message on his phone when he didn’t get an answer.  She understood.  Maybe he was still sleeping or out getting the girls.

     Brennan and Shyla talked about the night’s events and he also apologized about the flirting and teasing his brother.  He knew that Zackary really like Shyla, maybe was even in love with her and it was wrong for him to see just how far he could go to get him riled up.  They continued to talk.  Shyla realized that Brennan wasn’t such a bad guy, that he had been through a lot with women, one in particular.  He didn’t give her any detail just that he walked away from the relationship and it was for the best.

   Kemah would be great for Brennan, Shyla thought.  She’d make sure the two met one day.  She had a good feeling about the two of them hooking up.


     They drove up laughing.  Zackary and Felton were standing on the porch.  Essence had just walked out which brought Brennan’s attention to the porch anyway.

     “Oh shit,” Brennan said.

     “What’s wrong?”  Shyla looked up and saw Zackary.  She smiled and waved.

     “Someone doesn’t look at all happy.”

     “You guys worry too much.  No one is upset.  Braxton left him a message.”

     “I don’t know how long you’ve known my brother but I’ve known him all his life and I know his expressions.  And if I say he’s mad, he’s mad.”

     “Okay if you say so.”  Shyla didn’t believe Brennan and she was going to prove him wrong.

Just as the truck pulled to a stop, Zackary opened the door and helped Shyla out.  She turned and grabbed her dress and the bags from the drugstore while Brennan got the other bags she couldn’t carry and walked around the back of the truck.

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