Come Share My Love (49 page)

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Authors: Carrie Macon

Tags: #Romance

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     “Yes.”  She sighed.  “More than I care to admit.”

Mama V raised her brow.  “Why is that, dear?”

     “I guess because I’ve been down this road before and it wore me out and left me battered and bruised pretty badly.  So I never wanted to feel anything remotely close to that emotion again.  And I hadn’t until I met Zack at my cousin’s home.  I fell for him instantly and I’ve been fighting it for nearly two solid years.  I don’t want to fight it anymore.”

     “And you shouldn’t.  Zackary is my son and I love him along with my other boys and I try not to get into their personal lives unless they’re hurting and even then there’s some hurts a mother can’t heal.”

     “I wouldn’t know about that kind of healing,” Shyla said sadly.  Mama V looked but didn’t ask.  She knew it was something other than what she thought.  “My parents are deceased.”

     “I’m sorry to hear that dear.  You can always come to Mama V for anything.”

     “I’d like that.”

     “So would I.  Let’s get this crew fed.”  They both stood and went to wash their hands and get the food ready for the table.  Shyla took a few steps and stopped.  She looked around the kitchen from the stove to the counter.  There were at least seven platters, each having a different dish.

     “Mama V.  This sure is a lot of food.  I don’t know if we can eat all of this.”

     “I cook like this all the time.  You see how big my boys and their father are?”  Shyla nodded.  “They’ve never missed a meal, and, I don’t have leftovers in my refrigerator.  You’ll see.  Whenever Zackary get up in the middle of the night for a snack you’ll find out that it’s one of the dishes from that night’s dinner.  The next day a whole new meal is prepared.  Now you take a platter or two while I get the others.  There’s no telling what that brood is out there doing.”

     She laughed, picked up a platter of homemade biscuits and sliced roast beef and started for the door.  They continued until all the food was on the table.

     “Mama V, this is a meal meant for an army.”  Essence said.

     “No sweetheart, just my family and extended family.”  She patted Shyla on her waist and told her to go sit next to Zackary.  She didn’t hesitate.  Unfortunately the seat was between Zackary and Brennan.  All the men stood and waited for them to be seated.  Big Zack pulled out Mama V’s chair while Zackary and Brennan both pulled out Shyla’s.

     “Thank you, fellas.”  Shyla said.

     “Daddy can you say grace?”

He nodded.  “Everyone link your hands with the person you’re sitting next to, bow your heads and open you hearts to give thanks to God.

     After the blessing of the food the gathered family and friends, old and new, continued talking about their
week long events. 

     Zackary was getting upset with his brother.  Throughout all of dinner Brennan was trying his best to monopolize all of Shyla’s attention.  He touched her when he spoke directly to her.  Every other question was to her.  Their mother could see how upset Zackary was getting but he wouldn’t say anything to displease her or the woman that was sitting way too close to his brother. 

   Mama V wondered why she had sat Shyla in that spot.  Sitting her near Braxton or Felton would have been better.  It was too late to switch places now, but next time, if there was a next time, she would be more careful of the seating arrangements.  It was time for Brennan to get out and get himself a woman.

     The family continued to their conversations.  Mrs. Peterson, the children’s baby sitter brought them home to spend time with the family.  Zackary had already asked her to keep them for the evening but when she told him the children wanted to see him he agreed and said he would drop them off before their bedtime.  They sat between Zackary and Shyla. 

   Shyla could barely contain herself when Zackary introduced his children to her.  She fell in love immediately.  They were more precious than their pictures, Shyla thought.

   Mama V and Big Papa Zack shared a smooth as glass look.  Their granddaughters and Shyla had eyes for each other.  Now maybe they would get the proper up bringing they needed with a new mother.  Big Papa Zack winked at his wife, she winked back.  They wouldn’t worry anymore.

   Shyla could barely eat because all she could do was daydream about being a family with Zackary and his children.  They were adorable, well-mannered and they seemed to like her.

     “So daddy is Shyla your new girlfriend?”  One of them asked.

     His mother and father could see that he was uncomfortable answering the question.  Or maybe it was just apprehension.  He didn’t know how to answer it.

     “Dinner was delicious, as usual, Mama.”  Vivien smiled up at her husband.

     “Thank you Daddy.”  For the compliment of course and for distracting the girls, she thought.

     “This really was a great meal Mama V.  I don’t think I’ve had anything this delicious in a very long time.”

     “What?”  She looked around at her son.  “You mean to tell me my Zackary hasn’t wooed you with his culinary skills?  He’s almost as good as his mama.”

     “Oh really?” Shyla looked over at Zackary.  “You never told me that you could cook,” she accused.

     “There are a lot of things I haven’t told you yet, but we’ll get around to it.  Maybe we’ll even get around to and enjoy preparing a meal together.  Looks like you did that here today and haven’t known anyone in the family for what, twelve hours.  Imagine that.”  It wasn’t what he said just the way he said it that had everyone looking around like he had just cursed out the entire dinner party.  Even to his ears it sounded like he had an attitude.

   Maybe she had made a mistake in coming.  It seemed she wasn’t able to please this man and she was coming to the conclusion that she never would.

     Everyone sat quietly until Mama V ordered everyone out for dessert.

honey, can you take Essence and the rest of the family to the family room while the girls and I get these dishes taken care of and dessert on the way?”

     “Yes Mama,” he said teasingly.

     She waved her hand at him.  “Oh you, cut that out,” she blushed.

     Shyla thought, ‘that’s the kind of love I want when I’m their age.’  She looked over at Zackary who was staring at her and gave her a weak smile.  At least it was a smile even if it was a fake.  She tried smiling back but it didn’t reach her eyes.  It was all she had.

     Everyone went into the family-room except Zackary.  He wanted to speak with Shyla before they had dessert.

     “Can I talk to you a minute?”  She nodded and went and stood by the chair she had occupied at dinner time.

   He pulled out the chair.  “Here have a seat.”  She sat.  He took her hands in his kissing them both.  “I’m sorry that I practically bit your head off.  There’s just a lot going on right now and I’m a little out of sort but I didn’t mean to take it out on you.”

     “I understand.”

     ‘Do you really, Shyla?  Because I really like being with you and I’m about two seconds from kicking Brennan’s ass.  He’s deliberately trying to provoke me.”

     “Can you not think about that?  I am not into your brother.  You were with Halle and Felton, and doing your own thing and I went for a short drive to see the land.  I was with your mom most of the day.  I’m sorry if I upset you.”

     He kissed her soundly on the mouth.  When they came up for air all they could do was rest their heads against one another.  “We have got to do better.  The next time Zaria says, “Daddy is Shyla your girlfriend” I want to be able to tell her yes.  You are that and more.”  She nodded.  He gave her a quick kiss and sent her back into the kitchen with his mother.  But before she got away he asked her “who was Halle?”  She told him to ask Essence.  And he did. 

     When everyone in the room said Connie he roared out a gargantuan sized laugh.  He had never thought that she looked like Halle Berry but it seemed like everyone else did.


     Mama V and Venice ran away from the door when they saw Shyla coming back into the kitchen.  They pretended to be busy, but Shyla noticed that neither t
he coffeepot nor teakettle had been started.  She smiled.  Both women were in the cabinets but couldn’t seem to find what they were looking for.

   Shyla went back out the door to bring in the last of the dishes.  When she returned they were still in those cabinets.  She began rinsing dishes and putting them into the dish washer.

     “You can get out of those cabinets and ask me what you want.  I already know that you were peeking out the door.  You could hear it squeak.”

Both women turned from the cabinets.

     “So what happened?  I realize you don’t know me but Zackary is like a brother to me and I would love to finally see him happy,” spoke Venice.

     Shyla appreciated how Venice felt.  She wanted Zackary to be happy too.  And she hoped she did a good job of it.  “We’re going to try and do better.
”  That was enough for starters.

     Mama V nodded.  “Good.  Now let’s get the dessert to the family.” 

     Shyla helped serve the cake while Venice served coffee and tea.  The twins had milk since they had juice with their dinner.  When it was time Brennan offered his seat to Shyla.  While she was thankful for the offer she declined.  Her seat was next to Zackary and the twins.  Zackary was a little surprised.  He’d had hope that she meant what she’d said when they talked.  He wanted to define their relationship.  Their attraction for one another was too strong to leave concealed and not move forward with.  She sat down and pulled one of the twins from Zackary’s lap into hers.  The child didn’t mind.

     “So, Zackary tells us that you’re in the medical field.”

     “Actually I’m a massage therapist.  Some people say its medical and from some stand point it is but others fill that it’s just a technique for relaxation.  I own my company, so it’s pretty good.”

     “How did you get into that line of work, if you don’t mind my asking?”

     “Not at all.  Essence use to always get Charlie horses in her legs when we were growing up so I decided that if I can help her out I could probably help others.  I studied being a therapist when I was in high school.”

     “How did you do that?  They never offered those kinds of courses when we were growing up.”

     “I took college courses at night.  Essence and I were pretty smart when we were growing up so we excelled in all of our classes.  By the end of first semester in eleventh grade I had all of my credits to graduate.  I took the SAT’s aced that and went to college full time.  Graduated in the summer with the seniors for that year and by the time I turned twenty one I was a massage therapist.”

     “My partner and I are currently developing creams and lotions to help with joint and muscle pain.  I think it will work out.”

     “Sounds like you have your head on straight.”

     “Yes sir.”  She did have her head on straight until it came to Zackary.

     “Do you work every day?” asked Brennan while sipping his tea.  He preferred that to coffee.

     “I try to go in at the minimum of three times per week.  I open six days a week but Saturday is for emergency or special needs.  I don’t take people who just want to have a massage.  I do have extended hours two days a week for people who work until the evening time.  Closed Sunday, that’s the Lord’s day.”

     “Amen to that,” chimed in Venice.

     “I might need your help with a little massage later,” said Brennan.  “I have had this problem with my neck for the last several days.”

     She helped the twin she was holding with her juice cup.  “Maybe it’s a pinched nerve.  Have you seen a specialist for it?”

     He shook his head.  “No, I’m always too busy.”

     “Then how can you have time for a massage.  It requires time and technique.  If you do it right it will be a wonderful experience but if you don’t take your time and do it wrong it can cause more harm than good.”

     “Oh I think you can find time for me this weekend.  My schedule won’t be busy until next week.”

     Zackary rolled his eyes, then began to speak but Shyla beat him to the punch.  “Actually, Zack brought me here this weekend for relaxation and spending some quiet time with him and meeting these two little princesses.”  She touched them both on the cheek.  And she touched Zackary with her words.  “Tomorrow he’s going to teach me to ride a horse, we’re going to have a picnic and whatever else he wants to do, but I don’t plan on anything work related.  Now, if you decide to come to my neck of the woods, I have a great staff that will take good care of you.  Women mostly but I do have one man for reasons I can’t say but some just prefer that.”

     “That’s right baby girl, let him know that he gets nothing for free,” Big Zack said.  Everyone laughed.

Zackary was still in shock after hearing their plans for the following day.  Maybe she really did want this as much as he did.  He put his arm around her and pulled her closer to his side.

     The twins were getting sleepy.  Zack knew he
should get them ready to go back to Mrs. Peterson’s.

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