Come Share My Love (17 page)

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Authors: Carrie Macon

Tags: #Romance

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     “To answer your question Bro, she got a little hungry, so instead of going off the property we just went to my place to feed her.  Braxton was driving by and stopped in.  She sang beautifully.”

     “So you sang for them?”  He sounded angry; she could hear it in his voice.  She didn’t know why but she needed to explain to him that it was nothing.

     “I only sang two songs.  It was with the music.  When Braxton asked me to come over to the club and sing I didn’t see that it would be a problem so we stopped by there for a few minutes and I sang with no music.  It was no big deal, Zackary.”

     No big deal she says.  Of course it was a big deal.  If she wanted to sing for someone it should have been him and only him.

     “Mom said dinner will be ready in an hour.  Everyone is expected to be there on time,” he looked at Zackary.

     “I’m always on time.  You better look at Brennan.”

     “Whatever.  Everybody just be on time.  We don’t want to upset mom.”

Zackary turned to Shyla.  “So you met my mom, too?”  His question came out a little harsher than he intended.

     “Yes,” she said wringing her hands.  “Is that a problem?  She was at her bakery.  I was sampling her desserts and one thing led to another and we were there for a while. We would have been back sooner.”

     “No.  No, it’s not a problem.  I just wanted to introduce you myself.”

     “I’m sorry,” she smiled.

     “Don’t think about it.”  He took her hand in his and kissed it.  Again she smiled.  He couldn’t deny her anything.  His feeling for this woman ran so deep in his system that the slightest thing about her turned him on.  He could hardly contain the rising hardness of his male member.

     “I still haven’t met your dad.  Will you introduce me to him?”

     He smiled.  “Yes.  I can do that.”  It was her turn to kiss his hand.  She was going to try and be fair and honest with Zackary for the rest of the trip.  Essence was right.  She needed to let go of the past and trust in the future.  With Zackary, if it was meant to be.

     “Well I for one need to go and change,” said Brennan.   

     “I better get going, too. Venice should be home in a few minutes.  You’ll meet her at dinner.”

     They both kissed Essence and Shyla.

     “I’ll pick you up in about thirty minutes,” Brennan said.  “Wear something nice.”

     Shyla looked over to Zackary who had now released her hand, hoping that he would say something.  But he said nothing. She put her head down.  Why should she make a commitment when he wasn’t trying to?

     “We’ll change again for the club.  Karaoke tonight ladies and gents, bring your voices.”

     The twins left.  Shyla and Zackary sat and stared at one another.  Neither saying what was on their minds.  Shyla shook her head and got up and went to her room closing the door behind her.  Zackary didn’t even make an effort to call her back or follow her.  But Essence did.

     Essence entered the room and sat beside her lying form.  “You okay?”

     “Yeah.  I’m fine.  Why wouldn’t I be?”

     “Then can you please tell me what the hell just happened out there.”


     “Don’t play crazy with me, girl.  Why would you make plans with Brennan and not Zackary?  You’re playing with fire and with two brothers.”

     “I’m not playing with fire or brothers.  I didn’t make plans with anyone.  What the hell do you think you witnessed out there?”

     Essence ignored that last comment.  “Then why didn’t you speak up?  Why didn’t you tell Brennan that you
were here with Zackary and that he would be escorting you to the club?”

     “Why didn’t Zackary say something?  I looked over at him; he released my hand and said nothing.  He’s the man, shouldn’t he tell another man that I’m his or any woman for that matter.  And it doesn’t matter that they’re brothers.  Zackary kissed my hand and I kissed his in front of everyone but he wouldn’t take the next step.  If he really wanted to be with me he would have done just that.  But he didn’t.”

     “I don’t know Shy.”

     “What is there to know?  He should have said something.  Take up for me just once, will you, Essence.”

     “This isn’t about sides Shy.”

     “I think it is.  Why can’t I have Brennan as a friend?  He’s a fun guy.  And Braxton as well.  I can talk to them.”

     “But you came here with Zack.”

     “Correction, I came here as Zack’s guest.  He’s not trying to be with me.  He’s been running around all day with that Halle damn Berry clone.”

     “Her name is Connie and she is very nice.”

     “So what.”

     “So, you’ve been running around with Brennan.”

     “No.  I was sitting here alone after a couple of hours when Brennan came up and spoke to me.  Besides, I can be myself with those guys.  They’re fun and more like brothers.  Brother’s I’ve never had.  I can play with them because I’m not in love with either of them.”  Shyla realized she may spoke too fast. Had she just made a slight confession?

     “Come again.”


     “You just said you were in love with Zackary.”

     “That is not what I said.  What I said was-”

Essence put her hands over her mouth so she would not finish the obvious lie.

     “Sit down before a bolt of lightning come down and strike you for that lie you were about to release from your mouth.

     They sat facing one another.  She asked Shyla to look her in the eyes and tell her that she wasn’t in love with Zackary Trellis.  But before she let her mouth go to hear her answer she threatened her.  “And before you speak remember about the lightning bolts and the fact that I can read you like a book.”  She released her mouth.

     “Okay Ess.  Here is the truth.  I am not going to lie to you.  I am not able to answer that question because, it may not be true.”

     “May not?”  Essence jumped from where she was seating.

     “Okay, okay.  That statement is not true and I am in love with Zackary.”

Essence sighed in relief.  “How long have you felt this way?”

     “I don’t know Ess.”  She shrugged.



     “I’m waiting.”  She was not going to have to drag it out of her.  Not this time.

     “Almost immediately.”

     “Shyla!  That’s almost two years.”

     “Definitely before Jamaica.”  She sighed in relief.  It felt so good to finally have it out.

    “How come you held it in and haven’t told him?  Do you know what kind of a relationship the two of you could have had by now?”

     “Yes but it’s not guaranteed.”

     “Shy, he’s an exceptional man and you are an exceptional woman.  Why pretend?”

I’m scared Essence.”

hy are you scared?”

     “I don’t exactly know.  You know I’m not good with men.  They use and abuse.  They take advantage and stomp all over your heart.  I don’t want to deal with that.”

     “Zackary is not like that.”

     Shyla rolled her eyes.  “All men are like that.”

     “No,” she shook her head.  “That’s not true.”

     “I want to believe that, I really do, but how can I.”

     “He was upset when you left with his brother.”

     “Yeah right.  You couldn’t prove that by the way he acted when we were all in the living room just now.  Besides he was out there for over two hours with Connie and Lord only knows how long they had been in that damn corral.”

     “Shy I’m serious.  Zackary has it bad for you.  He was pacing wondering what was taking you so long to get back, he called both of your cell phones but got no answer and was about to come look for you when Brennan’s truck pulled up.  Oh my God, and when the two of you strolled in laughing he was too through.  He wanted to clock Brennan and I wanted to clock you.”


     “Shyla don’t you get it?  That man out there is in love with you and you leave more than four hours ago with his brother.  You don’t know that man.”

     “Truth be told, Ess, I don’t know Zackary either.”

     “But you know of him and way more than you know his brother. 
And whose fault is it that you don’t know Zack?  He’s really upset.  All he talked about was introducing you to his girls and his parents.”

     “Well, I didn’t know that. And I met his mother.” she smiled and pulled Essence to sit with her.  “Essence she is so nice.  I thought that Sister and Mother Beacon from church were the nicest women I had every met but I was wrong.  After just a few minutes with Mama V, I saw how special she was.”

     “Zackary wanted to do it,” Essence said gloomily.  “I guess because he wanted to see you come together with his mother.  How were you introduced?”


     “How were you introduced to his mother?  Brennan had to tell his mother something when you met.”

     “I was introduced as Shyla, Zackary’s girlfriend.  She hugged me Ess and it felt so good.  It was warm and soft, not strange.  It seemed as if she already knew who I was, like she was waiting for me.”

     “Did you tell them anything different?  Like you were only his friend or acquaintances, or you were my cousin.”

     “No I told her the truth.  I told her that I cared for him.  I just couldn’t seem to lie to his mother.  I didn’t say I was in love with him.  She somehow knew that already.  Brennan and Braxton gave each other high fives.  They were really excited.”  But Shyla didn’t seem overjoyed.

     “What’s wrong?”

     “Just thinking.  Do you think I was wrong for telling her?  Maybe I should have just kept it to myself.”

     “I think it was okay, sweetie.  Maybe you should have told him first.  I guess.  You’ll just have to make it all up to him.”

     “I know.” 

     They talked a little while longer about her feelings for Zackary and what she could do to improve a relationship with him.  She had already decided that she would tell him how she felt.  She had waited long enough.  Essence helped Shyla pick out outfits for the nights events.

     Something was on Essence’s mind.  Shyla co
uld read her cousin just as well as Essence was able to read her.

     “What’s on your mind?  Something’s going on in there.”  She poked her in the sid
e of the head and she smiled a nervous smile.

     “You’re my cousin and you know I love you, right.” 

     “Yes.  What kind of question is that?  You took care of me and we’re all the family we have left.” 

     “So I can tell you something and you won’t get mad?”

     “I won’t promise that. I try not to get mad when you say things to me.  It’s just the way you come at me that tends to piss me off.”

     Essence drummed her fingers on her knee.  It was a nervous gesture.  A table wasn’t at her disposal so she used whatever was within reach.

     “Why do I get the feeling I’m not going to like this?”

     “Because you probably won’t.”

     “We just had a break through.  Please don’t go ruining it.”

     She grabbed Shyla’s hands in hers.  “Listen Shy.  I just want to tell you that I am happy that you’re finally giving Zackary a chance.  I know that the two of you will be very happy together.  He’s really a very good guy.  There are not too many more of them out there. So,” she swallowed the lump in her throat, “please don’t hurt him, Shy.  He’s been through enough.”

     Shyla jumped ready to defend herself.

     “Shy, wait.”

     “No Essence, you wait.  I’m your cousin, blood cousin.  When are you going to give a damn about my feelings getting hurt?  You’re acting as if I’m on a secret damn mission to seek out the good men and hurt them.”

     She must have raised her voice loud enough for the guys to hear because they came to the door and knocked. 

     “Are you guys alright in there?”  It was Felton.

     “We’re fine, honey.  We’ll be out shortly.”  She spoke softly to Shyla.

     “Please lower your voice, Shy.”

     “Don’t tell me what the hell to do.  Have you forgotten why I don’t have a man in my life?”


     “Apparently you have.”

     “Well I haven’t.”  She snapped and stood with her hand planted on her hips.  “I’m concerned about you too.  It’s just that,” she let her words trail off.

Essence Marie Childress?”

     “Hear me out Shyla.”

     “I’m listening.  Say what you have to say and be done with it.”

     The two cousins stood facing one another as
if they were ready to battle.

     “I just don’t want Zackary and Felton’s friendship to be strained if the two of you don’t work out.”  Shyla’s jaw dropped.  “So, I’m asking you not to blow this.”

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