Come Share My Love (16 page)

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Authors: Carrie Macon

Tags: #Romance

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     “And who are you, may I ask?” holding out her hand to Felton.

     Zackary made the introductions.  “Connie, this is my best friend and business partner, Felton Childress.  Felt this amazing woman is my best female friend and soon to be partner in her firm, Miss Connie Colton.”

     “Oh, I’d say we were more than best friends” she shook Felton’s hand.  “We’re like family.  It’s really nice to meet you Felton.  I have heard wonderful things about you and it’s good to finally be able to put a face to the name.”


     In the distance Shyla was back on the porch standing beside Essence.  They watched as the threesome got more acquainted.


     “So who do you suppose that is?” 

     “Some cheap Halle Berry wannabe, as Kemah would say.”

     “Calm yourself diva.  Your claws are showing and a little too ripe for scratching.”

     “I’m just looking out for your man, cousin.”

     “No, you’re looking out for your own man, cousin.”

     “He’s not my man.”

     “And I wonder why that is.”  She turned to Shyla, arms folded.  “You have done everything in your power to alienate that man and it is beyond my understanding why he continues to chase you.  Men don’t like that.”

     “Seems like he likes it fine or else, as you’ve said, he wouldn’t keep up the chase.  I never asked him to chase me, and what you fail to realize is that he does the exact same thing.”

     “Shy, can’t you see that the two of you have something special in the making?  How do you feel when the two of you are together, alone, or when you think no one is watching?  Zackary is a good guy and you’re a great girl.”  She brushed the hair from her face.  “Try to forget about the past and concentrate on the future.  Let love in.  There’s a wonderful man over there, he has it bad for you.  Why don’t you give him a chance?  If you stop being so darn stubborn, you’d have a great guy, get laid and have some babies.”


     “It’s true.”

     “I don’t like him that way.”  She looked back over to the corral; the threesome was still engaged in conversation.

     “I think you’re lying and it’s a shame.  I know you’re scared but just think about it.  Felton says Zackary always ask about you at work or anytime they have a conversation about anything, your name comes up.”

     “Really Ess?”

     “Yes really.  Why not be truthful to yourself and him.  I know that the playing around the two of you have been doing has got to be making you both a little hot and bothered.”  Shyla smiled.  She remembered the last one.

     “Try it for real and see how it fits.  You might be surprised.  If you like him, which I suspect that you do, then throw caution to the wind, get to know him better and stop judging him by other men.  If you don’t, sweetie, someone else will be running in behind him, smelling his fine ass and you’ll be doing the same thing you are now.  Looking at him from a distance, wondering what the hell happened.  Case in point,” she nodded towards the corral.  The woman now had her hands threaded through Zackary’s and he wasn’t trying to hide it.

     “He wanted me to go riding with him.”

     “Why didn’t you go?”

     “He teased me because I didn’t know how and I got angry,” she shrugged it off like it was no big deal.

     “Well I hope you don’t get mad when I say this but, have you thought about seeking some professional help.”  Shyla rolled her eyes.  “I’m serious.  Think about it.  Maybe a therapist can help you with these personal issues you’ve been having.”

     “You have to be out of your mind to say something like that to me.”

     “Shy, the smallest of things set you off.  Everyone gets teased.  I’m sure it was just a joke and he hadn’t meant to hurt your feelings.  Felton teases me all the time, about one thing or another.  Just like on the way here when he was saying you baked better than me.  Do you think I really got mad at my husband?  No I didn’t”

     “Look.  I can’t help how I am and I do bake better than you.”

      “Whatever,” she said about the baking but became serious about the personal issues.  “Shy, maybe you can’t help it, but you should try is all I’m saying.”  Shyla rolled her eyes and stuck out her chest.

     “So now you’re mad at me?  Damn.  I can’t get a break from any of you people.”

     “I’m not mad at anyone, Shy.”

     “Then why do I feel-”

     “Because Shyla, you are just as paranoid as your mom was.”  The words just slipped out, but they still hurt.

     “That’s an f’d up thing to say, Essence.  How could you say something like that to me?”

     “Shy, forgive me?  That was uncalled for and I don’t think you’re anything like your mother.  You just need to quit being so serious all the time.”

     “Whatever, you say, Essence.”

     “Shy you’re my cousin and I love you.  No matter what we go through we are family.”

     “Whatever Essence.  You’ve said way more than you’ve had to, just leave it.”

     She couldn’t expect Shyla to accept what she’d said.  Family or not, it wasn’t fair to compare her to her mother.  Mrs. Wilkes was paranoid.  She was put away because she killed Shyla’s father after he came in from work one morning.  She would smell his body to see if he had been with another woman.  Several months afterwards she took her own life.  The suicide watch they had on her wasn’t as closely monitored as it could have been.

     “Shyla, I am going to go and spend some time with my husband and friends.  You mope around here if you like.  You could have stayed home with this bullshit instead of bringing it here.”

     Shyla watched as her cousin went and joined the trio.  When she reached her destination she shook hands with the woman, too.  Essence said something to Zackary that made him look towards the porch where she stood with her arms wrapped around her middle.  Their eyes connected and for a brief moment she could feel the pull that generated between them.  Shyla put her hand to her chest hoping to steady its rapid beating.  The moment wasn’t lost on Zackary, for he felt the pull too.

     She broke the mesmerized stare by turning away and walking back into the house but not before looking over her shoulder and seeing that Zackary had not turned his gaze away.  Her body shuttered as if she were cold but she was hotter now than she had been in Jamaica.  What had she been thinking coming to Napa with Zackary?




hapter Eleven



     “Hello, beautiful.”

     Shyla jumped.  “Oh my God, you nearly scarred me out of my skin.” She said catching her breath before she greeted him with a friendly, “Hi.”

“I’m Brennan Trellis.  Zachary’s oldest brother,” he extended his hand to her.  “I’m sorry.”  She took his hand.

     “I’m Shyla Wilkes.  I can see the resemblance.”

     “I take it you’re here for the entire weekend?”

     “Yes.  Zackary invited me.  I hope that’s alright.  I really like what I’ve seen of the place so far.”

     “It’s fine that you’re here.  This is Trellis land and any friend of Zackary’s is a friend of mine or anyone else in the family.”  He still hadn’t let her hand go.  “The best way to see the land is on horseback.  You can get to some of the narrower places better than by vehicle.  But there are parts where I like to go using my truck.  If you don’t have any plans I can take you around.  I take my truck out a few times a week, just looking around, clearing my head.  If you feel like riding a little while with me…”  He left the door opened for her.

     “That sounds nice.  I would really like to see more of the land.  I’ve never been on a horse before, but I will
before this trip is over.  Zackary was a little upset because I was scared to go riding with him.”

     “Don’t worry, beautiful.  He’ll be okay.  I’ll be back in ten minutes blowing for you.”  He kissed her hand and walked down the stairs whistling.

     “Hey wait a minute.  You do know it’s not gentlemanly to blow a horn for a woman?”

     “My apologies Miss Wilkes,
I will tap the horn lightly to let you know I have arrived and then I will come up for you.  Does that suit you?”

     “It’s fine.”

     “See you in ten.”  He winked and left.

     In ten minutes Brennan was outside Zachary’s house tapping his horn as he had promised.  Shyla came walking out closing the door behind her.  She had changed into a pair of form fitting blue jeans and a spaghetti strapped tank.  She waved at Brennan smiling, showing her pearly whites.

     “I thought you were going to let me come to the door?”

     “I decided it wasn’t necessary.  It’s a girl’s prerogative to change her mind isn’t it?’

     “Yes ma’am.  It is.  Let’s go take a tour of this place.”

     Brennan took her hand as they walked to the truck.  He held the door open for her.  “Your chariot awaits Miss Lady,” he bowed.

     “Thank you, kind sir.”  He held her hand while she stepped up into the large SUV.  She fastened her seatbelt before he closed her inside.  When he got in on the other side, he did the same then drove off into the land. 

     Neither had seen Zackary just a few yards away looking like a wounded seal.  What the hell was his brother up to?  He would have a talk with him, and soon.

     A little over three hours later they returned, laughter filling the air.

     “You are so crazy boy.  I haven’t laughed so much in my life.”

     “You have got to be kidding.  What, my brother doesn’t make you laugh?”  She didn’t respond as they walked up to the front door. 

     He grabbed her hand.  “We’ll have to do something about that then.  It definitely looks good on you, it’s a melodious sound and you have an amazing smile.”  He was flirting with her.

     “Thank you.”

     Three sets of eyes were on them as they stood on the porch.  Those same three sets of eyes searched each other in wonder.

     How could this, be happening again, Zackary thought.

     Shyla and Brennan walked into the house, still laughing.  All eyes focused on them.

     “Hey everyone?”

     “Hey,” they all spoke at once.

     “What’s so funny?”  Essence asked.  “You two must have had some time.”

     “Bren was just telling me a joke.  He’s a riot.”

Bren, Zackary thought.  She’s already shortening his name.  What the hell could have happened in the last four hours?  And where the hell were they? 

     “Zackary, do you have any idea how funny your brother is?  Not to mention crazy.”

     Of that he knew.  “Yes.”  He nodded as he spoke.  “He’s a real character, that one.”  No one missed the sarcasm that laced his voice.  And he didn’t care.  “What have you two been up to?”

     Just as Shyla was about to speak Braxton walked in.

     “Hey everyone,” he looked around.  His eyes first landed on Shyla and Essence.  “So I get to see this beautiful angel again.”  He kissed her cheek, then moved over to Essence and kissed her cheek.  “Hey beautiful.  How have you been?”

     “I’ve been good, Braxton.  How are you and Venice?”

     “We are fabulous.  She’ll be here around six, looking forward to seeing you.”  Essence nodded. 

Venice was very sweet.  She and Shyla would get along very well.

     “And how are you two blockheads?” He asked Zackary and Felton.  While Zackary still focused his attention on his brother, Brennan and his woman, Felton stated that he was okay.

     Braxton saw that Zackary was focused elsewhere.  He turned back and walked over to Shyla pulling her away from his twin.  “So my beautiful and talented angel, are we still on for dancing tonight?”

     “Of course.” she smiled turning to Essence.  “Girl did you know that Braxton built a club on this property?”

     “Yes I knew.”

     “We’re going there tonight.  He claims we will have a better time than if we were in L.A.”

     Essence watched him.  “I don’t know Braxton.  We have some out of the box clubs in southern Cali, baby boy.  I haven’t come across a club in any state that’s better than ours.”

     “I tried to tell him but he’s not listening.”

     “We’ll see.  Hey little brother did you know your girl could sing?  She got some serious vocals.”  Shyla blushed, but Zackary frowned

     “No I didn’t know.”  Was all he said, but he wanted to add, I haven’t gotten two minutes with her to notice or do anything with her.  You’re all dominating her time like she’s a superstar or something.

     “Well she can blow.  She sang for us at the Inn.”

     Zackary bit back a few explicit words.  “Oh!  What were you doing at the Inn, Shyla?”

     The Inn was Brennan’s baby.  He built it on his part of the land.  It was more like a bed and breakfast.  Regardless, Zackary wasn’t happy.

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