Come Share My Love (42 page)

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Authors: Carrie Macon

Tags: #Romance

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     “Essence!” Shyla yelled.  “Your husband is out here talking about you and him christening a pool table.  Damn.  I’ll never look at that the same way again.  Ugh.”

     “Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.”

     “Have and I didn’t like it.”

     “Oh really?” asked Zackary.  “Well how about…”

     Shyla raised her hand.  “Please don’t start.  I am not sitting here discussing my sex life with either of you.”  She wanted to add no matter how non-existent it is.

     “Speaking of sex,” Felton added, “did I sleep with either of you last night?” 

     “Ugh.  Perish the thought.” 

     “Yeah man.  We’re boys and all but I’m solely committed to the opposite sex.  One in particular,” he added, winking in her direction.

     This time she smiled and shook her head.  “You know you should really get that checked.  You might have a touch of stigmatism.”

     They all laughed.

     “Anyway, Mr. Childress, I don’t know about your boy here but I did speak.  It’s not my fault that bells start ringing and you lose all train of thought when your wife is within range.”

     “My apologies cousin.  I won’t make that mistake again.”

     “Good cousin.  See that you don’t,” she smiled.  These two were not the best of friends and they were cousins through marriage but he made her cousin happy and that’s all that mattered.  It wasn’t always like that so any time they weren’t fighting was real good.

     “Hey man, good to see you again.”

     “Likewise.”  They shake.  “So,” he whispered, nodding towards Shyla.  “Are you getting anywhere with that?”

     “I’m still working on it.  I don’t think it’s going to be much longer.  At least I hope it won’t.”

     Shyla cut her eyes at both of them.  She knew they were up to som
ething.  But what she didn’t know.  She knew it better not be about her.  Felton knew not to try and hook her up with anyone, even if it was a fine veterinarian that goes by the name of Zackary Trellis.  If this is what they wanted, then it was up to them not someone else.

     “I hope things work out.  I know that I couldn’t be happier for you.”

     “Thanks man.  So how did the surgery for Mr. Bookman’s pooch go?

     “It went fine.  We got in there just in time.  It’s bad when these crazy people swallow these balloons with drugs in them to carry across the world but to cut open and innocent animal, any animal, and line its stomach with that mess is inhumane.” 

     “Yes, it is.  Did they ever catch his sister and her boyfriend?”

Felton gave a firm nod.  “Caught their butts earlier this afternoon.  People like that should be thrown under the jail.”  Zackary agreed

     “Chuck will be monitoring her for the next twenty four, thirty or so hours, but I’m confident that she’ll pull through.  Just a matter of recovery time.” 

     “That’s good.”
















hapter Eight



     “Dinners ready,” Essence called from the dining area.  The table had been set earlier by Shyla.  Essence asked her to set another plate but she wouldn’t comment on who it was for.  It didn’t matter because she somehow knew it was for Zackary.  She had different feeling about the situation.  She was mad because he refused her calls but could she really stay mad and for how long.  She did the same thing besides she cared for him.  She cared a lot.  Talk about being in a pickle.

   While eating dinner the group discussed the trip to Napa and the plans of going to the winery and a 4th of July ball.  Zackary let them know that if they didn’t have an evening gown for the ball that there was a boutique that his mother frequented that catered to the needs of all of their formal functions.

     “So Zackary how often do you go out to Napa?  We don’t see you much anymore.”  Essence said, and then eyed Shyla.

     “Not as often as I would like.  But before the summer is out that’s going to change.  I went after the trip to Jamaica but this will be the first time since then.  Before that I hadn’t been in almost six months.”  He looked at Shyla when he answered although Essence was the one asking the question.  He could feel Shyla staring at him.  He knew she was upset because he hadn’t called upon his return from visiting his family in Napa.  He wanted to make sure she knew just where he was and why.  “There were a few personal and business matters that I had to tend to before getting back here.”

     “Well we are definitely glad that you are back.”

     “Same here,” Felton said.  His was mostly from a business stand point.

Shyla wondered what the personal matter was.  Did he have a wife that he was not claiming?  Baby mama drama?  What?  It really wasn’t up to her to pry into his business but curiosity was getting to her. 

     “So,” she cleared her throat.  “Who cares for your place when you’re away?”  That was the best she could do without being too suspicious.  Knowing Zackary he could see right through her, which he did.

He was wondering if she was curious about that or was that a polite way of getting information about his home life.  Did she want to know if he had someone stashed away at his home?  And if she did, how could she think he was that kind of man.  Hell, most women think that every man is that type a man until it is proven wrong.

     “My family,” he answered.  “It’s not just my land as I said earlier.  We, my parents, brothers and I purchased the land.  Well that’s not absolutely true.  My parents purchased the land and my brothers and myself when we were financially able purchased portions that they had not yet used, from them.  Of course they didn’t want that.  They just wanted to give it to us but that’s like I’m inheriting it, not working for it.  We’ve all built our homes and businesses there.  My mom, bless her heart, thinks I should sale my practice here and take over the one I built there.”

     Shyla put down her fork and folded her hands under her chin.  “Well, have you at least thought about it?  It may be a good opportunity.  Beside, what’s keeping you here?”

     He too put down his fork and mimicked her gesture.  “First , and don’t get me wrong,” he held up his hands, “I love my family and I miss them like crazy when we’re apart but I made a choice when I built the practice there.  I knew it would be a good opportunity and I gave it over to someone else to run but I still own it.  When I go out there, yes I help out and I even come out to take over some times but that’s all I need to do right now.  If it gets to the point where I just have to be there on a regular basis then I will make that choice when the time comes.  Secondly, I love my work here.  I have a great clientele.  Felton and I both do.  We know all of our neighbors and the animals in the area.  The owners aren’t bad either.”  He and Felton laughed.  “Felton and I work great together and I wouldn’t want to work with anyone else.  The only reason I was able to afford the property in Monterey is because of my business here.”

     Felton spoke up, then.  “Man that’s not actually true and you know it.  You could afford it, and then some, even before your business here but you chose not to.  You could have used your inheritance.”

     “That’s true, but it’s like it isn’t even mine.  I know it’s there and the purpose for it was to take care of myself and my family when I had one but I can’t see myself sitting on my backside spending money I didn’t earn.  You know the story man.”

     “Yeah I know.  I would have done the same thing.  I can’t see myself not working to keep my family out of the poor house.  If we didn’t have the ability to do the things that we do then that’s one thing but we can work.  We have the means and that option.”

     “Exactly.  Besides, I put that money away for the girls after they were born and I just add to it every month.  The business in Monterey is doing really well and the cut I get from there goes into a trust, growing interest for any other kids that come along.”

     Shyla began choking on the fork full of food that she had just tried to swallow.  Zackary jumped up grabbing her hands and holding them over her head while Essence tried shoving water down her throat.

     “Are you okay?”  Felton asked.  She couldn’t answer because Essence was still shoving the water.  Water was going everywhere.  She turned her head hoping that would give Essence a hint.  It did.  Back away from the water pitcher, why don’t you.  

     “Are you alright?”

     “Yes.  Thank you.”  She looked up at Zackary who was still waving her arms over her head.  He gave a slight smile.  She gave one back.


     “Yes love.”

I think you can put my arms down now.”

     “You good,
you’re okay?”  The look on his face was that of pure concern and fright.  He knew a person that had choked to death when they were kids.  And even though he wasn’t there at the time it still throws him into a panic. 

     “I’m sure Zack.”

     “Okay, if you say so.”  He put her hands down, rubbing her head in the process of sitting back into his seat.  He continued to look at her.  He wondered if her choking had anything to do with him mentioning his children.  Did she dislike children?  Or just the men that had them.  If so why?  Right now that was the million dollar question.  He couldn’t be with a woman that didn’t care for children or even care for the man that had children.  They were a package deal.  His kids were and are his life and not even this woman that he couldn’t seem to get out of his blood would come between them.  He continued to stare.

     “What?  I said I was fine.”  She looked around the table.  “Can we all just relax and finish our meal.  It just went down the wrong pipe that’s all.”  She went to put more food into her mouth but stopped when Zackary turned his chair towards her.

     She turned to Zack and patted his hand with hers.  “I promise I’m fine.  So, what about your parents?  Are they retired?  Still working?  What?”  She smiled.  “I bet your mom spoiled you and your brothers, huh?  I didn’t have that luxury but I think it’s okay if a parent wants to spoil their children as long as it’s not to the point where they are so rotten that they won’t even listen to the people that gave them life.”

She turned to Essence.  “Girl you remember Mrs. Mitchell had her kids like that, they would curse her out and disrespect her in so many different ways.”  She turned back to Zack.  “Do you know that when that woman got ill her oldest daughter put her away in a home and never went back to see her.  She was alone when she died.  They didn’t even give her a proper burial.  Not even her grandchildren showed up.

One of her great-grandchildren came to me and Essence and we helped her with the arrangements and the cost.  It was pitiful how they did her and then to leave the burden onto a nineteen year old girl.  Shameful,” Essence agreed.

     Felton knew something was going on in Zackary’s mind because he hadn’t said a word or made
a comment about the story but he had an unpleasant look on his face.

     “So, are you going to tell me about your parents?”

     “I’d rather talk about your choking.”

     “Why?  I told you it was nothing.”

     “I beg to differ.”

     “Uh oh.” 

     “Uh oh what?  Zackary-” before she could finish his name he snapped at her.

     “No.  You choked when I said I had kids.  Why?”

She didn’t respond right away.  Was she trying to find the right words?  They looked upon one another, neither knowing what the other was thinking.  That was probably a good thing.  Then she spoke.  “Technically you didn’t say you had kids you said the girls,” she snapped back.

     “Well, she’s got you there,
” her cousin stated.

     “Essence,” Felton warned.  “We are not in this conversation.  Let them handle this on their own.  In fact let’s go to the kitchen, we can finish that kiss.”

     “No,” Shyla held up her hand.  “Stay.”

Zack turned Shyla’s chair to face him so that their bodies were parallel with one another.  “That, my dear is not going to get you off the hook.”

     “What hook?  Do I look like a fish out of water?”

     “At the moment, yes, now talk.  Tell me why you had that reaction upon hearing that I had kids.    Do you dislike kids?”

She blinked her eyes rapidly.  “Are you out of your mind?  You have no reason to question me like this.  I didn’t choke because you have kids.”

     “You’re a liar and the truth isn’t in you.”

     “What?  How dare you say that to me.”

     “I dare, Shyla.  I dare, I dare, and I damn dare.  And I’m just getting started.  And since you won’t answer the question it’s my belief that you don’t like children which is a real shame.”

     “Stop it.  I never said that I didn’t like kids.”

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