Come Find Me (7 page)

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Authors: Natalie Dae

BOOK: Come Find Me
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* * * * *

It seemed only moments had passed when Kat stirred to sounds
of pots being banged and the smell of cooking bacon. She opened her eyes and
sat up, seeing the space beside her empty. The clock read midday and she
gasped, jumping out of bed and streaking downstairs, guilt that she had slept
in prodding her.

Dan stood in the kitchen, nude as the day he was born, his
back to her. She admired his body, the way his muscles glided beneath his skin
as he cooked.

“You might want to be careful of spitting fat from that
pan,” she said, moving up behind him. She hugged him around the waist and rested
her cheek against his back. His laugh rumbled through him and she stepped to
his side to watch his reaction to her question. “Do you like surprises?”

“It depends what it is.” He kissed the tip of her nose.
“Afternoon, by the way.”

Kat smiled and steeled herself for what she would say next.
“Um, surprises of a sexual nature.”

Dan stopped splashing oil over two eggs and looked at her.
“Those kinds of surprises I don’t mind.”

“Hmmm.” Kat leaned her butt against a cupboard. “But what if
the surprise I have in mind is possibly considered unconventional?”

“As in…?” He lifted the eggs out and slid them onto a plate.

“As in, I’ve got a surprise in mind to do with me dominating
your ass, and I wondered if that would bother you.”

“Hell no!” Dan broke two more eggs into the pan.

“And the location? Would it bother you if it wasn’t here or
at my hotel?” She bit her lower lip, her stomach bunching in anticipation of
his answer.

“Um…” He looked up. “No, not really. I mean, outside within
view of others isn’t my kind of thing but—”

“So another room would be okay, right?”

“Yes. Why?”

“You’d better hurry with that breakfast. We have somewhere
we need to be.”

* * * * *

A bus similar to the silver beast that had brought her to
the mountain trail lurched up to the curb, its destination scribbled in black
on a square of cardboard prominent in the front window. Dan gave Kat a sidelong
glance and she held in laughter, the subterfuge of her mission exciting and
deliciously naughty. Though the experience would be new to her, she had no
qualms about being able to pull it off now. With her dominant mood today, she’d
bring Dan to his knees and he’d beg her to give him release. He opened his
mouth, probably to ask where they were going, but Kat hushed him and nodded for
him to board the bus. He did so and she appraised his ass, the curve of the
globes tantalizing in his blue jeans. She itched to pinch them, but the people
in the line behind might not find her gesture amusing. Elderly people tsked or
sucked candy, moaning that the bus was late and Kat and Dan were holding them

Unwilling to let anyone spoil the day, Kat followed Dan down
the aisle and sat beside him near the back. She leaned against him and held his
hand with both of hers, a sense of well-being infusing her. Everything was all
right in her world, and their antics in the dungeon would be the icing on the
cake of her beautiful life.

The bus pulled away from the curb like a slug, joining
traffic on the main road out of town. Kat looked at Dan, who stared out the
window at the passing scenery, a smile lifting his lips and one eyebrow arched.

“Where are we going?” He turned to face her, head tilted as
though he were trying to read her mind.

“Just someplace I thought you might like.”

“And that would be…?”

“Just someplace.”

He narrowed his eyes and chuckled, trailing his fingers
through her hair. “You infuriate me when you do this. Like that time at work
when you told me you’d had some great news yet refused to share it until I

She smiled, stomach flipping over, and nudged him in the
ribs. “The same applies here.”

He sighed as though pained and rolled his eyes. “Whatever
you say. Have it your way. This had better be worth all the suspense.”

“Oh, I think it will be. You wait and see.” She eyed the
expanse of countryside and the backdrop of mountains through the window,
part of their conversation was over. Though she was sure
he’d like where they were headed, a nugget of doubt wiggled inside her.
I hope I haven’t misjudged him.
She studied his profile, taking in the
swell of his cheekbone and the dimple in his cheek. Shifting closer, she kissed
it and breathed in his scent, the splash of cologne he’d applied after their
shared shower earlier filling her nostrils. It brought to mind the times she’d
spent in his company on their lunch breaks, the scent swirling around her,
enticing her. And it remained with her long after the workday ended—she could
recall it at will on lonely nights, the memory a comfort on solitary evenings.

Kat squeezed his hand. “I’m so glad you came here. You know,
found the courage to tell me how you feel. I’ve got to wonder whether I’d have
been able to do the same on my return if you hadn’t arrived when you did. Maybe
the week away from you would have forced me into a confession, although doing
so at work with the risk of others overhearing didn’t appeal. I mean, what if
you’d told me to take a hike?”

“Never,” he said. “You’re stuck with me now.”

Warmth spread inside her, as if love seeped out of her heart
to fill her body. She stared out the window misty-eyed, spotting town buildings
coming into view, gray and brown squares topped with white fluffy clouds. The
bus drew nearer and turned right, trundling up a single-lane road and pulling
to a stop halfway up to allow another driver to pass. Their journey resumed and
minutes passed with Kat in silent contemplation of how their dungeon visit
would go. She’d seen inside one while browsing the Internet and had gasped at
the array of implements available for every pleasure. Whips, crops, paddles—the
amount had staggered her—yet her cunt had clenched as she’d imagined using them
on a lover.

Her cunt clenched now and she crossed her legs, leaning out
into the aisle to get a better view of the upcoming town through the
windshield. The sprawling habitat grew bigger, the bus chugging past outlying
houses and into the town proper, grinding to what seemed a relieved stop at the
bus station.

“I’m surprised this old rust bucket even got us here,” she
said to Dan as they waited for the other passengers to get off first.

“Let’s hope your surprise has more life in it than this bus
then.” He laughed and kissed her nose tip.

“Oh, it’s got life in it, all right.” She giggled and left
her seat, taking Dan’s hand to lead him off the bus.

Outside, Kat scanned their surroundings and found a town map
mounted inside a large case on the wall of the ticket office. She pulled Dan
toward it and studied the streets, searching for the one she needed. It was
close to the bus station, down a side street, and she smiled, tugging Dan along
behind her.

“Come on now, Kat. Where are we going?” Dan tried to slow
down, his feet dragging.

“Part of the fun is not knowing,” she said, smiling at him
over her shoulder.

“And how did you find out about this place?” He upped his
pace, walking alongside her.

“Last night on the Internet.” She looked at him.

“Last night?” His mouth dropped open and his brows rose.
“And just what were you doing up in the middle of the night, woman?”

Kat laughed, excitement burbling through her. “I couldn’t
sleep. Didn’t you know men are renowned for dropping off straight after sex,
leaving a woman wide awake and staring at the ceiling?”

He grimaced and stared ahead. Kat smiled, her heart
fluttering as they neared the side street. She turned down a single lane covered
in small paving stones and Dan frowned, staring at the buildings on either
side—Spanish-like, cream stucco-walled buildings that looked out of place
compared to their more old-fashioned neighbors,

“Ah, you’ve rented an apartment for the afternoon?” Dan stopped
walking. “Looks like they’ve tried to bring a little of Europe here.”

Kat nodded and moved toward the building on their right,
walking up the pebbled path and reading the numbers on a brass plate beside a
main entry door. She needed apartment block two so walked on, checking the next
There it is.
Her stomach bunched and she looked up at the
windows, all closed off from the outside world by blinds.
Well, this is it…
She turned to face Dan, who stood in the middle of the street, beaming.
hope that smile stays…

“Come on.” She gestured for him to join her. “Time my secret
was revealed.”

Dan stood beside her and Kat reached up, pressing the only
button on an intercom.

“Yes?” asked a female voice, loud and clear.

“I’m Kat Simmons. I booked a room for two hours.” She
glanced at Dan, nerves jumping.

“Ah yes. Come on in.”

The release mechanism buzzed and Kat pushed the door open,
stepping into a brightly lit foyer, the high shine of the beige marble floor
reflecting the overhead lights. A semicircular beech desk dominated the back
wall and a woman—high maintenance if Kat was any judge—sat behind it, all
blonde teased hair and manicured red nails.

“Hello there, Kat,” the receptionist said, voice warm and
friendly. “Have you visited a room like this before?”

“No. I—”

problem. Take one of these leaflets.” She held it
out and Dan moved to take it, but Kat intercepted.

No way do I want him knowing my plan just yet!

“Thank you,” Kat said. “Do I need to sign in or anything?”

“No, I’ll log you into our computer. All I need is some ID,
preferably the credit card you paid with.”

Kat fumbled in her bag and produced her card, the slap of it
loud on the desk. She blushed, hoping the woman didn’t take it as a sign of
rudeness or impatience.

“My name’s Erica, by the way.” The receptionist smiled,
showing very white teeth. “Once you’re in the room, if you need me,” she
laughed and flapped her hand, realizing her faux pas, “I mean, if you have any
queries throughout your stay, please use the intercom provided. The leaflet
explains everything, so I’m sure you’ll be fine.” Erica handed Kat a key and
pointed to the elevators. “Room sixteen, level three.”

Kat slid her card back into her bag and made a fist over the
key, her heart thumping hard. “Thank you.” She glanced at Dan. “Ready?”

“Of course, though for what I still have no idea.”

Kat looked at Erica, who widened her eyes and covered a
smile with her hand. “Have fun!” she trilled, tapping at her keyboard.

The elevator doors eased open without Kat pressing any buttons
and she guessed they were computer-controlled. She stepped inside and turned to
face the foyer. Dan joined her and, as the doors whispered shut, he took her in
his arms and kissed the crook of her neck. Shivers went through her and Kat
closed her eyes, praying her surprise would be well received.

He can always say no and we can go back to the cabin or
my hotel. Even have a look around this town, have dinner and take the last bus
back. No biggie.
She sighed, wrapping her arms about his back and pressing
into him.
Who am I kidding? It
a biggie. Please let him enjoy

The elevator jolted and came to a stop. Kat’s heart rate
soared and she pulled away, taking his hand and leading him out into an
immaculate tiled hallway.

“Christ, this must have cost a fortune to hire,” Dan said,
looking at the expensive-looking art hanging opposite each of the four doors.

Kat nodded. “It’ll be worth it.”
I hope.
Outside room
sixteen, Kat inserted the key and turned the handle, opening the door a couple
of inches. “Come on. Time to just do as you’re told and enjoy the ride.”

“Ah, you’re in one of those moods, are you?” Dan playfully
swiped her ass and leaned a shoulder on the doorjamb. “Good job I’m in the mood
that complements it.”

Kat’s tummy rolled and she took a deep breath to quell her
bunched nerves.
Has he got an idea of what this place is?
She inhaled
deeply and pulled her dominance to the fore—the only way she could get through
fully opening the door and easing the shock he might feel.

“Right,” she said, hands on hips. “Get inside and strip.”
She pushed the door and stepped inside, turning to face him.

I’m doing this. Really doing this! Fuck, it feels good!

His eyes widened and his brows rose as though he was
humoring her. Dan peered around the doorjamb and his expression changed to one
of shocked surprise. “Well, well! Look what my beautiful woman dreamed up.” He
entered the room, taking it all in before settling his gaze on her. “God, but
you’re a rare find.”

strip!” Kat’s excitement grew and she reveled
in the surge of lust that swept through her at being in control. Never in her
wildest dreams did she think she’d play out her fantasies. Never did she think
she’d find anyone to share them with. She strode to the door and locked it,
spinning to look at Dan. “Now!”

Dan took off his coat and began unbuttoning his shirt. To
stop the sight of him undressing from crumbling her resolve, Kat studied the
room. A four-poster, iron-framed bed stood against the back wall, pristine
white sheets and two pillows on top. Sets of handcuffs dangled from the head
and footboards, positioned roughly where wrists and ankles would be when a
person lay spread-eagled. To the left, a large chest of drawers spanned the
length of the bed, whips, chains, ropes and paddles hanging on hooks above.
Kat’s pulse quickened at the thought of using them. She itched to touch every
instrument, first to imagine what it would be like using them, then to actually
live the dream. Everything was here for her—the tools, the bed, the man. A
little overwhelmed by her good fortune, yet at the same time feeling dominant
as hell, she vowed to act wanton, give her all. Tease and then fuck him.

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