Come Find Me (5 page)

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Authors: Natalie Dae

BOOK: Come Find Me
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“Let me wash you,” Dan said, holding her hand and helping
her into the tub.

Kat moved to the side for Dan to have equal room with her
beneath the spray. He massaged her body with shower gel, soaping her cunt, the
lather glossy and erotic on her folds. She widened her legs, allowing the water
to wash away the foam. Dan pushed a finger inside her, curling it at the ridge
to rub her G-spot. Her hips jolted, the pressure in her cunt startling until
she got used to his stroking fingertip. He pressed her to the wall, the tiles
cold on her back, and kissed from her neck down to her breasts. Easing his
finger out of her, Dan kneeled and licked her cunt, his tongue combined with
her own wetness creating a delicious sensation. She gripped his hair—so soft in
her hands—and gave a low, throaty moan.

Pleasure built, quickly radiating from her clit, leaving her
knees weak. Dan licked faster, his tongue flat, thumbs on her hipbones, fingers
splayed over her ass. Another harder wave racked her and she hissed out a
breath, riding the bliss, knees jolting. He lightened the intensity of his
licks as Kat came down from her high and she drew him upright, cupping his face
to kiss him. She gripped his cock, pumping it hard, and clutched his ass cheek
with her free hand. Dan caressed her breasts, strumming her nipples with his
thumbs. His cock vein pulsed against her palm and cum spurted onto her belly,
the water sluicing it away. A groan rumbled in his throat as a second shot
jetted and Kat slowed her hand, easing to a stop.

Dan breathed heavily and looked into her eyes, his
heavy-lidded with the aftershocks of pleasure. She smiled, kissed his lower lip
and reached for the shower gel. She took her time washing him, exploring every
dip and swell, memorizing the feel of him beneath her hands. Dan washed her
again, their ministrations languid, Kat awed at the discovery of a body she’d
dreamed of touching like this.

“I think I love you,” she said, soaping the smattering of
curls on his chest.

“And I think I love you.”

Dan kissed her, the lightest of touches that set her heart
rate soaring and her tummy tumbling. Would it always be like this, Dan’s kiss
rendering her pliant to his will?

God, I hope so. I hope this never ends, this feeling, this

Chapter Four


At midday, dressed and ready for a trip into town, Kat stood
in her doorway and giggled at Dan having to wear his suit from the previous night.
“Will you buy something else when we get there?”

He nodded, his smile infectious. “Yep, otherwise I’m going
to stand out, especially when I go into a certain shop I saw yesterday.”

She tilted her head. “Oh? And what shop is that?”

“Ah, if I tell you, what I buy won’t be a surprise, will

She stepped out into the hallway and Dan followed, locking
her door.

“Another surprise gift? You don’t have to do that, Dan.”

He kissed her cheek. “I know, but I want to. Besides, we
need what I’m buying for later.”

Kat tucked her arm through his and walked with him to the
elevator, mind churning with possibilities. She’d agreed to be dominated, so
his purchase must have something to do with that. She opened her mouth to ask
but snapped it shut, deciding to let him have his little secret. After all, the
anticipation of what he had planned would make her want him more as the day

In the elevator, other patrons rode in silence beside them,
and Kat stepped into the foyer, leading Dan toward the main doors. Out on the
path, they turned and strolled down the hill hand in hand, Kat lost in thoughts
of what Dan needed to buy, happy their lack of conversation wasn’t awkward. The
chilly air fingered her hair, blowing it away from her face, and she stared
across at the cabins on the mountain.

At the bottom of the hill, she asked, “Where do you want to
stay tonight?”

Dan guided her toward the town and looked across at her.
“The cabin. You might make too much noise and get complaints from other hotel

“As in…?”

“Crying out. Groaning. Pleading…” He smiled, dimples forming
on his cheeks.

Kat’s cunt throbbed and she gripped his hand tighter,
excitement urging her to walk faster. “Come on. Let’s find this shop!”

“Ah, but you’re not to know which shop it is. You can go and
buy yourself a new bag or something.”

A bag! No argument there.

She squeezed his arm and, once in the town center, veered
toward the bag shop, telling him she’d wait outside for his return. Inside, she
positioned herself behind a mannequin holding a zebra-patterned clutch and
peered out the window, seeing which shop he entered.

A hardware store?

Frowning, Kat turned from the window and browsed, mind
awhirl, wondering what Dan intended to buy. Rope? Her stomach tightened with
excitement and she stroked a soft leather handbag, the feel of it rich and
smooth beneath her fingers. She picked it up and looked inside to gauge whether
it would hold all she needed and spied a matching coin purse. That did it. She
took the bag to the counter and while waiting in line, stared out the window.
Dan left the hardware shop, package in hand, and entered a woman’s clothing
store. Kat smiled at his thoughtfulness and generosity. The male sales clerk
cleared his throat, snapping Kat’s gaze from outside to him. She stood a few
feet from the counter, the line in front of her gone.

“Sorry!” She handed the bag over and paid, leaving the shop

Outside, she leaned against the window and kept her gaze on
the clothes shop Dan had entered. The window display prevented her seeing
inside and she eyed the outfits, a stunning black dress and a fitted trouser
suit. A few minutes passed and Dan stepped onto the street, looking over at
her, a small plastic bag in hand. Whatever had he bought that would fit in
there? He then disappeared inside a men’s clothes shop, coming out a few
minutes later. He walked toward her, looking more comfortable in jeans and a
t-shirt, and he had a big smile on his face—one that promised mischief and a
damn good time later. Butterflies fluttered in her belly and she took his hand,
leading him toward a glass-fronted restaurant.

“Lunch?” she asked, hand on the door, ready to push it open.

Dan leaned forward and whispered in her ear, “I’d rather eat
you, but hey, I won’t turn down food.”

She laughed, amazed at the change in him, and urged him
inside. They took a seat at a corner table. Dan sat beside her and lifted the
menu from its holder. They browsed in silence and Kat’s mouth watered at the
meals on offer—rump steaks in pepper sauce, slabs of baked ham and half a
roasted chicken, all served with roasted potatoes and seasonal vegetables. Her
gaze slid over pictures of desserts and the thought of Dan eating strawberries
and cream from her stomach set her clit to throbbing. She clamped her legs
closed and blushed, giving Dan a sidelong glance.

“What are you thinking?” He moved his hand below the table
and trailed his fingers up her thigh. “Something naughty?” His touch went
higher and he unbuttoned her jeans, eyes focused on hers. “Something…sexy?”

Light grazes over her thatch sent her heartbeat soaring and
she swallowed, looking around to make sure no one watched. “Dan!”

“Yes?” Two fingers dipped into her folds.

“Someone might see!” Kat’s face heated further and she bit
her lip, cunt moistening.

“No they won’t. Unless you make a noise. And besides, I’m
more interested in the fact you’re not wearing panties. Fucking hot.”

Dan rubbed up and down, her clit swelling with every
abrasion, excitement unfurling, threatening to burst. He stroked steadily,
circling her nub, applying a little more pressure as her breaths left her in
ragged spurts. Giving in to the inevitable, she widened her legs, the shocking
audacity of what he was doing spiking her need. Other diners remained
oblivious, but a waitress kept looking their way as though letting Kat know
she’d be with them any moment to take their order.

“Hurry!” Kat whispered, her cunt spasming. “Faster!”

Dan obeyed and her orgasm came with alarming swiftness. She
leaned into him, her mouth on his chest to stifle a whimper, her pelvis rising
to press against his fingers. She squeezed her thighs, breaths hot in the
confined space, and rode the sensations, wishing she could scream out her
bliss. The wave ebbed and flowed and she lifted her face to his neck, kissed
the soft skin. Aftershocks jabbed her clit and she grabbed his wrist, a silent
warning for him to stop.

He eased his fingers away and kissed her cheek. “The
waitress is on her way.”

“Oh god!” Kat sat upright, thankful for the tablecloth
hiding her lower half. With no time to button up, she cleared her throat and
smiled at the brunette woman now standing beside their table. “Hi! I’ll
have…um…yes, I’ll have a chicken salad.” She thought of the roasted potatoes.
“Actually, could I also have potatoes with that?”

“I’ll have the same,” Dan said, giving Kat a wink.

The waitress nodded, eyeing them as though she wasn’t quite
sure if she’d caught them doing something inappropriate. “Sure. Drinks?”

“Uh…” Kat looked at Dan. “Wine?”

“Why not? Yes, a bottle of house wine. Thanks.”

Their server rolled her eyes. “Red or white?”

“Doesn’t matter,” Kat said, wishing the woman would go so
she could button up. “You choose.” She smiled, hoping she appeared calmer than
she felt. God, her heart beat so fast!

Frowning, the waitress turned and walked away, glancing back
once before disappearing through double doors at the back of the restaurant.

“Do you think she knows?” Kat looked at Dan, her nerves taut
and face hot.

He smiled and his eyebrows rose. “Does it matter?”


“It’s not like we’ll be seeing her again once we leave.” He
stroked her face. “Unless we come back for our anniversary.”

“So you think we’ll get that far?” she asked, her voice
light, her tone teasing.

“Don’t you?”

“God, yes!” She paused, then, “Um, you’ll need to wash your
hands before we eat.”

With a reaction so far removed from what she was used to
from Dan, she watched as he raised his fingers to his lips and sucked them
inside his mouth. Kat gasped, eyes wide, and laughter bubbled in her chest. She
released it, throwing her head back, so in love with this new side of him.

“I can’t believe you just did that!” she said, taking his
hand and holding it beneath the table. “This is a far cry from the lunch breaks
we’ve shared at work.”

“Ah, but it was different then. We were only friends. And
god, woman, but you’ve unleashed a beast inside me.” He growled then laughed,
no hint of embarrassment in sight.

“You need to go and wash your hands!”

He winked and left the table, returning a few minutes later.
Kat looked at him, adoration for him growing, and wondered what other surprises
he had in store for her. Tonight would be an experience she was sure, one she
wouldn’t forget in a hurry. She trusted him totally.

“You’ve completed me,” she said, suddenly serious, tears too
close for comfort.

The sincerity in his eyes made her turn away, unable to look
at him any longer in case she broke down. Everyone searched for the perfect
partner, wished for their soul mate to sweep them into their arms and carry
them away, but to find one
perfect for her both awed and staggered

Even if he leaves his socks in a ball on the floor
instead of putting them in the laundry hamper I won’t care. He’s mine. My
perfect love.

“Kat?” Dan placed his finger beneath her chin and turned her
head to face him. “Are you all right?”

More composed now, she looked into his eyes and gave a
wobbly smile. “Yes. More than all right.”

“Good. After this week, we’ll be okay, won’t we?” He rushed
on. “I mean, this isn’t just a holiday romance, is it?”

“God, no! I want you. Need you with me.” She gripped his
hand tighter. “I don’t want you out of my sight.”

His eyes widened and his mouth hung open, his expression one
of mock horror.

She laughed. “Not in a bunny-boiler way, Dan. Aw, you know
what I mean!”

“I do. I’m just messing with you.” He glanced toward the
double doors. “Watch yourself. The waitress is on her way back. Looks like
she’s been sucking a lemon.”

Kat turned to watch her approach, stifling the giggles
threatening to burst out of her. She accepted the food slapped down in front of
her without looking up, wanting to apologize for their behavior even though the
woman may not have seen.

Guilt gets me every time.

Kat and Dan ate, discussing how their relationship would be
once they returned home.
We’ve only been together one night. Are we moving
too fast?
They talked about being a couple but still maintaining their
private space and time. Kat took a moment to take everything in.
It’ll be
okay if we go slow, won’t it?
She looked at him and felt full to bursting, but
not from the food. Something inside her fluttered and writhed, emotions
coursing through her until she felt nauseous. She pinched herself, unable to
believe things had turned out as they had.

“What are you doing?” Dan asked, brow furrowed, concern for her
written clearly on his face.

“Pinching myself.”

“I can see that, but what for?”

She sighed, content and at peace. “Just to make sure this is
really happening.”

* * * * *

Naked, Kat lay in the center of the bed at the cabin, her
eyes closed as instructed. She listened to Dan moving around, the soft patter
of his feet on the carpet as he paced—purposely upping her anticipation?
Already she wanted to open her eyes and issue him an instruction but refrained,
telling herself this new experience may well be something she enjoyed if she
could just let go and relax. She trusted him, so what was the problem? Not
being able to orchestrate what happened next? Being at the mercy of someone
else? Having him decide when she came? Yes, that was it. She liked to hold off,
leaving her orgasm until the last possible moment, but this way, if she lost
control of her ability to keep it at bay…

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