Read Color of Forgiveness Online

Authors: Madeleine Beckett

Color of Forgiveness (61 page)

BOOK: Color of Forgiveness
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Myra gasps. “I guess you are ready to

“I’m always ready to play, but I have to
warn you. I excel at poker so you don’t stand a chance.” She moves
his hand from her stomach and presses it between her legs. He
groans and slips his fingers inside her panties. She spreads her
legs as he runs them along her heated lips.

“You play a lot?” she asks, breathing

“Yeah, with just one woman… and I always

“I don’t mind losing.”

Dylan slides a finger inside her. “You ready
for my spade?” he whispers against her ear before he bites and
licks on it. He smiles when Myra giggles, but gasps when she
reaches behind her and grabs his cock, stroking it.

* * *

Myra’s body trembles and quakes as Dylan
slides slowly in and out of her with shallow thrusts. He groans and
pants against her neck, riding out his orgasm. After one last
guttural grunt, he pulls out and flops on his back on the bed.
“Holy fuck,” he pants. “Your pussy is so goddamn hot.”

Myra smiles but stays on her side. She wants
to turn over and snuggle up next to him and lay her head on his
chest, but her belly is just too big and it’s too much effort to
turn over.

After a moment or two, Dylan helps her up so
she can go to the restroom. She gets back into bed and Dylan spoons
up behind to her, draping his arm over her stomach. “I didn’t push
in all the way because I didn’t want to hurt the baby. But damn, if
that didn’t somehow make that shit hotter.”

“Mm. It did,” Myra hums in agreement as she
intertwines her fingers with his on her stomach.

“You okay? How do you feel?” he asks,
leaning forward so they can make eye contact. “You feel any
different? Did I put you into labor?”

She grins at his anxious face. “No. I feel

His face drops. “Well, shit. I thought for
sure that’d do it. Do I need to give you more orgasms or some

Myra laughs lightly. “No. You did perfect. I
don’t think I could handle another one right now.” He’s given her
three already.

He sighs and hugs up against her again.
Gently removing his hand from hers, he begins rubbing lightly
across her belly. “So, do you think it’s a boy or a girl today?” he
asks quietly after a few minutes.

“Hmm... Today, I’m thinking maybe a boy…
with your eyes and my dark hair.”

“Maybe,” he says. “But I’m thinking it’s a
girl, with curly hair like Trish’s but dark like yours… and your

Myra smiles and closes her eyes, happier
right now than she ever thought possible. “I love this baby so much
already. It’s so strange that I can love a person that I’ve never
met and never even laid eyes on before. But I do. I love this baby
more than I can even describe, and I love it even more because it’s
a part of you.”

Dylan groans, rubbing his nose against her
neck. “I love you,” he whispers. “So damn much.”

Her eyes fill with tears and she sniffs.
“What’s wrong?” he asks, his voice panicked.

“Nothing… I just…” She wipes at her eyes as
Dylan sits up and leans over her. She looks up at him.

“Tell me,” he says in a soft voice. “What’s

She clears her throat. “I thought I
understood what you went through with Mel, but I really didn’t
understand at all until now. I love this baby so much, and I know
I’m going to love him or her so much more. I can’t imagine what it
was like for you…” her voice breaks as Dylan gathers her into his

“It was rough. I loved Mel more than
anything, and I feel the same way about this baby. I was so damn
worried in the beginning that I’d somehow love this baby more than
Mel. That I’d somehow hurt his memory. But Dr. Mitchum made me
realize that there’s room in here for both,” he says, pointing to
the center of his chest. “My love for Mel will never change, but I
have room now to love this baby too.”

“I’m sorry I’m so emotional,” Myra says
before a small sob escapes her.

Dylan chuckles. “You’re pregnant. There’d be
something damn wrong with you if you weren’t emotional.”

Myra nods against his chest.

“Let’s try to get some sleep, okay?” he
asks. “You need some rest.”

She nods and he curls back up behind her,
his arms protectively wrapping around her and the baby. She
squeezes his arm and closes her eyes.

* * *

“Myra, I’ve been here for four days…
and no baby. No false alarms. No Braxton Hicks. No
nothing. You are now officially past your due date. That baby girl
has to be done cooking,” Susie says. She looks at Dylan. “Have you
been keeping up your manly duties? Are you doing it multiple

“Jesus Christ,” Dylan mumbles, rolling his

“Susie,” Myra hisses. “That’s none of your

“Well, something needs to happen! Those
nachos you ate last night did absolutely nothing, and then we froze
our asses off yesterday taking that worthless walk around the
neighborhood. We’ve got to step this up. I need a plan of action.
There has to be a way to get this baby moving.”

“I’ll help,” Jackie says excitedly.

“I’m fucking outta here,” Dylan says,
kissing Myra on the temple. His lips move to her ear. “I can’t
handle any more of this shit. I’m going to kill both of them if I
have to listen to them one more minute.”

Myra giggles. “I understand.”

“I’ll be in the garage if you need me.” He
stands and leaves the room.

“Jackie,” Susie says. “Get on your laptop.
Search for anything you can find to get a stubborn woman into

Jackie giggles and whips out her laptop from
her giant bag she brought with her.

Myra laughs and shakes her head. Susie
scoots to the edge of her chair and stares Myra down. “I’m being
serious here. Is that sexy beast slapping you with the salami every

Jackie busts out laughing.

“That’s none of your business,” Myra says,
feeling her face heating.

“Are you guys just doing it one time a
night? Because that’s not going to cut it… you need to be having
nightly orgy’s with that man and make him pound that baby out of

“I’m not discussing my sex life with you,”
Myra hisses.

“Well, you just make sure you ride that
stallion until you fall off the saddle tonight, all right?

Myra makes a huffing sound while Jackie
giggles again.

“Okay,” Jackie says, staring at her
computer. “This website says sex, of course, and castor oil.

“Myra, you got any safety pins?” Susie asks.
“I could so do some acupuncture on you.”

Myra rolls her eyes.

“Oh my god,” Jackie says, her eyes going

“What?” Susie asks excitedly.

“It says… nipple stimulation.”

Susie busts out laughing. “That’s it! That’s
the problem. Dylan’s been giving you the salami, but he’s just not
been stimulating your nipples properly. Tonight, just have the man
suck on your tits for like a half hour each.”

“While you bounce on a therapy ball,” Jackie

“And while you suck on some prunes,” Susie
adds, causing all of them to burst out laughing.

“I bet laughing could totally induce labor
because I feel like I’m having labor pains right now my gut hurts
so badly,” Susie moans, wiping her eyes. “Plus I’ve wet my pants
from laughing so why can’t it push a baby on out? We just need to
make you laugh all day long.”

Myra giggles crazily, holding both hands on
her stomach and wondering if there could be some truth to Susie’s

* * *

“How in the fucking hell did I get talked
into walking around the damn mall?” Dylan growls at Myra. But he
doesn’t need an answer because knows how. It was because he refused
to let Susie and Jackie take Myra there without him. “I feel like a
goddamn teenage girl.”

Myra giggles and squeezes his hand. “You
came here because you love me?”

“That’s the only reason why.”

Myra smiles up at him and rubs his arm.

“They totally didn’t bring you here to put
you in labor,” Dylan says in a low voice so that only Myra can
hear. “Jackie is here for the shopping, and Susie is here for the
food. They’re just using you as a fucking excuse.”

“I know,” Myra agrees, grinning.

They walk until they get to the food court.
“Oh my... I have stumbled upon paradise,” Susie says in an
awestruck voice.

“You want anything to eat?” Dylan asks

“No. I just want to sit. I’m kind of

“You guys go get us a table,” Susie says,
locking arms with Jackie. “I’m going to go get one of everything. I
may or may not be back.”

“You feel all right?” Dylan asks as he pulls
out a chair for Myra at an empty table.

“Yeah,” she says, sitting down. Dylan sits
down beside her and frowns when he sees her grimace.

“What? What’s wrong?”

“Nothing… My back just hurts a little.”

Dylan’s heart starts to beat harder. He
swallows hard. “Are you? Could you be…?”

“No,” Myra says moving slightly in her chair
to stretch. “I think it’s just from walking around the mall for so

“What does it feel like?”

“Just kind of sore…”

“Where?” Dylan asks. He touches her shoulder
and begins lightly massaging it.

“My lower back...”

Dylan’s hand stops moving and his eyebrows
furrow. “But isn’t that where they say that back labor shit

“Yeah, but this can’t be labor because it
doesn’t really hurt. I don’t know what labor feels like, but I
would think it has to hurt, right?”

Dylan shrugs. “Lean forward a little bit,
and I’ll rub your back.”

Myra leans forward and rests her elbows on
the table. Dylan slips his hand up under her coat and sweater until
he finds her warm skin. His fingers rub light, small circles on her
lower back.

Twenty minutes later, Susie and Jackie
finally come back to the table each carrying a tray.

Jackie frowns. “Does your back hurt or
something?” she asks Myra as she sits down across from her.

“It’s just a little sore,” Myra says.

Dylan shakes his head at the pile of food on
Susie’s tray. She picks up a loaded foot long Coney dog, but before
she can take a bite Dylan hears a popping sound and Myra shouts,
“Oh my god!”

“What?” Dylan shouts, looking at her. “What
the hell was that?”

Myra looks down. “I think my water just

Dylan’s eyes widen and his heart starts
racing. “What?”

Susie drops the Coney dog and jumps up out
of her seat and shouts, “It’s about damn time!” She starts doing a
frightening version of what might be considered the running man,
but Dylan’s not quite sure what the hell to call it.

Jackie jumps up from her seat and squeals,
clapping her hands. “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! Myra’s going
to have a baby. Today! Oh my god, oh my god. I’m going be an aunty
again. Oh my god. Myra’s baby is going to call me Aunty

Dylan wishes he could somehow make those two
women disappear. “Holy shit,” he mumbles as he looks back at Myra’s
stunned face. “What? I… Uh…” he stammers, having no clue in the
damn world what to say or do other than freak the fuck out. “Shit!
What do I do?” he asks, touching her stomach. “Are you in

“I’m a little uncomfortable, but I’m okay.
I’m just wet,” she says in embarrassment, looking down at herself.
“I think we need to go to the hospital.” She reaches out and puts
both hands on his face, pulling him close. “We’re going to have a
baby,” she whispers, her eyes shining with a mixture of amazement
and fear.

Holy shit
,” he mumbles again. “The
hospital,” he repeats and then it finally sinks into his brain.

The hospital!
Shit, we gotta get to the fucking hospital.”
He stands up so fast his chair goes flying to the floor behind him.
He looks at Jackie and Susie and his mouth drops open. Jackie is
still jumping up and down and clapping, but Susie is sitting back
down, chewing something and taking her sweet old time wrapping up
the chili dog and some of the food on her tray.

“What the hell are you doing?” he shouts at
Susie, his eyes narrowing. “We gotta get her to the hospital,

Susie continues chewing then she swallows.
“Dylan, labor is a process,” she says in a calm voice. “It takes
hours and hours and hours to get a baby here. I was in labor for
twenty hours with Tucker. Now I just spent an arm and a leg on all
of this fine food right here, and I don’t plan on wasting a single
bite of it. I’m taking it with me.”

” Myra moans, bending over
slightly and holding her stomach, her face twisted up in pain.

Dylan’s heart lurches up into his throat.
“Are you okay, baby?” he asks, dropping on his knees down beside
her and gently rubbing her stomach.

She moans a little more, her eyes clenched
tight. Finally, her eyes open and he can see the fear in them. She
shakes her head quickly at him.

,” he mumbles under his breath
immediately standing.

He looks at Susie. “Myra is going to the
. If you wanna stay here, I don’t give a shit,
but I’m leaving.” He picks Myra up carefully from the chair, and
she wraps her arms around his neck.

” Susie says, huffing a little.
“Geez, I’m coming. But I’m telling you, these things

She turns to Jackie. “Here, stuff some of
this food in your bag for me.”

“No!” Jackie shouts indignantly.

Dylan leaves them arguing in the food court
and takes off with Myra in his arms. “You okay, baby? I’m taking
you to the hospital, okay? Just hold on.”

Myra closes her eyes and moans again,
burying her face in his neck.

“Hang on, baby, hang on.” He walks faster
his heart beating erratically. Of course his truck is parked all
the way on the other side of the stupid fucking mall, and they’re
at least twenty minutes away from the hospital if they don’t run
into any traffic. To say he’s starting to panic would be the
understatement of the fucking century.

BOOK: Color of Forgiveness
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