Color of Forgiveness (57 page)

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Authors: Madeleine Beckett

BOOK: Color of Forgiveness
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“What the fuck are you doing?” Dylan asks in
a low voice.

“Nothing,” Myra says as she giggles and
kisses up his neck to his ear. She weaves her fingers through the
back of his hair before she sucks his earlobe into her mouth.

“You better stop that shit while I’m
driving, or I’m gonna wreck the goddamn truck.”

Myra ignores him and her tongue sneaks out
and runs along the outside of his ear.

She smiles when he shivers and starts
breathing heavy. “Fuck. Keep it up and see what happens to you,
woman. I’ll pull this truck over and rip your panties off, and you
know I’ll do that shit.”

“What if I want you to do that?” she
whispers in his ear.

A primal growling sound rumbles in Dylan’s
chest. Pulling up to a stoplight, he turns towards Myra and crashes
his lips against hers, pushing his tongue into her mouth. He kisses
her until she has no breath left. “Fuck. I want you,” he groans
against her lips.

She startles when someone lays on the horn
behind them.

Dylan angrily lifts his middle finger.
Laughing, she grabs his hand and says, “

He pulls his hand away and adjusts himself.
“Jesus Christ, woman, my cock is about to bust out of my damn jeans
because of you.”

She smiles, leaning towards him, still
amazed that she can have this kind of effect on him. With a wave of
confidence, she reaches her hand down and runs her fingers over the
outline of his hardness in his jeans. He breathes heavier.

After rubbing along his length a couple of
more times, she finds his zipper.

“What the hell are you doing?”

She just grins and tugs his zipper down. He
gasps when her hand slips inside his boxers. “Fuck. I’m pulling
over.” She giggles at the desperation in his voice.

While he tries to find a secluded place to
park, she busies herself with undoing the button on his jeans and
pulling him out. “Holy fuck,” he mumbles as she strokes him.

He pulls into a deserted parking lot and
shoves the truck into park, leaving it running. They both quickly
unbuckle their seatbelts, and he immediately reaches for her. But
she stops him, pushin on his chest. “Lay the seat back.”

His brows pull together, but he does what
she says.

Sitting on her knees, she grasps his length
in her hand, and he jerks in response. Smiling, she leans down and
touches her tongue lightly on the tip. “Oh shit,” he rasps as his
hands reach out to grasp the seat.

She takes his satiny hardness into her
mouth, sucking lightly, and running her tongue along his smooth
skin. His grunts and muttered curses, his out of control breathing,
his occasional soft thrust into her mouth confirms that he likes
what she’s doing.

His hand tangles in her hair as she takes
him in a little deeper this time, a little too deep, and the head
of his cock hits the back of her throat, almost making her gag.
“Oh, Jesus…” Dylan groans. “Fuck, get up here,” he says in a
breathy voice as he tugs her up to him. His lips are on hers,
kissing her hard.

“I was about to cum,” he says against her
lips, “and the only place I wanna cum is in your hot pussy.”

Myra moans softly at his filthy words.

“I want in your pussy right now. Fuck, you
drive me crazy. I love you, Myra, I love you so goddamn much, but
this is gonna be hard and fast. I’ll make love to you later and
give you orgasms and shit. But right now, you’ve got me worked up
too damn much. I need you naked right this damn instant.”

Myra can’t control the happy laughter that
bubbles out of her seeing Dylan so desperate for her. It makes her
feel alive, makes her skin tingle in anticipation of his touch. As
she slips her coat off, her eyes dart around the parking lot to
make sure no one can see them. It seems to be empty and Dylan’s
windows are tinted so… she boldly removes her shirt and slips off
her bra. She busts out laughing when Dylan takes his boots off and
just flings them in the back seat, his hard cock still sticking
straight up out of his open jeans. They bump elbows and other body
parts, trying to get their clothes off fast as possible.

Once naked, Dylan lays the seat down on the
passenger side and covers her body with his own. He kisses her
neck, sucking on her collarbones, and tugging her nipples into his
mouth. She smiles when she looks down and sees they both have their
socks still on... matching white socks.

She spreads her legs more, giving him better
access. His hand reaches between them, his fingers spreading her
open. “I hope you’re ready for me because fuck I need you so damn
much,” he murmurs as he runs his fingers against her and through
her wetness. “Oh fuck. It turned you on to suck my cock, didn’t

“Oh shit. Yes,” she pants, his dirty words
exciting her even more.

She feels him at her entrance, right where
her body begs for him to be. In one swift motion, he thrusts into
her roughly, filling her completely. Her eyes roll back in her head
as a loud, breathy moan escapes from her at the satisfying
sensation of feeling him so deep inside of her.

“Fuck. You feel so damn good,” he mumbles
against her neck as he starts thrusting. “Myra, I love everything
about you,” he says. His hands press against her legs, tilting her
upwards so he can thrust deeper. “I love the way you smell – that
fruity shit. I love your fucking hair… how soft it is.” His thrusts
come harder, his breathing ragged. “I love that you love my…” He
makes a loud groaning sound, “… family. I love the taste of your
pussy… Oh fuck. I’m about to cum. Shit. I just love you.” He
thrusts faster, harder and deeper.

“I love you, too, oh god,” Myra shouts.

“Oh fuck, here it comes,” he pants, staring
down into her eyes. “Can you feel it?” he groans as he starts
pulsing hot and hard inside of her.

“Oh. Oh. I feel it. Oh shit…” she shouts as
an orgasm like she’s never had before ricochets through her

“Holy fuck,” Dylan grunts before he
collapses onto her while keeping the majority of his weight on his
arms. She runs her hands through his hair as they both lay there
trying to catch their breath. “I can’t feel my damn legs,” he
mumbles, causing Myra to giggle.

“I can’t believe we couldn’t wait until we
got back to the hotel,” Myra says as Dylan lifts his head up enough
to look at her.

“Well, you shouldn’t have pulled my cock out
and started sucking on it. I told you that shit would get you into
trouble. You know I have a hard time with control around you.
Remember our first kiss? When I fucking attacked you in your

“And when the paper towels hit you on the
head?” Myra says before giggling hysterically. “You should have
seen your face.”

“Fucking paper towels,” Dylan growls.

“That’s exactly what you said!”

“Well, I couldn’t control myself then
either. You looked so beautiful and sexy and soft, and I wanted to
know what your lips felt like.”

“Well, my lips are yours… forever.”


“Yeah, as long as you want them…”

“I want them forever.”

Her mouth drops open. “You do?”

“Yeah, I do.” Dylan pulls out and grabs his
shirt, handing it to her. She quickly uses it to clean up, and they
start putting their clothes back on.

Once they’re dressed, Dylan sits in the
middle seat and pulls her into his lap. He smiles as he smooth’s
her hair back and tucks it behind her ear. “Look. This is the worst
time and place to talk about this shit – in my damn truck after we
just went at it like animals – but you know that I have problems
with talking. So I’m not going to put shit off anymore.”

“You can talk to me about anything at any
time. Always remember that.”

He nods. “Good. Do you wanna live in

“Uh, I don’t know…”

“I mean, I want you to live with me, but I
want to know if you want to live in Nyssa or have you ever thought
about Boise? I was thinking I might wanna move back here to be
closer to my family and shit, but if you don’t want to do that,
I’ll stay with you in Nyssa or Philly or wherever just as long as
we’re together.”

“I’d love to move with you to Boise,” she
says with a big grin.

Dylan’s grin matches hers. “You would?”


“I’m only renting my place so I can leave
any time, but what about your house?”

“Well, it’s paid for so I don’t have to be
in any hurry to make a decision about it right now. I could maybe
see about renting it out or something.”

He smirks. “So you’ll just pack up and move
with me.”

She smiles and nods. “Yes, I will.”

“That makes me really fucking happy.” He
leans in and kisses her softly. But he pulls back after a moment
and frowns a little. “When you said forever, did you mean

She nods. “I did.”

“Well, I know I told you that I didn’t want
to get married again, but I was thinking…” he says, making Myra’s
heart stop. Her mouth drops open because surely he wouldn’t ask her
right here… His eyes get big. “Wait,” he says quickly, shaking his
head. “This isn’t a proposal.” Myra can almost feel her heart sink.
“Jesus, what I’m trying to say is that when I said that, I was
thinking about the past. I wasn’t thinking about being married to…
you, I guess. So I just wanted to tell you that, well, I think I’d
like to be married to you some day. Not right away of course
because we’re just getting back together and shit, and I’m a
fucking asshole for screwing all of this shit up but… what do you

Myra smiles and touches his chest. “So is
this a non-proposal
the proposal?”

Dylan grins back. “Yep, it sure is.”

“And you want an answer to your non-proposal
the proposal?”

“Yeah…” Dylan nods, still smiling.

“Hmm… I’ll have to think about it because
I’m not sure…”


“Okay,” Myra says with a laugh. “My answer
is yes, I
say yes to a real proposal from you in the
future. You’ll just have to ask me some time and see what

“I will take you up on that… someday,” he
promises before his lips touch hers again.

* * *

“He what? He told you he loved you in the
back of a police car?” Susie shouts. “You seriously need to star in
a reality show or something. What a kick-ass story you’ll have to
tell your grandkids. I’m totally hating on you right now.”

“Sorry,” Myra says with a giggle.

“But the whole ultrasound thing is the
kicker for me. That was so beautiful it brought a tear to me eye.
You deserved that, honeybun, especially after all the mountains of
crap you’ve been through lately. Do you know what Jeff said at my
very first ultrasound?”

“No. What?”

“He said and I quote, ‘What’s that weird
blob?’ So the nurse told him it was the baby, and he said and I
quote again, ‘Uh, that ain’t my baby’. You should have seen the
nurse’s face. Yeah, he made the moment so tender and touching.”

“At least it was memorable,” Myra says with
a laugh.

“True. Guess what happened at work today?”
Susie says with a squeal.


“Trent got fired!” she shouts at the top of
her lungs.


“Yes! That shithead is out of my life for
good.” Susie makes a lot of whooping celebration-like noises. “Lori
was the one that told me. I guess it was due to ‘restructuring’ or
whatever. Anyway, this story is so freaking funny. Lori came into
my cubicle and told me she had a secret and that I had to keep
quiet. So she whispered in my ear, ‘Trent’s getting fired today,’
and I jumped out of my seat and did all of this silent yelling and
cha-chings and victory cheers. Then I really started getting into
it dancing a jig and getting my groove on like one of those old
timey silent movies, and you know my fat ass can’t dance worth

“So anyway, I started doing this kind of
Travolta-like thingy with my arm. Then I just started shaking my
fat fanny, while I was mouthing words like ‘oh yeah that fucker’s
gone’, and it made Lori catch the fever. So she got up close to me
in my cubicle and started shaking her ass. She threw her hip up
next to me so we could do ‘the bump’ thing, and I was so revved up
and into it, my hips went swinging to bump with hers, and that
skinny bitch went flying out of my cubicle and fell flat on her
face. I have to fatten that bony chick up.”

Myra laughs. “That’s hilarious. Wow. I still
can’t believe that he’s gone.”

“I know, isn’t it sweet? Justice has been

* * *

“Uncle Dylan?” Jay says.


“Wanna play X-box with us?” he asks with
Jackson standing next to him.

“Not until your homework’s done,” Sherri
shouts from the kitchen.

Jay’s eyes widen. “How’d she hear me?” he
whispers to Dylan in amazement.

“She’s got super hearing,” he says. “It’s a
grandma gift. We’ll play after your homework’s done, okay?”

“Awesome. We’ll hurry,” Jay says. He turns
to Jackson. “Race ya,” he shouts before running full speed for the
stairs. Dylan chuckles as he watches Jackson take off after

Dylan can hear Myra and Sherri quietly
talking in the kitchen while they prepare dinner. His eyes move to
Joseph playing quietly on the floor with some toys. He walks over
to him and drops down beside him.

“Mind if I play?”

Joseph’s eyes meet his for a moment before
he shrugs and looks back down at his toys.

“Who’s this?” Dylan asks as he picks up a

“That’s Fred,” Joseph says. “Haven’t you
ever seen Scooby Doo?”

Dylan smiles. “Yeah, but it’s been awhile.
What’s Fred gonna do?”

“He’s going to solve the mystery. The gang
is looking for clues.”


Joseph puts Shaggy in the van then looks up
at Dylan. “Why do you look at me funny?” he asks.

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