Closer To You (Suits in Pursuit) (9 page)

BOOK: Closer To You (Suits in Pursuit)
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When they walked into
his home gym, she remembered her first night at his house when she had accidentally spied on him from the guest bedroom’s balcony. She never imagined that her relationship with Axel would blossom in this way. Glancing out of the window, she fixed her eyes on the balcony.

“You’ve upgraded your
view. Would you like an up-close-and-personal show?” He asked.

Not waiting for her response, h
e peeled his shirt off and lied flat down on the bench press. His muscles rippled and strained as he pumped the heavy weights with all his strength. She gawked at him, her mouth agape.

lowered the bar onto the rack, and the weights clang loudly. “Sweetheart, are you going to stand there staring at me all night?” A broad grin spread across his lips. “If you can keep up with me in here, you can keep up with me in the bedroom.”

You’re a cruel man. I’m going over to the elliptical where it’s safe,” she said, and then stuck out her plump bottom lip.

“It’s never safe when I’m near you. Stop pouting or I’ll bite your fat bottom lip.”

Butterflies danced in belly. She almost wished he would make good on his threat. Almost. She tucked in her lip.

“Fine. You want a workout?” She bent over, her firm round lobes perfectly positioned in front of him. “I’ll need to do some stretching.”

He sprung up and pursed his lips. “Careful where you put that beautiful ass of yours, Kerrigan. I’ll wear you out worse than any workout in this gym if you keep tempting me.”

“I thought you were a man of your word.” She teased.

“I am, but the truth is I’m easily torn from my convictions in your presence. Tempting me is not a good idea.”

Sweaty musk filled the air, their hot bodies pumping and straining to complete physical exertion.

An hour and a half later, they retreated to the house, heading for his bedroom.

Outside of his room, he paused
. “You shower in my bathroom. I’ll use the guest bath down the hall.”

Back from the guest bath, Axel leaned against the doorframe
, observing her quietly. Kerrigan was already in bed hammering out work on her laptop. The sight of her sitting in his bed, his heart swelled. He clambered into bed next to her. Even though they had slept in the same bed together many times before, tonight felt like a milestone. It was a work night, and there would be no sex. They were a normal couple. He liked the idea.

At eleven o’clock,
she put her laptop away.

he lights turned off, he pulled Kerrigan close to him, enjoying her scent. “Hmm. Baby, I love holding you close, how your body presses into mine.” Her small hand on his chest made his flesh sizzle. “This feels good, natural. Do you like this?” He never wanted the feeling to end.

“Yes.” She agreed and nuzzled her face against him.

The word rolled off her tongue like a waterfall cascades over a cliff. When the time was right, he hoped she would say yes to his ultimate question with such ease.

Don’t get too comfortable
, her inner voice told her. The thought tormented her. She lay awake for an hour in the cocoon of his arms, unable to shake the feeling of impending doom and heartbreak.


Tuesday, October 9

When they arrived at work the next morning, Axel walked Kerrigan to her office. He made a point to make
their arrival together known. Just inside her office, he leaned down and kissed her swiftly on the lips, careful not to lay the kiss on too heavy, for both their sakes. He wasn’t concerned about professionalism. He knew they couldn’t have a repeat lovemaking session as they had in his office the day before. A deep kiss would leave him wanting and unable to fulfill his needs or focus for the rest of the day.

“Sweetheart, we’ll go home at five. I’ll see you then.”
His statement was a command and not a question.

didn’t argue with him. She looked up at him sweetly. “I’ll be ready.”

He used the word

Nothing out of the ordinary happened all day. She chuckled to herself thinking about Megan’s facial expression when
he confronted her the day before. The dynamics in the office were improved instantly.

Ashley was herself. At noon, the two women went to
lunch to catch up. The topic of conversation would be her and Axel, of course.

“Kerri, I thought I was going to fall out of my chair yesterday when Axel busted Megan.” Ashley

twisted her lips into a faint smile. “He was brilliant, wasn’t he?”

Obviously, he’s serious about you, but his public outing of your relationship surprised even me. That’s a very good sign. Remember what I said?”

“Yes, and
that’s a little scary. I’m comfortable with him, I feel as if I’ve known him my whole life. We … we fit.”

?” Ashley tilted her head and raised her brow.

“Well, I can’t help think
ing it’s just a matter of time before he’s ready to move on. He says he loves me, but I can’t say the words back. I’m trying to protect my heart.”

“Kerri, too late for that.
Just because you haven’t said the words aloud, doesn’t mean you’ll be spared of heartbreak. Anyone with two eyes can see that he’s in love with you, and you’re in love with him, too. Face facts, Axel is done chasing woman, and you’re the one he wants. That’s a great thing.”

This is too soon. A few weeks ago, I still called the man Mr. Christensen. Isn’t that crazy?”

“Hasn’t he been
after you for a while? I remember the way he looked at you your first day here. He began courting you from then, getting to know you better. Then he made his move. I would say he’s been pretty darn patient.”

“Okay, fair. Haven’t you given me this same pep talk before? Let’s talk about something else.”

“I’ll keep giving you this talk until you come to your senses. After all, if I don’t look out for you, who will?” Ashley reached across the table and patted Kerrigan’s hand.

“You know,
he has a younger brother. He’s cute. Maybe I should introduce the two of you. His name is Ryker.”

Ashley shook her head in objection.
“Oh. No. I’m not into younger men, and I’ve heard all about him. He’s a total player.”

Kerrigan laughed, and then changed the subject. “Okay. Well, h
ow are things with Sam?”

still wants more than I can give him. I’m about to break up with him,” Ashley said.

“I hope I get to give you a pep talk about some handsome hunk one day soon.”

“I hope so too,” Ashley said, and then laughed.

They finished their lunch and headed back to the office.

The rest of the day was routine. At five o’clock, he came to her office, and they left to go to his house. That night, they made slow and easy love all night long. She knew Ashley was right. Her heart already belonged to him. Though she hadn’t said the words or allowed herself to accept the truth, she knew. She was madly and hopelessly in love with him.

Wednesday, Octo
ber 10

and Kerrigan were meeting Harris McBride at his office later that day. Kerrigan was nervous about this meeting. Taking long strides, she paced the length of Axel’s office, clanking her heels against the hardwood with each step.

Thumbing through the presentation, Axel sat at the conference table. He watched her glide, the measured steps of her graceful gait. “Kerrigan, you’re going to do an outstanding job. Stop worrying.” He
had practiced with her over, and over while he gave her pointers. She was well prepared.

She paused and pinned him with her eyes. “Thank you, but my nerves always get me going. I really want this account.” Hands on her hips, she started moving again.

He didn’t tell her that McBride probably wouldn’t go for the proposal, especially since his soon-to-be brother-in-law was bidding for the same business. She had worked so hard on the presentation that he didn’t have the courage to tell her the truth. He had to exchange a few favors just to get the meeting.        

Pushing away from the table, he stood and caught up to her, hooking one of his arms through hers and spinning her to a halt to face him. “Sweetheart, I am proud of your work no matter what happens when we meet McBride today.” Their bodies flush, he stared down into her eyes. “Kerrigan, this is damn good work and your presentation is the best proposal I’ve ever seen come out of this office. I want you to know that.”

She gazed back at him with fire behind those big hazel eyes. “Thank you, but I want this. I really want this, Axel.”

He pressed his lips together, clenching his jaw. He understood wanting something so badly, something that was within reach yet hard to grasp. He knew that feeling well. “Baby, you’re ready. Let’s do this.”

She wore a killer St. John suit; the textured piqué pencil shirt clung to her curves while the caviar jacket accentuated her caramel hue. Four-inch, black and white Alice + Olivia Dina pointed-toe pumps ornamented her feet. He was glad he’d be joining her in case McBride got any ideas once he set his sights on her. As sexy as she was, he knew any red-blooded, heterosexual man would be crazy not to make a play for her.

Kerrigan had
dug up as much research as possible on McBride, but the man was a mystery, even to Axel. She had found the general facts about McBride. He was a Princeton graduate and received his MBA from Duke. Single and in his late thirties, the man loved all things sports-related, especially fishing. With this knowledge, Kerrigan’s genius in presentation form and her stunning beauty and charm, Axel knew they were as prepared as they could be. The rest was, well … up to McBride.

They arrived
early at McBride’s office for the two o’clock meeting. The executive lobby was reserved and formal, the sterile vibe quite opposite that of the eclectic, energetic atmosphere of A.C. Advertising.

“Good afternoon. May I help you?” The
red-haired receptionist greeted them, peering up from behind a large L-shaped reception desk.

“Axel Christensen and Kerrigan Mulls. We have a two o’clock with Harris McBride.”

“Oh! Mr. Christensen. It’s good to see you,” the woman said, staring at Axel. “Please take a seat.” She batted her lashes.

“Thank you.” Axel replied.

Kerrigan walked in first, followed by Axel. Harris McBride stood and extended his hand across a tidy cherry wood desk. Kerrigan’s eyes followed the executive, a tall solid built man. McBride’s gaze traced Kerrigan’s form, his tongue swiping across thin lips. Axel closed the gap between them, took two steps closer to her.
Don’t you see that ring on her finger?
He thought to himself.
He knew the ring was on the wrong finger, but he was determined the remedy the situation as soon as possible. Harris stood, walked from behind his desk and stretched out his hand to greet her first, and then he shook Axel’s hand.

Well, certainly it’s a pleasure to meet you.
Mulls, right?”

Axel glared at him

lips curl upward at McBride. “Yes. Thank you. It’s a pleasure to meet you as well Mr. McBride.” She returned.

“I insist that you call me Harris. May I call you Kerrigan?” She nodded in agreement. Harris turned to greet
him. “Axel, it’s good to see you again. Please, take a seat.” Harris motioned to them both.

Axel tugged at the collar around his neck, adjusting his tie. His blood began to boil, watching Harris ogle her.

He jumped in immediately. “Harris, we appreciate you opening your schedule to meet with us. Kerrigan has put a lot of thought into a national campaign that I believe will impress you. She’s thoroughly researched the sporting goods retail market as well as the regional markets you’ve considered entering. I think you’ll find that she’s come up with a strategy that will differentiate your stores from your top competitors.”

Harris turned to Kerrigan, his eyes roaming up and down her. “Great. I’m eager to see
what you’ve prepared.”

Kerrigan reached out her hand. “Here you are gentlemen, a
copy of the presentation for each of you. I’ll explain the details.”

Taking her time to speak to each slide, she paused to ask if Harris had any questions and kept eye contact with him

“You’ve just seen the data. Based on my research and thorough analysis of not only the regional market, but also on the demographics and behavioral trends of your
target audience, I think Raleigh is an excellent market to enter.”

Harris nodded his head. “Raleigh, huh?”

She leaned in close. “Of course, Mr. McBride, this is merely a recommendation and where you build your stores is up to you, but with Schooster going belly-up, sixty percent of the market is up for grabs.” Harris’ eyes glued to her. “You have the ability to swoop in easily and dominate that town, not to mention expanding your reach through online sales,” she said.

Axel sat back with an elbow resting on the armrest of the upholstered chair and watched the pin-pong of words going back and forth between Kerrigan and Harris.

“And Mr. Harris, I don’t have to tell what that means in terms of potential revenue.” She shifted back in her seat.

Harris rubbed his chin and his forehead wrinkled. He turned to Axel. “She’s good.”

Her delicate fingers edged along the presentation until she flipped to the next page. “Now, let’s talk more about the campaign and creative.”

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