Closer To You (Suits in Pursuit) (10 page)

BOOK: Closer To You (Suits in Pursuit)
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Axel was proud of her hard work and impressed with how she delivered the information with ease and confidence. After discussing the campaign’s elements, she nodded her head, Axel’s queue to discuss costs.

“I like what I hear. Miss Mulls, I must say I am very impressed and interested.”

Axel knew Harris’
interest wasn’t limited to the presentation alone. He saw the way Harris watched her, how his eyes danced up and down her body, a look that he was familiar with considering he had the same initial reaction when he interviewed her. He wanted to reach across the desk and beat Harris to a bloody pulp, but he refrained himself.

your work is impressive. You’ve certainly given me a lot to consider. I especially like how you propose we handle the segmentation of our different audiences—very creative. I’m waiting for two other proposals and expect to make a decision within the next few months to coincide with our launch plans. May I keep this?”

Axel chimed in. “That
copy is yours to keep. We’re glad you liked it. Of course, we’ll make any adjustments you’d like with consideration to budget and timeline.”

“Great. K
errigan, perhaps you and I can go over the finer details over dinner one evening.” Harris’ eyes raked over her body.

Axel leaned forward in his chair and glared at Harris, narrowing his eyes. He knew her
beauty had a way of provoking men.

She glanced at Harris and then Axel.
“Axel and I would love to discuss details with you over dinner anytime you’re ready.”

“Harris, we won’t take up more time than is necessary. I know you’re busy.” Axel rose to make their exit. “Thank you for your time today. I trust I will hear from you in the next few months on your decision.” Axel extended his hand to Harris, and the two men shook hands.

“It’s a great plan,”
Harris said as he looked at Kerrigan and reached out for her hand.

Harris regarded him with a curious look and raised his brow.
“Axel, may I speak with you privately about another matter? I’ll be brief.”

“I’ll wait outside,”
she announced, and then turned on her heel and strutted out of Harris’ office.

walked to the large window overlooking the East parking lot. “Axel, I have a question unrelated to business.” He shoved his hands into his pockets and stared sixteen stories below. “What can you tell me about Kerrigan Mulls? She’s smart, quite intriguing and beautiful.”

Joining Harris’ side, Axel cocked his head.
“I can tell you that she’s unavailable and very much taken.” He replied coolly.

“That’s a shame. She’s one-of-a-kind.
Do you know the lucky guy?”

re looking at him,” he said more gruffly than he’d intended. 

looked embarrassed and shocked. “I had no idea. I didn’t mean to offend you.”

I’m not offended. You didn’t know.”

“Well, I’ll be in touch. Give my regards to
Kerrigan. I hope you know how lucky you are.”

“Thank you Harris. And yes, I do

He met
Kerrigan in the lobby, and they headed back to his vehicle. He opened the passenger side door and helped her in.

When he was
inside, he turned to address her. “Congratulations baby! You did a fantastic job. You did much better than I could have ever done. I think you have a real chance at winning the account.”

“That’s wonderful. What was that private meeting all about?” she asked.

“I had to clear up something for him.”

“Is there a problem? Is everything okay?” she asked, her voice frayed.

“There was just a point of confusion on his part, something I plan to rectify soon enough. Let’s go home and celebrate.”

For the rest of the week,
Kerrigan stayed at Axel’s house. He didn’t give her an option to say ‘no’. He enjoyed her company and missed her terribly when she wasn’t there. He knew what he wanted. It was time to set his plans into motion. He just had to wait for the right moment.

Saturday, October 13

When Saturday arrived, Kerrigan decided that she needed to go back to her apartment. She invited Axel along. “You know I’d love to go with you.” He replied.

The Lexus rounded the corner and pulled into the guest spot reserved for apartment 1214.

He turned the ignition off, shifted in his seat, and his eyes darted down to hers. “We’re going to have to stop going back and forth between my house and your apartment. You know how I feel about your living here alone.”

“Then let’s create a schedule. What if I stay in my apartment during the week and spend Friday evening to Monday morning at your house?”

shook his head. “Kerrigan, I want more than weekends with you. What are we going to do about that?”

Avoiding his gaze, she toyed with the silver necklace that hung between her breasts, pulling at the heart-shaped pendant so hard that it almost snapped.
“You can always spend a night or two with me during the week,” she replied and moved her hand to the door handle.

Axel leaned across the console, his hot breath brushing her cheek and firm grip clamping down on her forearm.
“That’s not what I had in mind.”

There was no escape. Nausea settled in her belly.
“Axel, I don’t know what you had in mind, but that’s all I can do right now. Can we please go inside?” She whispered into his ear.

His lips pursed, he eased away and stared through the windshield.
“I’ll let you change the subject for now, but this isn’t over. Let’s go inside.”

Startled by his harsh tone, her breath caught. “Okay. Let’s go inside.”

They walked into her dark apartment. She pulled open the white linen curtains in the living room, and then sauntered into the kitchen.

Trailing her step for step, he halted when she stopped. Axel leaned back against the kitchen counter opposite her as she riffled through empty cabinets.
“Kerrigan, you don’t have any food in here. My kitchen is fully stocked.”

There are these places called grocery stores. I can always go shopping.” She scolded, her rear end pointed at him as she scoured the bottom shelf in the tiny pantry.

“Or, you can come home with me
.” He fired back. She came out just in time to see him flash his devious grin.

“Axel, this is my home. I’m an independent woman, and I can take care of myself.”

He swaggered toward her, backing her against the counter, their bodies flush with one another. “I take pretty good care of you in bed, don’t I?”

Kerrigan rolled her eyes. “Axel, you’re missing the point.”
A warm sensation moved through her chest.

Long, masculine fingers ran up and down Kerrigan’s right arm.
“Am I? You know we’re good together. Why don’t you come and stay with me?”

peered up at him, the palms of her hands pressed against his chest. “You’ll never understand. I, I can’t afford to lose myself in you.”

He frowned. “I don’t
want you to lose yourself in me. I want you to give your heart to me.”

“Axel, I have to keep my independence, and I ...” she paused, closed her eyes and shook her head, unable to find the right words.

He pressed his body firmly against hers. “Kerrigan, what you mean is you don’t trust me.” Axel pinned her in place, his hands resting on the countertop blocked her escape on either side.

She pushed her sleeves up, suddenly feeling quite warm.
“I trust you to be the man you are. This is temporary. One day you’ll snap out of your infatuation with me and then you’ll be ready to move.”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?
” He snapped. “I’m far beyond the point of us being temporary. And, I’m not infatuated with you. I’m in love with you Kerrigan. At least I have the guts to say the words.” His nostrils flared, and his body stiffened rigid against hers.

Nervous butterflies danced in Kerrigan’s belly. “I’
m an average person. You and I are from different worlds. You’re Axel Christensen, and I’m just me.” She pressed the palm of her hands against his chest, trying to put distance between them.

He grabbed her hands and held them close to his chest.
“Kerrigan, there’s nothing average about you. I’m a regular person. Why do you elevate me on a pedestal?” He sneered at her, waiting for a response.

She fixed her gaze on the upper cabinets behind him, averted his heated glare.

"Oh, I see. This has nothing to do with our differences or me. This is all about your insecurities. You refuse to trust me so that you don’t have to let go of your fear or deal with your own feelings.”

She lowered her head, blinking tears away. He was right again, but the truth was far more severe. The truth was that she didn’t believe a man could love her truly—a belief she struggled with based on past failed attempts at relationships. She didn’t know how to get past the pain and hurt that she’d harbored for years.

“Axel, I thought we were taking things slowly? Why do you insist on pressuring me?”

Still holding her hands firmly against his chest, he lowered his head into the crook of her neck and muttered in a husky, raw voice.
“Because baby, I want more with you.”

She closed her eyes and rolled her head back.
“I’m not sure if I’m ready for more. I don’t know what that means, and I’m afraid. I don’t know what you want from me Axel.” She nearly moaned.

straightened himself and leaned down so that his face was inches away from hers.

He softened his tone in reply. “
I don’t know what this means either, but I know I love you. This hasn’t been easy for me either. I never expected I would fall in love.”

He searched her eyes. “
I want you to trust me. I want you to give me your heart. I want a future with you. I want it all with you baby. I think you know what I want, what we both want.” His lips covered hers tenderly.

Her heart hammered in her chest and her stomach flip-flopped as if she was in free-fall pushed from a skyscraper. She turned her head
away. “Axel, I want the same, but I need time. Please be patient with me,” she begged.

He brought his lips down to her shoulder, kissing her tenderly.
“Sweetheart, you know I’ll wait for you.” He left a trail of kisses that seared her flesh, and then muttered into the crook of her neck. “I’ll always wait for you, and until I can have you, I’ll hold you close to me.”

A single tear escaped the corner of her eye, trickling down her cheek and absorbed into his thick hair. Her fingers tousled his mane. “Please don’t let me go. I … I…” She murmured under labored breathing.

“I’m not about to let you go. One day you’ll say the words in your heart.” He brought his head up and pierced her with his penetrating gaze. “Baby, why are you trembling?”

“You scare me.” Tears washed her face. “I don’t understand this. I don’t get you.”

He backed away and studied her in her complex, confused state. Then he grabbed her hand and led her down the hall to the bedroom. He climbed into bed and pulled her into his embrace, wrapping her in his strong arms.

After a long rest, he stirred. “Kerrigan.” The sound of his deep voice rippled through her chest.

“Yes?” She questioned softly.

“There’s no reason for you to be afraid.” He pulled her closer. “There’s nothing to understand.” He stared into her wide eyes. “Baby, you can cry, throw a fit, have a meltdown, do whatever you need to do, but I’ll be right here holding you through it all. I simply love you.”

After the flood of tears stopped and she was done using his shirt like a box of tissues, he sat up. Glancing down at her he asked, “Do you feel better sweetheart?”

“I think so.” She said, nodding.

He lifted his shirt and tossed it to the floor. “Well, this needs a good washing.”

She chuckled softly. “I’m Sorry.”

Leaning down, he kissed her forehead. “That’s okay baby. I’ve see worse than snot and tears.” He grinned. “I’m here to stay, and we’ll get through this together. Let’s get some sleep.”

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