Closer To You (Suits in Pursuit) (6 page)

BOOK: Closer To You (Suits in Pursuit)
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Later in the afternoon, the men returned from fishing. Ryker proudly displayed his prize largemouth bass. To prepare the evening meal, Elizabeth brought in Chef Miguel Santos. Axel was right. His mother never worked a day in her life, not even to prepare a meal for the family.

The porch’s outdoor fireplace crackled, drowning out the hum of insects, rustle of nocturnal animals climbing and clawing, and the creak of branches under the foot of creatures scurrying.

John placed his fork down and pushed back from the dinner table. “Well dear, that was a great meal.” Rubbing his full belly, the edges of his mouth turned up, and his eyes landed on Kerrigan. “Did you enjoy yours?”

“Yes, sir.” She glanced at Ryker and then at Elizabeth. “That was the best baked fish I’ve had in a long time.”

Axel quietly observed, his handsome face graced by a serene expression. His longing eyes stared at her the same way they had in the account managers meetings week after week until he stopped attending. The petals between her thighs dampened on command of his gaze.

Even the roar of the outdoor fireplace wasn’t enough to charge the crisp night air, the temperature dropping by the minute. A chill crawled up her spine, and she shivered. She glided her hand up and down her arms, creating warmth from the friction. Axel scooted his teak wood chair closer to hers and placed his arm around her shoulders.

“That’s the oldest move in the book. Why not offer her your jacket?” Ryker threw his head back and let out a hearty laugh.

“I don’t have a jacket. Besides, if I wanted to make a move on Kerrigan, this is what I would have done.” Axel lifted her chin and covered her lips with his. She was glad she sat. Otherwise, she would have fallen to the floor as her knees buckled. Pulling away reluctantly, “That’s how I’d make a move.” Axel flashed a wicked smile, every inch of her flesh tingled.

Elizabeth stood. “Time to clean up. Anyone care to help?” She winked at Kerrigan.

“Come on dear, I’ll help.” John piped up. “Ryker, you too.”

With everyone gone, Axel leaned in closer and kissed her again. Slowly peeling his lips away, he grinned as wide and as long as the planks of wood on the deck. “Enjoying yourself?” Flustered, she opened her eyes. “Yes. I’m having a great time. Your family is wonderful.” For the first time since their arrival, Kerrigan relaxed.

His large hand caressed her cheek, and he smiled. “Everyone loves you. Me especially.”

They walked the streets of the small town, and Axel held Kerrigan’s hand in his. He led them into quaint boutiques, looking for nothing in particular. The first stop was an antique shop, and the next stop was an art gallery, places he thought Kerrigan would appreciate. Next, he led them to a jewelry store.

The glass-enclosed cases sparkled with brilliance, the light of the elaborate crystal chandeliers shined and bounced off exquisite stones and metals, that came in every variety
from gold to platinum to sapphire to diamond. Feigning innocence, he walked to the case filled with engagement and bridal rings, loitering there until she strolled over to join him.

“May I help you sir?” A tall
and spindly man asked from the other side of the counter.

We’re admiring your jewelry.” He glanced at her from the corner of his eye, slyly watching her as her eyes darted across the rings until they lingered. He made a mental note of the rings her eyes paused on, noticing they were the smallest ones in the case. When the time was right, he would do better than that. She deserved the best.

I see you like the princess cut style. Aren’t they beautiful?” He asked.

“Yes, they are
,” she blushed when she realized that he had seen her looking at the engagement rings.

With his mission accomplished, he continued his conversation with the salesperson
, the chatter of other customers in the background.

“I’m looking for a promise ring for my girlfriend.” He smiled down at Kerrigan. She met his gaze,
her eyes bulged, and breath was labored.

“Sir, th
ose are in the next case over. What size ring do you wear Miss?” The gangly man addressed Kerrigan.

“Oh. I don’t know. I’ll have to be fitted. I don’t
wear a lot of jewelry,” she replied, giving Axel a quizzical look. “You don’t have to buy anything for me.” She whispered.

grabbed her around the waist, pulling her into his side. “Sweetheart, I want to purchase a ring for you to express my feelings. See anything you like?”

She blinked a few times but didn’t
respond right away. He studied her face intently and then leaned down, and kissed her gently on the forehead, whispering in her ear, “Baby, I want the world to know that you’re promised to me. Will you wear my ring?”

Nervous eyes peered back.
“Are you sure?” she asked.

“I’m absolutely sure.”
He smiled brightly.

O … Okay.” She looked at the rings and selected a diamond studded, heart-shaped ring in white gold.

The clerk held out his hand to
her. “Miss, may I see your right hand? We’ll size your right hand ring finger.” She held out her hand, and the clerk slipped the ring-sizer onto her long slender finger.

“You wear a size 6. I know I have this
ring in your size.” His kind smile reached the corners of his eyes.

That’s the one we’ll take.” Axel pulled out his wallet and handed the man his credit card. He was glad she would wear his promise ring, but his real intent was to find out her ring size.

“Very good. That will be
sixty five hundred dollars plus tax.”

Kerrigan gasped, and her hand flew up to her mouth.
“Axel, you can’t spend that kind of money on me.” She pleaded.

Hovering over her, he
whispered to her. “Sweetheart, I can afford the ring.”

She smiled and looked up at him. “I know
, but that’s …” Before she could finish her response, the man returned with the receipt and the ring. Axel took the box from the man, lifted the top and removed the ring. Taking her trembling right hand in his, he held her gaze and slipped the ring onto her finger.

“Kerrigan, this ring is a
symbol of my love for you, and a promise of many good things to come in the future.” He lowered his head, closed his eyes and everything around him faded to black, except her. Her small hands on his chest clinging to him for strength winded him. He breathed in her sweet fragrance as he captured her soft lips with his tender kiss. She pulled away, dazed, staring helplessly into his eyes. “I want you to wear it every day, for me baby. Promise me.” He said.

He knew s
he wouldn’t reject him now. He owned her heart even though she wouldn’t admit that she loved him. “Thank you Axel.” Her voice was shaky. “I’ll wear the ring for you every day. I promise.” She beamed with trembling lips and tears pooled in her eyes.

Coming from out of nowhere, Ryker sneaked up behind Axel and
whispered into his ear. “One ring down, two to go.”

flung himself around and narrowed his eyes at Ryker, silently reminding him that he would make good on his earlier promise if he stepped out of line.

lifted her hand and showed off her ring to Ryker. “What do you think?” She asked.

Absolutely beautiful Kerrigan. My brother has good taste.”

meant that in more than one way.

They left the jewelry store and made their way to an ice cream parlor
, the sugary scent tempting their taste buds to try an assortment of flavors. Seated at a round aluminum table, Axel and Kerrigan fed each other, teasing playfully as though they were the only two people in the world. In all his life, he had never behaved this way, never felt this way. Being in love was great.

Ryker rolled his eyes. “If you don’t stop this humiliating public di
splay of affection, I think I’ll vomit,” he said, and then pretended to shove a finger down his throat.

“Jealousy is a horrible trait
that looks ugly on you my friend.” Axel replied.

At that moment, a
loud group of women scampered into the shop. “Axel? Axel Christensen? That is you,” a woman screeched, turning Axel’s head in her direction.

He instantly recognized the
sound that came from the tall blonde woman. His lips pressed together, jaw clenched and eyes narrowed.

“Oh my goodness! Axel Christensen! It’s such a small world. I haven’t seen you in ages.”
The shrill of her nasally, high-pitched southern drawl, made his ears bleed. Looking back at her entourage as she slithered out of the time capsule, the 1990 Dolly Patron wannabe moved closer to where they sat, her hot pink heels clanking against the ceramic tile.

He didn’t say a word. He
glanced at a frowning Kerrigan, tightened his grip on her and squeezed her hand. Charlotte was a loud ball of energy, one of the many things about her that annoyed him. Charlotte’s gaze poured over the couple and flinching, she stiffened. Catching Axel’s eyes, she parted her lips, but nothing came out. He had to establish control.

Hello Charlotte. It’s been a while. I hope you’re well.”

great Axel. Looks as if you’re doing okay yourself,” she sneered at Kerrigan.

“Charlotte, this is my girlfriend, Kerrigan. Kerrigan, this is Charlotte. Uh, we’re old friends
,” Axel replied tersely.

“Hi there, uh Keri-gain, is it?” She said
slaughtering her name like a butcher wielding an axe in a field of cattle. “Ax and I go way, way back. We dated off and on for a long, long time. We had some real good times, didn’t we Ax.” She winked. Snickers and giggles came from the three women who accompanied Charlotte.

squeezed Kerrigan’s hand again. He wasn’t sure what she must have been thinking, but this wasn’t good. Charlotte Monroe was the last woman he ever wanted to see again, especially with Kerrigan in his company.

“That was a long time ago Charlotte. It’s been at least
five years,” he replied coolly. Charlotte was rude, loud and spoiled. Truthfully, he had only dated her for sex, a fact that he had been upfront about. He broke it off when she wanted to get serious.

Still holding Kerrigan’s hand, he lifted their hands from under the table and placed them on display hoping
Charlotte would see the promise ring. The woman irritated him like no other, from the shriek of her voice to her bodacious advances on him when they dated.

With an unctuous response, she leaned
down pretending to want a better look at Kerrigan’s ring. “Look at that darling little ring. That’s the cutest little thing I’ve ever seen. I didn’t know they made diamonds so small.”

Ryker scowled at
Charlotte, glaring with fiery eyes. “Charlotte, my brother didn’t give you a ring, did he? I guess there wasn’t anything to promise. Weren’t you sleeping with half the town? Aren’t you still sleeping with half the town?” He eyed her and then shot a look to the women standing behind her who covered their mouths with their hands.

“Ryker Christensen, you are the most ill-mannered man I’ve ever met.” Charlotte
’s face flushed a shade of red nearly as deep as her garish lipstick. “Keri-gain, it was good meeting you. Axel, keep your brother on a leash.” She whipped around, her knock-off designer handbag flapping behind her as she scooted off.

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