Closer To You (Suits in Pursuit)

BOOK: Closer To You (Suits in Pursuit)
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Second in A Series | A Suits in Pursuit Novel




















This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.



This is an original publication of LoveSpin Publishing, LLC.


Copyright © 2013 by Lauren H. Kelley.



Excerpt from
Take Me Down
by Lauren H. Kelley copyright © 2013 by Lauren H. Kelley.

All rights reser
ved. No part of this book may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including scanning, photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without prior written consent of the Publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in book reviews.


Cover design by LoveSpin Publishing.
















To my editor fabulous Yolanda Barber who challenged me every step of the way.
To my friends and extended family members who encouraged me to pursue my dream.


Monday, October 1

The morning came crashing into
Kerrigan’s senses and her eyes fluttered open. Had last night been a dream? The thought was fleeting as soon as she registered the pain between her legs and deep in her belly. Axel had left her there alone. A million thoughts raced through her mind all at once. The most terrifying of them, he had taken her virginity, and now he would discard her. She tried to move, but every limb ached. Rolling over, she reached for the clock on her nightstand. Ten o’clock.
Her manager Marie would be livid.

Then she spotted the small folded piece of paper
next to the clock. Nausea came over her as her fingers clumsily opened the note. She released the breath she hadn’t realized she held as she began to read.

Good morning

I hope you rested well. Since you didn’t sleep much last night, I didn’t want to wake you this morning. I’m sorry I couldn’t be ther
e when you woke. I have a board meeting this morning. Of course, I’d much rather wake with you. I want you to know how beautiful last night was to me. What we shared, you giving yourself to me and me giving myself to you, changes everything. You’ve changed my world and opened my eyes to new possibilities. This was an enormous step for us. I don’t want you to have any regrets. I don’t want you to be afraid of me. I meant every word I said. You’re not going to work this week. I want you close to me for a while. I told Brenda that you and I would be out of the office for a few days. Don’t panic. She’ll get the message to Marie. Remember, I’m still the boss. Marie will be fine. I left something in the kitchen for you. I’ll be home by 2:00 p.m. I can’t wait to see you.



Her heart swelled and the room went blurry, tears clouded her vision. The thought that he could abandon her after last night now seemed silly. She climbed out of bed and went into the kitchen. On the countertop were two-dozen white roses with another note from Axel.


Thank you for a wonderful evening. You are the best gift any man could want. These roses are only a small token of my affection for you. I’ll be thinking of you until I see you again this afternoon. I have one more surprise for you. Call the number I’ve written below as soon as you get this.



Tears welled up in Kerrigan’s eyes, and for a few seconds she couldn’t breathe. She caught hold of the countertop to keep herself from wilting to the floor. Only weeks ago, she would have never pegged him as the romantic type, but there she was enraptured by Axel’s words, basking in the memory of their lovemaking and night they shared. With shaky hands, she grabbed the phone. Kerrigan barely saw the phone’s keypad through her tears, but her jittery fingers managed to dial the numbers left on Axel’s note.

A woman answered the phone after
it rang a few times.

“Hello,” the person on the other end of the call said.

She swallowed hard, and then cleared her throat. “Hi, Um …”

“Is this Kerrigan?”
The woman’s voice was vaguely familiar to her.

She frowned.
“Yes, who’s this?”

Hi Kerrigan, it’s me Emma. Axel said you’d call. He told me to send a car for you because you’ll be staying here for the week.”

! Hi Emma, I didn’t realize … I haven’t packed anything. I’ll need a little time.”

“I have clothes for you dear, and they’re already in Axel’s closet. You don’t need to do anything. He took care of everything for you.”

“He did? Is he always like this … so accommodating?”

No, he’s never done anything like this before. I’ve told you that you mean a lot to him. Whatever is happening between you two, it’s the happiest I’ve ever seen him. He’s so calm and relaxed.”

This was information to process later. “Emma, may I ask you a question?”

“Sure dear.
What’s on your mind?”

“You said Axel talks about me a lot. How long has he been doing that?”

“He’s been talking about you since you showed up at his company. I’ll never forget that day. He’s all business, all the time, usually. The day he met you though, he came home all chatty. Said he met the most beautiful, intelligent woman. I’ve known that boy his entire life. He’s never done that before.”

Kerrigan frowned. Odd, Axel sure confided in his housekeeper an awful lot.
“He’s never talked to you about his other relationships or other women?”

“What relationships? Before you came along,
he rarely dated anyone, and when he did, I never heard anything about any of those women. You can’t believe what you read in the papers. He’s no playboy. Axel is a good man.”

“I guess I’m surprised that he likes someone like me.”

“Honey, he’s crazy about you. You shouldn’t be surprised. Look at you! You’re gorgeous, and he’s always going on and on about how smart and kind you are.”

“Well, thank you. I still don’t
understand. We’re so different in so many ways.”

“There’s nothing to
get. He likes you and you like him. That’s all that matters, isn’t it?”

guess you’re right. Thank you Emma. I’ll be ready in an hour.”

“You’re welcome dear. See you soon.”

An hour later, the car arrived in front of Kerrigan’s apartment building. She packed a small bag of essentials and was ready to go when Thomas, the driver, knocked on her door. Knowing she would be at Axel’s for the entire week, she had called her mother and brother to let them know she would be away on a work-related trip, which wasn’t a complete lie considering he was her boss. She didn’t want her family to call out a search party if they couldn’t reach her. Luckily, neither of them asked many questions that she wasn’t able to answer.

drive to his house didn’t take long. When they reached his estate, it was almost noon. She would have time to settle in and get relaxed before he came home. The car pulled into the driveway, and the grounds were just as beautiful as she remembered. Suddenly, anxiety hit her in the pit of her belly. He’d be home soon, and she’d be there waiting for him, and then what? She wasn’t even sure she could look him in the eyes, feeling embarrassed about last night.

She wore
blue denim skinny jeans and a teal fitted crop shirt that plunged deeply enough to display her cleavage. She always liked wearing this outfit. Her hair piled on top of her head, loose tendrils framed Kerrigan’s face and the nape of her neck. She wanted a reaction from him, but she didn’t want to appear as though she was trying too hard.

She walked down the familiar hallway from the garage to kitchen. The warm friendly greeting comforted her. “Kerrigan! Welcome dear.” Emma briskly wiped her hands on her apron and reached around her, an inviting embrace that soothed her nerves.

“Hi Emma. It’s nice to see you again.” Releasing her, Kerrigan took two place mats that Emma handed to her. “Thank you again for the pep talk.” She glanced over her shoulder at the older woman and gave her a gentle smile as she set the mats on the counter.

Emma winked. “You’re welcome dear,” then returned to the counter, “Take a seat. Lunch is ready.”

Thomas had already taken her small bag upstairs to Axel’s bedroom and announced his departure. Emma handed a plate to her and returned to the other side of the island and continued washing and chopping vegetables. Kerrigan didn’t have an appetite, even after the rigorous activities of the previous night. Picking through her Waldorf salad, the butterflies in the pit of her stomach returned with a vengeance.

knife sliced through a tomato. “I’m glad you’re here, and Axel is thrilled.”

“I’m a little nervous. I don’t know why.” She fidgeted on the dark wooden stool and popped a carrot into her mouth.

“It’s natural
dear. Love makes you feel that way.” Emma smiled, glancing at her over the rim of the eyeglasses.

Kerrigan frowned. First Ashley and now Emma, too.
“L… l … love? It’s too soon. I, I don’t know,” she stuttered, butterflies multiplying in Kerrigan’s belly. She hadn’t meant, for her voice, to sound so shocked, even though the word love startled her every time she heard it.

Love isn’t restricted by our timelines.” Emma placed the knife down and sauntered around the island to the stool next to Kerrigan’s. “It was love at first sight when I met my dear Bernie. We met through a mutual friend who set us up on a blind date.” Emma stared across the room, a distant memory twinkling in her eyes. “Bernie told me he loved me after only two dates. I felt the same way you do now. I was scared.” She swiveled to face Kerrigan. Emma’s reassuring gaze was sincere. “He asked me to marry him five days after we met. A few days later, I said yes, and we were married in two weeks.” Emma stared at Kerrigan with an intensity that made the hairs on her arm stand on end. “After thirty years of marriage, it’s the best decision I ever made, and we’re going stronger than ever.”

Kerrigan placed her
folk down. “That’s amazing. What a beautiful story.”

The light in Emma’s eyes spread to her cheeks as a smile appeared.
“Well, I think what’s happening between you and Axel is pretty special too.” A warm hand patted Kerrigan’s arm.

The sting of tears burned behind Kerrigan’s
eyes. She had been so weepy lately, and she was tired of these emotions. She fought the river building up inside her before speaking again.

“I’m scared, Emma. I’ve never been in a relationship before.
Everything is happening so fast, and I don’t want to get hurt. I’m afraid the novelty will wear out, and he’ll get bored with me.” The dam bursting inside, she blurted out the words before she could stop herself.

“I know my nephew can be
demanding. He’s always been that way, but he’s never been fickle. He’s a straight shooter and intensely serious. You’re not a fling. He’s serious about you.”

Kerrigan’s eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets.
“What? Axel is your nephew!” Her voice pitched, and her brown face turned purple.

“Yes. I live nearby and
like to keep myself busy in my old age. He hired me as his part-time housekeeper. I help around the house a few times a week, whenever he needs me. Plus, I get to keep an eye on him.” Emma smiled.

“That’s great. I hope you’ll keep our conversation between us.”

Emma stood. “Of course I will. I’m his aunt, but I also know how to respect boundaries. Besides, the two of you have to figure things out for yourselves. Based on everything he’s told me about you, I think you’re good for him. I think he’s good for you too.” She patted Kerrigan’s hand gently.

As she continued to talk with Emma
getting to know her better, her nerves had settled a bit, and she nearly forgot that she was in his kitchen talking with his aunt. She liked Emma. They clicked.

Kerrigan talked about her parents and
older brother. Emma told her stories about their family and about him as a boy. “Axel and his brother were always at our house. Bernie and I spent a lot of time looking after Axel and Ryker because my brother and his wife traveled so much. Bernie taught the boys to ride bikes, took them hunting and fishing. When they began dating, he helped them sort through their issues with girls."

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