Chasing Cassidy (19 page)

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Authors: D. Kelly

BOOK: Chasing Cassidy
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“Sounds like a deal to me. I’ll just show myself out. Thank you for listening to an old man ramble. Zack, I’ll be in touch.”

After he leaves, Cassidy and I sit together under the stars in a comfortable silence, each of us lost in our own thoughts.

I’m not even sure how much time has passed but I’m guessing it’s been hours when Cassidy starts to doze on my shoulder. As carefully as I can, I pull her into my arms and carry her to the guest room I slept in last night. I’m not taking her to the master bedroom until I’m ready to make love to her and that isn’t going to be tonight.

“Why aren’t we going upstairs?” she asks sleepily as I place her gently onto the bed.

“Because the first time we sleep in that bed, I have no intention of sleeping.”

“Oh!” she exclaims with a flush creeping over her cheeks.

“Take your dress off and we’ll sleep in our underwear. I’m not making love to you tonight but I need to feel your skin against mine.”

Her dress drops to the floor next to my clothes and she crawls back into bed with me right behind her. My favorite thing in the world is curling up with her in my arms and waking up the same way. But holy fuck, is it going to be hard just lying here with her when she’s wearing a brand new light pink lacey bra and panties.

“You went shopping,” I whisper in her ear and she flips over immediately.

“I did, do you like?” Guiding her hand to my fully erect cock I decide to let her be the judge of that.

“What do you think?”

She licks her lips and bites her bottom lip just a bit as she squeezes just a little harder. “I think you like it a lot. And I hope you have sex in the plans soon because I’ve got two weeks worth of new lingerie in my suitcase.”

Fuck me.

“Soon, but I want to do this right. Trust me, I don’t like having blue balls now any more than I did in high school, but you’re worth the wait.”

She snuggles in closer to me and releases my cock, which is both a relief and a damn shame. “Are you okay, Zack? I know today had to be a lot for you to take in.” She’s rubbing gentle circles on my back, trying to ease my stress with a light back rub.

“I’m worried about my dad. My mom is his entire world. After what she did to you at the wedding, I pretty much figured nothing would surprise me again. But I think I was wrong, tonight was a complete shock in a lot of ways. Other than being worried about him and wondering if he’s going to tell Ry all of this, I’m okay. How are you feeling? It was even more for you to take in.”

She places a tender kiss against my lips and releases a soft sigh. “I’m fine. Actually, in an odd way I’m more than fine. Tonight, your dad made me feel like part of a real family. For
I thought your parents just put up with me because I was always needing a place to go. It never once crossed my mind they actually cared for me.”

“Of course they did, Cassidy. I’m just glad you’re finally realizing it. If our kids had a lifelong friend you’d love them, too. How could you not? You fall in love with the kids in your class in less than a year and cry at every Kindergarten graduation.”

The massage stops as she ponders my words, so I return the favor and rub her back while she thinks. “I’ve honestly never thought of it that way. When you grow up feeling unloved and unlovable, it’s hard to think anyone could feel affection toward you. So even though I love you, your family, my students, all with my whole heart, it’s still hard to believe you could possibly love me, too. Tonight was eye opening in a lot of ways, especially after seeing how much love your dad had in his eyes for me.”

Bringing my lips to hers, I kiss her gently, eventually coaxing her mouth open with my tongue. Our kiss is sweet and filled with love and all those tingles she always talks about. As I pull away, she whispers in wonder, “God, Zack, they’re so strong tonight. I’ve never felt them like this before.”

“Felt what?”

“The tingles when we kiss. They’re magical. I wish you could feel them.”

“I do.” My reply is firm. After all the secrets that came out tonight, the
I can do is tell her this. “And I always have.”

“Shut up!” she squeals adorably. “Seriously? All this time and you didn’t tell me? Why?”

“Well, for one thing, there’s not too much manliness in admitting I feel tingly when we kiss. But I also figured if you knew I felt it, too, you’d stop telling me you felt tingly. As long as I know you have tingles, I know you’re just as deeply in love with me as I am with you.”

“Zack… that’s so romantic.”

“Well. I learned from the best and speaking of, back to something you said earlier… my dad has looked at you like that for as long as I can remember. As much as I hate to admit it, maybe you running was a good thing. Because leaving the wedding, coming here, opening up to each other, it’s working, Cassidy. You’re finally seeing what we’ve all felt all along. I’m so proud of you.”

“Thank you. I feel a little different, too. I’m still scared part of this is because we’re here but after knowing what your mom did and why, it almost feels like a weight is lifted off of me. Now, I need to ask you something.”

“Anything,” I reply after her extended pause.

“You talked to your dad about staying here. Is that something you really want to do? Our jobs, Ry, your family, they’re all back in California.”

“Which is only a plane ride away. You can teach anywhere, and I can practice law anywhere. I even bet we could talk Ry into moving out here because she can do party planning anywhere. The wedding was just a contributing factor. I’ve been thinking about leaving the company for a while. Corporate law just isn’t where my heart is.”

Her shocked expression makes me feel like such an ass. I should have told her this a long time ago.

“What does your heart want to do, Zack?”

“Family law, actually. I really think I want to be an adoption attorney.”

My confession floors her. She’s completely silent for a long time and then a beautiful smile spreads across her face. “I think you’d be an amazing adoption attorney.”

“Would it bother you if I didn’t make any money?” Her laughter cascades around us and her body shakes with the absurdity of my question.

“I’m serious, Cassidy. I know I’m beyond rich but I’m still a man and take pride in earning a living. I just think there are a lot of families out there in desperate need of an adoption attorney who are already struggling because adopting can deplete their entire life savings.”

“So you’d work pro bono?”

“That’s my dream.”

“Follow your dream, Zack, it’s a great idea. You know money has never mattered to me one way or another. Who knows? If you build a good reputation, you could turn it into a foundation and get other attorneys to volunteer their time, as well. Maybe partner with child protective services and some local foster-to-adopt agencies. If you have parents already vetted and ready to take in at risk kids, and you guys are willing to help facilitate that for free, you could do a lot of good.”

That’s my girl. In less than five minutes, she’s dreaming bigger than I have this entire time. I crash my lips against hers in a relentless assault. There’s no way I could love her any more than I do right in this instant. Stroke for stroke, our tongues meet in a game of foreplay that can’t be consummated tonight. Her legs wrap themselves around me, her core seeking my cock pressing harder and harder against it, until finally I pull away, panting and wishing for release.

“God, I love you.”

“And I you. Your plan is brilliant, Zack. If it’s what you want you should do it. Life is too short not to live your dream.”

“My dream is us and one day growing our family, everything else is just a bonus. Until then, sweet dreams, Cassidy.”

“Sweet dreams, Zack.”

As she turns around and snuggles into me, I hold her tight. We’re going to be okay, I know it. Hopefully, my parents will, too.



After Zack’s dad left Sunday night, I think both of us had a lot more to think about than we realized. Yesterday, Zack and I spent the day watching movies and playing board games. We also talked… a lot. He did tell me Rylee is coming out on Friday and we’re having a double date with her and Pete on Saturday. I’m not sure Pete knows it’s a date, yet, but he
agree to come over for dinner.

Today, we spent the day by the pool—flirting, kissing, and talking some more. Zack and I have always had an easy rapport, and for the most part, have been able to talk about anything. It’s one of the perks of being in love with your best friend.

Zack sent me upstairs to relax a bit while he got ready for the next part of his plan. He also needed to call his dad and see how his talk with Rylee went. They both decided it would be best if he told her everything he told us the other night. I know this is going to hit Ry so hard; she’s never been privy to all the negative things her mom has done.

My phone begins to ring and before I even look at the caller ID, I know it’s going to be Rylee.

“Hey, Ry,” I answer, using a very soft tone and I hear her sobs before she even attempts to speak. I’m guessing her conversation with her dad didn’t go well.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” she wails hysterically on the other end of the line.

“Which part?”

“The part where my mother has been torturing you for years and you never said a word to me. I could kill her with my bare hands!”

“Ry, calm down, please. I didn’t tell you because it was my battle to fight and I was doing a good job of it up until the wedding.”

“You’re my best friend you should have told me!” I know I deserve her anger but she needs to understand my point.

“She’s your mother, Ry, and she loves you very much. Her issues with me are just that. They have nothing to do with you. I’d never want your relationship with her tainted over her misguided sense of loyalty to the Stafford legacy. And in her defense, she was only doing what your grandmother engrained in her. She honestly felt she was doing the right thing, so as much as I want to fault her, I just don’t know if I can.” As the words come out of my mouth, I realize I mean them whole-heartedly.

“What the hell, Cassidy? For once in your life can’t you just be fucking pissed off and angry about something? Why do you so easily say ‘let’s forgive and forget?’ How about ‘it’s time to fuck a bitch up?’ Holy shit, what is wrong with you?”

“Nothing is wrong with my, Rylee!” I’m screaming at her now but I don’t care at this point.

“Do you want me to be an angry, resentful person? I spent years being angry because I had the shittiest parents on the planet. Who was stuck with a mother who sat around and watched her daughter get beaten again and again? Not you! You had a perfect fucking life, so you don’t get to question me about why I’m not angry! All being angry does is turn you into a bitter and resentful person. That’s probably why your mother is the way she is. She’s angry she gave up her identity to be what your grandmother wanted. How’s that working out for her now, Ry? You tell
she’s better off for holding on to all that anger.”

Now she’s sobbing into the phone and Zack is standing in the doorway with a concerned look on his face. My heart is beating a million miles a minute and I’m shaking, but god, it felt
good to get that out.

“I’m sorry, Cassidy. What I said wasn’t fair to you. I’m just really angry about the entire situation. You and Zack would be married by now if it weren’t for her.” The sadness in her voice is unmistakable and I feel bad for her.

“It’s okay, I know this is all new information to you. The beatings, your mom, all of it. You’re a good friend for trying to get me to talk about it, but it’s something I’ve been dealing with for a long time. I’ve learned to cope with it in my own way and you need to trust I know what I’m doing, okay?”

“Of course. Look, I’m gonna go I need to process everything I learned today. I love you, Cassidy, and I’ll see you in a few days.”

“I love you, too, Ry. Don’t get drunk. Bad things happen when you do.”

“Don’t worry, I’m not going to run to Nick.”

“Good, I’ll see you when you get here.”

After ending the call, I take a deep breath and try to shake off our fight. Ry and I have rarely ever fought in all the years we’ve been friends, so when we do it hurts.

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