Chasing Cassidy (16 page)

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Authors: D. Kelly

BOOK: Chasing Cassidy
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“You shouldn’t let it get to you, Cassidy. He only has eyes for you,” Nick says quietly from behind me. He’s being nice, and that’s a rarity. Nick and I have what is best described as a love/hate relationship.

With a sigh, I grab my water and go sit on the couch. I have a feeling they’re going to be a while.

“Why did you do that for me?” Nick asks, taking a seat next to me.

“Because even though you’re a pain in my ass, you’re still my friend, and even if you weren’t, I’d never let anyone do that to someone else if I could prevent it.”

“I’m not sure I’d do the same for someone I didn’t know or didn’t like. That makes me a suck-ass human being doesn’t it?” Nick is self-centered but he’s not necessarily an ass.

“I think you would, you just don’t know until you’re in that situation. You’re not a bad guy, Nick. Selfish and a bit self-centered, yes, but a full on prick, no.” He’s fidgeting with the label on his beer bottle and doesn’t look up when he speaks.

“You know, I give you and Zack… especially Zack… a lot of shit for being together and if you ever repeat this, I’ll deny it.”

Now he does look up and pins me with a set of glazed over eyes. “That night, the one we don’t speak of, made me realize you two really are together for a reason. Not only that, but you belong together. That being said, it doesn’t mean I’m going to stop giving either of you shit.”

“I wouldn’t expect anything less. You saved us that night. You saved
that night. You’ll never know how much your actions mean to me.” My eyes lock on his and he shakes his head.

“Remember that part when I said I didn’t know if I would help someone? I heard yelling and screaming coming from your house for a long time. Not once did I come and check on you, but I kind of figured something was up the way Zack would sneak over every morning and come to your room to see you. If I would have tried to help sooner…”

I reach across and take his hand in mine and give it a tight squeeze. “You did enough, Nick, and if you would have tried earlier, things could have gotten really bad. You saved us that night and I saved you tonight. We’ll just call it even now.” He meets my smile with one of his own.

“You know I love you, Cassidy, right?”

Nodding, I answer, “I do and you know I love you, too, even if you are a huge pain in my ass.”

“Yeah, well, that’s kind of my job. But, seriously, can you believe they tried to pull that shit tonight? I feel like such a loser!”

“You’re not a loser!” Rylee yells from behind us. “They’re just some cunt licking bitches.” I cringe because I really hate the ‘C’ word but Ry just rolls her eyes at me.

“You were laughing so I know you think it’s funny. I’m not a fan of the ‘C’ word, either, but it’s a beautiful thing when you can use it appropriately on people who deserve it.”

“Cassidy, can you hear me? Jesus, woman, where are you?” Rylee is yelling into the phone and her voice pulls me back from that night.

“Sorry, Ry, I was just remembering that night. Back then you slept with him because you were both sad and were comforting each other over what happened that night. Why now?”

“Same reason?” she squeaks out and then sighs. “Look, I can’t lie, that night with Nick was some of the best sex I’ve ever had. We both agreed it couldn’t happen again because of Zack and it would have just been weird, you know?”


Oh yeah, I totally know.

“When you took off and Zack took off after you, my parents got into a huge fight. My dad went and told everyone the wedding was off and then ditched my mom at the church. Actually, he hasn’t been home since. He’s really pissed.”

That is so not good. I bet Priscilla is cursing the day I was ever born.

“Anyway, I was upset about you guys and upset about them. After Nick dropped Zack off at the airport, he came back to the church to see if there was anything he could do. Everyone had left by then except for me. We decided to go out and get some food and drink away the horrific day.”

Rylee isn’t much of a drinker; she’s like me in that aspect. I think growing up with a best friend whose parents are alcoholics puts a damper on any desire to get drunk often.

“So, drunk sex again?” I ask gently.

“Of course it was, and my god, Cassidy, it was so fucking good. Seriously, the best sex I’ve ever had. We didn’t even sleep and I can’t even count the orgasms.” The wistful tone in her voice tells me if something doesn’t happen soon, this won’t be the last time she has sex with Nick.

“What did he say about it?”

“Oh, you know Nick, he basically said the sex was phenomenal but Zack would kill him if he ever found out. Then he said if we could both keep it secret we could be each other’s booty call. Which, of course, pissed me off because I’m nobody’s fucking booty call,” she replies offhandedly.

“So that’s it, then?” I ask cautiously

“Yeah, it has to be, but I seriously need to find a man.” Pete. She needs to come to Hawaii and meet Pete.

“Well, I might have found the perfect man for you, actually…”

“Seriously?” she squeals. “Who is he? What’s he look like?
tell me he’s hot!”

“Jeez, Ry, hang on to your panties for a second. His name is Pete.”

“Zack’s friend Pete? The one who owns the security company in Hawaii?
Pete?” I actually have to pull the phone away from my ear because she’s squealing so loud.

“Well, he
run a security company. He’s Zack’s friend?” That would make sense since he’s been watching over me.

“Duh, Cassidy! He was invited to your wedding. I’ve never met him but I’ve seen his pictures and he’s fucking fine!”

That’s it! That’s why his name sounded familiar. I can’t believe I didn’t put two and two together sooner.

“Yes, he is very good looking.”

Rylee gasps loudly right into the phone. I need to start putting her on speaker and turning the volume all the way down.

“In all my life, I don’t think I’ve ever heard you say another man is good looking. Well, except for some certain celebrities, but they don’t count because they aren’t within our reach.”

I’m blushing. Thankfully, she can’t see me.

“There’s something about him, Rylee, and I think you two would really hit it off. You know I’ve only got eyes for Zack but as soon as Pete started talking to me, I just
you needed to meet him.”

“Alright, put Zack on the phone. I need to be on the next plane out of dodge.”

That’s my best friend—always up for her next adventure.

“Text him and tell him to call you. He’s downstairs making calls and I’m not sure if he’s done. Let me know what he says. Love you, Ry.”

“Love you, too. I’ll see you soon!” Before she turns off her phone, I hear, “Eeek! I’m going to Hawaii!” as it clicks off. I can’t hold back my laughter; Rylee always makes my day better.

After hanging up with Rylee, I gaze over the books in my new library. Figuring Zack will come and find me when he’s ready, I pull a book from the shelf and curl up in my new chair. I’ve been dying to read
The O Factor
by the up and coming Amelia Greyson. When I was getting my hair done for the wedding, I read an article in
Slam Magazine
announcing she is heading out on the
Just an Illusion
tour with BAD to write their farewell story. She’s one lucky girl.


Today has gone much better than I anticipated. Seeing how receptive Cassidy is to us working things out has really calmed me down. I’m excited to see what the next two weeks will bring and already have Pete out shopping for a few things we’ll need tomorrow.

My phone dings with an incoming text from Ry.

Call me asap

Easy enough. I need to talk to her, anyway, to get some help for next week. The phone doesn’t even ring before she’s squealing in my ear. I don’t know how she does that—it must be a twin thing.

“Zack! I’m coming to Hawaii.”

“Hello to you, too, Ry,” I answer with a chuckle.

“Sorry, big brother, I’m just excited. I need to get out of here and Cassidy said I need to meet Pete, so can I stay with you?” Only two minutes separate us but I’ve always loved that Ry calls me big brother.

“Hell no. Sorry, Ry, but you need to stay at
. I’ll make your reservation, but I’ve got a plan and no one is going to mess it up. I
need your help with a few things, so can you wait a few days before coming down?”

“Of course, I’ll help you with whatever you need, but you aren’t seriously going to
let me see you guys while I’m there, are you?” It would be beneficial to have her hang out with Cassidy while I take care of some things, just not this week.

“Actually, Ry, I could use you to keep Cassidy company. Just give us until Friday before coming here. That will give you time to do what I need help with and if you do it well, I’ll even set up a double date with Pete.”

When my sister gets excited she squeals… loudly. I’ve fully come to expect it and instinctively pull the phone away from my ear when I know it’s coming. Like now.

“Anything you need, big brother, just name it.”

“Let me fill you in on what your brilliant big brother has planned in order to finally make Cassidy an official member of our family.”

An hour later—after discussing countless details of things I need Rylee’s help with—we finally get off the phone. Before hanging up, she fills me in on my parents. I’m worried about my dad and wonder if they’ll be able to get through this. Without hesitation, I hit his speed dial and hope he picks up the phone.

On the third ring, he answers. “Zack, how are you doing?” He sounds tired.

“I’m good, Dad, how are you? Rylee said you haven’t been home since the wedding.”

With a loud sigh, he responds. “I’m actually at
. I figured I could help you with Cassidy if you needed me to. Besides, I needed some time away from your mother.”

“Dad, no one knows where you are and Rylee is worried sick. Why didn’t you call her or at least text her?”

I’m met with a loud snort which is extremely unlike him. “You’d think my wife would be worried sick. I know I should have called Rylee but I honestly figured your mother would be putting her up to it and I just didn’t want to deal with her yet. We talked before I left the church and I just don’t know what to do about that woman anymore. Your mother could try the patience of a saint.”

Now it’s my turn to laugh. “What is with us and these closed off women?”

“Zack, your mother is closed off, but Cassidy is coping the only way she knows how.” How does he know that?

“What do you know, Dad?” Another sigh. I can just picture him running his hands through his hair and pacing. A habit I definitely inherited from him.

“More than you think, and I think it’s time we all got some things out in the open. Do you and Cassidy have dinner plans? I could come by the house so we can all talk privately.” Aside from Ry and the realtor, my dad is the only other person who knows I bought this house. It was a large investment and I wanted to be sure it was worth it. He’s had a lot of real estate transactions in the past and I knew he’d be perfect to help me secure the purchase.

“Actually, we don’t have any plans tonight. I was just going to order some pizza and keep it easy.”

My dad loves pizza and rarely eats it because my mom hates it. I’ve never understood how anyone could hate pizza.

“How about I pick up the pizza and some beer on the way over? Say… in about an hour?”

“Yeah, sounds good, Dad, see you then. I’ll text Ry and let her know you’re okay and just taking some time to yourself.”

“Thanks, Son.”

“Any time.”

The night Cassidy and I officially became a couple, we ate pizza outside under the stars. There won’t be stars since it’s a little earlier than it was then, but we can still eat outside. After setting up the patio, I head upstairs to tell Cassidy my dad is coming by.

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