Chasing Cassidy (6 page)

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Authors: D. Kelly

BOOK: Chasing Cassidy
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John Pope doesn’t like the fact that Cassidy tries to help me and the next thing I know, he’s pulling his arm back and punches her in the face with so much force it knocks her out and she lands on the ground in a heap. I’ve never felt the kind of fear and anger I felt in that moment. I thought I was going to lose her forever.

“Cassidy!” I scream, scrambling up off the ground. As soon as I reach her, he kicks me in the ribs and I go flying. Just as he rears back to kick her while she’s down, a bright beam of light falls over us.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” I hear Nick’s voice from behind the beam.

“Your choice, Mr. Pope. I’ve got 911 on speed dial and I just recorded everything on my video camera. You can stop now or I can call the police,” Nick says smugly.

“You son of a bitch. Do you think a little shit like you can stop me?” he asks, sneering at Nick as I crawl to Cassidy.

“Maybe not, but I can,” I tell him with a strength and determination I don’t feel. “Nick, call the police now. Tell them we need an ambulance.”

John steps closer to stop Nick, but my words stop him in his tracks. “This is your choice, Mr. Pope. Give me your word right now that you’ll never touch Cassidy again.” He laughs a maniacal laugh, which doesn’t surprise me in the least.

“If you can’t give me your word, we’ll release the tape to the police. I’m sure I can convince Cassidy to tell them about all the beatings you’ve given her over the years. You’ll be put away for a very long time.”

The bastard isn’t laughing anymore. Breathing is painful but I suck in a ragged breath and continue. “Trust me when I say if you touch Cassidy, I’ll know. I’ve seen it all since I was six years old. Plus, I’m sure I have at least one cracked rib and the bruises to match. Do you realize the connections my parents have? You just beat the heir to the Stafford billions. Not a smart fucking move. You live in what used to be a beautiful estate, off your daughter’s inheritance, and you don’t give her anything she was supposed to have out of it. It would be a shame if that information got reported to the authorities, wouldn’t it?”

He looks down at me with a vengeance I’ve never seen before and sirens wail in the background. “This isn’t over, you little fuck. You better watch your back. I’ll leave her alone but I’m not making any promises regarding you.”

“Oh, yes you are, Mr. Pope, because my video camera is still recording upstairs in my window and that threat you just made will put you in jail for a long, long time,” Nick tells him with a friendly smile.

He hasn’t touched her since and it’s been six months. She had a concussion, a dislocated wrist, and quite a few bruises that night. The doctors said it was a miracle she didn’t have any facial fractures but she was bruised for weeks. I had two broken ribs from his kick and a cracked one from where I fell, not to mention my own bruising. We told the police some men came through and tried to rob us and we were taken by surprise. It was the lamest story ever but Nick backed us up. When they asked for a description, we said it was too dark and we didn’t get a good look because it all happened so fast.

Cassidy has been spending more time at my house and he hasn’t stopped her. I think he’s afraid we’ll go to the police—not because he’ll get in trouble for hurting us but because he’ll have his money taken away. The only thing he does for Cassidy with that money is pay for her school and I actually don’t think he does. I think the estate is set up to pay that for her. By the time she turns eighteen, I know her inheritance will have magically disappeared. He doesn’t work; all he does is drink away his days. The house used to look like all the other estates in this area, at least that’s what my dad says. He said Cassidy’s grandma was a very nice woman and she’d be turning in her grave if she could see how John let the house fall apart. My parents don’t know he beats Cassidy; they just think both of her parents are alcoholics. Which is true, but I think Cassidy’s mom drinks to avoid. She’s forever passed out and rarely present for anything.

Rylee and I just turned eighteen and in less than six months, Cassidy will be eighteen, too. I want her to marry me but I know no one will let that happen. Especially not Cassidy; she pretty much told me so that night.

I’m sitting in a chair next to Cassidy’s bedside at the hospital. My ribs are taped up and I’m uncomfortable as hell but I’m not going anywhere. Cassidy has been moaning off and on for about an hour but she still hasn’t woken up. It’s been six hours since we were brought in. The doctors performed a cat scan and an MRI. Thank God she has no broken facial or skull bones. And no internal bleeding, either, just a severe concussion, a dislocated wrist, and tons of bruises.

My parents and Rylee have been and gone but I refuse to leave. However long Cassidy has to be here, I’ll be here, too. Aside from Rylee, I’m all she has. It kills me to see her this way. Her beautiful face is so swollen, the bruises are dark purple, and her face is scraped up from where she hit the asphalt. If only she wouldn’t have tried to help me. While I hold her good hand gently in mine, I try and hold back my tears but it’s no use. I was so fucking scared I was going to lose her tonight and it’s all catching up to me now.

“Zack,” she croaks out, squinting as she tries to open her eyes. The lights have been dimmed because the doctors knew she would be sensitive to them and from the way she’s blinking, I can tell they were right.

“Cassidy, shh, babe. Don’t try and talk. Let me get the nurse,” I tell her as I excitedly push the nurse’s call button. They didn’t expect her to wake up this soon; it’s a really good sign.

“Well, hello,” the nurse says quietly as she walks in and checks Cassidy’s vital signs. “How are you feeling, Miss Pope?”

She tries to lick her lips but her mouth is dry. “Sore and thirsty,” she manages to say.

The nurse nods in understanding. “Everything looks good here, so I’ll get you some more pain medicine and some ice chips. You need to take it slow and make sure your stomach can handle it.”

When the nurse leaves, I pull Cassidy’s hand to my mouth. “Baby, I was so worried about you but it’s okay. You’re okay and your dad is never going to touch you again. I promise.”

A strangled gasp escapes her. “Is he in trouble?” I hate that she’s worried about him but that’s also what I love most about her. No matter how much they’ve put her through, she still loves him and wants to make sure he’s okay. Most people would be hoping he’s rotting in hell by now, but not my Cassidy.

“No, he’s not, but I wish he was. Nick got the entire thing on video and we’re blackmailing him with it. He’s going to leave you alone from now on or he will go to jail.” My tone is filled with anger and her fingers reach my cheek and trail down softly.

“He’s not worth you getting worked up over. If it’s really over let it go, Zack.”

She’s so beautiful and kind and I’ve waited for so long to ask her. Even though this is a less than ideal situation, I can’t stop myself.

“Marry me, Cassidy Pope,” I say, pulling her hand to my mouth for another kiss.

Her eyes fill with fear, and though her response doesn’t surprise me, it still hurts.

“Zack, I can’t…”

“You can and you will,” I say, interrupting her.

The nurse brings in the ice chips and a spoon and hands it to me. “Give them to her slowly, one at a time.” She pulls a syringe out of her pocket and a bottle of morphine. I know because that’s what they’ve been giving her since we got here. “The doctor says we’ll give you morphine tonight and reassess tomorrow if you can be moved to oral medications. This will probably make you pretty sleepy, but that’s a good thing. You need your rest after what you’ve gone through. The police will be back tomorrow for your statement, but we’ll keep them at bay until you’re feeling up to it.”

She smiles at us and closes the door behind her on the way out. My dad made sure Cassidy had a private room and I’ve never been more grateful for the Stafford influence than I am right now. After I feed Cassidy a few ice chips, she pushes the cup away.

“Zack, when I'm with you, every part of me wants to be the girl you want, the one you deserve.” She emphasizes the last word then releases a sigh. “But then, inevitably, something always happens and I'm painfully reminded I don't know how to be the girl you need. Just look at what happened tonight. I’m not good enough for you, Zack. I don’t belong in your world,” she whispers sadly.

“You’ve got that so backward. You’re better than anything in my world. I don’t deserve you but I don’t care. You’re all I’ve ever wanted, Cassidy, and I’m going to continue to ask you to marry me until you say yes.” I lean over and place a gentle kiss against her lips as her eyes begin to droop.

“You can’t marry trash, Zack. Hell, your mom won’t even let you take the trash out,” she whispers with her eyes closed. “There’s someone better for you out there, you just need to find her,” she mumbles as she falls asleep. My heart hurts for her and I decide I’m going to make it my mission to help Cassidy feel worthy.

“You couldn’t be trash if you tried, Cassidy, and I’m going to prove it to you. You will say yes one day. You will be Mrs. Zachary Stafford.”

“Hey, baby.” Cassidy wraps her arms around me, effectively pulling my thoughts from the past to the future. She looks beautiful in a blue sundress which enhances her blue eyes and hugs all her curves. “What were you thinking about? You looked a million miles away.”

“I’ll tell you later. Let’s go get a drink,” I say, taking her hand in mine as we work our way through all the people in Nick’s house. As we walk into the kitchen, I notice a group of football players in the corner and they’re all looking at her as if she’s their next meal. Bastards. They know she’s mine and I have no issue showing them.

Wrapping my arm around her waist, I pull her to me and kiss her deeply. Cassidy hates PDA but she loves kissing me. I feel her hesitate, so I quickly part her lips with my tongue and take control. Her arms wrap around my neck as she gives in and I take possession of her mouth with mine. When I pull away, she’s flushed and a round of cat calls aimed at the two of us makes her blush.

“You did that on purpose,” she says accusingly.

“Hell yeah, I did. They want what’s
and they can’t have it,” I reply arrogantly as she crosses her arms and glares at me.

a possession for you to claim, Zack,” she spits out as Rylee crosses the room, heading in our direction.

“I never said you were a possession. I
you’re mine. It goes both ways, Cassidy,” I say, pulling her close and whispering in her ear. “You own my heart and soul. I’m yours, too… forever.”

“You better be,” she replies, giving Angelica a dirty look as she walks by us and intentionally brushes against me. I love when she’s jealous.

“You know I don’t want anyone but you. Rylee is behind you, tapping her foot impatiently. Why don’t you go see what she wants and find me in a bit?”

“Okay,” she says with a smile, and after placing a lingering kiss on my lips, she goes off to see what the hell Rylee has her panties in a twist about now. Hopefully it’s just something dumb because I’m really not in the mood to kick her douchebag boyfriend’s ass tonight if he did something stupid.

Nick walks over and brings me a beer, which I take gratefully.

“You and Cassidy staying here tonight still?” he asks as he finishes his beer and opens another.

“Absolutely. Did you lock up the room already?” People have a habit of making themselves at home in empty bedrooms during Nick’s parties.

He laughs as he hands me the key. “Man, I locked them
up this time. After the last party, when Constance told my mom it looked like someone had ‘soiled’ the sheets in the spare bedroom and I had to listen to her sex talk, there’s no way I’m going to risk that again.”

I smile, remembering how weirded out he was by that. His mom has a great sense of humor and she only did it to embarrass him. “Well, maybe next time you won’t be such an arrogant fuck and assume it’s part of her job to wash sexed up sheets after one of your parties. Constance has been a part of your family since you were a baby. You had to know she’d say something.”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever... the one time I didn’t have time to wash all the sheets. In my defense, sex with Hilary was completely worth the embarrassment.”

Angelica is heading our way. I can use this as the perfect wingman opportunity; all he needs to do is take the bait.

“Speaking of… who are you trying to score with tonight?” I ask as his eyes widen and a perfectly manicured hand lands on my thigh.

Damn, I wish she’d take the hint that I’m not available or interested.

“Bethany was just talking about you, Nick,” she purrs in the way only Angelica can. It’s sexy and a complete turn off all at the same time. “You should go talk to her before someone else snatches her up.”

I remove her hand from my thigh as Nick stands. “Later,” he grumbles as he walks away, leaving me in Angelica’s clutches.
Damn, he’s dense at times. He had the perfect chance to try and claim her as his.
My eyes scan the room for Rylee and Cassidy but they’re nowhere in sight.

“They went to your house to get their things since they’re sleeping over. We have a little while before they get back,” she tells me with a smirk as her hand starts roaming up and down my arm.

I pull away quickly. “Follow me,” I tell her and lead the way out to the garage. I’ve been nice but I’ve had enough. I’m not going to go off on her in a house full of people, though. I’m not that much of a dick. The smug look she has on her face pisses me off. I can read Angelica like a book; she thinks I’m dragging her out here because I’m going to finally give in to her.

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