Chasing Cassidy (4 page)

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Authors: D. Kelly

BOOK: Chasing Cassidy
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“You mean the
woman you’ll ever make love to,” he snaps. “Man, I just don’t get
she’s so special. Angelica Martin has been on your jock for years. She’s the hottest chick I’ve ever seen, and she has a trust fund bigger than anything I could make in a lifetime.”

“How long have we been best friends?” I ask him in a controlled voice.

“Since we were in designer diapers together,” he replies with a chuckle.

“So it’s safe to say you know me better than anyone, correct?” He nods his head in affirmation.

“Nick, I’m only going to ask you this one more time and then I’m going to look for a new best friend. Lay off of Cassidy. You don’t have to like her. I get that she’s not up to par with the girls in our circle in
mind but in my mind, she’s better than
in our circle. I love her and she’s going to be my wife. Wife trumps best friend, always. So I suggest you work on getting along with her if you want to stay in my life because I’m not going to let you say one more negative thing about her again. Got it?”

I’m surprised he actually looks humbled by my words. “I’m just messing with you, Zack. I know you love her. I’ll try and do better. But I still think you should have sex with more than one person before you can’t anymore. I know you and Cassidy ‘make love,’ ” he says with a shudder. “But, damn, Angelica would fuck you until you couldn’t walk.” A sly smile creeps across his face as if he’s envisioning it.

“Who says Cassidy and I don’t fuck?’ I ask him seriously and the confused look replacing his sly smile is priceless.

“I…I don’t know. I just assumed…” he stutters.

I laugh at him shaking my head. “Well, you know what they say about assuming. Look, man, Cassidy isn’t just some random chick. She is the love of my life and I’m not going to sit around with you and the guys and compare sex stories. That’s
for public consumption. But for the record, there’s no way Angelica could out fuck Cassidy.”

After walking away from him, I begin to pace in the small office the church is letting us wait in. Rylee walks in and Nick chuckles as he walks out, still shaking his head as if he never thought Cassidy and I could have good sex.

Rylee looks concerned. “What’s going on, Rylee? How’s my girl doing?” She’s grasping her hands and her knuckles are white. I’m officially as concerned as she looks.

“She’s nervous, Zack. Honestly, I’m worried about her,” she replies without meeting my gaze.

Damn it!

“Why aren’t you with her?” I ask, trying to control my temper.

“It couldn’t be helped, Zack. She sent everyone out of the room and said she needed some time to herself. I checked in on her and gave her a ten minute warning before coming here but she looked… I don’t know… sketchy?” Her voice hits a high note as she finishes her sentence. Rylee’s voice only does that when she’s scared. I stalk over to the door and fling it open. “Zack, wait! You can’t go, it’s bad luck,” she calls out from behind me.

“Fuck luck, Rylee. You and I both know Cassidy is on pins and needles. Something is wrong, I can feel it. Ever since Mother had that talk with her the other day, something just isn’t right.”

My mother is walking toward us now and the last thing I need is to get delayed by her. “Rylee, go back and get in that room. Stay with Cassidy until it’s time. Please.” I beg her with my eyes and she nods as she walks past. “Rylee, tell her I love her and I can’t wait to hear her say I do.”

She smiles at me and shakes her head. “Always the romantic, Zack. Cassidy is a lucky girl.”

“Zachary, darling, it’s almost time.” My mother greets me with a kiss on each cheek. I’ve never understood why she greets people that way, especially me and Rylee. She picks at invisible lint on my collar and hesitates slightly.

“What’s wrong, Mother?” She’s hedging for a reason; I know her well.

“Nothing is wrong per se, I just thought I would ask you one more time if you’re sure this is what you want. Getting married is a big step and you’re only twenty-seven. There’s plenty of time…” Her words are interrupted by her cell phone. I’m actually a bit shocked she’s trying to talk me out of marrying Cassidy right before the ceremony. I thought she had much more class than that.

As I back away from her and lean against the desk, I watch her. My mother is an interesting creature; her facial expressions never reveal anything. It’s almost as if the woman is in a permanent state of Botox but I know she doesn’t touch the stuff. She’s just well trained, for lack of a better reference. Her eyes, however, are a different story. I can see her emotions in her eyes and something has made her very happy.

“Mother, what is so important that you’re texting before your son’s wedding? If I recall correctly, you yourself said the use of cell phones during family occasions was ‘abhorrent.’ ”

She continues to text, completely distracted, and I’ve had enough. I’m going to talk to Cassidy. Before I reach the door, Rylee comes running back in and she’s terrified.

“Cassidy?” I ask, already knowing the answer.

She shakes her head. “I’m so sorry, Zack, when I got back to the room she was gone.”

I’m consumed with rage and stalk over to my mother, forgetting all the manners with which I was raised. Losing all control, I rip her cell phone from her hand. “What the fuck have you done now, Mother?!”

“Zachary, that language is most unbecoming” she chastises me, and yet she doesn’t seem even the slightest bit ashamed as I scroll through her messages with Cassidy.

“Unfuckingbelievable!” At this point, I don’t even care that we’re in a church and I’m cussing like a sailor for everyone to hear.

“You’re being overly dramatic, Zachary. That girl was never right for you. She finally came to her senses and you need to do the same.”

I pause, reading the last message Cassidy sent


NO! I don’t want your money. This was never about the money. This is about Zack getting what he deserves and so much more.


You foolish girl. This has always been about the money. Your parents were easily bought off already. Call it payment for services rendered. You broke him in, now a real woman with class can reap the benefits. The money will be in your account in the morning. Do with it what you wish.

The only sound I hear is my blood pressure building in my ears.
Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.
I’m clutching her phone so hard, I’m surprised it doesn’t crack in the palm of my hand. And she’s just staring at me as if I’m a petulant child. Deep down, I don’t think I ever realized she could be

My vision is hazy as I push back from the desk so hard it flips over. Suddenly, I feel strong hands on my shoulders and I snap out of it.

“Zack, what’s going on in here?” my dad asks with concern.

“She finally did it, Dad,” I tell, him my voice cracking. I’m about to lose it so I hand him her cell phone. “Rylee, go get Nick for me, please. Tell him I need a ride to the airport.”

My mother gasps. “Honestly, Zachary, tell me you are
going to go chasing after Cassidy.” The disdain dripping from her voice makes me sick.

“Yes, Mother, that’s
what I’m going to do. I’m going to chase Cassidy down and beg for her forgiveness. I’ve got a feeling those text messages weren’t nearly as bad as whatever it was you said to her in person the other day. I strongly suggest you leave me and Cassidy alone from now on because
I’m lucky enough to win her back, she
be my one and
priority. Not you. Never again will it be

She flinches as if I’ve hit her and it makes me sick. She has no clue what it’s like to be hit but Cassidy does; she has taken physical and verbal beat downs her entire life. It sickens me that my own mother has been verbally abusing her behind my back and I never knew.

“Priscilla, good god, woman, what have you done? Do you think this is a hazing? Some sick rite of passage? Where is the woman I married? How did the girl with enough gusto to stick up for herself to
mother turn into her? God dammit, woman, I didn’t
to marry my mother. I wanted
and you disappeared a long time ago.”

What the hell?

“Zack, go with Nick to the airport. Cassidy is in the family jet, so I’ll get the company jet ready for you. It will be a few hours, but you’ll still get there faster than booking and flying commercial. Get on the plane and have a drink. Hell, have ten drinks. Whatever you need to do to calm yourself.” I don’t think I’ve ever seen my dad this pissed off before. Even my mother is cowering, as she should be.

“Zack, this is for you.” Rylee’s placing a note in my hand as Nick crosses the room. All the note says is
‘I’m Sorry’
but for Cassidy, even leaving a note is a big deal.

“Come on, Zack, let’s get you out of here,” Nick says, placing his hand on my shoulder. Nick has been around long enough to know family tension when he sees it. He’s also known me long enough to wait for me to talk when I’m upset.

In a daze, I let myself be ushered out to his car and leave my parents to deal with the non-wedding aftermath. Once we’re on the freeway and heading to the airport, I finally break my silence. “I can’t believe she finally did it. She finally scared Cassidy away.” I’m dumbfounded.

Nick glances from me to the road before speaking up. “Are you sure you want to chase after her? I don’t mean that in a ‘shit on Cassidy’ way, but damn, she just left you at the altar. Maybe you both need some time to regroup and think things through.”

Cassidy has a flight reflex and I’m not surprised she ran. Not really, anyway. I’m surprised she did it the day of the wedding, but I’ve always wondered deep down if she would flee before this wedding could happen. I promised her, though, and I’m not about to break my promise to her; it’s the only one I vowed to always honor.
No matter what.
Not that I would
intentionally break a promise to her, but this one is especially important.

“If I don’t go now, I’ll never find her. You know how she is. Once this all comes crashing down on her head, she’ll run. I’ve got maybe a day, tops, to catch up with her and then who knows?” I run my hands through my hair, undo my tie, and unbutton my top button.
I feel like I’m suffocating.

“Zack,” he says hesitantly, “Cassidy is messed up. Maybe this is a sign the two of you just aren’t meant to be.”

“Cassidy isn’t messed up, Nick,. She’s just had messed up shit happen to her! Fuck! Why is everyone so quick to write her off?” I’m yelling but I don’t care. I shouldn’t have to defend Cassidy. She’s more than earned her respect,
from Nick.

“Look, I’m not writing Cassidy off. For as much as I bitch you know I love her and I owe her more than I could ever repay. We’ve always had a love/hate relationship, but you guys have been attached at the hip since we were kids. All I’m saying is maybe you guys could use some time apart to figure out if you really are meant for each other. If you catch up to her, take it slow, test the waters, and somehow figure out if this is right. Because the Cassidy I know wouldn’t have let Priscilla scare her away. Something else is up.”

He’s making some good points but no matter what he says, I know Cassidy Pope is the girl for me.

As we pull up to the terminal, Nick looks at me and says what only Nick can, “Go get your girl, man. And remember, when people call you a pussy for chasing the girl who left you at the altar, just tell them what you told me. Cassidy can out fuck Angelica. No one will ever say another word. Trust me.”

It’s the first time I’ve laughed today.

It’s an hour later and I’m on the jet, drinking my third scotch. Reginald just dropped off my luggage but I’m still waiting for the pilot. I did check the commercial flights when I found out it would be about three hours before we would take off, but the soonest one I could get would leave even later. Hawaii is a busy summer destination, so I’m not surprised. This is better, anyway, because it gives me time to cool down and regroup. I’m pissed that Cassidy left and didn’t talk to me, but it’s not entirely her fault. My mother is to blame for so much but ultimately, it’s all on me. I knew better than to force Cassidy into a big wedding—we should have just eloped.

After filling up my glass again, I turn on the TV and flip channels until I see a picture of myself on the screen.  

“This just in. Zachary Stafford, heir to the Stafford Investments fortune, has just been left at the altar by his fiancée Cassidy Pope.”

What the fuck? Why is this news? It’s my fucking life, goddamn it!

There’s a photo of Cassidy and me from last Fourth of July, hugging and smiling for the camera. She’s so fucking beautiful and my heart hurts because I know I’m going to have to fight so hard to get her back. And I will. I refuse to live without Cassidy by my side.

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