Caught in the Devil's Sheets (26 page)

BOOK: Caught in the Devil's Sheets
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“Turn over, on your knees,” he commands. My legs are like jelly underneath me as I scramble to take position on my knees. “Bend over, put your face on the bed.” I lay my face on the pillows, and Odin takes my hands, binding them behind my back. Then he grabs a hand full of my hair, and pulls it back, straining my neck. He lets go and runs his hand down my naked back, stopping to gently caress my butt. He sits up behind me, and slips a finger into my opening. “You’re so wet, baby,” he says in a low voice, completely turned on.

“You made me that way,” I say in a small voice. He pulls his finger out, and warm liquid coats me. I feel the head of his cock, press against me there.

“Did you enjoy it?” he asks.

“Yes!” I’m still panting.

“Then you won’t mind me enjoying this,” he says, slamming his way into me hard. I lunge forward on the bed. His hands quickly brace my hips, pulling me back into him as he thrusts again.

“Aaaah!” I scream as he slams into me again, it’s excruciating and intoxicating at the same time. I can hear him growling behind me, and I feel a sense of satisfaction, knowing how hot I make him. His fingers dig into my hips. He jerks me back into each of his forceful blows. My tits are violently bouncing beneath me. My face moves up and down on the pillow each time he collides into me. He holds my hands, bound behind my back. I grind my teeth, taking in the pain and finding undeniable pleasure in getting him off.

“Fuck!” he hisses. “Fuck Lila, I’m going to cum so hard!” I want him to. I want him to lose all sight of life inside me.

“Yes, baby! I want you!” I beg him to let me have it, despite the deep burning inside me he ignites as he barrels into me. “Ahh! Ahh yes!” I embrace the pain fully, letting him have power over me.

He cries out, finding his release. His body convulses behind me, but his thrusts remain controlled, deep, and precise. He holds me down against him, as he fills me. His breathing is rugged, and he groans as his body stills. He holds me tightly, laying his face against my back and regaining his breath. When he slowly pulls out of me, I wince. He kisses my back, as he unties my hands and sets me free. I lie flat on the bed and twist my back so I can see him. He leans on the bed beside me and kisses me, his tongue filling my mouth. His lips taste like me.

Odin crawls off the bed, standing up and making his way over to the dresser. He puts on a set of fresh boxers, then fishes in the drawers for a pair of gray plaid shorts and a Harting Brothers Construction shirt. His eyes hardly leave my body as he dresses himself.

“I could stare at you all day,” he says softly walking over to the side of the bed.

I blush. He takes my hand, and lifts it to his lips to kiss it. There are red rope burns around my wrist. I struggle to lift myself off the bed, then grab my bra and panties. They’re still damp as I head into the bathroom to clean up. I hear Odin make his way back up the stairs to the deck. My dress is still up there, but I can tell it’s starting to get windy and I decide to rifle through Odin’s drawers in the cabin for something I can wear. I find a pair of Newcastle beer pajama pants, and in the closet there are hoodies and jackets hanging. I chose a gray zip-up sweater. As I dress, I hear the anchor recoiling. Before I make my way on deck, we are once again sailing. Odin has placed my dress along with my shoes and socks in a neat pile by the stairs. My glass of champagne has been filled and our leftover lunch has been cleaned up as well. Odin is standing behind the wheel, holding it steady as we sail on South down the coast. I return to the bow, taking a seat as the waves splash up beside us.

“Look over there. I saw a whale.”

I look back to see Odin pointing toward the starboard side.

“See that slick circle in the water? That’s called a footprint. Keep watching around there, it will surface again.”

I direct my eyes to where Odin is pointing and wait patiently. In a few minutes I spot the back of a whale coming up to the surface and spouting. Then he dives back down and his tale flips up out of the water.

“Wow!” I exclaim, looking back at Odin.

“Did you know that every whale has different markings on its tale? It’s like a fingerprint,” he says.

“No, I didn’t.” I shake my head. “Did you know that whales mate in threes?”

“You’re kidding.” He seems surprised. For someone who knows about whales, I’m surprised he doesn’t know.

“I saw it on the Discovery Channel. Two male whales will show off to impress the female and she’ll choose the lucky one. Then the other poor whale has to stand guard while the lucky whale and the lady whale get it on. I guess they’re more susceptible to predators when mating, so they need a bodyguard. Plus, competition stimulates both the male and the female whale,” I explain, repeating what I heard on Discovery.

“So what you’re saying is in the whale world it takes three to tango,” Odin jokes.

“You into that?” I’m curious about his view of a threesome.

He shrugs. “You?”

“I’ve never tried. I feel like having sex with two guys at a time would be whorish, and vaginas that don’t belong to me totally gross me out!”

Odin laughs at this. “What kind of kinky stuff have you tried?” he asks. O gosh, I don’t know. What defines kinky exactly?

“I’ve had a one night stand at a concert. I tried anal once, but it didn’t really work out.” That’s about all the kinkery I have tried. “Oh, and I can officially say I’ve let a guy tie me up and put an ice cube in me!” I tease. Something tells me, I don’t even want to know about Odin’s kinkiest moments.

“Did you enjoy it?”

“Words can’t even begin to describe how it felt!” I say smiling flirtatiously. Then before I get to gauge his reaction, I turn back around to face the bow. My hair flies all over the place like wildfire, but my sunglasses keep it out of my eyes.

“It’s almost four. I’m gonna bring us back to port,” Odin says and I nod.

“Need help?” I ask as he pulls the sails down again.

“I got it,” he says, smiling at me through his perfect teeth.

I watch intently at how he maneuvers the ropes to pull the sails down. Then he makes his way back over to the wheel and turns the engine over, steering us around.

The ride back is choppy and bumpy as we make our way against the wind. I start to get a little seasick. I’m glad when we are back at the dock and I step back onto land. It’s been a long time since I exercised my sea legs. Odin ties the boat down and plugs it back in to the electrical station on the dock. I stuff my dress into my purse and put my shoes and socks on before we head back up to Odin’s truck.

“What do you wanna do now?” Odin asks, as we both climb back into the Chevy.

“We could go out for a 5-star dinner in my new beer pajamas!” I smile.

Odin laughs.

“I’d invite you over for the night but, I work tomorrow.”

I would gladly spend the night with Odin even if it meant waking up alone in his bed. But I don’t want to push myself on him.

“We could go to Vons and then I can cook you dinner at my house,” I suggest, immediately running a list of diner ideas through my head.

Odin starts the truck up and heads back out toward the freeway and my house.

As we pull into the Vons parking lot, he gets a phone call. I head into the store alone, leaving him to his conversation. I grab all the ingredients for burritos. I grab a bottle of tequila and head to the checkout, using my mom’s phone number for a Vons Club discount. The cashier hands me my receipt and calls me Miss Winter. The sound of my own last name is a welcome one. I never did care for the name Mosley.

Odin is still on the phone as I load the groceries into the seat behind mine.

“Yeah, I hear you. I have to go. Yeah I’ll see you tomorrow.” I hear him say before he hangs up.

“So, what’s for dinner?” he asks, turning the engine on as I buckle up.

“Chicken burritos,” I try to say with a Spanish accent that fails miserably.

“Sounds delicious.”

Odin and I sit at the table and I show him they key to wrapping up a good burrito. We’re each on our third margarita, but I know we have a lot of discussing to do before this fiesta takes off.

“Tell me again why we can’t just date like two normal people? Go out, have drinks, have sex however we feel like, and not complicate it any further?” I ask before digging in to my food.

Odin tilts his head back and forth finishing his bite. “In some ways we can. It’s not like I can really keep you hidden for long. You’re pretty well known in my circle of friends. We can go on dates if you want, and really, what fun is normal sex?”

“I believe the term is vanilla sex,” I correct.

“Been doing your homework?” he laughs.

“There’s really no need for homework. I read a lot of books. You could say it’s a subject I’m well versed in.” Not as well versed as he is obviously, but I know my way around the mechanics of a D/s relationship.

“We’ll see about that,” he says suggestively. “I’m not opposed to vanilla sex. Let’s just say I have a dark obsession with chocolate.”

Inside, I’m gaping at him. I’m beginning to acquire a strong taste for dark chocolate myself! “And I just go along with whatever you prefer?”

“Yes. I’m asking you to give me the power to choose for you, starting by choosing which way I’d like to fuck you. But I can promise you, I strive to ensure that you fully enjoy my choice.”

“And if your choice is to punish me, I’m just supposed to enjoy that?”

“I think of it more as FUNishment. Punishment is something one doesn’t usually enjoy. But yes, when the situation calls for it, I prefer a certain amount of punishment.”

The word “FUNishment” intrigues me. It implies that everything he might do to me would be in good fun for both of us. So far I have enjoyed what he has introduced me to. Odin has always been good to me and always treated me with respect, much unlike Jaime. It’s what draws me to him and I want to believe that he would never intentionally hurt me.

“Will you hurt me?” I ask, setting my burrito down and looking at him directly. That’s really what it boils down to for me.

Odin lets out a breath, then swallows. He looks down at his plate avoiding eye contact and I feel my heart constrict. “Lila, you’ll find I have some rather twisted fantasies. I hope we’ll grow to have a relationship in which you’ll enjoy making these fantasies come true. You see, I have this overwhelming need,” he says plainly, leaning forward and staring into me. “I don’t know why, but I need control. I want nothing more than for you to submit to me and become my darkest fantasy yet. I can’t say it won’t hurt, but I can promise to make you love it! If you don’t, all you have to do is say no. You know I will stop. Whatever your boundaries are, I will abide by them and if you find you can’t handle what I’m proposing then we move on. As friends,” he adds.

I’d love to believe that we could still be friends even if it didn’t work out, but realistically it’s highly unlikely.

“Do you think these fantasies have anything to do with your father?” I break our gaze, looking back to my food, afraid of his response as I say the words.


He sounds angry. I’m afraid to look up. In a soft voice, looking anywhere but him, I continue. “I know that people think he had something to do with some girls who went missing. And you said he was the Devil.” I recall Odin’s own words.

“People think a lot of things, Lila, it doesn’t mean they’re true,” he says, taken back. Is he denying it? Was Rick just messing with me? Suddenly I don’t feel so confident.

“I know one of the girls to go missing, her name was Katelyn, spelled the same way as your boat.” Bashfully, I sneak my eyes up to meet him. His eyes are angry and serious. I bring up my glass sipping back some liquid courage through a straw in my drink. I feel anxious, and he looks torn between emotions.

“How do you know that?” he says solemnly.

Now I know I’m onto something, though I’m afraid to know what.

“Rick.” As I say the name, Odin lets out an irritated sigh and I hear him pop his jaw.

“What else did Rick tell you?” Odin is fuming anger out his pours.

I swallow hard in my throat. I don’t have to see his face to know he is pissed as hell. “He didn’t
me anything. He left me a folder full of missing person reports and newspaper clippings from where you used to live in Louisiana. He left me to draw my own conclusions,” I say and I stuff my face with a few more bites.

“And?” Odin anxiously awaits my response.

The intensity of this conversation has my nerves on end. “And it seemed like your dad was involved. But none of the girls were ever found. Whoever took them, I can only imagine what they did with them. If it
your dad, it might explain why you’re so into… You know.” I try to say like it’s not a big deal. Who the hell am I kidding? Certainly not Odin. I wish I hadn’t brought it up, but these are things that we need to get set aside before we talk about moving forward. If Odin has serial killer tendencies, I need to know before I agree to anything. And now, with three full glasses of liquid courage polished off, feels like the opportune moment.

Odin is quiet for a moment, then leaning across the table he looks into my eyes captivating me. “Do you think I’m a monster?” he asks.

I stare into his troubled eyes, seeing a part of him I didn’t even know was there before. It’s like he’s looking to me for an answer that he doesn’t know himself. Does he think what his dad did is his fault? Does
think he’s a monster? Is that why he cuts himself?

“No!” I shake my head, staring deep into his eyes, trying to gain access to his soul. My heart aches for him. I take his hand in mine. “Jaime is a monster. Men who hurt girls against their will are monsters. Your dad may have been the Devil, but you are not like that. You’re too nice to ever be a monster. You care about me and how I feel. In fact, you’re one of the most caring people I know.” I mean every word as it comes out.

Odin smiles in relief for a moment looking down at our hands intertwined. Then looking back at me he says, “You don’t know me that well.”

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