Caught in the Devil's Sheets (23 page)

BOOK: Caught in the Devil's Sheets
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For now, I decide to write Billy a letter. Even though I had promised I wouldn’t write anymore. I decide I will try to leave it open, in hopes that one day he’ll change his mind. I fish my notebook out from my luggage and sit at the dining table in my hotel room, staring out the window, conjuring the right words.




The last time I wrote you, I told you how irritated I was that you hadn’t written me back in so long. I told you that I was going to stop writing you all the time and putting out the effort to stay connected if you weren’t going to do the same. And if that meant we weren’t friends anymore then fine, have it your way. Sadly that’s where we’re at now. I’m led to believe that you don’t care. I can’t tell you how much it hurts me to come to that realization. I thought for sure you would be the one person who would always be there for me. I would have done anything to be there for you. I’ve kept a PO Box and a pay per minute phone for years to hide our “whatever you want to call it friendship thing” from Jaime. I guess it doesn’t matter now that Jaime and I are getting a divorce, but still, I did it for us. I always thought you’d do the same for me. I have no idea what’s got you so wrapped up that you don’t have the time or will to write me or be a part of my life anymore. If you’re mad at me or starting to blame me for you being incarcerated, I don’t blame you. But I want you to know how much you have meant to me and how fucked up my life feels without you.

Knowing someone would always be there to catch me when I fall made it easy to fly. And now, I’m afraid to spread my wings. I need you to be there before I can take any plunge in life. I need to know that someone will be there to pick up the pieces if I crash and burn. I thought we would always have that special bond that holds us together so tightly. And now, I’m wondering how it is that I have been sitting in Wyoming for two days, waiting to go see you, and I haven’t even got the courage to face you.

I can’t keep writing you, it hurts too much to be rejected every time. And I can’t keep a PO Box or a separate cell phone because it only makes me feel pathetic that I keep holding out hope for you. Will I ever stop loving my best and most loyal childhood friend? No. Will I ever stop missing you? I sure hope so. But at least I can say I’m not making an ass of myself by trying too hard. There are enough flaky, fucked up, fake ass people in my life who call themselves my friends, and I just can’t take that from you.

If the day ever comes that you realize that I’m the most loyal friend your likely to ever have. If you get to missing me and want to reach out, you know I will always be there.


Until then,



771 Beverly Hills Rd. Santa Monica, CA 93067

805 551 0071


I wrap up my letter and leave it sitting on the table, then climb into bed. I lay my head back into the pillow thinking about Odin. Feelings of passion, excitement, fulfillment, swarm my head. I know Odin and I have so many hurdles to jump before we can even begin together. And even if we manage to overcome our obstacles, how long could we really hope to keep things under wraps? Everyone in the club with any alliance to Rick and Jaime Mosley will despise us. I’ll be the hated bitch that caused turmoil in a brotherhood, like Yoko Ono. No girl wants to be that girl.

After the last year of being with Jaime, I am thirsty for love and attention. Odin’s words feed the attention craving teenager inside me. I fall asleep imagining what a life of being Odin’s might be like, if I was lucky enough to have it.


The next morning I get up early, brew a pot of coffee, and suck back two full cups while I get dressed and pack my stuff back up. I stop by the front desk to leave my room key and I ask the teller for an envelope and a stamp. She’s kind enough not to charge me anything. I put all my bags into my car before I drop Billy’s letter into the mailbox on the sidewalk outside the hotel.

I’m back on the road by 7:30. The fourteen hour drive home seems shorter than the ride out, as it usually does when traveling. I happened to have brought Odin’s mixed CD and I play it on repeat for a few straight hours. I wonder what Billy will make of my letter or for that matter if he’ll even read it. What if there’s some mix up with the mail and he never even gets it? I guess I’m likely to never know. Right now, all I care about is getting home to Odin. My inner teenager yearns for his touch.

With each mile indicator that tells me how much closer I am to California, my imagination grows wilder. What kinky game will Odin want to play this time? I realize that I’m more excited than scared of his freaky obsession with BDSM. I know he lives the life more dedicated then I ever could, but I’m curious to try. Knowing that means giving full power over me sexually to Odin is actually kind of hot. Knowing how Odin feels about Jaime, it’s easy to say Odin has no plans of hurting me. He wants me to enjoy being spanked. It’s hard to wrap my mind around the differences between Odin spanking me and Jaime hitting me, but I recall how amazing it felt in the heat of the moment we shared in his bed and I know I could enjoy that again! If it doesn’t work out, or if it gets too intense, I’ll bail. We’re not married, we have no ties. I can leave whenever I want to. If I submit to him, it will be at my own free will and that alone makes me feel better about it. Now, I just have to understand what submitting to him will mean for me.

By the time I’m finally back in LA County, I can hardly wait to further discuss whatever arrangement he’s proposing. I have all kinds of things he might expect of me, clouding my head. I have seen and read about BDSM relationships. They go from being as casual as normal couples who like to keep it fresh in the bedroom, to full-on D/s relationships where the Dom, dictates every inch of the sub’s life. Will he expect me to wear a collar? I don’t think I’m okay with that. It seems degrading. I would do it only in the bedroom. Will he expect me to kiss his feet? I bite my lip, remembering what Odin’s feet look like. I could kiss those feet willingly.

As I pull into my driveway, I’m relieved that the house is empty. I head inside, quick to text Odin that I have made it home safely. I hop through the shower and spruce myself up, expecting that he’ll ask me over. But when I get out of the shower, there is still no reply. I go on getting ready, putting on my makeup again and climbing into a pair of skinny jeans. I rifle through my drawers for a good shirt and decide on a red Harley t-shirt that has black roses printed up the side like a tattoo. The collar has been cut out and it hangs down off my shoulders exposing my black lacy bra. The back is also cut out, and strings of shirt hold it together, exposing my back. I decide on converse for foot wear, but don’t bother lacing them up when I check my phone again and there’s still nothing. I text Odin again. {Should I come over or…}- Lila.

Finally there is an answer. {I’ll pick you up in about an hour}-Odin.

It’s already almost late, and I’m tired from all the driving. I head into the kitchen and make a fresh pot of coffee, but before it’s done I fall asleep on the couch.

Devil’s Cut

Odin went to confront Rick. How dare he threaten Lila over Jaime’s crimes? Lila was finally free of Jaime. She didn’t need to contend with his bullshit any longer. If Rick was so concerned about the blackmail Odin now had on his son, he needed to come to Odin like a man and talk about it. Odin had promised Lila that he was capable of taking care of her problems and this was a perfect chance to prove himself.

Odin pulled his truck into the back lot of the club house. Rick was there, smoking a cigarette in the bar by himself. It was the perfect opportunity to have a one-on-one talk.

Rick stares Odin down as he walks in the door and goes to sit at the bar. Odin meets his gaze with an equally cold glare. “You got something you want to say to me, old man?” Odin looks Rick directly in the eye. Rick’s intimidation tactics are nothing to Odin, who has seen horrors far worse than Rick can imagine.

“No,” Rick shakes his head and exhales a breath of cloudy cigarette smoke.

“Oh? I think you do,” Odin stands over Rick, dogging him. “I think you’re just too much of a fucking pussy to say it to my face. You got no problem pushing Lila around, making her feel guilty for Jaime’s misdeeds.”

Rick’s eyes shoot up to look Odin in the face. This clearly has his attention.

“That’s right, now listen carefully. I want you to stay the fuck away from Lila.”

Rick grunts, taking another hit off his cigarette and blowing his smoke in the air. “Boy does that bitch know how to run her mouth. She must be a good piece of ass to have you boys all fighting for her. Jaime learned and now you will, too. Lila is nothing but a whore.”

Rick’s words ignite and anger in Odin that immediately disintegrates his self-control. He hooks a fist into the side of Rick’s face, and Rick and his barstool take a hard fall onto the tile floor. Rick pulls a knife, kneeling on one knee and showing Odin that he’s armed himself as he slowly takes a stand. His lips are bleeding.

“You wanna fight me, boy? I will fuck you up!” he yells.

Odin is quick on his feet, moving from side to side. He throws a punch and misses. Rick swings the knife at him and gets him in the arm, cutting his skin. Odin doesn’t jump back like Rick expects, but instead swings a fist that lands on the side of Rick’s head. Rick stumbles, throwing the knife again in Odin’s direction and slicing into his chest. Rick grabs Odin’s shirt, tearing it, and goes to cut him again, but only gets the back of his arm as Odin shoves his elbow hard into Rick’s mouth. Rick stumbles back, grabbing his face. Odin quickly grabs a metal barstool and swings it violently, hitting Rick in the side. Rick falls to the ground, and Odin immediately jumps on his back, struggling for control of the knife as his free fist makes contact with Rick’s ribs. Odin brings Rick’s wrist down to the floor, then uses his boot to stomp on Rick’s hand, breaking his fingers against the tile. Rick whales and lets the knife go, which Odin quickly grabs. Odin pulls the knife to Rick’s throat, and Rick stills, his breath pitching in pain over his broken hand.

“I’m only going to stay this once. Stay the
away from Lila or I will slit your throat and go down to the jail myself and let everyone who’s been protecting Jaime know that he’s a traitor to this club!” Odin hisses at Rick, then stands and throws the knife across the floor. He storms back into his truck and heads for Lila’s house. It’s one o’clock in the morning when he finally shows up at her door. All he wants is to claim his prize for taking the knife like a man and defending his title: Lila.

Chapter 21

There’s a knock on the door that wakes me. It feels like I’ve been sleeping longer than an hour. I look up at the clock. It’s 1:00 in the morning.
. I peer out the curtains and see Odin’s black Chevy parked out front. My house is dark other than the streetlights coming through the window and the light that’s on in the kitchen. I look through the glass panels on the front door just to be sure. Odin is standing on the porch, and he looks like he’s been in some kind of brawl. His hair is tossed about and his shirt is all ripped apart. There are scratches all up his arms and on his chest. He’s bloody, but it doesn’t look like it all belongs to him. Here I thought these days were behind me. I roll my eyes as I hurry to unlock the door and let him in. He pushes past me and kicks the door shut behind him. I can hardly see him in the dark entry way once he’s inside.

Before I have a chance to say anything, his lips are on mine and he pins me against the wall. Other than the fact that he’s beat to hell, this couldn’t be more perfect. This is exactly what I wanted, to come home and have wild hot sex with this insanely sexy man. He fists his hands through my hair and I embrace him. I have missed him. His scent is dirty and it matches his ruff exterior. I lace my fingers in his hair and I can feel blood on the back of his head. He doesn’t stop kissing me, holding me in place with my back pressed up against the wall. I reach a hand down to his perfectly sculpted butt and pull him into me, letting him know that I want him. A low, growl escapes him, turning on all my senses.

Odin stops for a moment, glaring down at me, eyes filled with wild emotion. Then he pulls my shirt off and tosses it on the floor. So much for getting dressed up. In one quick swish his own shirt joins mine and I’m left staring at the enormous muscles rippling in his chest. There are large cuts on his torso. He may be dirty, rugged, and bleeding, but he is still undeniably sexy. I can feel him getting hard as he grinds against me, filling me with untamed desire.

Instinctively, I pull his face into mine, kissing him, sucking on his tongue, and winding my fingers through this choppy blonde hair. He reaches down, grabbing me by my ass as he lifts me up. I wrap my legs around him, my lips still locked on his, and he carries me into the living room. Odin lays me down on the couch pulling my pants and underwear off. I’m left in just my lacy black bra. Quickly, he undoes his pants, releasing his raging hard on as he steps out of his jeans. He climbs on top of me. Using one hand, he pins both of mine above me on the arm of the couch. I have one knee up pressed into the back of the sofa and my other leg is hanging off the side, my foot perched on the floor. With his free hand he guides the head of his cock to my opening, then in one fast sharp movement he thrusts into me. It’s rough and I moan as he fills me up, but my body quickly adapts to the size of him. He starts fucking me, hard. In the light coming in from the front window, I see the outline of his face and the glare of his eyes that are blazing down at me. He keeps my wrists firmly pinned under his firm grip and continues driving into me time and time again, until I’m all raw sensation inside.

I’m panting and moaning uncontrollably, as is he. His rhythm slows and picks back up again. I think I’m going to cum. I have never cum this way before, with no outer stimulation, but I can feel my body quickening in a familiar way. I feel him getting close as he bucks into me letting out loud unruly groans each time. It’s so hot. His grip around my wrists tightens as do all the muscles in his body. Yes! I want him so badly I can taste desire on my lips.

“Odin…” I say, at the brink of my orgasm, begging him to bring me there.

He lets out a powerful, lust filled moan as he starts to cum, and my body convulses, my orgasm gripping me. He pushes into me as hard and as fast as he can, his muscles quaking over me. His hand squeezes my wrists till it hurts, but it only feeds my pleasure. I scream out incoherently, my whole body stiffening. Odin thrusts into me one hard, last time and stills with his cock deep inside me. My whole body clenches down around him. I can feel his warm liquid spurting inside me. My muscles start to loosen back up. He lets free my hands from his strong hold, and I bring them down to my chest. I notice my chest is wet and when I look down at my fingers, I can see he’s been bleeding.

“Are you okay?” I whisper, realizing I should have asked this when he got here.

“I don’t think I’ve ever been better.” He’s kneeling on the couch beside me, watching me as our breathing calms. He leans over and kisses my lips, then trails kisses down my neck, stopping at my chest. I lie on the couch, watching him while he showers kisses on my breasts. I brush my fingers through his hair toying with the short blonde strands. He swirls my nipple around with his tongue and it sends a tingling sensation through my already worn out body. I grab at his hair pulling his face up to meet my gaze. Odin smiles at me, and I blush, turning to hide my face in the couch.

“Look at me,” he whispers.

I turn my head shyly, looking back into his eyes.

Odin wraps his arms around me and gracefully pulls me down onto the floor, laying me beside him. Then he lies on his side, facing me, gliding a finger up and down my belly. I get the feeling he’s not finished with me, as his hand makes its way down there. He trails two fingers from my opening to my clitoris using his juices to make his fingers wet and slippery. My clit is like a jewel, untouched and begging to be explored. It shines with the touch of his warm, slick fingers. I rest my hand on his upper arm that moves up and down as he strokes me. My body twitches each time his fingers slip over my jewel, and it makes him smile.

“Your body is amazing, Delilah,” he says, taking me in. I flush, partly because of his words and partly because his fingers are dancing circles around the most tender part of me. I bite my lip, and rub my hand up his arm, feeling the scars just under his shoulders. I stop, grazing my thumb over the raised skin as I stare up into his eyes. Odin’s index finger toys with me, his outstretched thumb slowly running along the identical scars on my inner thigh. My scars are older, less deep. I wonder what demons he must have to still be cutting. Odin leans down, pressing his lips into mine. I vigorously kiss him, as he continues playing with me. His cock grazes up my thigh as it grows stiff again. I use my free hand to reach over and pull on his hip, trying to coax him back on top of me, but he doesn’t move. His fingers work faster, massaging me deeply as I nibble and suck on his lips, small moans escaping into his mouth.

I’m twisted so that my upper body is pressed into him as he holds me in his embrace. My bottom is flat on the floor and my knees are spread apart, allowing his fingers to move freely. One of my arms is pinned between us, but I use the other hand and wrap it around his back, clawing at him. His erection presses at my leg. I want him inside me, but I am already so close to cumming again. I’m in a trance beneath his touch, my body humming inside. I moan, trying to relax and enjoy as much as I can before I burst.

“I’m gonna make you cum, baby, and then I’m going to fuck the hell out of you!” Odin whispers harshly in my ear.

His words send me over the deep end. I bury my head in his chest, my arm clenched around his back and my nails digging into his skin. My muscles lock into place and I hold my breath as I enter this intense state of heightened pleasure.

“Oh Lila,” he hisses seductively.

I gasp for air, at the peak of my pleasure.
Oh God, yes!
My nails claw at his back, as I fight the urge to scream. “Aaaaaaah!” It escapes before my teeth clench back together. My body is as stiff as a board as I cum gloriously.

In an instant, I’m done. I cross my legs tightly, stopping his hand. He stills, then pulls his hand free of my clasped thighs. He gets up onto his knees. My eyes are fully adjusted to the lack of light and I can see all the details of his chest and arms. I want to devour him. His cock is hard and it prods in between my knees begging me to open them. Odin places his hands on the tops of my legs, gently pulling them apart. He moves his hips between them, leaning over and mounting me again. The nerves inside me are still frazzled from Odin’s earlier conquest, and they scream to life as he enters me again. I cry out instantly, and it riles him. He thrusts again,

“Aah!” I cry again, and I can’t even begin to explain the intense, painfully pleasurable feeling inside me that pulses with each hard thrust Odin forces into me. I cry out between each sharp breath that I take. He holds up to his promise of fucking the hell out of me. The floor at my back doesn’t give, as he pounds me into it with his hips. The head of his dick prods at the deepest part of me. It’s like it needs more room and there isn’t any to give. It burns in a way that makes my whole body ignite with fire. This fire ripples through me, scorching my senses, and everything I thought was never possible suddenly seems to be happening. He is going to make me cum again. I don’t think my body can take anymore. He heaves into me, and my breasts bounce up each time he does.

I have no control, Odin’s hand is on my shoulder, holding me down to the floor so I don’t slide as he fucks me. He tilts his chin back and his eyes roll into his head as he finds his release.

“Fuck!!!” he yells, in a low raspy voice, as he hurls into me harder and harder.

Fuck me!
My body tightens down around him and we cum together, both screaming and moaning uncontrollably. My arms and legs are wrapped tightly around him, clutching him to me as my body falls apart beneath him. I never knew this feeling existed, this complete and utterly intoxicating feeling that I’m tangled up in. Odin caves in, laying his weight on me when he’s finished. His lips return to mine and he shifts slightly, so that he’s back beside me. My body aches and throbs all over, especially down there as he slips out of me.

“Do you want to go to bed?” he whispers.

“I don’t think I can move,” I admit.

“I’d happily carry you,” he says, gazing down at me. I shake my head.

“Just hold me.”

“As you wish,” he says, taking me in his arms and laying his head flat against the floor. All thoughts escape me, and I fall fast asleep in his arms, my head gently nestled on his still bleeding chest.


When I wake up, it’s chilly. I glance at the clock on the DVD player and it’s 3:45 am. I sit up, brushing my hair out of my face and letting it fall down around my shoulders for warmth. Odin stirs awake and sits up next to me, putting his arms around me. I feel his breath in my ear as he kisses my hair and it sends a shiver down my spine. He stands up and leans over me. Then he scoops me up so that I’m on my feet, facing away from him, my butt pressed into his naked front. I balance myself, but Odin embraces me, holding most of my weight. He lays a few kisses on my neck, then in this same position walks me to my bedroom. The door is open, as we shuffle through together. He pulls down my purple comforter and I climb in, turning onto my side and watching him get in after me. It’s dark but I can tell his left eye is swollen and I take a last glance at the cuts on his chest. I put my hand on his face as he pulls the covers over us.

“What happened tonight?” I ask clasping his face, careful not to touch his eye.

“You don’t need to worry about me, Lila.”

“Who says I’m worried? I just want to know.” I’m tired of being kept in the dark. Tired of cleaning up blood that doesn’t belong, covering up tracks, burning evidence, stitching up cuts, and never getting any explanation. I don’t want to be in the dark anymore.

“I got into a little fight that’s all,” he says. He lifts his hands to my face, trailing his fingertips along my hairline. His eyes gaze longingly into me.

“With who?”


“Is everything okay?” Now, I’m worried.

“I took care of it. He’s not your problem anymore. I meant it when I said I’d take care of you, Lila.” Odin’s hand caresses my face and he is looking right through me. My heart constricts. I try to put Rick out of my mind and not worry, but it’s hard. I trust Odin, but I know Rick. He doesn’t give up that easily. I have a hard time trusting anyone to fight my battles. Right now, curled up in Odin’s strong embrace while he looks down at me with his promising eyes, I know that if Rick doesn’t leave me alone, Odin will fight him again.

“Okay,” I whisper softly. “I trust you.” I mean it, I trust him. I’m not sure why or how safe it is, but here in this moment, I feel safe. Odin gently kisses my lips, slowly grazing his fingers down my arm, and my side and then back up to my hair again. It tickles and makes me feel giddy inside. He holds me, his lips gently kissing with mine until we fall back asleep.

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