Caught in the Devil's Sheets (19 page)

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He leans down and kisses me. Our lips mesh together with a perfect combination of sexy and compassionate.

“Want me to stay?” he asks, giving me my confirmation.

Desire quickly screams to life inside me.

“Erica could be home any minute. I wouldn’t want her to catch you here.” Reason is quick to answer for me.

“Until next time then,” he says taking my head in his hand he leaves a beautiful lasting kiss on my lips.

Then I hear the front door open down the hall. Odin looks down at me longingly one last time before he turns to leave. He passes by Erica and greets her on the way out. I listen as the SUV pulls away, falling onto my bed.

“How was your trip?” Erica asks, poking her head in my door.

“Boring,” I tell her, suppressing the world’s biggest grin.

After lying there a while, reliving all the details of my trip to Louisiana, I decide to grab a book. I hope reading will distract me from thinking about Odin but it doesn’t. I get a text message from him a couple hours later. It’s a picture of a red rose. I feel inexplicably giddy, and thus it begins. I officially have the world’s biggest crush, on the most taboo person I could have possibly picked. Reason rolls her eyes at me as she anticipates the heart break that is sure to follow. I fall asleep reading my book.

The next morning as I’m getting dressed I notice the manila envelope from Rick still sitting on the dresser. I need to go through it, but right now I just want to hit the beach. It’s sunny and 85 degrees. I take a day to relax and meditate by myself.

By the time I make it home for the evening I have a very nice tan. I haven’t heard anything from Odin and I’m bummed and relieved at the same time. I wonder whatever happened when he returned the cocaine to Felix. It’s pretty self-explanatory what went down in Ruston. I lay in bed thinking about how I’m going to break the news to Jaime when the divorce papers come in. It’d be easier if I could get a copy of the picture of Jaime and the blonde girl from Odin’s phone. I could use it to help justify my decision. I don’t feel like I need much justification, but I know Jaime won’t agree.

It’s just past midnight when I text Odin. {Will you send me that picture of Jaime that you showed me? Please}-Lila.

In a few minutes I get a message back {Here is one of the stupidest guys I know cheating on his amazing wife.}-Odin.

Attached is the photo. I smile down at my phone. Tomorrow I’ll print this so I can show it to Jaime. I know he is going to lay a huge guilt trip on me. If I have to tell him about the blackmail Odin’s trying to bury, Jaime will accuse me of sleeping with him regardless. It’s just the kind if man Jaime is to blame everyone but himself.

{Thanks}- Lila. I text Odin back.

{Your welcome. Sweet dreams.}- Odin.

Chapter 17
Staring Down a Monster

In the morning, I put the iPod on shuffle in the bathroom, and take a shower.
Love the Way You Lie
by Eminem and Rhianna play while I wash my hair. This was mine and Jaime’s theme song. It makes me want to cry angry, frustrated tears listening to it now. I realize that I have grown to hate him. I should have left the first time he hit me, but I loved him, and his sweet mouth always convinced me to stay.

“I won’t do it again, baby. I’m sorry.”

“I just lost control, I love you Baby, please don’t leave me.”

“Why do you push me when you know I have anger issues? You know I don’t want to hurt you.”

He always had a way to guilt me into staying. Not this time, baby.

A packet from James Devine comes in the mail. That was fast.

I get Erica alone in the kitchen to tell her I’m divorcing Jaime. I don’t want to drop it on her like a bomb since she’s living here.

“Hey can we talk?” I lead her to the dining table.

“What’s up?” she asks unsuspecting.

“I am going to ask Jaime for a divorce.”

Erica gasps, and acts like she didn’t see this coming.

“I found out he’s been cheating on me and about some other fucked up things as well. Things between us haven’t been good for a while. I know it’s a bad time for him, but you know how Jaime can be when he’s mad. I think now is the best time for me. I want you to know you don’t have to leave just because I don’t want to be with your brother,” I tell her, wanting her to know that I care about her and her kids.

“He’s gonna freak out!” she says with a distraught look, no doubt picturing her brother’s reaction.

“I think he’ll understand,” I try to assure her.

Erica gets up from the table and stammers off to her room, I don’t know if she’s upset or just needs some time to take in the news. Either way, I leave her be.

{Got the papers, I’m going to see Jaime tomorrow}- Lila. I text Odin.

{Can I give you a ride?}- Odin.

{No I’m good.} - Lila. I find myself deleting the messages as soon as I read them.

{Please call me when you’re done.} - Odin. It’s an odd request, but he asks nicely.

{Ok}- Lila.

All night, I lay in bed thinking about what I have to do tomorrow. To ease the anxiety, I dwell on everything that’s happened between me and Odin. The sex was more than just sex. I’ve had “just sex” before and this is not the same. Odin is way too involved in my life for this to be “just sex.” He cares too much or at least pretends to care too much. And I care way too much about him. I have no idea how to define what it is we have between us. All I know is that I hope he’s thinking about me, as I lay in bed thinking about him.

Devil’s Cut

Odin is in the shower, leaning on one hand against the tile wall. In his other hand he grips himself, savagely masturbating while he remembers having sex with Lila. The memory of her moaning, and begging for him plays in his head. It makes him cum. Stepping out, he dries himself off with a towel and heads to his bedroom, lying naked on his red satin sheets. He stares at the ceiling a while, marveling at how shocked he is about his own feelings for her. He thought seeing her leave Jaime would make it easier not to think about her. He thought fucking her would satisfy him. Yet here he lies, wanting more. The passionate sex he had with Lila is the closest thing to normal sex he’s ever had. It was better than he thought it would be. Her hair, her eyes, her whole body is so intoxicating to him.

I just want to tie her to the bed, then fuck her repeatedly. I never want to cut her loose. I want the world to know that I have made her mine.
Odin knows the position that would put Lila in. He could hardly care less what others think of him, but it angers him to think of anyone calling her a whore, though that’s how it’s likely to look.

Still, Odin thinks of what Lila would be like as a submissive. He’s sure she’d have trouble accepting it at first. She’ll probably want to hold onto her freedom, but she’d see that the right arrangement could work out for her benefit. She’d most likely enjoy being doted on and taken care of for a change.
She wouldn’t even have to work hard to please me, she already does. She’s perfect. She’s loyal, has emotional endurance, and she is beautiful. I want her!
Odin closes his eyes thinking of Lila’s red curls circling her round face and illuminating her hazel brown eyes. He falls asleep dreaming of her sweet, voluptuous body.

*           *           *

When I wake up, I immediately dread the things I have to do today. I even contemplate just hiding under the covers all day. But I know Odin is counting on me to do this, and as nervous as I am, I don’t want to let him down. I go into the bathroom and get all dolled up, hoping that looking my best will give me the confidence that I need to face Jaime. I go through my wardrobe and decide on a short cheetah print skirt that hugs my round butt, and a black lace tank top. I put on black peep-toe wedges that are about four inches high, and wear my thick red hair down around my face and shoulders. Using a cheetah print bow, I clip it back to hold it out of my eyes.

I pack my things into a matching purse and head out to the car with the divorce papers. I make one stop at Target to print the photo of Jaime off my phone and get a cup of coffee. I sit in the jail parking lot, sipping on my latte and staring at the photo. I’m trying to muster up any extra confidence I can for what I am about to do. I take a deep breath and head inside.

There is a line to check in as a visitor. Once I’m signed in I have to wait for my number to be called before I get to go upstairs. When I finally take a seat at the window to wait for Jaime, I’m shaking. I clench the envelope full of papers as well as the photograph tight in my hand. Right now, I just want to be back in Odin’s arms, clinging to him for the strength I don’t have on my own. I try to picture him in my mind. Then a buzzer rings and Jaime walks through the door on the other side. He’s wearing gray sweats and an inmate t-shirt. His hair lays flatter than usual and he smiles as he takes a seat on the other side of the window. We both reach for a phone.

“Hey, babe, good to see you,” he says smiling. Jaime is sober and he looks good.

My heart lurches in my chest. “Hey,” I say not as enthusiastic.

“How was Louisiana?”

“Can’t complain.” It’s better that he doesn’t know anything about it.

“Everything okay at home?” he asks, catching on to the fact that I’m not happy to be here.

“Not really.” I shake my head.

“What’s wrong?”

“I came here because…” I swallow hard in my throat, “because I think it’s best if we go our separate ways.” I watch as his face drops, and my heart aches inside me. I didn’t think this would be so hard, all things considered. But here I am, holding tears back as I finally go in for the kill.

“What?” Jaime is pissed. “What are you talking about?”

I try not to cower. “I want a divorce,” I say firmly.

Jaime’s voice is utterly hurt and surprised. “Now? Can’t we at least wait till I’m out and talk about this?”

“There’s not much to talk about. I found this…” I say, holding up the picture of him to the glass so he can see it. He looks shocked, peering around the picture to meet my gaze.

“Lila, that isn’t what it looks like. She was just some girl that showed up late to a party. I swear I didn’t sleep with her,” he says, and I have to admit he sounds incredibly honest. He may be telling the truth, but at this point it’s irrelevant.

“It doesn’t matter. I’m not stupid Jaime, I know you’ve slept with other women,” I bluff.

“Lila, that’s not true,” he says, and I can’t help but get angry because I feel like he’s lying to me.

“Really, Jaime? Really? Look me in the eyes and tell me you have never once cheated on me!” I demand, staring him down.

He looks at me and says nothing. My thoughts confirmed, but oddly, it doesn’t hurt. I’m numb toward it.

“I want a divorce Jaime,” I say angrily, cutting right to the chase.

“Lila, no!” he says, as if he’s in some position to tell me no. “When I get out of here, we can talk about all this. I’m not going to divorce you,” he says assuredly.

I peel the picture down from the glass. “I’m not asking you to divorce me. I’m telling you that I’m divorcing you. I have the papers here, but even if you don’t sign, any judge will grant me a divorce so long as you’re in jail.” I have never had power over Jaime like this. Adrenaline courses through me.

“I don’t fucking think so!” he yells, “Who the fuck do you think you are all of a sudden?” he demands, his face filled with rage. It’s like staring down a lion in a cage. One sheet of glass stands between me and the beating of a life time. I get scared.

“I know about Sergio,” I say, and Jaime’s expression only gets more frightening. “Odin told me all about the little deal you and Sergio worked out, and how it all went south right before you ended up in the hospital.”

Jaime looks nervous as he covers the mouth part of his phone, looking over his shoulder to make sure no one can hear he whispers, “How the fuck does Odin know about Sergio?”

I clearly have him at a disadvantage. “How should I know? You never told me anything about it!” I don’t dare tell Jaime that I’m the one who told Odin about Sergio.

“This is something we need to discuss when I’m out of here,” he says with warning in his eyes.

“There’s nothing to discuss. Odin says if you don’t sign these papers, he’ll rat you out to the club.”

“Fucking Christ! He put you up to this? I knew that Fucker was up to something! So what, he’s holding this above your head or you’re just using his information to your advantage?”

“Both. You fucked up Jaime, and I’m not taking the heat for you this time. You’re on your own,” I tell him.

“You’re fucking him aren’t you?” he asks.

“No!” I say, but I don’t get much of a chance to defend myself.

“I fucking knew it! Boy, he must have it bad for you, baby, if he’s willing to risk his own patch keeping his mouth shut for you.”

“Maybe he does. But keeping his mouth shut isn’t for me, it’s for you.”

Jaime pounds his fists down on the table. “That’s fucking bullshit!” he screams, and a guard comes over to take him away. His sinister green eyes blaze with a fury that chills me. “Fuck you!” he screams, “Two years and you’re going to fuck me in the ass over Odin! Fuck you, you fucked up, bitch!” he screams as the guards pull him away from the phone, and I watch horrified as they wrangle him back through the door.

I get up and I leave the manila envelope with the officer working the check-in box. I toss the photo of Jaime and Unknown Blonde in the trash on my way out the door. I thought for sure I would leave happy and relieved, but the second I pile into my car, I lose my shit. Tossing my best of Pantera CD into the player, I turn up the speakers and scream along to the blaring music bursting into tears. All thoughts of Jaime good and bad come rushing back to me. After all the times he hit me or embarrassed me in front of our friends, after all the lies and the bullshit, why do I still feel like this about leaving? Why does this hurt so much?

After a while of crying I brush back the sad thoughts. I turn on the engine, but then it dawns on me that I don’t know where to go. I don’t want to go home. I check my phone, and there are two messages.

{Hope it’s going well, don’t forget to call me.}-Odin.

{Hey, feeling anxious, and I really want to see you. Call me!} -Odin.

Right now, I’d like to do him one better. I head home and get cleaned up, taking my drippy makeup off and starting fresh. The clothes I’m in are perfect for going to Odin’s house. Short skirt, lace up shirt, I’m screaming for sexual attention. Out of a box in my nightstand I pull out the receipt with Odin’s hand written address, using my Google app to find his house. It’s up off of Poli in the hills. Nice! My phone buzzes again, and it’s Odin. I don’t answer because I want it to be a surprise when I show up.

I grab my purse and open the door to leave. Rick is standing on the porch and he scares the crap out of me.

“Hey kid, where you headed?” he asks.

“I’m running late for a doctor appointment,” I lie to get out of here in a hurry. Rick looks me up and down, probably noting I’m over dressed for the doctor’s office.

“Did you get a chance to go through those papers I left?” he asks.

“You know what, I’ve just been so busy since I got back. I will give them a read tonight.” I smile with promise.

“Okay.” Rick smiles back but there is distrust in his eye as he watches me leave in the mustang. Out of fear that he might be following me, I go ahead and stop by the medical center and say hi to Kelli for a few minutes before heading to Odin’s. I check my phone’s GPS and see I have two more missed calls from him. Excitement stirs in me as I anticipate surprising him at his house.

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