Caught in the Devil's Sheets (22 page)

BOOK: Caught in the Devil's Sheets
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Chapter 20

I grab my guitar and sit on the couch a while, singing my heart out into my own melody. As I let out my frustration on the stings it hits me. I need to get the hell out of here, right now! I have one destination in mind. I head back into my bedroom and pack my purple suitcase. I take a few thousand dollars in cash from the box in our bedroom, and my laptop. I hop through the shower and quickly get dressed. I hurry out the door, tossing my suitcase into the back seat of the Mustang. I’m quickly on the road again, choosing Alicia Keys –
Girl on Fire
to begin my journey with.

Normally, I take the Pearblossom out to Vegas. It’s less crowded. Today I’m driving with nothing but a small two grams of pot in my personal stash, and I have a mission to get to Wyoming before I’m too tired to drive. It’s just now 10am. If I don’t hit traffic I can make it to Rawlins by midnight. I don’t stop for real food, but I have tossed a few snacks into my purse and I open a string cheese as I make it out of L.A onto the I-15 North. As it gets closer to noon, I push the button, pulling the top of the Mustang down so that my hair flies wildly in the wind. I try to clear my head and not think of anything but what I’m going to say to Billy, if he’ll even see me. My worst fear is that I will face rejection from him, but right now I’m willing to risk it for answers. I make good time through Vegas and begin my way through the rest of Nevada.

Around 2:30, Kelli calls. I push the button and the top of the Mustang shifts back, clicking into place over me, providing me with a soundproof interior.

“Hello,” I answer.

“Sup, dude? What are you doing?”


“Wanna do lunch?” Kelli always makes a weird, Stewie Griffin voice when she’s on the phone.

“Actually, I decided to make a trip to Wyoming, so I probably won’t be home for a day or two.”

“Holy shit, dude, are you going to see Billy?” The awkward voice is gone, and I have Kelli’s full attention.

What I am about to tell her is going to blow any story that could possibly be on Maury Povich right now. “I served Jaime with divorce papers yesterday,” I start.

“Oh my God! Good for you, Lila!” she says, and I’m happy to know at least someone agrees I’ve done the right thing there.

“There’s more, but you have to swear on all that is holy that you will not tell anyone, not even Cody!” I make her promise before I go any further.

Kelli and I have been best friends since freshman year of high school, and the club and its bullshit has never come between us. I know things about her that no one else knows, and she could say the same about me. As far as my secrets go, I know they are safe with Kelli.

“I hooked up with Odin.”

Kelli gasps into the phone.

“Three times, and I spent the night at his house last night.”

“Oh my God!” she shrieks. “That’s going to look baaaad!”

“I know. That’s why you can’t tell anyone. It’s nobody’s business.”

“How was it?” There’s the Kelli I know and love, eager for details.

“Incredible! Like the best sex I’ve ever had in my life. Then this morning, he made me coffee and let me sleep in his bed while he went to work.”

“Oh my God!” she says again in an even more high pitched voice. “Do you like him?”

“Yeah. Way more than I should! In fact, he’s the reason I decided to finally leave Jaime.”

“Delilah Marie! You are playing with fire.” Kelli has no idea.

“Luckily, I’m a professional,” I gloat.

“So why are you going to Wyoming?” That’s a question I don’t really have an answer for.

“Erica moved out today, the whole family is pissed as hell that I’m leaving Jaime, and if you can believe it, Rick even went so far as to threaten me.”

“What an asshole! Fuck them, Lila. Jaime doesn’t deserve you.” Kelli backs me.

“Odin showed me pictures of Jaime cheating on me,” I say and Kelli gasps again.

“Jesus! I’m sorry, that sucks.”

“It’s cool. It made things easier on me.”

“I’ll make sure to thank Odin,” she jokes.

“I know, right? I’m going to Wyoming just to get away, and I’m hoping that Billy will agree to talk to me. Maybe I can clear my head about one thing.”

“What else is going on?”

“Things I wish I could tell you, but I’m not qualified to teach history,” I say in a tone that mocks the club’s use of the word history.

“Boo!” says Kelli, as if this episode of Maury just got cut short for breaking news.

I tell her the details I can about my night with Odin. Then I tell her how I went about talking to Jaime, obviously leaving a lot out. We talk for about an hour before Cody gets home and she has to go.

“Does Odin know why you’re going to Wyoming?” she asks first.

“He doesn’t even know I left Santa Monica,” I say almost jokingly.

Kelli is unsurprised as she hangs up. I really need to call him and tell him what I told Rick, but I’m afraid. I’m ashamed of the way I made him look and I’m scared he’ll be mad at me. How do I tell him about the newspaper clippings? There’s no good way to bring something like that up.

Utah is a boring and scene-less drive, not nearly as beautiful as the drive through Colorado. It starts getting dark on me somewhere around Salt Lake City. The local radio is playing a sultry mix of 90’s R&B music. When I finally arrive at the Hilton in Rawlins I’m exhausted. It’s 1:00am exactly when I stumble into the lobby with my bags. I reserve a room for two nights, figuring I can book longer if I need. I waste no time getting to my room and pulling the covers down on the sheets. My eyes burn as I log onto the Hilton’s Wi-Fi and use Billy’s inmate number to check the prisons website for visiting hours. Billy has visiting Saturday from 10am-1pm.

I put my laptop down on the end table, and check my phone. {How was your day?}-Odin.

{Long. Just headed to bed.}-Lila.

{Sweet dreams.}-Odin.

Despite everything, I fall asleep with a smile in the large, empty bed.

Friday, I use the hotel’s gym and pool and have lunch in the hotel’s cafe. I keep thinking about all the things I want to say to Billy. I have so many questions and things I want to tell him. In the evening, I use my notebook to start jotting down the things that are most important to me, but before I get far my phone rings and it’s Odin.

“Hello.” I’m excited to talk to him, but I know I have to tell him what I said to Rick.

What’s up

“Just hanging out. What’s up with you?” I avoid telling him I’m not at home.

“I was hoping you might want to hang out over here tonight. No part of me wanted to go to work Thursday.”

“Where do you work?” I drift around telling him about Rick.

“Harting Brothers Construction,”
he says, surprised I don’t already know.

Many members have legitimate business fronts that they use to legally explain where their money comes from. I had forgotten all about Micah’s inherited construction company.

So, are you free this evening?”

“Not exactly,” I pause, biting my nail.


I can tell he feels shot down. “I have to tell you something,” I hesitate.


“Rick was at my house yesterday, moving Erica out. He confronted me about us. I’m almost sure he knows about Jaime and Sergio. He was pressing me for information. Rick can be really intimidating.”

What did you tell him?”
Odin sounds concerned.

“I’m sorry, but I lead him to believe I was sleeping with you to keep you from ratting on Jaime. I know how awful that makes you look, and again, I’m really sorry…”

“Lila, it’s fine. You did the right thing.”
Odin doesn’t seem to care in the slightest.

“You’re not mad?” I’m surprised.

“Why would I be mad? As far as Rick’s concerned that’s exactly what you’re doing. Rick is a dangerous man, Lila. You’re smart to put him off your trail.”

“He made it pretty clear if anything happens to Jaime because of my big mouth, he’d be taking it out on me.” I probably shouldn’t be telling Odin this.

“Did he?”
Now Odin sounds pissed.
“What else did Rick say?”
I decide to hold off on telling Odin about the newspaper clippings.


“Don’t lie to me Lila.”
Odin’s voice alone is more intimidating then Rick in person.

“I’m not lying. I’d just rather talk about it in person.”

“All the more reason for you to come over,”
he says, in the voice of the Big Bad Wolf.

“I told you, I can’t tonight. I’m not even home.”

“Where are you?”
He sounds startled.

“I don’t see how that’s any of your business,” I say teasing.

“Oh really?”
Odin’s voice is sexy, provoking me to tease him further.

“Really.” I bite my lip in a mischievous way, toying with Odin’s need for control.

“Where are you, Delilah?
” Odin’s says slowly, in a dark and seductive tone.

“I’ll tell you all about it when I get home,” I say flirtatiously.

You’ll tell me now.”
He’s serious. Good grief! Since when is he the boss of me?

“You don’t own me,” I remind him, not keen of being talked to like I’m already on some kind of leash. I just broke free from Jaime. I like Odin, I really do, but if he thinks I’m going to jump when he says jump and roll over when he says to roll over, he’s in for a rude awakening. I’m not a sub. I’m a stubborn, strong-willed woman.

You’re right, I don’t. But if I had things my way, you would be mine.”

I flush at his words, and a deep burning sensation rushes to my lower belly.
Holy Shit!
Suddenly, I’m desperately wishing I wasn’t in Wyoming. Right now I wouldn’t mind being tied up to Odin’s bed.

“Tell me about what things would be like your way,” I provoke him.

“Are you alone?”


“Is there a bed wherever you are?”
he asks.

Oh my!
“Yeah. I’m in a hotel room, all by my lonesome.” I feel like Little Red Riding Hood, leading on the wolf.

“Take you pants off and get under the covers. I’ll tell you all about what my way looks like.”

Excitement stirs in me as I anticipate that I’m about to have phone sex with Odin! I always thought phone sex would be awkward, but I’m so turned on right now. I pull my pants down and leave them in a pile next to the bed. Pulling down the covers and adjusting the pillows, I crawl in and pull the covers back over me.


“If you were mine, you would do anything I told you to do. Of course, I would never ask you to do anything that would hurt you or put you in danger. When I asked things of you, you would happily obey me. For instance, pretend you are mine and take two fingers from your right hand and put them in your mouth. Suck on them and get them wet.”

I do as he asks, and Odin listens to the sound of my lips, suckling over my middle and ring finger.

“Good. Now, bring your fingers down to your clit, and play with it, while I continue painting the picture of my dreams,”
he says.

I melt at his words, the painting of his dreams. I move my fingers in a small circle, obeying his command. “Mmm” I moan quietly into the phone.

“That’s it, baby. If you were mine, you wouldn’t have to worry about anything. Not Rick or Jaime, not anything. I would take care of everything for you. I would bathe you, and feed you. I would do anything for you. I would give you orgasm after untamed orgasm until your body hums my name. I would completely dominate you.”

My breathing gets louder as I massage myself, picturing Odin bathing me, washing me down there. “Oooh,” I whisper.

“Keep going, baby, faster!”
he commands, and I obey, pressing quarter-sized circles into myself. My muscles convulse, and my legs twist together.

“Yes,” I utter into the phone.

“If you were mine you would do anything to please me. And I have a feeling, Delilah, that you would indeed make me very happy. You would let me tie you up, spank you, whip you, toy with you, and fuck you in any way I saw fit. And I would ensure that you enjoyed every minute of it, at least half as much as I would.”

Oh God! My muscles begin to clench and my breathing catches. A deep moan escapes my mouth, into Odin’s ear.

“And when I say cum, you would cum for me. Now, baby. Cum for me!”

Odin’s harsh words are my undoing. He orders my body at his will, and it obeys, springing me into a deep, mind altering orgasm at my own hand. Short, loud moans escape my body as my muscles convulse inside me. I can hear Odin’s own harsh breathing on the other side. Knowing that he shares in my pleasure only takes it that much higher.

I stop, holding myself there, as my muscles slowly relax. Still I take in deep sharp breaths of air.

Odin clears his throat.
“If you were mine, you would never go wanting. If you were mine, my heart would be content,”
he says finally.

My own heart constricts inside me. I want him so badly.

“That sounds amazing,” I say, no other words to describe the way I feel right now, listening to him.

Then will you at least consider it?”

I’m still panting, seriously wishing I was back in Santa Monica. I can’t agree to this. “I’ll consider it.”

“When will you be home?”

“I’ll head home first thing in the morning.” I willingly abandon my plans.

Excellent. I’ll see you tomorrow then?”

“I’ll be home late, but I’ll call you as soon as I get there.”

Better get your sleep now then.”

I say nothing, not really wanting to hang up.

“Good night, Delilah,”
he whispers.

“Good night,” I whisper back and reluctantly hang up the phone.

I decide not to go see Billy. I really want to see him, but I’ve been afraid of his rejection since I left home. I’m afraid of what things my inner teenager will want to do if she has to come face to face with this sort of rejection. I know the disastrous things she is capable of. I think the best place for me is to fill my emptiness with Odin for the moment and see how that plays out.

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