Caught in the Devil's Sheets (28 page)

BOOK: Caught in the Devil's Sheets
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“Foods here,” he says, smiling down at me.

For once in my life, I’m not at all excited for food. He kisses my lips once more before standing up, adjusting himself so the bulge in his pants is hidden, then makes his way to the door.

It smells delicious as he lays the food out on the coffee table. We sit on the floor in front of the couch staring into the fire and Odin explains the different dishes, one being escargot. I think I see a surprise look on his face as I scarf one down. It’s salty, chewy, and not actually bad. Kind of like a clam. My favorite thing is the tomato basil bisque soup and the French bread. But truthfully, I’m more interested in what’s for dessert.

Some part of me, probably Reason, is weary of what Odin will want to do tonight. But the majority of my inner being is so blinded by desire that it’s willing to walk into the fire with its chin up. I’m pure excitement that almost boils over as Odin puts the leftovers in the fridge.

“You seem anxious,” he says, seeing me on my knees between the couch and the coffee table.

“Just excited,” I assure him.

“That’s exactly what I want to hear, Delilah.”

The sound of my full name tickles me. I used to hate it, but when he says it, it takes on a whole new sexy meaning.

Odin’s eyes burn with a wild, untamed heat. I smile inwardly, knowing he’s every bit excited as me. “I want you go upstairs and take your clothes off. Take a seat on the pool table and wait for me. I’ll be right up.”

I bound up the stairs to the loft and shed my clothes into a pile on one of the lounge chairs around the pool table. I lay my bare ass on the green felt and wait as Odin makes his way up the stairs. In his hands there’s a large spool of green nylon rope. The look of excitement in his eyes matches mine, and my heart jumps in my chest.

“Lie down,” he commands.

I do exactly as he says. Odin gently wraps one of my ankles several times, then loops the rope around each leg of the pool table before wrapping my other ankle. My feet are spread apart, each heel resting in a corner pocket. With the same rope he winds it around the upper leg of the table. He then takes my wrist, tying it down tightly, and then fastens my other wrist to opposite end of the table so that I’m spread across it, one limb at all four corner pockets. The felt is soft under my skin. Odin looks down over me, a large smile pasted on his face. The devilish look in his eyes burns with intensity, but never does it occur that I should fear him. With one hand he caresses my breast, examining while massaging. My nipple perks up, and then he moves his hand to the other breast doing the same.

Then he walks away, and I turn my head to watch as he walks into his bedroom. In a minute or so he returns, carrying what looks like a microphone. I’ve seen these before in porn and in sex shops. They’re massagers. In his other hand there is a red candle in a jar. Its small flame is hardly seen in the light that still comes in dull through the windows in the loft. It will be dark soon. He sets the candle down in the pocket by my hip, then leans over me, taking my still hard nipple in his mouth and twirling it with his tongue. My body aches for him. But I can’t touch him, can’t pull him into me, I have to use body language alone to lure him in. He turns on the massaging wand and places it between my legs.
Oh my god!
It feels so good and my body instantly flinches in its binds. Odin’s face is pure amusement as his eyes blaze into me. The massager makes a loud buzzing sound as it vibrates against me there. I want him inside me. I push my breasts up, trying to entice him. Being stuck to the table like this, there is little I can do.

“I want you.” My lips and my body are begging for him.

“In due time,” he says.

But I know I don’t have time. I’m going to explode in a matter of seconds this way. I have no control. I moan, trying to release the pleasure and not let it accumulate inside me.

Odin reaches over and grabs the candle from the pocket of the table. He holds it over my chest and begins to tilt it. Red hot wax falls on my breast and my nipple. I cry out, but as I do Odin turns up the speed on the massager.

“Ooh!” I cry, my legs growing restless and pulling hard against the rope.

“You like that, baby?” he asks. His eyes burn blue.

It hurt like hell, but the pain mixed with the infinite buzzing between my thighs has me burning with sensation everywhere. “Yes,” I scream, seconds from falling into an overwhelming orgasm.

Odin tilts the candle out over my other breast and spills more red hot wax on my bare nipple.

“Aaahh!” I scream.

There’s more wax this time and it drips down my chest to my neck. The vibration between my legs is so intense it has my whole lower body buzzing with it. My abs clench down first, followed by the rest of my muscles as I cum gloriously. Odin stands above me watching as he brings me into pure ecstasy. My eyes lock with his that are lit with excitement as my body tries mercilessly to squirm in my confines. I cry out over and over again as he pushes the massager into my clit.

“Stop! Odin, please!” I beg, my orgasm coming to a halt. I’m overly sensitive everywhere, but especially there.

He doesn’t lift the massager. Instead he props it on the table so it’s still leaning against me lightly. He takes his shirt off then his pants and his huge cock springs from his jeans. Taking a knife from his pocket he quickly cuts my legs free. He climbs onto the table and I bend my knees at his hips and he takes the first deep thrust inside me, filling me up. I’m very moist and he slides all the way in with no effort, the tip of him forcing against the deepest part of me. I scream out loud, my hands still bound above my head. Odin props the massager in between us so it’s still resting on my clit. With every thrust, it’s pushed up against me, and it sends electrifying charges through my body. His pace is fast, and relentless. His hips twist as he moves forward, his erection parading around boastfully inside me. My eyes shut tight and I lift my head backward as my teeth clench down. My legs twist around his back, squeezing him, embracing his claim over me. He fucks me and fucks me until I can feel the burn of the felt table lining under my ass. The buzzing massager still buried against me.

“Aaaahhh! Fuuck!!” I scream.

Odin pushes on with great force as I start to cum again. It feels like my whole body is being electrified as every nerve comes screaming to life inside me. Odin grabs a big fist full of my hair, pulling tightly, and I barely open my eyes long enough to get a glimpse of his Spartan-built chest. His jaw is clenched tightly and his eyes are glaring down at me.

“That’s it, Lila, I want you to cum on me! Fucking take me, baby!” Odin growls at me.

My arms pull at the ropes with all their strength. My muscles bear down around him, swallowing him, as he releases into me. His hips violently buck into me, and he groans loudly. Finally he stiffens, letting out a growl, fit for victorious warrior.

The massager falls as he pulls out of me. He stands up and walks around to my head. Leaning down, he presses his lips hard into mine and kisses me. I’m panting and gasping for air when he pulls his head back up. He unties my hands then helps me sit up. Before my feet can touch the floor he picks me up, tossing me over his shoulder like cargo. He carries me to his room and heaves me onto his bed. I fall against his satin red sheets. He walks in the bathroom and comes out with a wet rag. He takes a seat on the bed, still naked, and uses the warm wash cloth to wipe the wax off my chest. My tits are sensitive and I bite my lip as he works over them. Before the wash cloth has a chance to get cold he uses it to wash me between my legs. I flinch at his touch on my over stimulated sex.

He tosses the rag aside and lies down next to me. I’m still short of breath, but beginning to find myself again as he wraps his arms around me and kisses me. I start to drift into sleep, vaguely aware of Odin nibbling on my neck. I’m exhausted, and I want a nap, but I feel his cock, poking at the apex of my thighs again. I don’t think I can go again. Before I have a chance to think about it, Odin climbs back on top of me, and this time slowly glides his way into me, not going all the way in. My insides are sore and throb as he enters me. As if he can feel me tense up, he continues slowly, leaning over and kissing me as he gently grazes in and out of me. I can’t quiet the soft moans that escape my lungs. His hands run up and down my sides, caressing my hips and my breast and I wrestle my hands through his hair. I feel him getting closer, his breathing turns into panting. He pulls my head to the side, nipping at my neck. I dig my nails into his back, feeling his rippling muscles underneath my fingertips.

“Lila,” he whispers in my ear.

“Yes?” I say in a small voice.

“You are mine,” he says, forcing his way deep inside me and triggering another orgasm that rips through my muscles, destroying all sense of reality in its path.

“Yes!” I cry out, as he fills me up again. His body convulses on top of me. It’s so hot!
is so hot! This thick, tall, beautiful, twisted man has me completely caught up like a helpless bug in a spider’s web. I willfully let him devour me.

Odin eventually regains himself, lying to the side so his leg and arm are still sprawled across me and his weight leans on my side. I wrap my arms tightly around him and we fall asleep tangled in each other.

When I wake up, he is still asleep, lying next to me. His lips purse in and out with each breath he takes. It’s light out again, but I have no clue what time it is. I instantly have to pee. I try to sneak out from under the covers. Odin wakes up and grabs my wrist.

“Where are you going?”

“I have to use the bathroom.”

“You have to ask permission to leave my bed,” he says.
Is he serious?

“Well, unless you want pee all over your sheets, I need to get to the bathroom.” I take a stand for myself. What is this the Middle East? Get over yourself.

“If you piss on my sheets, I will spank you with a studded paddle. Now, ask nicely.”

I have a feeling he’s just testing me. I stare at him a moment contemplating my next move carefully.

Odin doesn’t let go of my hand.

Oh for crying out loud!
“Please, Sir, can I use the bathroom before I embarrass myself all over your sheets?” I ask in a fake English accent. I utilize sarcasm fully.

“You may,” he says releasing me with a wry smile.

I scowl at him and hurry into the bathroom. Once in front of the mirror I wipe the black makeup from under my eyes. Both of my nipples are bright red from the wax. My whole body is sore, and there is a terrible ache in my lower abs. I remember the numerous orgasms that gripped me last night.

I’m relieved when I emerge from the bathroom, and Odin helps me shrug into a robe then leads me downstairs.

“Why don’t you go take a dip in the hot tub while I make some breakfast,” he says.

I don’t think I have ever heard a more appealing offer.

“Thanks.” I smile as I head out the sliding glass door. The morning air is cold as is the ground under my feet. I dump my robe as I hurry to submerge myself. The water is hot and inviting, but bites at my sore nipples. The rest of my muscles quickly relax with the jets. I lay my head back and look up at the clouds. It looks like it might rain. I feel spoiled, laying in a tub while breakfast is made for me. Odin did promise to take care of me. I could get used to this. But the whole permission to leave the bed thing, what is that about? Control? It seems so trivial. I don’t think I should have to ask for permission to pee.

As I lay relaxing in the tub, I can hardly complain. I hear the glass door close and I look up to see Odin in his robe. He kneels on the steps to the hot tub and I turn to face him. We kiss and as we do, he dips his hand into the water and scoops handfuls of warm foam over my back, keeping me warm as I hang out of the tub far enough to kiss him back. His tongue graces my mouth and I wrap my arms around his neck.

“Breakfast is hot,” he says nose to nose with me, looking deep into my eyes. He kisses my forehead and stands up, holding my robe open for me.

On the breakfast bar is a plate with fresh cut fruit, and a cheese and veggie omelet next to a glass of orange juice and two small tabs of ibuprofen.
. He takes the seat across from me and looks at me with adoring eyes for a moment.

“I hope you like it.”

“The sex or the food?” I muse.


I take my first bite into hot fluffy eggs. “I love it!”

We sit a while, eying each other as we eat. I swallow my ibuprofen down with some orange juice.

“Can I ask you something?” he begins, and I’m surprised to hear him ask for permission. I nod. “Why did you cut yourself?”

Oh great, we’re going there? I take a deep breath, and contemplate how to put it light and shortly. I strive to give him an honest answer in hopes he’ll repay me the same kindness.

“I was at a really bad time in my life. I was 13, and no one wanted me. My dad abandoned me, my mom kicked me out to Christian school, and none of my friends back at home returned my calls. I was out of sight, out of mind. I didn’t have many friends in school and my counselor started molesting me. When I asked my mom to please let me come home she said no. I needed a release, an escape. I didn’t want anyone to see what I was doing because I knew they’d send me to my counselor and that was the last place on earth I wanted to be.” Sadness fills my heart as I recall all too well the feelings of loneliness, and lack of self-esteem that used to consume me.

“If someone hadn’t already put a bullet in his head, I would.” Odin says heroically.

The unwelcome thought of Billy enters my head, but pulls me out of the sadness. I sigh again, trying to shrug it off.

“What about you? Why do you do it?” I don’t use the word “did” because the now scabbed over marks on his arm bear witness to the present.

“I don’t want to talk about it,” he says like it’s nothing.

I roll my eyes. It’s in no way fair that I just shared my deep feelings with him, and he just stone walled me.

“Now I feel stupid,” I say bluntly.

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