Catherine's Letters (22 page)

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Authors: Jean-Philippe Aubourg

BOOK: Catherine's Letters
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Her taste was divine! Treating her sex as one would a tasty morsel of food, I did not rush. Instead, I savoured the sensation, enjoying first of all running the flat of my tongue up each of her nether lips in turn, having the reward of a violent shiver tear through Miss Prior’s body. After I had gorged myself to my delight on the outer gates of her temple of womanhood, I swallowed hard again, and then pushed my tongue tip into the very centre of Miss Prior’s secret place.

The soft, sweet flesh yielded to the hardness of my tongue, and my governess let out a cry of pleasure. I pushed further inwards, and her writhing increased as I did so. Then I felt the very tip of my tongue hit the little button at the centre of her spot, and her whole body arched, pushing her lower lips against my upper ones. With an effort, and by seizing her buttocks, I managed to keep my mouth in contact with her organ of reproduction.

On and on I went, flicking away at her central point of pleasure. Her legs moved like scissors, the milky thighs flashing up and down on either side of my head. Never before had I seen Miss Prior lose her self-control. Now it was almost frightening to hear her moans and cries, and feel the writhing of her body.

Her cunny became wetter and wetter, soaking my lips, chin, and the tip of my nose. The knowledge gained from my limited experiences so far told me she must be nearing the final moments. And so she was. With one final lusty scream, she pushed her sex into my face, took hold of my hair in both hands and forced my mouth hard against herself, as her secret place began to pulsate violently.

She lunged against my mouth, once, twice, three times, and then fell back, releasing the fistfuls of my hair which she had grabbed. She lay on the bed, limp and apparently exhausted. I looked at her lovely face, and it seemed so serene and peaceful that I decided upon a most bold course of action.

Pushing myself up on my hands and knees, I crawled up the bed until my face was level with Miss Prior’s. Leaning down, I kissed her full on the lips. Her eyes opened slowly, and she smiled at me, a sweet, loving smile, such as I could never expect in the classroom, no matter how well I learnt my Latin verbs or recited my multiplication tables. It was the smile of a lover, Connie! Miss Prior and I had become lovers!

And now to the most remarkable part of my story, the part that I have been longing to tell you. Miss Prior and I spent the night hugging each other, kissing and exploring each other’s flesh with hands and mouths. She made me spend, using her clever tongue and fingers to drive me to the limits of pleasure. Shortly before dawn, I was awoken from my fitful slumber, told to dress, and sent back to my own room before any suspicion could be aroused.

The next day we passed meaningful glances at each other during breakfast, before we were alone again in the schoolroom. I expected Miss Prior to conduct our lessons as normal, not letting our nocturnal pleasures interfere with the smooth running of daily life. But, instead of producing a text book from inside her desk, she pulled out a letter.

‘Last week I received some news which is likely to have a significant affect upon my life, and yours too, Catherine. My great aunt passed away last month – no, there is no need to offer me your sympathy, we were not so close – but I was her only living relative, and she was a widow of some substance. Her entire estate has been left to me. It is some several thousand pounds, and I intend to put it to good use.

‘It has always been my dream to open an establishment of my own, where ladies of breeding can be taught etiquette and manners. A finishing school, if you will. Of course, my teaching methods would be strict, probably more so than I have been with you. But I have never had the funds necessary for such an ambitious venture. Until now, of course.’

The full meaning of her words hit me like a bolt of lightning. For a moment I was heartbroken. ‘Miss Prior, you are … You are leaving me?’

‘I am leaving here, Catherine. I hope I will not be leaving you. Although I plan only a small institution, I will need an assistant, one whom I can trust, and one of sufficient breeding to reassure families who might send their daughters to me. Would you like to come with me?’

My cloud of depression was lifted instantly, even though it took some time to grasp the full implications of what Miss Prior had just told me.

‘Your duties would involve some teaching, passing on the knowledge I have given you, as well as assisting me in the disciplining of any of the more unruly girls in my charge. Although, naturally, you yourself would still be liable to physical chastisement at any time. But there would also be – rewards.’ A twitch of her eyebrows gave the last sentence a fuller meaning than actual words ever could.

‘But what would Father say?’ I finally managed to say. ‘Surely he will never agree to such a thing!’

‘I took the liberty of putting the proposal to him after breakfast,’ she replied. ‘And, while his first choice would be for you to make a good marriage, he sees this as a suitable alternative. He trusts me to ensure that his daughter comes to no harm or scandal. So long as you are teaching young ladies of a suitable social standing, he has given his permission. Will you say yes too, Catherine?’

Say yes! Connie, you may be sure I leapt from my seat and rushed into Miss Prior’s arms, much to her initial surprise, then her amusement. Folding me into her embrace, she placed her mouth next to my ear and whispered a barely audible sentence: ‘Oh Catherine, we will do such good work with those young, impressionable minds, then have such fun with their tender, vulnerable bottoms!’ I shivered and hugged her tighter.

And so, Connie, we are off this very afternoon, to see a country house in Kent which Miss Prior thinks could be suitable as a site for her school, while still being close enough for us to make frequent visits to the Corporal Society (she says many of the members have requested that I return!). I will write to you as soon as I can, and, once we are settled, you must come and visit. I am sure you and Miss Prior would hit it off straight away!

Your loving, and happy cousin, Catherine.

‘A happy ending! Oh, that’s so sweet!’ Adrienne was genuinely affected by the conclusion of the story. She almost felt she knew Catherine by now, and would have been distressed if anything bad had happened to her.

‘Yes, I suppose they must have been delirious, running their lesbian college, seducing all the posh totty sent them by unsuspecting gentry. I wonder if it ever got off the ground?’

‘We could find out. We know the dates and the names, and I’m sure the Land Registry could …’

‘Slow down, babe! I wasn’t serious! What I’m more concerned about is what we’re going to do tonight.’

‘Tonight?’ Adrienne was baffled.

‘Yes, Saturday night. You’ve finished the letters, so you’ve no excuse to stay in and read them any more. You’re going out, and I’m coming with you.’

‘I could do with a girls’ night out, as it happens,’ mused Adrienne, the thought taking root in her mind. ‘Why don’t we invite Maria? You can get to know her better.’

‘Good idea. I get the feeling she’s going to be a very important part of your life, so I’d better check her out properly, make sure she’s good enough for my best mate. Relax, babe, I’m joking again!’ A frown had begun to spread across Adrienne’s face, but became a smile at Rachel’s words. ‘Are you going to give her a call now?’

‘In about half an hour,’ Adrienne said, carefully folding up the letter and taking it back to the writing case. It closed with a snap and she returned to the bed.

‘So what are you going to do for the next half an hour?’ Rachel asked.

Adrienne licked her lips and stared at her naked friend hungrily. ‘I’m going to squeeze your tits, then I’m going to lick your nipples –’ she paused for effect ‘– and then I’m going to suck your cunt till you scream for mercy. Lie back, bitch, I’m coming!’

Rachel’s face broke into a broad grin and she opened her arms to welcome the advancing Adrienne.

Chapter Thirteen

It took no time at all to persuade Maria to go out with them, and when she also suggested some after-hours fun at Adrienne’s flat, Rachel agreed with an eagerness that surprised her friend. So it was that Maria turned up later that afternoon with a pair of large sports bags. She opened one to reveal some of her collection of toys and sex aids. The other contained her toiletries and evening clothes.

Rachel looked through the first bag, as Adrienne cooked them pasta and chicken. She was half hoping to begin playing before they went out, but Maria told them the anticipation would heighten their sense of enjoyment.

The ritual of three glamorous women preparing to join the capital’s nightlife took some time, but eventually they were ready. They called a cab to take them into the West End, a rare luxury for Maria, as the brunette admitted with wide-eyed wonder. Adrienne almost took the girl in her arms and hugged her there and then, but drew on all the reserves of restraint she still possessed to stop herself.

The trio toured several bars in Soho, but eventually decided they had seen enough wall mirrors and metal-framed chairs. Maria suggested they find a good, honest, down to earth pub. They found one which was not bursting at the seams, in a small road leading off Leicester Square. There were no seats free, but standing was not uncomfortable, and they chatted as they held wine glasses, exchanging knowing looks with each other as they gradually became the centre of male attention. Then one man in particular caught Adrienne’s attention across the room. She nearly dropped her drink.

It was James. The bastard whose deceit had hurt her so much. Granted, his actions had driven her into the arms of the woman she now loved, but he had still lied to her, over and over again, to get her into bed. Rachel and Maria picked up on the sudden change in her mood. ‘What’s up babe? Seen a ghost?’

‘I wish he was. It’s him – James. You know, the bastard whose marriage slipped his mind for six weeks.’

Rachel swivelled her head discreetly and was able to catch sight of him, before she turned back. ‘The very same. He’s not with his mates from work tonight. Or his wife, worst luck. You could have told her exactly what sort of pig she’s got for a husband.’

‘What’s the point? She wouldn’t believe me.’

‘Am I missing something here?’ Maria chipped in. ‘Who is James, and why is he such a bastard?’

Adrienne recounted the whole sorry tale, and Maria listened carefully, sneaking a couple of glimpses of the man in question as he sat in the corner with his pint. When Adrienne had finished Maria took a deep breath. ‘It sounds as if he needs to be taught more respect for women,’ she said thoughtfully, ‘and I believe we’re just the sisters to do it.’

‘What do you mean?’ asked Adrienne.

‘Do you carry any spare keys to your flat?’

‘Not on me – wait, Rachel do you still have the set I gave you, so you could water my plants when I went to Greece?’

‘I think so,’ said the redhead, fishing in her handbag. ‘Yes, right here.’ She produced a large bunch of keys.

‘Excellent!’ exclaimed Maria. ‘Adrienne, as hard as it would be, do you think you could be nice to him for as long as it takes to get him back to Fulham?’

‘I don’t know – I guess I could try if I knew what was going to happen then.’

‘Anything you like, sweetheart. Rachel, are you up for some girl power revenge?’

‘I’m already there!’ she said with some enthusiasm.

‘Then let’s go. We’ll get a cab, and you give us at least a ten-minute head start before making your move. If he’s as horny as you say he is, he’ll follow you like a puppy.’

And so, ten minutes later, Adrienne stood alone, eyeing her prey. Then she made her move. She knew how good she looked, and all the techniques she could use to get a man to do exactly what she wanted.

She sauntered across the pub, blocking out all the male stares that were thrown at her as she moved. Eventually, James was the only man in the saloon not looking at her, but that was about to change. She stood directly before him, and he raised his head at the sound of her voice. ‘Mind if I join you?’

‘A – Adrienne?’ he stammered. ‘What are you doing here?’

‘The same as you, I expect, having a night on the town. Can I sit down?’

‘Er, sure.’ He indicated the vacant chair on the other side of the table. ‘I’m waiting for someone, but they’re not here yet.’

‘Male or female?’

‘Male.’ James sounded disappointed. He also suddenly seemed to remember his wedding ring, and fidgeted his right hand in front of his left to cover it.

‘Don’t worry,’ said Adrienne, ‘you don’t have to hide that any more. We’re both grown-ups, and I’ve done some thinking. If you can live with cheating on your wife, I can live with being your bit on the side.’ Her insides churned at her own words, but the sweet smile never flinched from her lips.

‘That’s very broadminded of you,’ he said, obviously relieved at her attitude. ‘I’m sorry I wasn’t completely honest with you from the start, but I had – er …’

‘Commitments.’ She finished his sentence. ‘I admit I was upset, but now I’ve had time to think about how good you were in bed, my only regret is that we couldn’t pick up where we left off. The sex was amazing.’ That, at least, was true. She went in for the kill. ‘In fact, how do you fancy a repeat performance? Tonight.’

‘Tonight? You mean after the pubs close?’

‘Not unless you’re planning to invite your mate along. I mean now. He’s obviously late. Will he understand if you couldn’t wait any more?’

‘He’s a good friend. He won’t mind.’ James’s tongue was almost hanging out.

‘You can send him a text in the cab.’ Adrienne finished her drink, rose, and turned around. She sauntered out of the pub, certain that James was no more than a few paces behind. Sure enough, as soon as she hit the cool air of the street, wrapping her coat around her, she felt him beside her. ‘We can get a taxi on Charing Cross Road,’ she said, haughtily leading the way. He followed like a sheepdog.

James was all over her in the cab. She tolerated it, knowing what was to come. They soon pulled up outside her building, and she gently but firmly pushed him away, before stepping out of the car. ‘Pay the fare,’ she told him, before heading up the steps and opening her front door, leaving James nervously fumbling in his wallet for two £20 notes.

She left the door open and soon heard it click behind her. Slipping her coat off, she held out her hand for James’s jacket. He handed it to her, his eyes pleading with her to begin the action in earnest. She wondered if he would be so keen if he knew what was in store. ‘You know where the bedroom is, go and get ready. I’ll be with you shortly.’ He practically ran, pulling his shirt from his trousers as he went.

Adrienne stepped into the living room and switched on the standard lamp. Maria and Rachel had been waiting in the darkness, lying side by side on the sheepskin rug in front of the fireplace. They had stripped to their flimsy lingerie, Rachel’s a delicate peach, Maria’s a bold black. The bag of toys and implements had been emptied onto the carpet in front of them.

The girls did not say a word to each other as Adrienne dropped the jackets onto the sofa, slipped off her red velvet evening dress and stepped out of her matching heels. Her bra, panties, and suspender belt were the same vivid scarlet, and her black stockings were of the sheerest nylon. She laid the dress on the sofa arm and, with a wink to Maria and Rachel, turned and walked toward the bedroom.

She found James ready in every sense of the word. He was lying on his back on her bed, on top of the duvet. He was naked, his clothes in an untidy mess on the floor. His right hand was gently running up and down his thick, rigid shaft, the swollen glans glistening. His left hand cupped his testicles, squeezing and relaxing around them tenderly. His smug grin told Adrienne he thought he had died and gone to heaven. He looked her up and down, clearly happy with her appearance.

Adrienne sat on the edge of the bed. She gently brushed his hands away from his genitals, and replaced them with her own. After masturbating him to total hardness, she bent her head and kissed the tip. James gasped. She kissed him again, then slipped the head of his penis between her lips. She applied soft, gentle suction, all the time massaging the base of his shaft and his gonads with her fingertips. She wanted him rock solid, on the edge, but not over it.

She felt his shaking fingers on her back, as he fumbled for the catch of her bra. It popped open and her breasts swung free as it fell down her arms, and she lifted her hands to shake it free of her wrists. James whipped it away, throwing it carelessly to the carpet, before sliding his right hand into the waistband of her panties and beginning to explore her smooth bottom.

She allowed him to wander for a couple of minutes, before taking her mouth away from his penis and getting to her feet. Turning her back to him, she slipped the panties to her ankles, bending to push her bottom into his face, before stepping out of them. She turned to face him, now totally nude, before moving toward him.

His hands seized her hips and she felt his fingers squeeze her buttocks. She ran the tips of her left forefinger through her own pubic bush and onto the lips of her vagina, while her right fingers traced a path down the side of James’s face. Now he was hot, and ready to do anything she asked. She made her move.

‘You’re an adventurous guy. Have you ever tried anything – kinky?’ She put a very deliberate emphasis on the last word.

‘Depends what you mean by kinky,’ he rasped back, his voice hoarse. He wanted to fuck her, and nothing else mattered to him at that moment.

‘It could mean whatever you want. Have you ever surrendered control to a woman?’

‘You mean let the bird get on top? Of course. You can jump on right now if you like.’

‘I don’t mean that. I mean giving me complete control. I mean using these.’ Adrienne crouched and reached under the bed. Her fingers found the objects Maria had told her would be left there. The chains rattled as she pulled out three sets of manacles and brandished them in front of a very startled man.

‘What! You mean – bondage? You’re into bondage!’

‘Why not? Come on, I promise I won’t do anything you won’t enjoy.’ This was not strictly true, but she certainly intended to keep him hard throughout. With this in mind, she sat down again and rubbed his pole to restore its vigour.

‘What … What exactly do you want to do to me?’ James asked, obviously curious now he had got over his initial shock.

‘It’s not knowing in advance, then finding out, which is the real pleasure,’ she whispered. ‘First I want to do this.’ Adrienne leant forward, kissing him on the mouth and pulling his arms above his head at the same time. She moved her body up the bed, pushing her breasts into his bewildered face to distract him, as she took one of the manacles and threaded the chain around a bar of her metal bedstead. As his mouth closed on her right nipple, she slipped his right wrist into one of the cuffs and fastened the buckle. He did not resist, and allowed her to do the same to his left wrist, leaving him with his arms bound above his head.

She pulled her nipple from his lips, and briefly replaced it with its twin, enjoying the sensation of her blood coursing into the hard bud as he sucked hungrily. Reluctantly taking it away, she slipped down the bed and grabbed his right ankle. Pulling it out to the side, she quickly cuffed it to the bedpost. With three of his four limbs now secured James could have done nothing to stop her chaining his right ankle to the opposite post, even if he had wanted to.

Adrienne stood back with her hands on her hips and surveyed the scene. She had James completely at her mercy. Evidently he did not find the idea unappealing if the state of his erection was anything to go by. Proud and hard, it stood begging for attention.

Adrienne decided to make sure he knew he was hers. She crawled across the bed on all fours and crouched between his legs. She ran her hands over his thighs and lowered her head to run the tip of her tongue up and down his stalk. It twitched and he moaned, desperate for release. Adrienne climbed off the bed, leaving James moaning in his torture.

She stood back and opened the bedroom door. James’s eyes bulged in bewilderment, then nearly came out on stalks as she called, ‘He’s ready!’ across the hall. She smiled down at her victim, as Rachel and Maria slipped into the room and took up position either side of her. Adrienne slid an arm around each shoulder, and the other girls took joint hold of her slim waist.

‘W – what’s going on?’ James spluttered, as he surveyed the three gorgeous women. ‘Who are they?’

‘Oh James, don’t you remember me?’ Rachel quipped. ‘Oh, don’t tell me, you don’t recognise me without my clothes!’

‘Oh God, I remember you! You’re Adrienne’s friend. You’re …’

‘Rachel.’ She finished the sentence for him. ‘And this is Maria,’ she added, indicating the brunette, who lifted a hand and gave him a cheeky wave. ‘And the reason we’re here is to help Adrienne teach you a lesson.’

‘L – lesson?’ He may have begun to understand, but the sight of the delectable trio stripped and ready for action kept him erect.

‘A lesson in love,’ said Maria. ‘And who you should give it to.’ Without explaining herself any further, she reached a hand to Adrienne’s left breast and squeezed the nipple into prominence. She bent her head and took it between her lips, pulling and sucking the hard teat.

At the same time Adrienne had turned her head toward Rachel, and the two friends were now busy exploring each other’s mouths with their tongues. Rachel’s fingers had snaked down Adrienne’s stomach and were now gently teasing her slick opening.

The trio went on with their foreplay for some time. Tongues flicked harder and faster, and fingers delved deeper as their excitement grew. James seemed to have accepted his situation, and decided he rather liked it. He watched the three lovely young women making love, pulling at his chains as his body demanded he get hold of his penis. That was, of course, impossible, and the organ twitched and glistened with a life of its own, as he lived the dream of every red-blooded male.

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