Read Catherine's Letters Online
Authors: Jean-Philippe Aubourg
The studio room was actually quite large and Maria had organised everything to make maximum use of the limited space. A sofa bed provided somewhere to sit and sleep, and a straight-backed, padded chair sat in front of a large, multi-purpose table. A wardrobe covered one wall while a small TV and DVD player sat under the window. Another door led to a tiny kitchen and bathroom. ‘It’s great,’ said Adrienne. She genuinely meant it. Maria had done a good job with the area available.
Adrienne followed Maria’s lead by dropping her bag under the table, having pulled the magazines out first. Maria made tea, then they studied the magazines in detail. Adrienne read the text of the photo-story, although she was still more fascinated by the girl whose bottom was being smacked, then slippered and finally beaten with a table tennis bat, before being left naked and humiliated by her landlady.
They took turns to read aloud paragraphs of one of the stories, then the readers’ letters pages. One purported to be from a woman, describing punishments her husband subjected her to. Adrienne thought it feasibly genuine. A week ago, she would have dismissed it as total fiction.
They were side by side on the sofa bed and had crept closer as they read. Adrienne felt Maria’s hand on her knee. She turned to look into Maria’s eyes, automatically raising her hand to stroke the brown curls away from the pretty face. She leant forward and they kissed, softly but passionately. Adrienne’s hand strayed down to the top button of Maria’s blouse, expecting no resistance. She was astonished when her fingers were gently brushed away. She pulled back, staring at Maria in bemusement.
‘Later, precious,’ the girl told her. ‘We can have a lot of fun before we get round to taking our clothes off.’ Adrienne’s face clearly showed she did not understand, so Maria elaborated for her. ‘Roleplaying gives sex such a great edge, especially if you’re into spanking. You’re an executive, I’m a receptionist, that’s what we’re dressed as, so why don’t we play out a little drama? We can do something which would never happen in real life, not in a million years. I forgot to give you an important message. You’re a bitch and you spank me for it.’
Adrienne stared at Maria. None of the men she had slept with had ever asked her to be this imaginative. ‘But I’m no good at acting,’ she whispered hoarsely. ‘I was only ever in one school play, and I was so rubbish I forgot the only line I had!’
‘It’s not really acting. There’s no one watching. You just let yourself go and get into the swing of things. Come on, give it a try. If it isn’t working after five minutes you can just smack my bottom anyway.’
Adrienne could not resist in the face of such sweet entreaties. Maria directed her to sit at the table and stretch her imagination so it would become a desk in a plush private office. Maria went into the tiny kitchen and drew the screen door. A few seconds later, she tapped it. Adrienne cleared her throat, which had become very dry, and spoke as gruffly as she could. ‘Come in!’
The screen slid back and Maria stepped into the room again. Nothing about her had changed bar her expression, but now she was meek, uncompromisingly submissive. ‘You wanted to see me, miss?’ Her deep, sexy voice was almost a whisper.
‘Yes, Maria, I certainly did.’ As it happened, Adrienne had lost an important message because of a receptionist on Monday. In fact, that girl was singularly bad at this important aspect of her job, but Adrienne had never had the nerve to confront her over the issue. Now she had the perfect opportunity to vent her frustration. ‘I hear you had something to tell me?’
Maria’s hands shot up to her mouth. ‘Oh my God! Oh miss, I’m sorry!’ It was a brilliant bit of acting and made it much easier for Adrienne to throw herself into her own role.
‘Not as sorry as I would have been if I’d missed a meeting with one of my most important clients. Luckily, they phoned back to make sure I’d go the message and someone else – someone
– answered.’ Maria bit her lip, clasped her hands in front of her, and looked at her feet. Adrienne went on. ‘This is not the first time it’s happened, is it, Maria?’
‘No, miss.’ Her voice was trembling. If this had been for real, it might have been fear, but now it could only be lust and excitement.
‘In fact, a whole series of messages have gone awry in the few weeks since you arrived, haven’t they?’
‘Yes, miss.’
‘It’s simply not good enough, Maria. I’m afraid we’ll have to let you go.’ They were not working to a script, but Adrienne felt sure Maria could follow any lead she was given. She was not wrong.
‘You’re sacking me? Oh no, miss, please! I need this job! It took me so long to get one, I couldn’t go through that all over again!’
‘I’m sorry, Maria. Your work, and your attitude, are just too sloppy.’
‘But isn’t there anything I can do to improve it? There must be some way to change your mind.’
‘Not any more. Of course,’ said Adrienne, going in for the imaginary kill, ‘a hundred years ago it would all have been different. As your employer I would have the right to whip you for being lazy.’ As the delicious words rolled off her tongue Adrienne thought of Catherine and Miss Prior. Suddenly, she felt powerful and elevated.
‘I’ll do it,’ Maria blurted out.
‘What did you say?’ Adrienne had, as intended, heard her perfectly well but wanted to humiliate the girl by making her spell out her own shameful sentence.
‘I’ll do it. You can whip me. You can even whip my bare bottom, but I must keep my job.’
Adrienne tried to remain calm but her voice quivered. ‘You’re saying you’ll willingly submit to punishment – hard, physical punishment – from me in order to keep your position?’
‘Yes, miss, I am.’ Maria sounded broken and dejected but Adrienne suspected she was trying to keep a lid on her desires.
‘Very well, but remember it was your idea.’ Adrienne was pleased with the way she had trapped Maria into asking for her beating.
She stood up and paced around Maria as best she could in the restricted space. The girl was playing her part superbly, appearing humbled and dejected. Adrienne returned to the desk and pulled the wooden chair into the centre of the room. She sat down, easing her tight skirt slightly above her knees. She beckoned Maria with a crooked, wagging finger. ‘Take off your jacket and get across my lap,’ she ordered. ‘We’ll start with a spanking.’
Maria shuffled toward her and stretched into place. Adrienne sucked in her breath. The clothes they were wearing made for a totally different ambience from the weekend, when Maria had gone nude across Adrienne’s naked thighs. This time there was only just room for the girl to fit. It was as well she was short, as her feet were already under the desk and her head was close to the radio-CD player against the wall on Adrienne’s left. But fit she did, and Adrienne ran her hand over the smooth, black fabric of Maria’s skirt.
She felt the tight mounds beneath, even giving them a little squeeze, before reaching out with her left hand to grip Maria’s right hip. She lifted her right hand, cupping the palm slightly. ‘Brace yourself, young lady,’ she told her victim, ‘this is going to hurt.’
Adrienne’s hand swept down and landed on top of Maria’s right cheek. Maria squealed and complained in her best little-girl voice that it was “horrid”, but Adrienne knew that was entirely for her benefit. She spanked the other cheek a bit harder to give her something to really complain about, which Maria duly did. She spanked her on the seat of her skirt about two dozen times before deciding that, as nice as the material felt, bare skin would be nicer. ‘Time to move this out of the way, I think.’ She began to fold it back up Maria’s thighs.
‘Oh no, miss! Don’t bare my bottom, please! You’ll see my knickers!’ Her tone was genuine, but at the same time Adrienne felt Maria’s stomach lift to make it easier to get the black miniskirt out of the way.
‘Quiet, girl!’ Adrienne barked. ‘You said I could punish your bare bottom and that is exactly what I am going to do.’ Soon Maria was exposed. Her tan hold-ups left several inches of creamy leg exposed between their tops and her pink panties. They were a pretty pair too, decorated with tiny white flowers. ‘Very nice,’ Adrienne complemented her, ‘but unfortunately for you, also very thin.’ The hand cracked down again, and this time Adrienne saw the flesh quiver. Maria yelled in pain and her lower half wriggled deliciously.
It carried on bucking and rolling as her knickered bottom was smacked ruthlessly for about three minutes. She even gave little kicks and begged “Miss” for mercy, although Adrienne suspected she would be furious if she were actually shown any. Soon it was time for the final act of subjugation.
‘I think these can come down now,’ she announced, grabbing the waistband and pulling the pants down to Maria’s knees in one movement. The bottom she exposed was already pretty red, with visible hand prints.
‘Oh miss!’ squealed Maria. ‘Not my knickers as well! Oh my God, I’m all naked down there!’ In contrast to her words, her legs were opening and closing, like a pair of garden shears, shamelessly exposing her anus and already pouting lips. Adrienne also felt the extra pressure of Maria’s thighs pushing down onto her lap. The girl was getting carried away. It was time for a few simple words of encouragement.
‘Now, you lazy little slut, it’s time you really learnt the consequences of your actions.’
Adrienne’s hand landed cleanly on Maria’s bare skin, making her hiss through clenched teeth. Another spank on the other cheek did much the same and Adrienne got into a rhythm, smacking the girl’s bottom with a joy she never believed she could feel. It was as if Maria understood exactly what sort of daily pressures she faced, and had come into her life just in time to provide a release valve.
She spanked away for about five minutes, turning Maria’s bottom from pink to red, to crimson, to scarlet. The head of brown curls, worn loose today instead of the playful pigtails, bobbed up and down as Maria gave vent to her feelings. Her legs continued to scissor, and more than once Adrienne believed the elastic of her panties would be snapped. All the time, Maria’s groin ground hard against Adrienne’s thighs.
Finishing with a volley of extra-hard slaps which made Maria howl in desperation, Adrienne jerked her back on her feet without warning. Maria wobbled as the blood rushed from her head. She put a hand on Adrienne’s shoulder to steady herself. Adrienne helped by grasping one of Maria’s thighs, although she had another motive. When she was sure the brunette was not about to fall, she grasped the dangling knickers and sent them tumbling to the carpet. ‘Step out of them,’ she ordered.
Maria did so and Adrienne picked them up, feeling moistness between her fingertips. Maria had clearly started to get excited some time ago, and there was no reason to stop now. ‘And the skirt, then your blouse.’
Adrienne watched as Maria’s trembling fingers sought the zip and catch of her crumpled skirt, then unbuttoned her white shirt from the collar down. The two garments ended up on the sofa bed, where Adrienne also tossed the soiled panties, before facing her victim.
Maria looked adorable. Clad in just her stockings, heels, and white, lacy half-cup bra, she covered her shaven mound with both hands. Her burning bottom still glowed and her head hung in shame. Adrienne placed a finger under her chin and lifted her face. Her minimal make-up was smudged and there was the trace of a tear on her left cheek. ‘Please miss,’ she croaked, totally into the character she was playing, ‘don’t spank me any more.’
‘I have no intention of spanking you,’ Adrienne told her. She allowed the comforting words to hang for a few seconds, before adding, ‘Now I’m going to cane you.’ A thrill ran through her at her own cruelty.
‘Oh miss! Cane me? Oh, I don’t think I can take that!’
‘Come on, Maria, don’t be such a cry baby. I want you to bend over the sofa, with your head and arms on the seat and your legs nice and straight.’
Maria shuffled into place, exposing her naked lips as she crossed her arms and sank forward, resting her head on them. Her knees locked about four inches apart, raising her bottom obscenely. Adrienne stood behind her, prising open the stopper on the cardboard tube and reaching inside. Her fingers closed on the hooked handle of the cane and she drew it slowly out. ‘You should see yourself from here,’ she told Maria, her voice thick with an arousal she was not even bothering to hide any more. ‘I can see everything you’ve got!’ Maria sobbed but made no move to close her thighs. Instead, she shifted her feet apart another inch.
Adrienne tossed the tube, still containing the cat o’ nine tails, onto the sofa beside the bending girl. Placing her feet apart, she lined the cane along Maria’s offered bottom, gripping the wood slightly below the crook. She drew it back, feeling her arm trembling.
Taking careful aim, she whipped it down, expecting it to land squarely across Maria’s cheeks. She had not allowed for the cane’s flexibility and its tip stung the top of the girl’s right thigh. ‘Owww!’ Maria wailed, then whispered, ‘A little higher please – miss.’
‘Sorry, I’ll try.’ Adrienne was touched that Maria had maintained the fantasy even while dealing with the practical reality. She aimed and swiped again. This time she was more successful, putting a diagonal line across the lower half of Maria’s bottom, although she still caught the top of her thigh. Adrienne realised the secret was to aim higher than she wanted the stroke to land and the third was a roaring success, with Maria doing the roaring as a perfect straight line was drawn across the centre of her bottom.
‘Aaah!’ The cry was almost forced from her lips. Adrienne caned her again. She decided the situation could benefit from more vocal encouragement.
‘How does that feel, you wicked, lazy bitch? I’ll show you how important my messages are! You won’t forget them again in a hurry!’ The cane whipped down again, crossing Maria’s bottom from top right to bottom left. She howled and tensed her thighs, before relaxing for the next stroke. Adrienne duly delivered it, managing to get this one to go up rather than down. Apart from the marks on her thigh, Maria’s bottom was now decorated with the rough outline of a Union Jack.