A Lady of the Realm

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Authors: Sharon E Mamolo

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Demons & Devils

BOOK: A Lady of the Realm
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A Lady of the Realm

By Sharon E. Mamolo

Copyright 2011 Sharon E. Mamolo

Kindle Edition




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I would like to thank some of the people who helped me get this book out of my mind and onto a page. Cindy, for answering the phone at all hours of the night. Thanks girl. Lynn, for pointing out exactly how crucial commas are. Toni, for telling me, ‘Just do it.’ and making the best Apple Martini I ever had. Leslie, for letting me, be me. There are many more out there. You know who you are and you know how I feel. Thank you all.


Table of Contents:


Chapter 1: An Understanding

Chapter 2: Lessons

Chapter 3: Fat Tuesday

Chapter 4: A Rectified Matter

Chapter 5: Family Secrets

Chapter 6: A Charm for the Lady

Chapter 7: The Decree

Chapter 8: Eidos

Chapter 9: The Lonely Road

Chapter 10: Reliable Men

Chapter 11: Divorce

Chapter 12: A Break

Chapter 13: New Rules

Chapter 14: A Visitor

Chapter 15: A Sense of Urgency

Chapter 16: Cornered

Chapter 17: Drone for Your Life

Chapter 18: New Start

Chapter 19: Road Trip

Chapter 20: Stipulations

Chapter 21: Red Haze

Chapter 22: Registration

Chapter 23: Lords and Privileges

Chapter 24: Acknowledgment

Chapter 25: The Other Ladies

Chapter 26: Dinner and Dancing

Chapter 27: The Agenda

Chapter 28: Interrogations

Chapter 29: Unexpected Company

Chapter 30: Me and my Shadow

Chapter 31: Bad Coffee

Chapter 32: Honesty Hurts

Chapter 33: A Perfect Union

Chapter 34: Loose Ends and Paperwork

Chapter 35: Falling in Line

Sneak Peek: Beautiful Tears


Chapter One: An Understanding


The Pink Pussycat sizzled. The dancers, enjoying the attention from the patrons lining the bar, were twirling themselves on various poles throughout the room. I scanned the hazy club, ignoring the comments and pick-up lines, concentrating on the freaks who roamed. I didn’t want to go home with just anyone tonight. Sex was useful, but tonight wasn’t any night. Tonight I planned to make my move.

I lifted my drink to my lips and sipped. I had tons of patience when it suited me and tonight patience fell upon me like a second skin. Serenity, fortitude, tonight I would succeed.

As I sipped my fourth drink of the evening, an explosion of light appeared in the doorway of the club. Purplish and bright, it announced the arrival of the egoistical bastard who ruled the Region. My eyes immediately clamped on him. I’d met people from just about every other race. Shifters, vamps, demons, and faeries walked and worked among the humans in New Orleans; a city where commoners from all the races mingled and worked in relative peace. The elves, they were different.

For the last two years, I’d been avoiding Lord Alek as if he were contagious. I’d spot him around town, see him from a distance. I’d hide myself, my heart hammering and palms sweating, until he was safely out of my sight. I hadn’t wanted to tangle with the dark elf before I had my ducks in order. Now, they were relatively in line. Every piece was in place, my timing near perfect. I hadn’t wanted his attention, now I was hoping to get it in spades.

I licked my lips. If I had to barter with some obnoxious, over privileged Lord, I was glad it would be him. I took a sip from my drink. I felt the immediate pull he had on me. It was always there, whenever I chanced to see his profile. He scanned the club as I finally stared unabashedly.

I wanted to run my hands through his golden red hair, which fell in waves around his face. I wanted to drown in the pair of solid violet eyes, the corners crinkling in amusement, which roved through the club. I wanted to rip the crisp linen shirt that encased his brawny body off.

His eyes finally came to rest on me, and I smiled. Not a,
hey how you doing
, smile. No, I smiled with a promise of more. I licked my lips suggestively and took another sip. The elf smirked, arched an eyebrow at the challenge, and made a beeline towards my seat. My eyes didn’t waver from his as he pulled up next to me. I tilted my head to the side, letting him whiff a bit of my scent. It couldn’t hurt for him to know how he affected me. I could smell the lust pouring from my pores as we stared at each other.

“You’re new,” the words caressed the nape of my neck as he whispered in my ear.

“So are you,” I said.

“Departing so soon,

I swung my eyes in the direction of the voice. He stood just behind the elf. A tall muscular man, one green eye and one violet, leaned forward and sniffed. I knew who he was. It was the half-breed loan shark. Legally, I think he was a lawyer.

“We can share,” the elf said.

The men pulled stools up and surrounded me at the end of the bar. A bottle of Absinthe was plunked down before the elf as he continued to stare at me. I waved my hand at Hai, the bartender, and she refilled my glass with vodka.

“Are you Lord Alek?” I asked. I knew he was, but it was best to be cordial.

“At your service. This,” he swept a hand in the half—fairy’s direction, “is Lord Malachi.”

I swallowed half of the contents of my glass. I tried to get my bearings in order and shield my mind. I smiled slowly when I felt the cool tendril of energy slide against my consciousness.

“Don’t do that,” I said, swatting his arm.

“Do what?” he asked in surprise.

Malachi laughed. “If you can’t handle her, Sasha, I’ll take over,” he said.

“You boys should ask my preference,” I said haughtily.

The men smiled at my cavalier words. It was true I lusted at first sight of the dark elf. I wouldn’t mind taking the half-breed fairy to bed either. Yet, that was the typical reaction from what I read. Elves secreted some kind of sexual aphrodisiac in the air. Women, regardless of race, were powerless to the intoxicating scent. But it didn’t mean I couldn’t control myself.

“Do call me Alek,” the elf said taking my hand.


“I’ve a feeling,” his tongue caressed my inner wrist, “we’re going to be friends.”

“Friends, I need a friend. But anything beyond friends we must discuss in further detail,” I said.

“I really like her,” Malachi said scooting his chair closer to me.

“What’s your name?” Alek asked.

“Bethany Boudreaux.”

“Such a long name for a pretty little woman,” he said with a smile.

I snorted under my breath.

I wasn’t pretty. If I were, I’d be a dancer making a lot more money. At 5’3”, I was vertically challenged. My brown frizzy hair refused to cooperate with me in the humid Louisiana air. My olive tone complexion wasn’t the proper skin tone for fashion, and my eyes were shit brown.

I wore nothing but jeans and t-shirts over my size twelve frame. How I was so plump was a mystery. I didn’t get enough food. Never enough to eat, never enough money to satisfy the gnawing hunger pangs which kept me up at night. I lived in a dingy room, scraping every cent in an effort to buy more food. It was never enough.

I’d learned early from my time on the city streets that I could manipulate men. Something about my blood, my heritage, gave me power over male creatures, regardless of their race. I was still learning the ropes and had never tried manipulating a manipulator. But I had a plan, patience and with luck, I might make it through the night.

I took a deep breath before speaking. I hated having to be sweet to playboys. I knew how easy it was for them to get their way. But I couldn’t afford to lose my temper before I had his help. I needed him, just not the way he thought I would need him.

“Why don’t we start with a favor, Alek,” I said.

“I love humans,” Malachi said in amusement. “Straight to the heart of matters.”

“I’m sure I can provide whatever you may need,” Alek said sensually.

“Could we go to the back and talk in private?” I asked.

What I wanted wasn’t to be shared in a room full of freaks with supersonic hearing. The elf grabbed the bottle of green poison and rose from the stool, indicating for me to show the way. I got up and walked towards the back of the club. We had plenty of private rooms for the dancers, and one was bound to be free. I peeked into several rooms, noting the depravity of the occupants within, before finding an empty suite. I walked in and signaled for James, the bouncer.

“Bring a bottle of Absinthe and a Grey Goose back. Put it on my tab,” I said handing him a twenty. I cringed inwardly as I let go of the money. I had to play my cards right. I had to make the elf see things my way.

James left with a grin, and I turned around. The men were seated on the couch, waiting for me to enter. I closed the door gently and went to sit on the only chair in the room.

“Lord Alek,” I began but he cut me off.

“Alek or you’ll receive nothing from me,” he said.

I began again. “Alek, I’d like your help in claiming my title.”

“What title would that be?” Malachi asked.

“My father,” I gulped the rest of my drink before continuing. This was the hard part. “Was a DeDe,” I finished.

Alek laughed. “I might want to bed you, but I can’t help delusional humans.”

A pink haze clouded my vision. He was laughing at me. I wanted to hit him. I was counting to ten, in the vain attempt to curb my temper, when the knock on the door indicated our beverages where here. I got up and marched to the door, hefting it open. I grabbed the bottles of liquor and slammed it shut with my foot. This wasn’t going the way I’d imagined.

Alek was still snorting in amusement when I turned around. I pitched the green bottle towards his head. Dang it. His reflexes were better than I’d anticipated. He caught it before it made contact, his eyebrows lifting in astonishment, and Malachi started laughing instead. I sat down, opened my bottle, and took one long swallow.

“I’m not delusional. I’m a witch, a DeDe witch,” I said.

“Impossible, the DeDe’s met their end over ninety years ago. Tell me what you really want,” the elf said.

“Now that I smell only her, Sasha, she isn’t human,” Malachi said.

“It’s because half and semi witches live in the area. A full-blooded witch? From a defunct House?” He was shaking his head in denial.

“It’s easy to find out,” Malachi said wickedly.

“Hey you two, I can hear you,” I said. They spoke about me as if I wasn’t in the room.

Malachi turned towards me, his bizarre eyes hooded. His lips quirked when he spoke, his tone amused.

“There’s only one way to find out, young lady.”

“Tell me what I need to do because I’ve been waiting two years to talk to this asshole,” I said jerking my thumb towards the grinning elf.

“I’ve been called worse,” the elf said with a smirk. I ignored him and focused on Malachi.

“Give me your hand,” he said softly.

I lifted my right hand in his direction and he turned to Alek.

“Twenty grand on the girl,” Malachi said.

“Deal,” the elf replied.

I should’ve asked why he needed my hand before giving it over. I was unprepared for the slice upon my palm. I leapt up, my vision pink once more. Malachi held my hand steady as he bent over to lick the welling blood from the wound.

I felt his fingers convulse when the first drop of blood touched his tongue. His eyes slid closed, and he suckled softly on the edges of the wound. The energy in the room intensified, the temperature dropping by several degrees. He opened his eyes and looked into mine but spoke to Alek.

“I’ll expect payment in the morning,” he said, handing my hand to the elf.

The elf’s eyes had gone nearly black. He leaned forward, took my palm and touched his tongue to the wound gingerly. He didn’t lick or suckle, just kept his tongue barely on the edge of the welling blood. His fingers tightened around my hand as energy swept violently into the room. He pulled back and turned his eyes up to Malachi. They stared at each other for several seconds without saying a word.

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