Catherine's Letters (16 page)

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Authors: Jean-Philippe Aubourg

BOOK: Catherine's Letters
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And it was a proper spanking. It began on her panties, but these quickly came down. Maria was an expert at building up the tempo, so at first Adrienne was able to take her punishment without complaint, but soon the rising sting was too much, and she found herself grunting and wriggling. The feel of the leather of Maria’s bikini briefs and the PVC of her boots and gloves was an amazing sensation, especially when Maria paused in her spanking and allowed her gloved palm to smooth over Adrienne’s sore cheeks. It was much less personal, and it gave her more dominance, as if it were not really sweet, gentle little Maria doing this to her.

Eventually it ended, and Adrienne was returned to her kneeling position on the carpet, but with her knickers still pulled down. She was obliged to part her legs to stop them falling further than the middle of her thighs, and she blushed as she looked down and saw how the lips of her vagina pouted.

Rachel was next, and Adrienne held her breath as her friend dragged herself across Maria’s lap rather clumsily. Maria’s attention turned straight to Rachel’s thong. ‘No point keeping this on,’ she said, digging her fingers into Rachel’s cleft and dragging the glorified piece of elastic to her ankles. ‘They conceal nothing. But that’s probably just the way you like it, you filthy bitch!’ It seemed a remarkable statement from a woman wearing a leather bikini, but there was no time for anyone to dwell on it, as Maria’s gloved hand landed on Rachel’s bare bottom.

From the off it was obvious Rachel did not make a habit of having her bottom smacked, although she took it well. She moaned and squirmed, and seemed intent on keeping her thighs clamped together, despite her earlier claims about being casual over nudity.

Her groans got louder as Maria expertly took her to the limit of what she had thought she could take, then slightly beyond. By the time she was allowed to kneel beside Adrienne again there were tears in her eyes and a red glow to her sun-tanned bottom.

Maria stood, unlooping the riding crop from the chair arm. It looked a fearsome instrument, and Adrienne did not like the way Maria was tapping it against her left palm. On the other hand it was also inspiring her stomach to turn the most delicious somersaults, a combination of fear and excitement she had never known before. Both her cheeks were throbbing, one set with humiliation, the other with pain.

‘You!’ The tip of the crop flashed under her nose and she looked up to see Maria pointing it at her. ‘Yes, you, Big Tits.’ She cringed with embarrassment at the coarse epithet Maria had suddenly christened her with. ‘You confessed to sex with other women, by which I assume you meant breast sucking and pussy licking.’ Maria spoke deliberately slowly, relishing the last words as they slid from her mouth.

‘Yes, mistress.’ Adrienne’s voice was cracked and hoarse, her throat and mouth as dry as the desert.

‘I want you to show me. On Ginger Pubes here.’ Maria indicated Rachel with flick of the crop, but it still took a few seconds to sink into Adrienne’s head. Maria was ordering her to make love to Rachel. ‘You never know,’ Maria added maliciously, ‘it may even cure her of her excessive taste for cock.’

Adrienne doubted it, but was too far into the scene to say so. Taking her hands off her head, she turned to face Rachel. From somewhere above them Maria gave her last directions. ‘Start at the top and work down, Big Tits. And Ginger Pubes, you keep your hands on your head and your thighs spread. Don’t move a muscle.’

Adrienne faced Rachel, both smiling weakly. Adrienne leant forward and kissed her, cupping Rachel’s face in her hands. It was a gentle kiss, full on the lips, and meant to reassure as much as excite. She had expected resistance, so was surprised to feel her friend’s mouth opening. Out of curiosity she kissed her again, and this time there was no mistake. Rachel’s lips parted and Adrienne’s tongue slipped inside. Soon their embrace had deepened to a full French kiss, Adrienne’s hands on the back of Rachel’s neck, urging her on.

Adrienne savoured the sweet perfume of Rachel’s breath and the subtle way she used her tongue. She had become used to the novel sensation of kissing another woman during her lovemaking with Maria, but kissing Rachel was different again. Rachel combined the softness of a woman with the assertiveness of a man, a habit Adrienne guessed her friend had got into through her relentless pursuit of them.

As delightful as the kiss was, there were other matters to attend to. Finishing with a chaste peck, Adrienne turned her attention to Rachel’s luscious breasts, which she reached by trailing the tip of her tongue down Adrienne’s throat and over the upper slopes of her bosom, still covered by her half-cup bra. She heard Rachel moan as she traced a pattern over her flesh. Here was a new trick she could show her, and that was a rarity – there were not many things in the sex guides Rachel did not already know. Sometimes Adrienne believed she may even have written a few, but if she had only ever entrusted her breasts to men, then it was almost certain they had never been made love to properly.

After using her tongue and lips to give Rachel goose bumps everywhere, Adrienne gently pulled down what there was of her left bra cup. Rachel’s nipple was proud and dark. Knowing that men always grabbed, squeezed or bit when faced with such a tasty tit-bit, Adrienne was going to show Rachel how good it was to let a woman do it properly.

Putting out her tongue, she ran it gently around the aureole. Rachel’s were unusually large and Adrienne was able to circle the sensitive skin with her whole tongue tip without actually touching the nipple. She felt Rachel shiver and let out a deep breath. She’d been right – this was something completely new to her friend, and highly pleasurable. Adrienne decided to taunt her a little, circling the aureole four times before finally giving the nipple itself a little flick, then teasing it gently between her lips, but not holding it there. Instead, she moved to Rachel’s right breast, baring it for the same exquisite torture.

By the time she’d finished Rachel was trembling, and obviously finding it a real struggle to hold her awkward position. Adrienne, however, was thoroughly enjoying herself. But she was suddenly brought out of her rapture by a sharp swish of the riding crop across her bare, sore, and vulnerable bottom. She gasped in shock and pain. She had almost forgotten Maria. Evidently she disapproved of something.

‘That’s enough nipple licking, Big Tits. Get on with sucking her cunt. Show me what a dyke you are!’ And the dominant brunette gave weight to her words by landing another swipe of the crop across Adrienne’s bottom.

Her rear end still stinging, she obeyed Maria’s orders, although she knew she was not supposed to rush things. Her tongue travelled down Rachel’s body, lingering over her best friend’s flat stomach, savouring its warmth and smooth texture. After teasing Rachel for as long as she dared, Adrienne finally reached the honey pot. Pushing out her tongue to its fullest extent, she made contact with the wiry ginger hair which guarded Rachel’s sex.

Rachel bucked and moaned, and Adrienne was certain she was about to collapse on top of her, but instead she drew a deep breath, then parted her thighs slightly further, allowing Adrienne greater access. Her need was clear, and Adrienne was determined it was going to be met.

She set to her task using all the tricks Maria had taught her. She flicked at the clitoris, before moving to the fleshy labia, into which she inserted the thumb and first finger of her right hand. Holding them open, she ran her tongue up and down the moist petals, savouring the musk of a very excited woman. At the same time she felt the riding crop lash across her bottom once more. Her position, squatting on all fours, with her head bent and her neck twisted for her mouth to reach Rachel’s vagina, left it high and exposed. Maria took full advantage.

‘That’s it Big Tits, suck her pussy! Show her a real woman doesn’t need a dick to make her come!’ The crop landed again and again across Adrienne’s bottom, not hard strokes, but enough to stimulate and drive her on to greater efforts.

She was also pleasing Rachel, and the proof of that soon arrived. Letting out a low, animal moan, Rachel unlinked her fingers and raised her arms. Balling her hands into tight fists, she punched the air and threw her head back. Adrienne felt Rachel’s vagina contract on her tongue and lips, as her friend’s climax tore through her. All the time, Maria kept up a steady rate of strokes across Adrienne’s bottom.

Exhausted by her orgasm, Rachel fell back on her haunches, her thighs still spread wide and her arms thrown back behind her. Adrienne continued to attend to her, although only with little licks and nibbles, knowing Rachel would want to come down slowly. Maria finished whipping Adrienne, rounding off with three harder strokes, as if to remind her exactly who was in charge.

Maria allowed her two slaves – for that was what they had surely become by now – a few minutes to recover. Rachel appeared to be in a daze, while Adrienne nuzzled the inside of her left thigh affectionately, now able to lie flat on her front. But she was not to be allowed to stay in this comfortable position for long, and a sharp tap from the crop on her tender bottom soon brought her back into action.

‘That was excellent,’ Maria complemented her, ‘but we can’t have either of you slacking. Up you both get, back into place.’ Adrienne and Rachel rose and resumed their kneeling, spread-thighed position, Rachel’s legs looking unsteady, their hands once more on their heads.

Maria drew up the chair and placed it in front of them, then sat, deliberately parting her legs to give them an excellent view of her leather-bound crotch, as she flexed the crop in her hands.

‘Now what am I going to do with you two little sluts?’ she asked rhetorically. Adrienne hoped desperately it would involve some attention being given to her own damp gusset, but knew she dare not ask. She was to be disappointed. ‘We’ve shown Ginger Pubes how nice a girly cunt sucking can be. Why don’t we get her to show us if she can give as well as get?’

Adrienne cast a nervous glance sideways. This was another crucial moment in their relationship. Having someone else lick you was all very well, since the end result would always be pretty much the same whether the tongue was male or female. But being asked – ordered, in fact – to perform cunnilingus on another woman would mark her crossing the border into full lesbianism, or at least bisexuality.

But Rachel did not seem to harbour any more doubts. Whispering, ‘Yes, thank you, mistress,’ a touch which brought a smile to Maria’s cruel mouth, she shuffled forward on her knees. Maria leant back on the chair, pushing her groin out so her bottom rested on the edge of her seat, offering her sex to Rachel like a savoury dish.

‘Undo my knickers and expose my cunt, bitch,’ she ordered. Maria’s excessive use of the c-word had shocked Adrienne at first, but now she realised it was an aspect of the character she’d adopted for the scene. Rachel brought her hands down to reach for the ties of the briefs, but was halted by another curt order. ‘No, keep your hands where they are.’

‘But how …?’ Rachel whined, looking up at Maria, puzzled.

‘With your teeth. You use your mouth for this job – the whole job.’ Rachel paused for a second, and Adrienne was worried Maria might have pushed her too far, but a second later she bent forward and took the end of one of the leather laces between her teeth. She pulled her head back and tugged the bow loose, letting the briefs fall forward at one corner. Rachel repeated the process with the tie at Maria’s other hip. The shiny black triangle flopped away from Maria’s crotch completely, baring her clean-shaven lips inches from Rachel’s face.

From her submissive position, Adrienne could only see Rachel’s back, but she had a perfect view of Maria’s face. The haughty smile which spread slowly across her lover’s face told her all she needed to know. It was serene, but also smug, a clear indication of her wicked intent. She was enjoying having these two beautiful women at her beck and call.

Rachel did not seem to know what she was supposed to do next. Maria looked down at her, like a cat eyeing up a mouse, then carefully looped the crop around Rachel’s neck, taking hold of the tail end with her left hand. She held this position for a few seconds, emphasising her dominance over the redhead, before gently but firmly pulling Rachel’s face toward her waiting vagina.

Maria’s labia already pouted. At first, Rachel seemed unsure, a natural reaction when faced with your virgin mouthful of wet pussy, Adrienne thought. For a second, her mind flipped back to her own initiation with Maria. Then Rachel began to move her head up and down, rubbing the lips of her mouth against those of Maria’s sex. She seemed hesitant about using her tongue, but for the moment Maria was deriving enough pleasure from this extra-special kiss, judging by her half-closed eyes and half-open mouth. But her patience was not inexhaustible.

‘Not bad – for a beginner,’ she said, looking down at the girl between her knees. ‘But correct me if I’m wrong, Ginger Pubes, didn’t Big Tits use her tongue on you?’ Rachel stopped and looked up at her. ‘So that is exactly what you’re going to do to me. Starting now!’ Letting go of the crop, Maria placed her palm on the top of Rachel’s head and guided it firmly back between her legs.

Rachel responded at once to the firmness of Maria’s touch, and Adrienne wondered how many times a man had subjected her friend to this treatment. She opened her lips, and Adrienne saw the tip of her tongue protruding for a second, before it disappeared into Maria’s privates. Maria sucked down a deep breath; the sound of Rachel’s tongue slicking into her sex was clearly audible. Adrienne guessed it would take a little time for Rachel to get the hang of cunnilingus, although she had the advantage all women possess, of knowing exactly which buttons to push and where they were.

Maria’s fingers were soon clenching in Rachel’s lush hair, her breathing becoming heavier as the redhead showed how quickly she was learning. Adrienne felt her own vagina grow ever moister. Her knickers, still splayed between her thighs, were soaked. Were she permitted, she would have used her fingers to bring herself off, and it would only have taken a matter of seconds, but she knew full well that would have incurred Maria’s wrath and brought about punishment – probably one that involved bringing her to the verge, then denying her release.

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