Catherine's Letters (17 page)

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Authors: Jean-Philippe Aubourg

BOOK: Catherine's Letters
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It was almost as bad watching her best friend make love to her girlfriend while being forbidden to join in. It went without saying that Maria was enjoying herself, but Rachel also seemed to be getting into the swing of it, her head bobbing up and down as she licked enthusiastically, discovering she enjoyed the taste of another woman. Adrienne was certain it would not be long before the highly sexed Maria reached her peak.

Indeed it was not. Maria’s breathing became laboured; her head was thrown back and her hand ground Rachel’s face into her crotch, driving her on to even greater efforts. Falling forward as she approached the height of pleasure, Maria looked at Rachel, then reached down with the crop and began to flick it against her exposed bottom. And then Maria was coming, her groin bucking into Rachel’s face, her hand still twisted in her hair, not allowing the submissive girl to stop until she had extracted every last ounce of pleasure.

Finally, Maria pulled Rachel away from her thighs. ‘Good – good work, Ginger … Pubes,’ she gasped. ‘Now get back – back over there with Big Tits.’ Rachel obeyed, risking a quick wipe of her mouth on the back of her arm before taking up her kneeling position beside Adrienne, her hands on top of her head once again.

Maria dropped the riding crop to one side and began to strum at her soaking labia with the fingers of her gloved hands. Adrienne and Rachel knelt side by side, watching as she expertly pushed herself back to the edge, then over it once again. Her whole body shivered and she let out a sigh, but this was a much less intense orgasm than her first. It was totally selfish, though, and Adrienne was beginning to feel very left out.

After allowing herself time to recover, Maria stood. Without taking her eyes off her slaves, she pulled the bikini briefs from between her legs and dropped them on the floor in front of the two girls. She reached behind her back for the thongs of her top and this was soon on the floor with the briefs. Now Maria was naked except for her boots and gloves, and she stood, hands on hips, proudly thrusting forward her tiny breasts. She seemed to be assessing the situation, deciding what humiliation to inflict next. It did not take her long.

‘Stand up, both of you!’ she barked. They obeyed, both standing taller than the petite Maria. Adrienne stooped a little in instinctive deference to the brunette’s powerful personality. ‘Now strip. Every stitch. I want you both – naked!’ There was a cruel pause and a wicked emphasis on the last word of the sentence, and Adrienne’s stomach churned deliciously.

They stepped out of their shoes and removed their knickers and stockings, then stood before their mistress fully humbled. Maria smiled, bent to pick up the crop, then pointed toward the door with it. ‘To the bathroom. Lead the way, Big Tits.’

Adrienne was baffled and stole a glance at Rachel, who seemed equally confused. Still, it was not their role to argue at the moment, so, with her hands protecting her vagina, Adrienne scampered to the door and down the hall. She saw Rachel adopt the same pose as she trotted after her, then heard the click of Maria’s heels on the tiles as she walked calmly behind them.

They entered the bathroom and turned to look at her, their backs to the tiled wall. Adrienne’s taste for antique furnishings had even influenced this room. It was dominated by a large, white enamel bath, which stood on elegant curved legs. A shower head fixed to the wall was the only concession to modern life. A matching basin unit stood in the corner, with a toilet on the opposite side. Adrienne and Rachel stood between the toilet and the bath and waited. ‘Run me a bath, Big Tits,’ Maria instructed. ‘Ginger Pubes, you undress me.’

Adrienne began to fill the tub with hot water, adding a handful of her most expensive bath salts as steam swirled around the room, while Rachel pulled Maria’s PVC gloves down her arms. She folded them carefully and placed them on the floor, before kneeling and reaching between Maria’s thighs to unzip her boots. She slowly pulled the zip of each down to her ankles. Maria lifted her feet one by one to allow Rachel to pull the boots clear. Then she stood as naked as the other girls, ready for her bath.

‘You two may watch,’ she said imperiously, as she strode across the bathroom floor. She dipped a hand in the tub to check the temperature, declaring it “excellent”, before stepping in and sinking into the bubbles. Rachel and Adrienne had retreated to stand beside the wash basin. ‘Hands on heads,’ Maria ordered, as she reclined in the foamy water. They both did as they were told without a second’s hesitation.

Adrienne and Rachel looked on as Maria wallowed in the bubbles. She was thoroughly enjoying the luxury of soaking in a deep tub, an experience denied her in her tiny flat. After an age, she pulled herself out of the water.

She turned to face them, steam rising from her skin as water trickled down every inch of her naked body. ‘Fetch me a towel, Big Tits,’ she ordered. ‘And empty the bath, Ginger Pubes.’

Adrienne and Rachel scuttled to obey, wrapping a big, fluffy towel from the heated rail around Maria’s shoulders as she stepped onto the bath mat. Rachel busied herself by pulling out the plug and swilling the water as it drained so it left no tide mark. Adrienne rubbed the towel gently against Maria’s skin, enjoying its softness as she pressed her breasts and trim waist. Maria sighed in gratitude, although she only allowed herself a brief moment of relief before she was back to her stern persona.

‘So,’ she announced, turning to Adrienne and Rachel, ‘let’s play another little game!’ The naked slave girls cast anxious glances at one another, before Maria spelt out her terms. ‘You’re to kneel side by side in the bath, bent over the side. You’ll be spanked alternately. The first slut to announce she wants it to stop gets two dozen good ones with the riding crop.’

Maria smiled as she studied Adrienne and Rachel’s faces for their reactions. Rachel gasped, but Adrienne decided to take the lead. She was not sure if she could take such a nasty whipping, even after weeks of practice. Rachel’s limits were a mystery to everyone. Nevertheless, Maria had shown how she wanted to play the game. ‘Yes mistress,’ Adrienne murmured, and turned to the bath, as Maria discarded the towel, reverting to complete nudity.

Adrienne climbed in awkwardly, her hands, feet, and knees slipping on the smooth, wet surface. She knelt across the width of the bath, leaning over the side. She felt Rachel follow her example, her right thigh rubbing against Adrienne’s left. They both placed their palms on the floor, instinctively jutting their bottoms out as far as possible for Maria.

They did not have long to wait. Sitting on the same side of the bath they were bent over, Maria leant back and reached out, tracing her fingers down Adrienne’s cleft, making her shiver. A few seconds later and the palm was lifted, then came cracking back down across the bare, tight flesh.

Adrienne gasped and wobbled forward, her big breasts dangling uncomfortably. Maria chuckled, landing several more hard spanks. She turned her attention to Rachel, slapping her shapely bottom with gusto. The redhead squeaked as the heat in her bottom rose higher.

Maria went back to spanking Adrienne, making her bottom tremble, her little hand landing with expert cracks. Adrienne was not sure how she did it, but she held on until Maria decided it was time to go back to Rachel. Adrienne honestly expected this to be the moment of defeat for her friend, especially as she heard the harsh slaps begin to land, and Rachel’s squeals of distress. But after half-a-dozen crisp blows Rachel had not waved the white flag, as Maria’s small but hard palm began to land on Adrienne once again.

It was all too much. Maria had spanked her no more than three times in this round before Adrienne’s control gave way. She felt immense relief, as the words tumbled from her mouth. ‘Please, mistress, I can’t take it any more!’ At the same time there was an empty feeling in the pit of her stomach – she knew exactly what her shameful lack of courage meant for her poor bottom.

Maria was triumphant. ‘Ha! Yes! That’s it, Big Tits, I knew you’d break first. Now your arse is really going to pay for it!’

Maria ordered them to stand. They blushed as they got up, gripping the side very carefully as their feet slipped in the still-damp bath. ‘The crop’s in the living room,’ Maria told Adrienne. ‘Go fetch, bitch.’

Adrienne trudged dejectedly to the lounge, where she found the wicked crop lying on the dining chair. She was soon back in the bathroom, where Rachel now knelt next to the toilet, her hands back on her head. The seat and lid were both down. Adrienne handed the crop to Maria. It was obvious what she was supposed to do.

Bending forward, Adrienne placed her hands palm down on the lid, straightening her legs and placing them about 18 inches from the bowl and a foot apart. She arched her back to present her bottom to Maria, still wanting to impress her lover. She glanced at Rachel, catching the excitement in her eyes as she prepared to witness her friend’s most severe punishment yet.

Maria took up her dominant stance, tapping Adrienne’s cheeks with the black leather rod. ‘Get ready,’ she said coldly, ‘for the hiding of your life.’ The riding crop was lifted. Everyone held their breath. It whistled down, and seared a hot line across Adrienne’s flesh. She screamed, allowing the pain an outlet. She wobbled forward, but her legs stayed locked, and she remained on her feet. Maria lashed the riding crop home again, bringing another loud scream from Adrienne. She opened her eyes to see a look of genuine concern on Rachel’s beautiful face. Adrienne saw she needed reassurance, so did her best to shoot her a smile. But it was soon wiped off her face by the third of Maria’s sentence of two dozen lashes.

On and on went the punishment, as Maria expertly spread the strokes around Adrienne’s cheeks. Most of them she bore with fortitude, surprising herself, but a couple, aimed deliberately at the tops of her thighs, nearly had her on her knees.

The 24th and final stroke landed and Adrienne sank down, oblivious to the hard tiles under her knees. Tears streaked her face and her hands flew back to massage her agonised bottom. ‘Good girl, you took that really well,’ Maria said from somewhere above her. ‘And good girls
get rewards.’ Adrienne heard the shower head being unhooked and taken down. Her body tensed. There was a purpose she’d put it to a few times, while relaxing in the bath, which she assumed she alone had invented. Her breath caught in her throat. Did Maria do the same thing in the bathroom in her tiny flat?

The shower was turned on and pointed into the bath beside the two bending women. They both looked to their right, to see Maria’s hands adjust the jets so they were at their most concentrated and powerful. Still pointing it at the enamel beside them, her left hand went to Adrienne’s swollen bottom. Her fingers intruded between the cheeks and gently separated them. They found their way deeper, between the labia so desperate for attention, and prised her sex open. There was an “oooh!” from Rachel, as the piercing jets of water passed over her thighs, before they were pointed directly at Adrienne.

At first Maria sprayed her bottom, the pounding stream of water the perfect antidote for the thrashing it had just endured. Then it crept between her parted thighs and Adrienne raised her head and groaned. She was greedy for the attention and she wanted Maria to know it. Her lover did not let her down. The hot, piercing flow was fired straight at her open sex, hitting its target from the start.

‘Aaaahh! Oh my God!’ Adrienne loved masturbating this way on her own, but for it to be done to her by someone who had reduced her to a quivering submissive was just too much. Maria moved the shower head in little circles, pulling it back and drawing it closer as she did so. The pressure on Adrienne’s clitoris, sustained and intense, and her highly aroused state, meant the inevitable was not long in coming.

‘Oooh! Ooooh!
!’ She wriggled and squirmed, but Maria kept a tight hold of her, until the very last tremor of an intense orgasm had rippled out of her body. It had also been the most desperately needed climax of Adrienne’s life. She lay exhausted over the edge of the bath, and was only just aware of the shower being turned off and returned to its hook.

Maria’s hands left Adrienne’s body, and she sensed the brunette standing behind them. ‘Now I think your friend wants to comfort you. I’ll be in the bedroom. Come and join me when you’re ready.’ And she was gone, her bare feet padding on the tiles of the bathroom, then the hall.

Rachel shuffled forward on her knees. Her arm came out and folded around Adrienne, who responded in kind. Their mouths met, first in a kiss of friendship, then in the more passionate style of lovers. Adrienne felt Rachel’s tongue working enthusiastically against hers. She allowed her hands to move around to her front and began to massage Rachel’s breasts, which prompted heavy breathing and a deepening of the kiss. They came up for air. Rachel looked her directly in the eye. ‘Come on,’ she whispered hoarsely, ‘Maria’s waiting, and I think she’s in the mood to be nice to us for the rest of the night.’

The two friends got to their feet, a little gingerly at first. Throwing their arms around each other’s shoulders, they went to join Maria, Adrienne hardly able to believe how far Rachel had gone to help make her fantasy come true.

Chapter Ten

The rest of the night was a much less extreme experience for all of them, even if it was the first lesbian threesome for Adrienne and Rachel.

In the bedroom they found Maria, still naked, standing at the foot of the bed. In her hand was a pot of cold cream, and in the centre of the mattress two piles of pillows, side by side. An angelic smile had replaced the look of icy cruelty, and she had let her hair down. Adrienne and Rachel had happily thrown themselves face down over the pillows, and spent the next half-hour wallowing in the sensation of having their sore bottoms expertly cooled.

Maria had flipped them over and announced that to show there were no hard feelings she was going to eat them both till they came. She was as good as her word, wagging her talented tongue first in Adrienne, then in Rachel, simultaneously using her fingers to keep each girl flying as she licked the other. They ended up in a sweaty, naked heap, a bundle of twisted arms and legs.

As her friends dozed, Adrienne wondered if it would be awkward in the morning. She even allowed herself a smile when she thought what it would be like when they all tried to use the bathroom at the same time.

Rachel might have been thinking the same thing. She dragged herself off the bed, checking her watch as she did so, and announced it was time she went home. Despite Adrienne’s assurances she could stay, she still insisted on going, and went to the lounge for her clothes. Adrienne pulled on a robe and waited for her at the front door.

As she left, Rachel paused to kiss her full on the lips. ‘It was brilliant, babe,’ she whispered, ‘all brilliant. And I bet I surprised you! There’s a lot about me you don’t know. But we’ll talk soon.’

With that she was gone, leaving Adrienne puzzled and speechless. She stumbled back to bed and wrapped the dozing Maria in her arms.

They rose late, and both had to rush to get ready. Even so, Maria still made Adrienne pause so she could examine the livid weals which decorated her bottom. ‘Your friend’s lovely,’ she said, as she stroked the marks tenderly. ‘I didn’t think she’d be up for it in such a big way.’

‘Rachel’s full of – ah! – surprises,’ replied Adrienne, as Maria traced the widest of the lines. ‘I don’t think last night’s adventure will be a one-off.’

‘Let’s hope!’ said Maria, delivering a light slap to Adrienne’s bottom, which made her grimace and jump up from her hands-on-knees position. ‘Why don’t you come to mine on Saturday? I know it’s not our official night, but there’s an experiment I want to try, and I can’t wait, but I think we need a little recovery time.’

‘I’ll say! My bum’s like a map of public footpaths in the Peak District,’ wailed Adrienne, waggling it as she looked over her shoulder into the wardrobe mirror. They kissed, and continued their hurried preparations for work.

For the next two days, Adrienne had an extra spring in her step. She felt the marks on her bottom every time she sat down, reminding her of what had happened. Once or twice she thought about calling Rachel to see if she wanted to talk about it, but decided it was best to let her friend come to her when she was ready. She was sure she would.

The weals were still visible under her white panties when she pulled on her skinny jeans on Saturday evening. Even though they had stopped hurting, she was hoping Maria was not planning anything too heavy. She was not sure she could take it. She slipped on her jacket, went to the kitchen to retrieve the bottle of wine she had bought for the evening, slipped it into her shoulder bag, and left.

Maria smiled as she opened the door of her studio flat. The room emanated warmth, which came from the single electric heater on the wall. Maria was dressed as casually as Adrienne, in jeans and a grey T-shirt, tight enough to show she was not wearing a bra. Her feet were bare; as she hugged her, Adrienne wondered if she would find any underwear at all when the jeans came off. ‘So, what have you got planned?’ she asked, as she closed the door and handed the bottle to Maria, whose eyes lit up.

‘A quiet night in with some DVDs,’ she replied, taking the bottle into the kitchenette, returning with two cold cans of lager.

‘Er, sounds great,’ said Adrienne, trying not to sound too surprised, let alone disappointed.

‘Don’t worry,’ giggled Maria, ‘they’re not the kind of soppy, girly films you and Rachel probably watch while you’re bitching about all the blokes who’ve ever screwed you over. These are my kind of films.’ And she pointed at the fully extended sofa bed, where four discs were piled. They were in plain white cases instead of the brightly marketed commercial ones.

Adrienne suspected what they might be. ‘Are you suggesting we spend an evening watching porn?’

‘I prefer to call them erotic films, but yes, the content is a little more graphic than you’d find on any movie channel. But stop asking questions and lie down so we can get started.

Adrienne unzipped her ankle boots and kicked them off, settling back on the sofa bed, as Maria picked up the discs, selected one and slid it into the DVD player. She switched on the world’s smallest flat-screen TV, grabbed the remote, and joined Adrienne, who slipped her left arm around Maria and began to fondle one tiny breast through her T-shirt. It felt strange and delicious doing to another woman what so many men had done to her. Maria nestled further against Adrienne, as she pointed the remote and pressed play.

A badly edited film started, a jazz soundtrack fading in, followed by a set of home-made titles.
Amber’s Two-Up,
they announced.
Starring Amber Black
. A woman who must have been the eponymous Amber appeared; a perfectly proportioned brunette in a skimpy negligée, busying herself before a dressing table mirror in a plush bedroom.

As the music faded out, the bedroom door opened and a good-looking, muscular man appeared, wearing jeans and a T-shirt, both several sizes smaller than necessary. The couple exchanged brief pleasantries, their accents showing the film was American, before Amber got up and they embraced, working their way up to a deep kiss.

Amber’s back was to the camera, and the man lifted her negligée, revealing a bare and shapely bottom, with which his hands were soon filled. After a couple of minutes of this treatment, they broke away from each other. ‘Let’s fuck!’ suggested Amber bluntly. The man just grunted in return.

‘They’re not big on dialogue in these films,’ explained Maria.

‘I can see,’ Adrienne whispered back. She had put down her beer and was massaging both Maria’s breasts. ‘Let’s hope they’re big in other departments.’ They both giggled at the crude joke.

By now the man had Amber’s negligée up to reveal a pair of large, round breasts, which defied gravity. He pulled the skimpy nightdress over her head and discarded it. Amber was unbuckling the stud’s belt and opening his jeans. The camera changed angle to show her sinking to her knees and pulling out a straining, over-sized erection. The shot zoomed in as the naked woman slid her mouth down its length, taking it inside completely. She began to bob back and forth, making loud, sucking noises and eliciting appreciative moans from her partner.

‘Enjoying it?’ Maria asked, as a close-up of fellatio filled the small screen.

‘More than I thought I would. Which one are you looking at – him or her?’

‘Both. I have been known to make do with a man when I can’t get a gorgeous chick like you in my bed. My first ever boyfriend kept me happy for at least six weeks. Till his sister seduced me, that is.’

‘Ooh, tell me more – later,’ said Adrienne, not sure whether to believe Maria. ‘Let’s see what these two get up to.’

‘You mean these three.’ As Maria spoke, the door of the film set bedroom opened to admit another fit-looking man. Amber and her mate did not stop for a second, and the two men swapped lewd comments before the new arrival dropped his trousers to reveal a penis ready for action. He stood next to the first man, who was released by Amber, his organ glistening with her saliva. She kept her hand on it, pumping it as the new arrival replaced him in her mouth.

After several minutes of this, Amber stood up and led the men by their manhoods to the bed. Releasing them, she hopped up and squatted on all fours, as the men shed the rest of their clothes. Her original partner took up position behind her, his glans rubbing up and down her vagina. He pushed forward, forcing a scream of animal pleasure which sounded convincing to Adrienne, and buried himself to the hilt. He began pumping, slowly at first, then harder.

Meanwhile, the second stud climbed on the bed and knelt in front of Amber. Adrienne noted his six-pack stomach and the way his firm erection bounced before her pouting mouth. He placed his hands on the top of her head and sighed as she resumed giving him oral sex.

Adrienne had let her left hand wander down Maria’s body, and was now slipping her fingers inside her jeans. The copulating trio on the screen became noisier and faster as Adrienne’s fingertips found no trace of panties. Maria stretched and twisted to give her better access. Her fingers pressed the soft, hairless lips, already hot and moist.

Maria began to breathe harder, the threesome on TV now frantic. The man behind Amber pulled out and pumped his erection to produce an explosion of semen, which he fired over her buttocks. Seconds later, Amber’s other partner pulled out of her mouth and fired several thick, white jets all over her flushed and gasping face.

‘Oh yes! Give it to her! Let the bitch have it,’ Maria extorted, bucking her own hips to impale herself on Adrienne’s fingers. Adrienne was shocked.

‘Maria! I didn’t think you’d like this sort of thing!’

‘I like anything that’s down and dirty.’ She squirmed and rotated her pelvis. ‘And that slut’s definitely dirty!’ For a second, Adrienne thought Maria would orgasm, but she stilled herself, reaching for the remote, clicking the DVD off and ejecting it. She pulled Adrienne’s fingers gently from her jeans, licking and kissing them before sprawling forward on the sofa bed to change the disc. ‘This one’s a little different,’ she announced, ‘and more “up my street”, as you might say.’

Once again, the film was preceded by some tacky electric jazz, as the titles appeared over a Hollywood-style starlet dancing erotically. The girl was blonde and a little too perfect to be true.
Ass Slammers
, announced the title, the spelling confirming this was true blue American pornography. The blonde was dressed, but only just, in a tight red singlet and even tighter black shorts. The nipples of her large, probably surgically assisted, breasts strained against the material of her top, while her legs were sheathed from toe to thigh in shiny black boots.

She tottered precariously on their spiked heels for a couple of minutes before peeling off the vest, revealing flawless breasts, which she jiggled in time to the music. The camera pulled back to reveal her select audience. It was another blonde, equally gorgeous. She wore a red mini-dress and matching heels, her breasts almost spilling out of the low-cut frontage. She was smiling lustily, and beckoned the other girl forward.

The first girl moved closer and began a private lap dance for her friend. As she stripped off the shorts, leaving herself naked except for the thigh boots, she rubbed parts of her body against the second girl, pushing her breasts into her face to be kissed and licked, then turning her back to her and straddling one of her legs so her genitals rubbed against the top of her right thigh, while her bottom was being fondled and slapped.

‘Hot stuff, eh?’ It was Maria who broke the silence.

‘It’s pretty – unusual,’ Adrienne agreed, not really sure what to make of it. Her experience of erotica had been limited to watching it with an over ambitious boyfriend a few years back. He was keen on girl-on-girl stuff too.

‘It can get a bit samey, like most American porn,’ Maria went on. ‘Next, Blonde Number Two strips for Blonde Number One, but I think we’ve got the general idea. I’ll jump forward to a juicy bit.’ She picked up the remote and set the film to fast forward. The figures ran through their erotic dance at high speed, until Maria saw what she was looking for.

By now, the starlets had gone further than dancing. One (Adrienne could not say which, as their hairstyles were almost identical) was on her back on the stage. The other was squatting above her, although all that was visible in the close-up was her bottom, thighs, and a very pouting set of labia.

Her legs were spread wide and the other girl was pulling her cheeks even further apart, the better to get her busy tongue into the lips. The awful music had been replaced by “oohs!” and “aahs!”. Adrienne assumed the other girl was getting similar attention paid to her. A change of camera shot showed this to be true, the other blonde’s head lapping cat-like between the spread thighs.

Adrienne was staring at the screen when she suddenly felt Maria kiss her. She looked down to see she’d rolled over and was placing both hands on her breasts.

‘Two horny bitches in heat,’ Maria whispered, ‘going at each other hammer and tongs. Or should I say tongues!’ They both laughed. ‘Gets me going,’ she went on. ‘What about you?’

‘Mmm!’ Adrienne knew she should be outraged at how those two girls, who were probably not even into other women, were being exploited by some seedy male porn baron. But as she watched them change positions, with one crouching on all fours as the other knelt beside her and began to lubricate a large, black dildo, she just could not help herself. She was getting excited.

Her temperature rose and her breath became harsh, as the dildo was pushed into the accepting actress. For the next few minutes Adrienne stared at the sight of the big plastic rod being plunged in and out. The blonde on the receiving end was bucking her hips to the rhythm, and the occasional shot of her face distorted in ecstasy showed if she was not actually enjoying it, then her talent for pretence was being wasted in this movie.

Her cries grew more intense and obscene as the other girl inserted the index finger of her left hand into her anus, while her right kept up the pace with the dildo. The girl being so obscenely violated began to shout for more of the same, and was obviously getting close. As Adrienne watched in wonder, she felt Maria’s hard tongue begin to trace patterns around her throat, and put her hand down to run it through the strands of her lover’s hair.

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